In the middle of the night, a figure stood on the island where the Sea Clan used to receive foreign ambassadors.

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To be more precise, he’s standing in front of Lin Zhizhi’s palace. 

He stood there without moving for a long time until dawn finally emerged in the sky, accompanied by singing birds that could be heard throughout the island and until the edges of the sea were dimly lit by sunshine.

The first ray of sunlight at dawn illuminated his eyes. The pair of beautiful light brown pupils that were always accompanied by a gentle smile seemed to deepen. It might be because of the warm colors of the sunshine, but the young man’s pupils looked bloody at that moment.



Unlike the flame imprint on Feng Qin’s forehead, Su Yu’s red eyes looked evil, nearly manic as well.

He has been waiting for a long time. 

From late night to dawn, from sunset to sunrise. In a trance, Su Yu thought that he had been waiting ever since he was a child. It seemed to be a long and never-ending wait.


As the eldest son of the Su family, he should have a smooth journey. The bridges and roads he traveled are bright, with classic records, manuals, and top-level cultivating resources at his disposal. All he needed to get them was to ask.

Lin Zhizhi is a typical righteous disciple. Even if he knows about Jia Shu’s intentions, he would still feel pity for the sea emperor because of those memories.

As for Su Yu, he has always believed that his childhood friend is perfect and that there would be nothing that could soften his heart.


Those so-called ‘missing days’ to him were just Su Yu’s temporary misleads. He would never think that Su Yu had been in great pain.

Yes, pain.

At a very young age, Su Yu was taught to be the leader of the Su family and carried the heavy chains that came with his position. Although this would’ve been too heavy for a child to bear, Su Yu is smart and gifted. He could carry those weights and go through with it. What’s really making him suffer is his own physique.


There’s always this thought, a coaxing voice in his ears, persuading him to submit to the demon race. 

When it first appeared, he was terrified. A normal child would cry and tell their parents about it, but he couldn’t. As a mature child, he knew that telling this would bring disaster to his family, and he would be imprisoned by a group of old masters.

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Don’t look at those elders who are acting kind now. If he revealed this secret, they would’ve shown a different attitude.

Su Yu never trusts other people, including his parents. He secretly rummaged through the classic records and searched for information about the demonic race, but he couldn’t find it. After he grew up, the Su family’s eldest son, who had read many books throughout the years, guessed that he was possessed by a powerful demonic cultivator when he was still in his mother’s womb. But for some reason, the two merged into one.

His consciousness still exists, but the demonic cultivator had left him his regrets and will. 

His will to return to the demon race, his obsession with turning humans into demons.

Afterward, he met the young master of the Lin family.

When they first met, he was actually very reluctant. Those promises to Lin Quan were only guises. No one knew about Su Yu’s other side. In their view, Su Yu would be a respectable leader and would definitely occupy a place in the central plain’s cultivation world.

Lin Zhizhi was a very good-looking child. Unlike Feng Qin’s chubby and adorable look, Lin Zhizhi had a beautiful appearance. 

Su Yu wasn’t attracted by his appearance, he only played along in the beginning. He only did it to make Lin Quan feel grateful to him and to draw the relationship between the Lin and the Su family closer.

But as he played along, he gradually fell in love with his childhood friend.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Po tf qijsfv jcv jmmbwqjclfv Olc Itlhtl vjs jcv cluta, la kbeiv’nf yffc vloolmeia obg tlw cba ab ojii lc ibnf klat tlw, gluta?

Ve Te boafc atbeuta atlr kjs jcv ujnf eq tlr obgwfg gfrlrajcmf abkjgv Olc Itlhtl. Vbbc, ecvfg tlr vfilyfgjaf vlgfmalbc, Olc Itlhtl’r obgwfg mtlivtbbv qijswjafr jilfcjafv tlw bcf ys bcf. Pc atf fcv, atf bcis bcf ktb rajsfv klat atf yijmx-tjlgfv ybs lr Ve Te, ktb’r qgjmalmjiis ilxf tlr fivfg ygbatfg. 

At that time, Su Yu was very satisfied. He could even ignore the demonic cultivator’s thoughts because of Lin Zhizhi.

But in the end, the sect assembly separated them.

The human race is very annoying. As long as Lin Zhizhi is by his side, he would rather endure the demon’s temptations and put down his ambitions to become a righteous cultivator. Why must they separate?

As long as Lin Zhizhi is there, he could go on like this for a lifetime. 

After joining the Tianyin sect, Su Yu still looked calm, but nobody knew that the demonic cultivator’s temptations became more intense. Every beat of his heart was accompanied by the demonic cultivator’s whispers.

“Don’t you love him? How about it? If you join the demon race, you will have to power to be with him…”

That was the first time Su Yu felt enticed out of the tens of thousands of times the demonic cultivator had tried to tempt him.

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He wanted to cut off all the hands that were trying to reach out to Lin Zhizhi. He wants to make a massive cage to keep him by his side so that he could only look at him, like him, and reciprocate his feelings! 

He needed power.

Will Lin Zhizhi be happy with him then?

After all, Su Yu had suppressed his desires and gently approached the boy. Always wanting to protect him and take care of him.

But what he got in return was the boy’s rejection. 

The moment he knew Lin Zhizhi was being courted, he gave up on resisting. He succumbed to the temptations. Using blood as a medium, he carved a summoning formation with his own hands.

His inner demon appeared in response, and Su Yu’s life changed.

Since then, those evil thoughts have been deeply rooted in his mind, and a single thought became his calamity.

It’s because he waited for too long. 

Lin Zhizhi’s late-night walk with the sea emperor became the last straw that devastated Su Yu. God knows how much turmoil arose in his heart when he saw the empty bedroom!

He wanted to destroy everything here!


Especially the man who defiled his beloved!

It was so late into the night. Where could they have gone together?! 

If he already agreed to the marriage, will they merge into one on the deep blue sea, with the ocean water serving as their bed?

He had countlessly thought about what Lin Zhizhi would be like in bed. He must be enchantingly beautiful when he calls out his name, when he completely focuses on him, and only have him in his mind. But now, all of that belongs to someone else.

How filthy! He should go away!

Only he can touch him! 

When the blonde man came back with Lin Zhizhi, Su Yu abnormally laughed at the shore. He sneered at him as an incredible amount of killing intent came forward.

This man is really an eyesore.

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He’s such an eyesore it made him want to tear him apart and stain the blue sea with his red blood.

How would Lin Zhizhi feel if he did that? Would he grieve? Would he still not care? Would he cry? 

When he was with him, he couldn’t bear to see him cry. But even if he did cry, he would probably look very beautiful either way.

Su Yu really wants to see him cry now.

According to the demon cultivator’s words, he set up a temporary barrier to block any movements and walked toward the two figures step by step. His long sleeves swayed even though no wind blew past him. When he walked from the gates of the palace toward the beach, his aura abruptly rose to the nascent soul stage. He was in the same realm as the sea emperor.

Such a secret method of forcibly enhancing realms from the demonic clan could cause severe harm to the body. Su Yu’s meridians were in great pain, but none of those pains could be conveyed to his mind. Now, he only had one thought. 

To kill that man, to kill Jia Shu!

He has always been gentle on the surface but cold on the inside. Even so, he has never had such an intense killing intent on someone. Now, this notion has completely controlled his brain, making him only want to see his wish come true.

The demonic energy soared into the sky. Before Jia Shu could clearly see the shore, he frowned and shielded the black-haired boy beside him. Before he could fully understand the situation, a red streak of shadow rushed toward him from the shore at an extremely high speed like an arrow. The glaring light around it turned into a sword, rushing toward him like a tide!

The sea emperor pushed Lin Zhizhi away, the sea dragon under his feet opened his mouth and roared as the sea water turned into a translucent barrier, blocking the incoming attack! 

Immediately afterward, the red shadowy figure shot a red light between its eyebrows. It was a dazzling ray of light mixed with a strong smell of blood, and it managed to strike Jia Shu.

This red ray of light actually went through the barrier and even penetrated Jia Shu’s defensive Qi, which is extremely strange.


A demonic cultivator actually managed to break through the two race’s defense lines and went deep into the sea clan’s vicinity. But it’s very stupid of them to attach the sea emperor to the ocean waters.

The blonde-haired emperor snorted coldly as his primordial spirit aura surged out. As soon as he raised his hand, the true might of the ocean emperor came out, the sea became turbulent and filled with waves, and soon the shadowy figure was covered with the will of the sea! 

The collision between the two erupted with a muted sound, and the massive impact made both of them take half a step back. The waves rose high and fell back heavily to their original state.

As the waves were driven back, dots of black fire floated over them. Soon, it became like a burning grassland mixed with magic talismans all over the sky above them. Forcibly burning the ocean waves into steam!

“This spiritual fire… Are you the venerable demon lord of the demon realm?”

Jia Shu looked at the spiritual fire that sank and floated in the sky but was not affected by the seawater. He felt the roaring anger of the sea and restrained the contempt he felt just now and loudly questioned the shadowy figure. When he looked at the red shadow, a strange symbol appeared in the blonde man’s mesmerizing blue pupils. They were the eyes of the sea emperor. 

The red figure was covered by black mist, completely covering his appearance, and only the outline of his figure was exposed. In the next second, the black mist around the red figure turned into a six-horned ancient demon. The demon raised its head and howled loudly. Its scream ignited an ominous eerie feeling that aroused the deepest fears buried in the human heart. The ancient demon stared at the blonde man, and with his bare hands, he stirred his demonic energy and struck the sea. A demonic fire covered his fist as he rushed toward the sea emperor with his bloody mist still surrounding him.

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His speed was so fast it caught Jia Shu off guard, making him stagger back with a solemn expression on his face. The blonde man closed his eyes and communicated with the sea around him. The sea surface pulsated and soon resonated with him. His blonde hair scattered behind him, and with a momentum capable of swallowing mountains and rivers, he struck his palm.

The air vibrated as he met with the ancient demon’s fist.

When the two touched, there was no loud noise. The ancient demon’s black mist slightly shook and began to crack. Then, like a blooming firework, it merged into extreme darkness. 

One of the ancient demon’s arms was crippled, but behind him was a red figure! The red figure’s attack was strange this time, it used all kinds of spells and turned it into a spiritual barrier, trapping Jia Shu in the distance.

This method doesn’t look like it came from the demon clan, but rather…

The signature cultivation method of the Tianyin sect.

Jia Shu didn’t know about this, but Lin Zhizhi once heard the elders of the lecture class talk about the leaping stars technique. 

According to legend, when this kind of technique is cultivated to the extreme, A star could form a formation with more than a dozen layers stacked on top of one another. It’s even difficult for an immortal to escape!

Although Lin Zhizhi’s cultivation is outstanding for his age and possesses amazing potential, due to his age, he was unable to participate in a battle between two nascent soul-stage cultivators. So he could only watch from the sidelines.

But the more he looked at the enemy, the more familiar the red shadowy figure looked.

He couldn’t see the appearance and body of the red figure clearly, but the familiarity carved deep into his bone marrow still lingered. His name was almost at the tip of his tongue, but he swallowed it down again. 

It wasn’t until the red figure used the Tianyin sect’s technique that pulled the black-haired boy into a daze. He didn’t dare to say anything, but he still muttered in disbelief, “Su Yu…?”

His voice was like a pause button. Cutting off the red figure’s movements.


After a while, the black mist surrounding him dissipated, revealing a face Lin Zhizhi was very familiar with. But his eyes which were once bright and gentle have turned bloody red, and his every move emitted an astonishing amount of killing intent.

After Su Yu revealed his true face, this was the first time Jia Shu saw such intense emotion on the black-haired boy’s face. 

Shock, disbelief, mixed with a wave of anger he didn’t want to see.

Envious rage.

Well that escalated quickly : D

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