“You’ve caught me.”

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Su Yu’s voice was very soft, and there was a hint of pampering in his gentle voice that got carried over by the sea breeze around him. It was similar to when they were young, when he would secretly follow the young master of the Lin family as he ran around and got caught in the process. He would cover up his slip by saying this with a similar tone. 

The only thing that’s different from the past is Su Yu’s current appearance. Gone was the gentleness he had in the past, now it’s replaced by an enchanting young man able to bewitch anyone with one glance.

Moreover, Su Yu’s techniques and strength when he fought against Jia Shu were far superior to what Lin Zhizhi had seen in the secret realm. If he’s a member of the demonic realm, his status should be far more superior to that so-called disciple of the demon lord.



“Are you possessed? But how?”

The black-haired boy took two steps forward as he waved away the blond man’s arm, who was attempting to stop him from approaching. He looked straight into the other’s blood-red eyes as he dryly asked his question. 

After obtaining the system, he has been thinking about avoiding this childhood friend of his in the future, thinking that he would eventually give up on his feelings. But the possibility of the other stepping into the demonic path because of it was simply nonexistent.


Becoming a demon means that from now on, he will suffer heavy criticism from the entire orthodox cultivation world. He would have to give up everything, and this will also heavily implicate the entire Su family. Setting these consequences aside, what about the demonic realm? They believe in the law of the jungle, where the strong prey on the weak, and ordinary mortals won’t even have their bones left alone when they die.

“I know. Come here, I have something I want to ask.”

As the sea breeze gently blew around Su Yu’s hair, Lin Zhizhi looked at his friend, who no longer bore his gentle aura. He was floating above the dark clouds and looked at him affectionately as though nothing had changed.


But something did change between these two friends.

Lin Zhizhi strode forward, pushing Jia Shu aside when he tried to stop him again. He walked up to Su Yu and angrily asked, “Answer me, Su Yu. How did you become a demonic cultivator?”

Su Yu looked at the boy’s clear black eyes, which were especially clear this time because of his anger and his reflection in them. He laughed, “Now you’re finally looking at me.” Finally, there was no one else but him reflected in those clear eyes. The very same eyes he wants to keep forever.


They look so gorgeous. 

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Lin Zhizhi felt powerless. It’s as if his striking fist had landed on soft cotton when he wanted to shake his friend out of this demonic state. He bit his lips hard, forcing himself not to say anything that could provoke Su Yu, and tried to persuade him in a calm tone, “Your current state is very dangerous. Come with me to meet the great elder, as long as you can turn around-”

“Turn back? Zhizhi, I don’t want to turn back.” Su Yu frowned as he shook his head at Lin Zhizhi’s overly idealistic thoughts, “It’s so good, you see. To see your emotions fluctuate this much because of me.”

The distance between them is very close. It’s close enough that they could hold each other if they stretched their hands out. But at the same time, they were so far away. There are always people and obstacles trying to prevent them from falling in love.

It’s annoying. He wished they could just disappear. 

Su Yu was brimming with killing intent.

This person in front of him is irreplaceable to him. Su Yu couldn’t bear to only be able to admire him from a distance. Even in the distant past, he was their closest friend.

But it was not enough.

Friends will have to part one day, and Lin Zhizhi will always meet someone he likes, like that mortal woman. If he hadn’t been a hindrance, would Lin Zhizhi have fallen in love with her? Then maybe at the insistence of his son, Lin Quan would’ve found a fake spiritual root to wash the bone marrow of that mortal woman. With the strength of the Lin family, it would be no problem for the women to reach the foundation-building stage without hindrance. 

Then, Lin Zhizhi would kiss her, then they would have intercourse, and go one step further. They would have a child. It would be a beautiful scene.

And heartbreaking at the same time.


Su Yu won’t let this happen. He wants Lin Zhizhi to kiss him, and have intercourse with him. He would beg him with tears in his eyes, saying that if he doesn’t stop, he wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. And if he wants to be on top? That’s fine too. He wants to try all kinds of positions.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But he lost. 

Lf atbeuta bo rb wjcs rmtfwfr, jcv rb wjcs lvfjr jii yfmjerf bo ibnf.

Dea fnfgsatlcu kjr obg cjeuta, jcv la’r jirb yfmjerf tf kbeivc’a ibnf tlw.

Qtja mjc tf vb?

Qtfc atf qfgrbc tf ilxfr, atf qfgrbc tf ugfk eq klat, atf qfgrbc ktb mjc wjxf tlw gfrlra atf vfwbc’r afwqajalbc, ojiir lc ibnf klat jcbatfg qfgrbc? Ve Te abiv tlwrfio atja la kjr olcf lo tf mbeivc’a meialnjaf lcab atf rjlcais gfjiw, la’r olcf jr ibcu jr tf tjr tlw! 

He will kill anyone who wants to stop him! Even if the heavens want to separate them, he will tear it up and reshape a greater one!

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He needs power.

Power! To help him get what he desires.

Su Yu tightened his palms as he stared at the person in front of him almost obsessively. 

Lin Zhizhi was stunned at this moment.

Not only because of Su Yu’s words but also because on top of the other man’s head, the favorability has flown to extreme heights. There’s also an extra line that reads, [blackening index: 80%] Then the system’s voice appeared beside his ear and said, “The target has been detected to start blackening and is increasing the blackening points. I hope host will pay attention to this. Our goal is to collect the favorability points of our targets, not blackening. Please do not act in a way that would stimulate the other party. If the target’s blackening points reach extreme values, what would the target do? I can’t imagine it myself.”

Lin Zhizhi secretly said to the system, “…shut up!”

He’s also at a loss, okay?! He doesn’t even know what he’s doing! How could his good childhood friend turn black?! 

“Zhizhi, I’ve asked you once, and you said that you don’t like men. Now, I’ll ask you again… Is your answer still the same?” Su Yu squinted his long and narrow eyes, paired with his sharp eyelashes that were raised, he looked aggressive.

He wanted to test whether Lin Zhizhi had really… Fallen in love with the blond man standing next to him.

Lin Zhizhi decided to avoid this topic. He swallowed, and calmly persuaded his friend, “Su Yu, calm down.”

“Answer me.” Su Yu lowered his stance. He showed a pained expression as he softly said, “Don’t lie to me.” 

Being his friend for so many years, he could naturally judge the truth from the answer he’s seeking just by reading the other party’s facial expression.

The black-haired boy shifted his gaze to the other party’s fluttering hair. It looked like he was deeply thinking about something. This time, he couldn’t resolutely shake his head like before, and answered with an uncertain tone, “I don’t know either.”


His thoughts have changed.

There must be some other people who have reversed Lin Zhizhi’s thoughts. For a man, especially a young man like Lin Zhizhi, what methods did the other party use to make him question his sexuality like this? 

Su Yu is very clear about this himself, but he hopes he could stay a little confused.

“Do you love him?” Su Yu asked. It was as if he was deliberately torturing himself by asking these questions.

He knew that that person couldn’t have been him, but he still wanted to find out.

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“…” Su Yu glanced at the blonde man, who was staring at him in disgust. As if he had seen something filthy, Su Yu turned his head to Lin Zhizhi and shifted his sight to him to wash his eyes clean from the dirty scum.

Lin Zhizhi quickly replied, “No- Of course not.”

Jia Shu’s eyebrows raised in frustration as he hostilely stared at Su Yu. He was like a big dog who had just been bullied by his master but didn’t want to lose face in front of an enemy.

“Then do you love me?” Su Yu didn’t ask this question. He probably already knew his answer, and it’s even more likely that Lin Zhizhi… Still doesn’t love anyone. 

He merely smiled and replied, “Okay.”

Now that he’s smiling like this, Su Yu looks more charming than ever. When the once perfect and gentle shell fades away and reveals this demonic version of him, he doesn’t look cruel or evil, but elegant and majestic.

“Is it because of me that you…” Lin Zhizhi paused halfway through his question as he processed Su Yu’s answer.

Because, what if it’s indeed the case? 

The thought that Su Yu would rather betray the path he has always followed for him is too painful. Especially since they were friends who practically grew up together, such a realization would be dreadful for him.

Su Yu stretched out his hand to pinch the young man’s chin, preventing him from biting the bottom of his lips with his teeth. He gently rubbed his lips, which had deep tooth marks on them with his fingers, coloring them into a brighter red color. He took a closer look, but didn’t kiss him and faintly smiled as he said, “Of course not. It’s just because I wanted to become stronger.”

‘To become stronger for you.’

He added inside his heart. 

Lin Zhizhi suddenly grabbed his wrist and held it tightly, “Could it be that you couldn’t become stronger through your previous path? You are a disciple of the Tianyin sect, and they must have attached great importance to you since you’re here. You also got first place in the disciple acceptance conference. There is no reason for you to switch to the demonic path-”

Su Yu didn’t pull his hand back. He even hoped that the other party could hold on to him tighter. It would be better if they could merge their flesh and blood together and never separate, “Our beliefs don’t match.”



His consistent gentle gaze abruptly turned cold. He withdrew his hand as the black mist returned to his side again, “There’s no other reason. I just preferred the demonic path.” 

“Look at me now. There’s no need to pretend to be patient and deal with troublesome people. I could do whatever I want, and no matter what I do, nobody would care about me… How great is that? This so-called righteous path, there’s too much hypocrisy in it. It hinders me from seeking the dao.”

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Lin Zhizhi interrupted him, “You’re not like this.”

Su Yu stared at him quietly for a while before replying, “I am.”


“You’ve never known the real me.” Su Yu’s calm eyes finally cracked. He pressed his chest with one hand and said to Lin Zhizhi, “The real me is completely different from what I let you see on the surface.”

He has killed, he’s cruel, and he ridiculed the hypocrisy of the world inside his heart. He is suitable for cultivating the demonic path. But if Lin Zhizhi could always be by his side, he could always pretend to be the gentle and dependable brother he had always known.

But Lin Zhizhi never knew the real him.

When they got along in their childhood, Su Yu always gave his everything for him. To get everything he likes, and tried his best to create the illusion that he was the only friend he’ll ever need. He didn’t want to, and didn’t dare to take off this mask in front of the other. The balance between them was never equal to begin with. 

“…Is this the real you?” The emotion in Lin Zhizhi’s eyes changed from anger to disappointment.

This disappointment stung Su Yu. He lowered his head and glanced at the enchanted barrier, the lingering bloody red-colored Qi is gradually fading. He feared it would disappear soon, and he would be unable to suppress the demonic energic around him and alert the surrounding cultivator nearby. He took a deep look at Lin Zhizhi. It was as if he wanted to completely imprint his image inside his heart, and never forget this obsession of his. He lowered his eyes as the black demonic mist covered his face again, “I’m leaving.”

He wanted to say more, but thousands of thoughts abruptly poured into his mind, and in the end, he didn’t know what to say. He could only bleakly smile before turning around to leave the area.

Jia Shu, who had been standing by his side, coldly snorted, “You think you could come and go as you wish?” 

A massive wave rose from the sea, blocking Su Yu’s way.

“…Let him go.” Lin Zhizhi turned his head around and said to him a bit tiredly.

Since Su Yu has chosen this path, even though he’s angry, he cannot impose his will on him forcefully. So as his childhood friend, he could only send him off this one last time.

From now on, they could only be enemies. 

Jia Shu was stunned before he eventually withdrew his hand with a complicated expression. The waves shrunk in his command as the red figure gradually faded away. A black vortex appeared right before him, sucking him inside before disappearing without a trace.

The barrier faded immediately, and several nascent soul cultivators rose to the sky, accompanied by a few shouts, “Which foolish demonic cultivator dares to come here?! Are you looking down on us human cultivators?!”


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