Feng Qin had chased after him and passed through thousands of miles to see him before he finally saw the person he loved, only to find out that there was already another person beside him. The panic he felt inside his heart was indescribable. With teary eyes, he raised his head and waited for Lin Zhizhi’s response, his small and docile appearance was very lovable.

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The young master of the Lin family felt a little guilty when he looked at those bright eyes. He reflected on the fact that he ate this child’s roasted chicken and threw it away when he got bored. It was as if he threw him away after using him. Lin Zhizhi reached his hand out and rubbed the little phoenix’s head. He gently patted his glutinous rice dumpling-like face before pushing away Feng Qin’s hand that was struggling to hold his thigh. 

At first, when Feng Qing was comfortably touched by Lin Zhizhi, his big eyes narrowed like a cat as he enjoyed his touch. He almost threw away the Feng clan’s dignity to turn into a large dog rubbing against his owner. But unexpectedly, Lin Zhizhi’s real purpose was to put some distance between them. The child’s passionate heart, which was filled with his secret love for him, was suddenly broken, feeling that the other party was cruel toward him.

The lining of the black robes he wore this time was embroidered with dense bamboo patterns, matching the black crown he was wearing on his hair, making him look like a majestic little young master. In front of ordinary people, Feng Qin was a spoiled young master who would dare to teach anyone a lesson if they angered him, but in front of Lin Zhizhi, he was soft and gentle.



Seeing that the black-haired boy in front of him was absent-minded, Feng Qin simply continued his efforts and grabbed onto him again. This time, he didn’t get rejected.

Lin Zhizhi looked down at the favorability rating on Feng Qin’s head, [ Favorability index 90, currently yearning ], but he didn’t think much about it. He thought that the reason why Feng Qin was so attached to him was probably because of a child’s attachment to someone they’re close with. That aside, the most important thing right now is his former best friend’s return and Jia Shu! 

Like the other two, Jia Shu didn’t give much thought about Feng Qin either. Based on his looks, his age should be too young. He should be his junior brother of some sort, and at first glance, he isn’t as threatening as Su Yu. His Majesty the Sea Emperor squinted his perfectly shaped eyes, his sky-blue eyes matched the color of his robes. He looked too handsome to be real.


He turned his head close to the young man’s ear and tentatively asked, “Zhizhi, shouldn’t you introduce them to me?”

He talked fluidly and managed to shorten the distance between him and Lin Zhizhi. They looked like a family, which in turn, made Su Yu feel like he was an uninvited intruder.

In one of the noble and elegant sea clan’s mansions, a black-haired boy with delicate doll-like black hair sat on a reclining chair carved from a high-class sea beast with his sleeves slouched up, revealing his white jade-like arms. The blonde emperor stood by his side. They didn’t need to talk much to know what the other was thinking, they had a tacit understanding between each other through their eye contact alone.


It was like the tacit understanding they used to have.

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Su Yu thought that it was quite an eye-opening picture.

He wasn’t annoyed after listening to the emperor’s words and smiled instead, perfectly playing the role of a new friend, friendly but unfamiliar. His fingers were quietly pressed against his cuffs as Su Yu used all the restraint he had to control himself from acting rashly, as he patiently waited for Lin Zhizhi’s reply.


Lin Zhizhi glanced at Jia Shu from the corners of his eyes before looking at his friend’s signature smile. After a rare hesitation, he slowly said, “This is Su Yu, my friend.” 

He looked at the top of Su Yu’s head, [ favorability index 100, want’s to shoot you ].

Oh- Hehe, after all of that happening, this childhood friend of mine’s attitude is still this! How persistent!

He looked back and saw Jia Shu’s favorability, [ favorability index 95, wants to get married ]. This man’s favorability is also rising. He’ll reach the maximum capacity with another 5 points. His system was so happy that one day, it woke up with a smile and sang numerous praises for him. He hasn’t forgotten its hard work these days. Seeing the sea emperor’s favorability running around in front of him every day made Lin Zhizhi get used to it, but when he stood with Su Yu, it became a little subtle.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Alj Vte jeabwjalmjiis mtjcufv “Zs oglfcv” ogbw Olc Itlhtl’r lcagbvemalbc ab, “Zs mtlivtbbv oglfcv”, ktlmt fnbinfv lcab j ‘gfjilhjalbc’ bo, “Ktfs ugfk eq abufatfg”. Ktfc tlr ygjlc tbif wjvf jc lwjulcjgs rmfcjglb ktfgf atfs kbeiv qijs tberf jr xlvr jcv rjlv atja atfs kjcafv ab wjggs fjmt batfg, wjxlcu j tfjgakjgwlcu rmfcf. 

He took a step forward and placed his hand on the young man’s shoulder. Feeling Lin Zhizhi’s going slightly stiff in his touch, a hint of gloom flashed in his blue eyes. That trace of emotion was fleeting, and nobody noticed it. Jia Shu raised his head with a generous look and said, “Since he’s an old friend of yours, fellow Daoist Su could treat the sea clan like his home, there is no need to be polite.”

Su Yu stared deeply at the opponent’s hands that touched Lin Zhizhi and finally looked away. He hooked his lips into a smile and said, “Your majesty’s honorable reputation is very famous, and I’ve heard about your stories since I was a child. This Su Yu dares not to make trouble.”

He replied gently and reasonably. At first glance, he seems very pleasant without a single flaw to be found, but if you think about it carefully, the only story the human race knew about Jia Shu was nothing more than his failure of invading the human race two hundred years ago. In the end, he forced Lord Dao Zun to descend his mountain and got seriously injured from fighting him.

His majesty the sea emperor clearly remembered the sword qi that never healed on his chest. He struck his trident right in front of the boy in white in front of him as he sadly thought that his future Taoist companion didn’t know that he was being taken advantage of by this beastly-hearted man in front of them. The blonde man leaned down as he emitted a domineering aura befitting of an emperor. With an arrogant attitude, he replied, “No problem. Since you seem to deeply care about Lin Zhizhi, you don’t have to abide by these complicated traditions.” 

He’s blatantly using his position as the sea emperor to oppress him!

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No matter what he says, he’s still the supreme leader of the sea clan! He’s basically bullying him by saying that since he’s a good friend of the future imperial concubine, he’ll be exempted from the rule!


Su Yu silently endured the other party’s intimidating pressure. He effortlessly turned his eyes to look at Lin Zhizhi, with his light-colored eyes affectionately looking at the other boy, he said, “Indeed, I do care deeply about him.”

The way he looked at Lin Zhizhi made it look like he was recalling their precious memories together. 

Jia Shu: …Damn, how should I reply to him?

To save the blonde sea emperor some face, he approached Lin Zhizhi and half sat on the armrest of the reclining chair. He picked up a fruit found in the sea clan on the table before handing it to Lin Zhizhi’s mouth as he picked up the scattered blonde hair around him. He dragged his words lazily as he said, “It’s a freshly picked fruit. Try it, you’ll definitely like this.”

His voice was as sweet as honey and sugar combined, making people feel reluctant to refuse him.

Lin Zhizhi kept his face straight so as to not offend either party, “Oh- Um, It’s alright.” 

Su Yu watched the black-haired boy swallow the fruit. His pink lips were slightly stained with water. He smiled, “Well, I remember that he likes sweets the most.”

Hearing this, Jia Shu blinked. His blue eyes looked innocent as he lowered his head and sweetly grumbled to Lin Zhizhi, “No wonder you tasted so sweet.”

Lin Zhizhi, “…”

Sweet your head?! 

Su Yu immediately lost his smile. When the boy in white took off the mask he usually wears, his true emotions immediately filled his eyes.

If I kiss him, would I also taste the same sweetness?

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And if he went a little deeper… Did this person in front of him already taste him? How lucky, he’s practically going mad with jealousy now.

At that moment, both Lin Zhizhi and Feng Qin glared at Jia Shu for his comment, and Jia Shu was too busy comforting the furious teenager, so nobody noticed Su Yu’s abrupt change. 

Feng Qin was blessed to be able to lie on the young man’s knee. He listened to their conversation above his head, and in the end, he almost violently jump up to attack Jia Shu with his fire techniques.

These two are no good! But this golden retriever-like man is even more annoying!

The little phoenix couldn’t wait to grow up to fight with them for three hundred rounds and let them know who could really match their sweetheart! It’s obviously not these demons!

When Feng Qin was busy imagining the scene in his mind, he felt his jaw suddenly lighten as he lost his support. 

The black-haired boy stood up. He interrupted the ongoing shura field that was happening between the two of them as he coldly said, “I’d like some peace.”

This is his residence after coming to the sea clan. The blue sea waters, land, and sky here belong to him.


Hearing Lin Zhizhi’s words, Jia Shu was the first to react. He bid Lin Yuyan good night with a smile before leaving as soon as possible. Next was Su Yu. The red glint in his eyes had faded, he still acted friendly and didn’t seem to be obsessive at all.

In the end, Feng Qin stayed behind. He acted coquettishly as he pouted and asked, “Can’t I stay with you? We could share the bed?” 

Lin Zhizhi pressed his cold fingers against his forehead and sent him outside the house. He said, “This is not a vacation. If you only want to play around, you should stay in the Sword Sect.”

Feng Qin became anxious when he heard his words. What he couldn’t afford now was to be misunderstood and to look like he hasn’t grown up one bit. The little dumpling bulged his chest, “I’ve grown up now, and I can endure hardships, but…”

His murmuring was too low for Lin Zhizhi to hear, but the child looked cute like this. So the black-haired boy squatted down and retracted his hand. He started at the flame mark between Feng Qin’s eyebrows and curled his lips as he said, “Have I said that your mark looks very beautiful?”

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His smile made Feng Qin forget about everything he thought about as his mind was whirled around with the realization that, “He just smiled at me.”. He awkwardly wiped the sweat off his palms on his expensive robes, his face was red as he stuttered, “You- If you like it-” 

“This is the inheritance mark of the demon clan… Your talent is very good. , but it’s too early for you to join the war.”

“I- I can participate! I’m very great now, I’ve managed to beat Lan Zhen several times when you weren’t around!”

“…Good job.”

Lin Zhizhi felt distressed for Lan Zhen for a second before praising Feng Qin’s improvement. He warned the child with several words before sending him out the door. 

Feng Qin stood outside the door and hesitated for a long time, still refusing to leave.

Jia Shu stood in the distance, his robes fluttering with the wind with his messy blonde hair as he looked at the house. On the surface, he seemed to take the initiative, but in fact, he was worried.

Zhizhi seems to… especially like children? Is the reason why he’s willing to let himself be close because of that memory?

The memory he’s been trying to forget, but was accidentally shown to his lover. 

Deep into the night, the sea breeze caused ripples to form among the ocean waters in the quiet night. The sound of the crashing waves is the best lullaby to send a person to sleep.

One of the best welcoming palaces of the sea clan was still brightly lit. Through the white veil, one could vaguely see a figure of a young man lying on a bed.

Lin Zhizhi had lost some sleep tonight, it was obvious with the faint blue outline under his eyelids. 

The reason for the insomnia was not because of Su Yu’s arrival, but the scene seen in the whirlpool of the South China Sea.

It was related to the ocean emperor’s past.

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