After the announcement of the alliance between the sea clan and the human race was completed, according to the original plan, the human envoys should have returned to the mainland. But his majesty the sea emperor was obviously unwilling to let Lin Zhizhi go, so he proposed a new plan. Since the two races have become allies and will go to the battlefield together against the demon clan, The sea clan has decided to open the south china sea vortex and give some help to the rising stars of the two clans so they would have more confidence to win the war.

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The plan above was only some official talk. His real purpose is to stay close to his future empress to cultivate their feelings. However, his act of pursuing his future Dao companion with such a generous hand also showed off his wealth and power in the cultivation realm. 

The sea race is famous for its mind-controlling abilities, and the demonic sea clan is one of the best with their ability to confuse their enemies through singing. The south china sea vortex is a good cultivating ground that could train one’s spiritual consciousness. It tempers one’s spiritual consciousness through the currents of one’s divine senses. It takes a huge price to open it once, and in previous years, it was exclusively for the use of the sea clan’s royal family and a few geniuses.

This time, the sea emperor’s purpose was to allow members of the human race to train themselves there.



The first elder’s cloudy old eyes flickered. He had to ponder for a while before turning his head to ask for Lin Zhizhi’s opinion. The sect leader attached great importance to Lin Zhizhi. Before leaving, the sect leader especially told him about this boy’s relationship with Lord Dao Zun, and asked the elder to protect him no matter what.

After listening to his explanation, the young master of the Lin family nodded indifferently and said that he didn’t care, and followed the elder’s arrangement. 

The first elder thought for a while and discussed the matter with the representatives of the other sects for a while before deciding that they wouldn’t take advantage of the sea clan. They proposed that the human race should pay for most of the opening costs for their disciples to enter.


The sea emperor readily agreed and summoned the royal family the next day. Using blood as a medium, they brought the eligible disciples into the south china sea vortex.

The south china sea vortex is located at the bottom of the south china sea. Like a dragon’s lair, it is a naturally formed seabed mineral vein. When the sea clan was mining this star crystal vein, they accidentally discovered that these turbulent vortexes had the effect of tempering a cultivator’s spiritual consciousness, and a large number of star crystals and spiritual stones were needed to open them.

Today, the whirlpool has welcomed another batch of young disciples.


Jia Shu was dressed in a red and white imperial robe. It was well cut with tassels tied around his waist, highlighting his broad shoulders and narrow waist. As he soared on above the sea with his blonde hair fluttering after him, he looked as dazzling as the sun that was shining behind him.

Following the sea emperor’s will, the sea slowly separated from the middle, revealing a path that was wrapped in spiritual energy. He closely followed the disciples as they landed and walked into the passage.

With the bonds and restraint of the ancient contract, the human race isn’t worried about the sea race suddenly breaking their alliance. They left a few elders to guard the disciples, most of whom took the goods exchanged with the sea clan and journeyed back home.


When the sea above his head closed in and the sunlight got blocked from the outside, the only thing Lin Zhizhi could see was the pitch-black darkness surrounding him. In the darkness, someone took his hand and walked in front of the young man, and guided him in the dark. 

Lin Zhizhi didn’t have to guess to know who this person is, only Jia Shu would do this. He silently pulled his hand back and quickly surpassed the man walking in front of him, telling him that he didn’t need his help with his actions alone.

His Majesty, the Sea Emperor, could only reluctantly follow behind the boy.

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Before long, a little starlight appeared in the darkness.

It was the shimmering glow of the star crystal veins, which were similar to the twinkling stars that shine in the night sky, their light illuminated the surrounding rocks. 

It was lonesome in the deep sea, just staying here for half a month is enough to test a person’s mental perseverance.

Further down is a massive vortex. It stirred the surrounding waters and is located in the center of the star crystal vein.

This invisible vortex will not cause damage to the body, but it will exercise consciousness through the endless pulses of the vortex. The sea clan’s disciples who are already familiar with training here calmly searched for the outer parts of the vortex before sitting in a cross-legged position.

Lin Zhizhi stood on the periphery and watched for a long time, soon Jia Shu walked towards him step by step as he said, “You don’t have to worry about anything, I will protect you.” 

The man’s blonde hair shone under the fluorescent light of the star crystals shimmering around them with a somewhat pleasing look on his face. He looked a bit like a big lion trying to please its master instead of acting domineeringly in front of an outsider.

The black-haired boy looked at him and said, “You don’t have to do this.”


“I haven’t done anything…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Olc Itlhtl aegcfv tlr tfjv jkjs, xcbklcu atja Alj Vte kjr qgfafcvlcu ab yf raeqlv jcv atja tf mbeivc’a vb jcsatlcu jybea la. 

Ktf sbecu wjc’r yijmx fsfr gfoifmafv atf uibklcu rajg mgsrajir jgbecv tlw jr tf kjixfv abkjgvr atf ktlgiqbbi lc ogbca bo tlw jibcf. Lf mtbrf j wbgf lccfg qbrlalbc ktfgf atf klcv kjr ragbcufg mbwqjgfv ab atf batfgr.

Jia Shu stood in the outer areas of the field vortex as his spiritual consciousness shrouded the entire area. Not a single spot was left uncovered even when he concentrated most of his consciousness on Lin Zhizhi.

The teenager had closed his eyes, and his eyelashes were trembling. His rosy lips seemed to become a source of light in this dim underwater world. Like a lone light that shines in the dark, attracting all of the surrounding sea creatures to throw themselves into his glow.

The sea emperor looked at him as he cultivated, not letting go of any movement the young man made. 

The process of training one’s consciousness with the vortex is very painful, especially on the nerves or meridians.

Shortly after Lin Zhizhi sat down, his body trembled and his face showed that he was in pain as he slightly furrowed his delicate eyebrows. With such an expression on the boy’s face, the people who were watching him couldn’t help but have two urges. One is to hold him in their arms and comfort him, and the other is to show him another type of pain as they show him a different kind of pleasure.

Jia Shu isn’t a good person. he wanted to do both.

After sitting in this spot for two days, Lin Zhizhi finally opened his eyes again. His lips turned white as he stood up and walked closer to the violent winds. 

Jia Shu felt a little distressed. Through voice transmission, he said, “Don’t push yourself too hard and take your time. You don’t have to be worried about anybody being better than you. Look, those people around you are still far behind you.”

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The rest of the disciples, regardless of their race, are still behind him. They’re all sitting in the periphery and will only slowly move forward once they’ve stabilized their consciousness. How could anyone take such a drastic step like Lin Zhizhi?

You can’t eat one big bite and expect to become a fat man immediately!

When someone saw Lin Zhizhi’s back and the gap between them, they would silently exclaim, “What a monster!” 

This time, Lin Zhizhi sat for a whole week before standing up, he swayed a little but was firm nonetheless.

He raised his foot and walked toward the deepest and darkest part of the vortex.

Jia Shu looked at his back, it seemed to slip away from him bit by bit, just like that time-

His blue eyes trembled as the sea emperor’s figure flashed into the deep part of the vortex. He wrapped Lin Zhizhi into his arms from behind and pressed his chin on the boy’s head as he said, “Don’t go.” 

The vortex’s wind swept past the two of them. Before Lin Zhizhi even had the chance to speak, a severe pain wreaked havoc in his consciousness as several different scenes flashed inside his head.

These scenes did not belong to him.


Several blue currents wrapped around Lin Zhizhi’s ankles. Jia Shu wrapped his arms around his waist and took him away from the vortex. He sat him against the star crystal barrier and kissed him comfortingly on his eyelids.

Lin Zhizhi moved but didn’t speak. 

Only then did Jia Shu calm down. Recalling the vortex’s characteristics, his blue eyes showed his complicated feelings as he said, “You saw it.”

The black-haired boy in front of him nodded slowly, his eyes no longer as cold as before.

After the day he received his father’s earnest teachings, Feng Qin made up his mind to beat the scum who wanted to snatch away his sweetheart until his own mother wouldn’t even recognize him. 

After waiting for the envoy of the human race to return, the happy little phoenix searched, but could not find the shadow of the black-haired boy. He raised his head and asked the leader of the group about his sweetheart, only to find out that Lin Zhizhi was still staying in the sea clan.

There was a sense of crisis inside the little dough’s heart.

As long as he grew up, he can have the power to protect his lover from any threats. As long as he grow up, nobody would dare to resist him and the Feng clan.

But by the time he grows up, the person he likes will already be taken away by other people. 

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What should he do?

For the first time in his life, Feng Qin felt frustrated because of his race.

But soon, the little dumpling, who was struggling to pursue love, decided that he would follow his human to fight against the demons.

At first, Feng Shuang and the elders firmly opposed his decision. Although the demon race in the following battle wouldn’t have a powerful cultivation level and is suitable for training disciples, it is, after all, a battle between races. Feng Qin was still young, so there was no benefit in going. 

However, in front of everyone other than Lin Zhizhi, Feng Qin acted differently. He successfully went through a hunger strike and sabotaged everything before getting a ray of his father’s spirit settling between his eyebrows and was allowed to follow the elder into the sea race.

After the Luo immortal sword sect confirmed the candidates that will fight in the second battle with the sea race against the demon clan together, the other factions also gathered their candidates.

If Lin Zhizhi had known the list of candidates in advance, he would have definitely chosen to get on his sword and escape this place.

Su Yu. 

After returning from the secret realm, he plunged into the star gate of the Tianyin sect and absorbed a great amount of power before going into seclusion to break through his cultivation. Because of that, he missed the chance to go to the sea clan. When he got out of his seclusion, he heard about the rumors surrounding Lin Zhizhi, so naturally, he also knew about the sea emperor’s marriage proposal to the Lin family.

At that moment, the young man in white smiled as he watched his senior brother who came to deliver this news leave and disappeared into the shadows. His lips were no longer smiling as his light brown eyes looked at the teacup on the table in front of him. The liquid inside reflected the young man’s handsome face before it began to shake. The teacup shattered and was smashed to the ground along the cracked corners of the table.


Su Yu calmly watched before controlling his mind again, only to see the shattered teacup and table flying back to their original state in an instant. Back in one piece.

He opened his right hand and clenched it into a fist. His hands were human-like, perfect on the outside, slender, and refined. 

It’s just that these hands couldn’t let him hold the person he cared about.

He’s had enough of this.

He could only watch helplessly as Dao Zun took away his person and powerlessly listened to the sea emperor proposing to the person he loved. The news is famous, if you ask anyone about it, they’ll surely know a thing or two about the rumor.

Su Yu began to yearn for power. His talent is no worse than that of Xuan Hua or Jia Shu, all he lacks is time. If the heavens gave him the same long life span and stand on the same starting line as them, then wouldn’t it be possible for him to shower his love generously like them? 

The dark thought he’s been having since his childhood began to sweep toward him like a flood.

Without his dearest friend by his side this time, he didn’t resist and let himself drown in these thoughts.

That’s right, the cultivation world always respects those with power.

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Su Yu thought gently. With a smile hanging on his lips he drew his fingers like a sword and drew a bloody symbol on the wall. His light brown eyes began were dyed with a bloody red color. 

A month later, the human race went to the sea clan once again/

Su Yu was dressed in white without a speck of dust staining his clean robes. Whether it was the sect elders or the disciples around him, they couldn’t help but look at him.

He has always been good at handling people’s hearts. He has just entered the Tianyin sect less than half a year but he already has the temperament of a sect leader. Whether it’s a young disciple or an older senior, they would all think that he is very reliable. 

Feng Qin landed at the end of the line. He thought about Lin Zhizhi but didn’t notice Su Yu at all. He didn’t even know about him. Instead, he stared at the sky as his small chin rested on the flying palace with a gloomy face, ‘It’s daytime already, and I haven’t seen Lin Zhizhi all night. I miss him. ‘

Su Yu knew about this little phoenix. He once saw him roasting chicken intimately with Lin Zhizhi at the fates of the Luo sect. That scene provoked him to confess his feelings to Lin Zhizhi on impulse.

But he didn’t consider Feng Qin to be threatening. Compared to the sea emperor and Xuan Hua, this little phoenix seems to be harmless. Based on Su Yu’s understanding of Lin Zhizhi, he probably thought about Feng Qin as a younger brother, so he calmed down and didn’t panic.

He doesn’t have enough advantages for Su Yu to fear him. Like him, he was also born too late and was also at a disadvantage from the very beginning. 

Although he’s also pretty annoying.

Su Yu sat in front of the flying palace and controlled his breath well, so nobody noticed his strangeness. The group soon arrived at the sea clan without any accidents.


When the little phoenix jumped out of the palace, Su Yu closely followed behind him to search for Lin Zhizhi. Soon they spot him with the sea emperor, who was circling him from behind as he chatted.

The two looked close. The young man’s usual indifferent expression didn’t seem to be real, it looked like he was smiling. 

The little dough who was wearing a black robe was furious. He jumped to Lin Zhizhi and hugged his thigh and waved the blonde man away with his small hand as he raised his head to Lin Zhizhi and asked, “Don’t you like me?”

Su Yu looked at this scene warmly on the outside yet coldly inside. He glanced at Feng Qing before carefully scanning the sea emperor’s appearance. Hiding the gloom behind his eyes well he stepped forward and patted Lin Zhizhi’s shoulder with a smile.


Lin Zhizhi was taken aback by their sudden appearance. He turned around to look at Jia Shu, then the little dumpling, before settling his gaze on his childhood friend who he hadn’t seen in a long time, and felt his forehead throb. 

#These people seem to be trouble#

#A mysterious shura field has appeared#

#Somebody save me!#

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