It is a well-known fact that the South China Sea whirlpool tempers one’s spiritual consciousness. But very few people know that if two people enter the depths of the vortex together, there would be a certain chance of them confusing their memories.

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Jia Shu knew about this. But when he saw the black-haired young man walking away from him step by step, the fear that came from the depths of his soul made him forget about that fact. 

When Lin Zhizhi felt the man’s warm chest from behind, his originally aching and weak consciousness suddenly strained, and in the next second, he suddenly appeared in a different location.

That was Jia Shu’s memories.



The vortex made Lin Zhizhi, who was the first to enter the center of the whirlpool, confuse Jia Shu’s memories that were deliberately withheld as his own, and at that moment, he existed as Jia Shu himself.

For the sea people, Jia Shu is a legendary figure no less mighty than the Taoists from the central plains. He united and ruled the four seas with his own hands, and guided the beautiful but weak sea clan to slowly walk out of the ocean and move towards a continent full of spiritual energy. 

However, the world only knows the sea emperor. They would praise him, respect him, and follow him. Nobody knows what Jia Shu was like before he ascended the throne, and they didn’t need to know about that. Those who knew the truth about that time had already been suppressed by him with his iron fist and blood.


Lin Zhizhi may be the only person who knew about Jia Shu’s past.

His story, if it’s told in detail, isn’t very complicated.

The sea people have a long period of infancy, which is somewhat similar to the monster clan, and they’re also born to be very beautiful. But how could you measure a sea person’s potential?


It’s quite simple, you could already estimate a sea person’s potential by their appearance during childhood. The better they look, the stronger their potential.

Jia Shu was born into this world in the west sea, the most barren and isolated part of the four seas. Although his father was not from an orthodox royal family, he was also considered to have a blood relationship with the emperor of the West Sea and was known as the Sea King. His mother is an average sea woman with a beautiful singing voice, an adventurous spirit, and a curious mind. The days when those two married were also one of their happiest days.

That is, until Jia Shu’s birth. He did not have the magnificent beauty that he possesses now. Throughout his fifty years of infancy, he was born with gray hair and black pupils, and most of his face was covered with burnt scars, which made people become afraid of seeing him. The famous master his father and mother hired with a large sum of money to bless him immediately left after seeing his appearance.


Not long after he was born, a disaster struck the west sea, making the lives of the west sea’s commoners difficult and struggling. The imperial division of the western sea empire blamed everything on his birth. To appease the commoners of the western sea, the emperor proclaimed Jia Shu as a child born under a disaster star who was also abandoned by the sea god at birth. He sent him to live with the prisoners in the far lands and left them to fend for themselves. The land was cold and dry. Even an adult sea person with low cultivation couldn’t bear to live there, let alone a young child. 

Jia Shu’s mother wanted to protect him. She tried her best to persuade her husband, bribed the chief in charge of the matter, and planned to keep her ugly son at home from now on. But Jia Shu’s father was intrigued and secretly has doubts about how he could have given birth to such an ugly child? His suspicions became worse, and finally, when Jia Shu was three years old, despite his wife’s desperate pleas, he reported his son to the officials.

As punishment, the gentle wife was sent to the sea prison and died there within a year. Jia Shu soon set foot in the place where he should live three years ago. As for his father, because of his selflessness, he was generously rewarded by the emperor of the west sea.

In those few years, the four seas were constantly at war with each other, and the west sea became weak and was coveted by the other three seas. One day, the west sea emperor went on a personal expedition and fell at the hands of the southern sea. Together with the other descendants of the royal family, they were slaughtered leaving no one behind. After the three sea’s attack, only Jia Shu was left. Since he was also a descendant of the royal family, the ministers established him as a puppet emperor.

When he was brought back from the borderlands, the terrifying ugly child lowered his eyebrows when he arrived. He looked like he had endured many torments from the borderland’s cruelty. 

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The new master here is naturally not this puppet emperor.

The reason those ministers were willing to recommend him to be an emperor was to cover for the western emperor’s child who escaped from the slaughter, the last little prince. Jia Shu was only a mere puppet. His only use was to block the many spears and arrows on behalf of the real prince while enduring those people’s ridicule. He was lucky to survive.

The little prince of the western emperor was older than Jia Shu by only half a year, and when he finally reached adulthood, he kicked the puppet emperor out and ascended the throne on his own, and took his old ministers to revive the west sea. As for the ugly puppet emperor, he was abandoned in the cold palace with no one to care for him and lived on wild grass, fish, and shrimp.

The turning point took place when Jia Shu came of age. When he became an adult, his gray hair turned into a pristine gold color, his pupils resembled the sea, and his scar faded away to reveal an unparalleled handsome young man. He is the person who resembles the sea god’s orthodox appearance the most. What Jia Shu possesses is not only his handsome appearance and his ability to control the sea, but also the resentment and wicked schemes that he buried deep in his heart for many years. 

He was born overnight, and it was as if a saint of the sea god had descended to the mortal realm. From any aspect, he is the most suitable person to unify the four seas. No one could connect the young sea emperor with the former puppet emperor of the western sea. They are completely different, the complete opposite of each other.

On one fateful day, Jia Shu personally wiped out the western sea empire’s royal family and the forces behind them. He then went to the western sea prison to recover his mother’s corpse. He cut a lock of his blonde hair before burying them with his mother’s corpse in the most beautiful part of the sea.


This is Jia Shu’s past. If he told someone about this, it would probably make them feel sad, but only temporarily. After all, they couldn’t fully empathize with his story. Only Lin Zhizhi, because of the turbulent whirlpool’s power, he basically got reincarnated as Jia Shu at that moment and suffered the same insults as him. You could even say that in this world, nobody can understand Jia Shu’s pain more than him.

The young master of the Lin family, who was born into a rich family and lived a smooth life, personally experienced cruel hardship for the first time through the other’s past. Even if he only experienced a few fragments of those memories, he unconsciously felt distressed for the blonde man. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktlr xlcv bo offilcu wjvf atf yijmx-tjlgfv ybs, ktb kjr jikjsr lcvloofgfca ab fnfgsbcf, mtbbrf ab yf wbgf abifgjca bo Alj Vte’r yftjnlbg. Mbg fzjwqif, veglcu Ve Te’r jgglnji, Alj Vte obiibkfv tlw ab jmmbwqjcs tlw.. jcv yfobgf tlr yfv.

Alj Vte rkbgf atja tf gfjiis vlvc’a wfjc ab ybatfg tlw rb ijaf ja cluta.

He was speculating about Lin Zhizhi’s attitude to the point where he couldn’t sleep, so he went out for a walk. He accidentally walked toward Lin Zhizhi’s palace and walked in carelessly. He emphasized to himself that he was only here to see if Lin Zhizhi had fallen asleep. But as soon as he opened the curtains, he saw the black-haired boy lying on the bed. One of his hands was on his forehead, and his dark and thick eyelashes trembled every time he blinked, making his heart tremble with every flutter of his eyes. And when he finally looked up at him, his heart was beating even faster. It looked like a silent invitation.

His Majesty the Sea Emperor’s throat was dry as he walked to the bed in firm steps. He sat beside the young man and looked at him with his gentle blue eyes, “Why haven’t you slept?” 

“I should ask you this question.”

“Of course, It’s because I miss you too much.”

In the dim candlelight, the blonde man whispered loving words as his shadow shone on the charming young man lying on the bed. His voice was so sweet that he could almost drown in it.

Lin Zhizhi moved the back of his hand down, covering his eyes, no longer looking at Jia Shu who was sitting at his bedside. 

Jia Shu enjoyed the current atmosphere very much, and he didn’t want to break it, so he quietly sat beside him and quietly looked at him. It wasn’t until he noticed that the boy’s brows were slightly pinched together, looking a little impatient. He then reluctantly spoke, hesitatingly expressing his thoughts, “Recently, your attitude towards me has changed a little. I’m not sure if it is… If you pity me because of what you saw. If so, then I’d rather go back to the past.”

Lin Zhizhi could clearly see the blonde man’s tight jawline from his point of view, which would normally make people feel uneasy. His long and narrow eyes were half squinted and the color of his pupils was leaning more to an emerald green shade than blue under the dim glow of the candlelight, but they looked extremely nervous.

Lin Zhizhi raised his arm, the solid-colored tunic slipped off of his arms as he pinched Jia Shu’s chin.

The sea emperor relaxed his expression and raised his sharp eyebrows before leaning into the young man’s slender arms until he could see the parts of his body that weren’t covered by his clothes. His eyes wondered as he bit the young man’s finger flirtatiously. 

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Lin Zhizhi frowned and retracted his hand as if he had encountered a beast. The beast spirit decided to appear and smacked the man’s lips before disappearing again.

Jia Shu’s eyes were wide open, and his watery blue ocean eyes looked like it was about to pour at any moment, “…I’m hurt, I’m going to cry if you leave me like this…”

“You were not ugly before.” Lin Zhizhi ignored his divine acting skills and withdrew his hand lightly. 

Jia Shu was stunned for a moment before realizing that the other party was comforting him. He nodded vigorously, “Yes, I also think so.”

With this person in front of him, he could joke about the memories he didn’t want to recall anymore.


This is the only person left in this world who can truly empathize with him and understand him. He is here, right in front of him. How could he easily hand him over to other people?

The blonde man stood up from the bed, just like the night they first met, he held the boy’s white hand and leaned over to kiss it. 

Like swearing an eternal promise.

A harp-like low and elegant voice broke the silence. Jia Shu smiled and said, “If you can’t sleep, how about taking a walk with me?”

The black-haired boy opened one eye and pulled his hand back. He looked at him from the bed. He still looked indifferent and cold even though he was lying on the bed, but he also held a unique aura on him. He asked, “Where will we go?”

“You’ll know when you arrive.” Jia Shu pulled him up and picked up some clothes from the side for him to wear. 

The young master of the Lin family was also used to being served by servants since he was a child. He stretched his hand out and sat up. He inserted his arms into the sleeves of his robes and let the venerable sea emperor dress him up layer by layer. Finally, he fastened the button around his throat and finished with a silver belt.

“If you like it, I’ll come and help you get dressed every day, okay?” The blond man made this request with earnest and sincere eyes.

“Why don’t you say that you want to live here?”

“If you agree…” 

The words after that were swallowed back down his throat when he met Lin Zhizhi’s cold gaze. He stepped back and avoided the topic before walking out of the palace with the black-haired boy and taking him to the seaside.

The night breeze blew past them as the dark blue sea surface rippled under the soft moonlight. Only the blonde man’s golden hair contrasted with the starlight, which is the most dazzling object in the night. Standing at the front on a sea dragon’s head, he stretched out his hand to Lin Zhizhi, “Come.”

Lin Zhizhi was calm even though he was slightly confused. He placed his hand on the other’s as they stood up together.

The sea dragon began to swim, it was extremely fast. The waters splashed as the dragon swam through and sometimes some spiritual fish would jump from the sea before falling back down with a ‘plop’. Most of the human cultivators will never have the opportunity to do this in the sea clan since only the sea people have the ability to do so. 

The full moon hangs high in the dark sky, completely reflected on the sea surface.

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The black-haired boy sat on the back of the sea dragon. He reached his hand out and touched the sea water, shattering the reflection, and watched as it formed again with some ripples around it.

Although the speed of the sea dragon is very fast, Lin Zhizi wasn’t troubled by it since he’s under a protective barrier set up by Jia Shu. On the contrary, the beauty under the moon looked at the sea indifferently, as if he was only looking at an ink landscape painting.

Jia Shu is the only one who appreciated the current scenery. 

Tonight, compared to his usual idea of making love with Lin Zhizhi, which he thought of with his lower part as his brain, he is more inclined to cultivate their feelings for each other.

The emperor of the sea moved his fingers and a small odd-shaped blue fish jumped from the sea and landed in Lin Zhizhi’s arms. It shook its head and waved its tail in his embrace. It was very cute.


Lin Zhizhi stretched out two fingers to pick it up and watched as it fruitlessly struggle in his pinch before placing it back into the ocean when it finally gave up on resisting.

Jia Shu leaned over and asked, “What are you thinking about?” 

“It’s so small, it shouldn’t be delicious, right?”

The sea emperor, “…”

The man went silent for a moment. Lin Zhizhi’s appearance is too intimidating yet beautiful at the same time. Anyone who sees his beauty would think that he’s contemplating the philosophy of life and his soft pale lips would sing poems in the next moment. They wouldn’t even be surprised if he suddenly does an impromptu dance the next second. But the words that came from his lips were about if the fish tasted good or not. Well, it’s actually quite adorable too.

When they reached their destination, the blonde man no longer wore his usual carefree smile. He had a calm expression as a rainbow-like aura surrounded him. A bead-like spiritual weapon soon appeared from his sleeves and slowly lifted into the air, illuminating their surroundings in the dark night. 

The place looks like a paradise.

The seawater was shallow and blue and there were falling pink petals drifting on the clear blue waters, though the two colors would mix as they floated in the waters. Beautiful flowers and trees filled the night sky, it was full of aura. Even the mist visible to the naked eye was also rendered pink.

Considering Jia Shu’s experience, Lin Zhizhi speculated that this might be the place where he buried his mother.

The blonde man descended from the sea dragon and followed the sea waters to a spot with a blooming flower tree in the center. Along the way, he reached his hand out to catch a piece of falling flowers as a soft pained look filled his eyes, “According to the legend of the sea clan, if someone was buried underneath this tree, you could smoothly reincarnate to your next life.” 

Lin Zhizhi didn’t speak, he knew that what the other party wanted was not a response, but for somebody to listen.

“I hope the legends are true.”

The petal shattered at his fingertips and dust fell to the ground as Jia Shu finished saying that sentence.

“I’m sure it is” Lin Zhizhi comforted as he took the initiative to reach out and hug the somewhat depressed blonde man from the side. 

His voice was like a clear stream of water, subtly calming down Jia Shu’s boiling emotions. The man spread out his palms as an invisible wind blew the petals away. It transformed into a wreath and landed on his palms again. Jia Shu looked at Lin Zhizhi tentatively from the corners of his eyes.

The Lin family’s young master’s mouth twitched as he said, “I’m not a woman.”

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Jia Shu lowered his head in disappointment, like a poor little boy who lost his parents.

Lin Zhizhi could only hate himself for being too kind. He took the wreath from Jia Shu’s hand and took a step back and folded it twice before wearing it on his wrist. It was beautiful and delicate. But the pink color from the flowers, petals, and trees all over the sky couldn’t compare to the pink blush decorating his cheeks. 

The blonde man smiled. He looked at the wreath devoutly and nostalgically as he said, “I love you.”

This time, he didn’t do any other unnecessary actions. There were no kisses, no hugs, and holding hands. He simply repeated this sentence again and again.


Lin Zhizhi lowered his head and took off the wreath from his wrist, threw it back into Jia Shu’s arms, and walked around. Jia Shu accompanied him as he walked among the trees.

The ends of the sea were already glowing with white light, indicating that daytime was approaching. 

Lin Zhizhi looked at the sky, turned back to the blond man, and said, “It’s almost dawn, let’s go.

If they stayed any longer, he felt that the little phoenix and Su Yu, who had traveled a long distance to meet him, would find out- Hey, what’s with this weird feeling of guilt inside his chest?

Jia Shu was a little regretful but obeyed the young man’s words nonetheless.

On the way back, Jia Shu was even more sticky, and he refused to let go of the boy’s hand, always wanting to entangle their fingers together. 

Just like a child who missed their mother and wanted to rely on other people.

Jia Shu’s performance tonight was perfect, except for one thing.

In his blue eyes, in addition to the emotion caused by the nostalgia for his mother, he was more concerned about Lin Zhizhi’s reaction. He even adjusted his emotions according to his reaction. When he sat on the sea dragon again and returned to the island where Lin Zhizhi lived, he also started to care more about the future. Has the young man changed his mind?

As the Emperor of the Sea, he knows everything about the whirlpool. Then, that hug back then. Is it a one-time thing, or was it to go with the flow? 

The hesitation to speak and compromise are perhaps a way for him to show his feelings. Or he may be deliberately showing his weakness to arouse his interest.

The truth may never come out of Jia Shu’s mouth, and the young master of the Lin family does not intend to ask.

It’s just that the latter guess is more in line with his identity as the sea emperor than a person who’s dedicated to mindless love.

This way, it reminded Lin Zhizhi of his first meeting with Jia Shu. Since that night in the pool, Lin Zhizhi has never seen him act like that again. 

At that time, his majesty the sea emperor was like a sharp knife. He was dangerous but still full of charm. It’s a pity that he went in the direction of acting like a spoiled child and never returned.

And if it’s the latter, then it could be regarded as him living up to his past experiences.

Late night walk at your mother’s grave… very romantic [although a bit spooky]

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