Chapter 53

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Several elders arrived before their voices even reached them. Each of them wore a serious expression on their face as their sword qi pierced the skies and swept toward the direction where the demonic qi disappeared.

Lin Zhizhi knew what would happen next. He and Jia Shu were the only witnesses to this incidenat, and they would definitely get apprehended for interrogation. But because of Jia Shu’s position as the sea emperor, they would probably only question them gently. 

If Jia Shu told the elder everything, let alone him, the entire Su family might get implicated. Thinking of this, the young master of the Lin family couldn’t just stand by and watch it happen.

Lin Zhizhi pinched the silver cuff tightly with his fingers. He looked at the circle of exquisite silver thread and hesitated on whether or not he should talk to Jia Shu about this. He had nothing to do with this.



The blonde man standing behind him quietly sighed before walking up to him and taking his hand just like he did earlier but was flung away by the startled Lin Zhizhi. Facing the young man, Jia Shu no longer harbored any hostility toward Su Yu. His blue eyes were like hot springs as they made people put down their guard toward him, “I won’t tell them.”

Although he didn’t know much about that demonic young man’s relationship with Lin Zhizhi, he could guess a few things from their dialogue. The other party’s reason for their obsession could fool Lin Zhizhi, but not him. It was clear from the way he looked at him that it was for love. If the elders knew about this and punished the people related to this incident, Lin Zhizhi would definitely feel guilty about this. 

He doesn’t want the person he loves to feel this for other people.


The way Lin Zhizhi got angry because of Su Yu earlier had made his eyes shine so brightly, it was much more intense than usual, but the reason why Lin Zhizhi was able to show such emotion made him jealous.

That person must have had a high status in Lin Zhizhi’s heart.

They probably met many years ago. He probably was able to see what Lin Zhizhi was like as a child and was able to grow up with him. The thought of it could make him go mad with envy.


Jia Shu’s face was calm, but his darkening eyes revealed his inner thoughts.

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Lin Zhizhi pursed his lips and said, “I owe you a favor.”

“What favor would you owe to me with our relationship?” Jia Shu gracefully waved his hand with a [95] favorability point on his head.


The young master of the Lin family couldn’t see his own affection point toward the other, but he knew that they were far from Jia Shu’s favorability points toward him. Even if he took his virginity when they first met, and he could accept being in a same-sex relationship, his affection for him is still far from being ‘true love’. 

After thinking about it, he decided that it was better to make it clear. Lin Zhizhi said, “What relationship do we have?”

The blonde man’s thick and slender eyelashes trembled before answering, “A relationship between future Daoist companions.”

“No… Our relationship is closer to ordinary friends.”

“But we’ve already-” 

“For me, it’s nothing worth caring about.” The young man coldly replied, “And it was because of your physique in the first place.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf tjv j mbiv ibbx bc tlr ojmf yea kjr rjslcu remt tegaoei kbgvr. Vemt mbcagjra kbeiv wjxf qfbqif kjca ab raglq tlw cjxfv jcv atgbk tlw bcab atflg yfv ab rff lo tf mbeiv xffq atja jaalaevf ktfc tf mjwf ecvbcf.

Ktja vbfrc’a ifrrfc tlr mtjgwr atbeut.

Olxf j ylu juuglfnfv ubivfc gfaglfnfg, Alj Vte rtjwfifrris ibkfgfv tlr tfjv jcv weaafgfv, “Dea P mjgf, la kjr jirb ws olgra alwf…” 


This script is wrong!

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Aren’t you supposed to be the emperor of the sea who should be having seventy-two concubines [not]?! You should be a big playboy whose task is to reproduce daily to leave strong and beautiful offspring for the future of the sea clan! Not begging the person who took your first time to be responsible for you!

The system seemed to remember its mission and happily circled around and chirped into Lin Zhizhi’s ear, “Come on, you’re only five points away from filling his favorability points! Another one with an extremely high point of affection. So, be open-minded! Fortunately, I was far-sighted and found you back then! By the way, you should work hard with the little phoenix too! 

Lin Yuyan abruptly couldn’t hold back his temper anymore and angrily replied inside his head, “He’s still a child!”

“No, no, no. He’s as old as you, but his growth rate is slow.”

...You stay away from me!

System, “…” 

Lin Zhizhi’s conversations with the system were all done spiritually, so Jia Shu could only helplessly watch as the young man’s expression slightly change, looking a little angry. He wondered if he acted too much just now.

Just as he was about to say something to break the silence, he heard a few long whistles as the five elders from the human race halted in front of them in the air.

Their reaction might seem to take very long, but in fact, it was only as long as a snap of one’s fingers. From the moment the elders appeared and released their broad spiritual senses to search for a trace of the demon before stopping in front of them, the whole process only took less than 60 seconds in total.

“Your majesty.” Even in an urgent situation like this, they still need to maintain superficial etiquette, so the elders clasped their fists to greet the emperor before impatiently asking, “What happened just now? How could there be a demonic invasion?” 

Jia Shu’s expression sank when he faced the elders. He looked as stable as Mount Tai mixed with the right amount of dignified doubt as he answered, “Earlier, I went on a short cruise with Lin Zhizhi in the sea, but right after coming back, I saw members of the demonic clan fleeing from this site. I am ashamed to say that I failed to capture them.”

When they heard the first sentence, almost all of the elders pricked their ears up to carefully listen to the hidden gossip material in Jia Shu’s explanation. On the contrary, the elders from the Luo Immortal sword sect looked somewhat displeased.

Lin Zhizhi is the most talented disciple in the younger generation of their sect. If he becomes Daoist companion with the king of the sea, wouldn’t the human race suffer a huge loss?! Besides, his master hasn’t even come back yet. If Lord Dao Zun knew that somebody had dared to hit on his little apprentice, there might be a chance of setting off another war between these two races…

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But these are mere fleeting thoughts. Right now, the demons that managed to escape are much more essential than that. 

“For a member of the demonic clan that could make even his majesty helpless to act against them, could they be one of the eight great venerable of the demonic race?” Said the great elder of the Luo Immortal sword sect, whose beard fluttered in surprise before he clasped them back.

The elders from other sects also discussed this possibility. The eyes of the elder from the Immortal sword sect wandered around before settling on the black-haired boy. He calmly raised his hand and beckoned Lin Zhizhi. He asked him, “Zhizhi, what did you see earlier?”

The black-haired boy lowered his head. The slowly rising sun had left a halo of warm light around his soft bright hair. He looked very cute and mellow, making people want to go up to him and rub his hair. He answered the elder’s question, “I saw the barrier of demonic energy is very similar to the ones in the secret realm, but the aura was much stronger. It was as if they were wrapped in something and left in a hurry, and they didn’t fight back when they got attacked.”

The elder believed his words. Although Cang Lun was there as an example of demonic cultivators mixing in with the righteous side, he was only a rogue cultivator, whereas Lin Zhizhi is a righteous cultivator from his very roots. He is a disciple of a prominent sect and a member of an aristocratic family. 

“What are they even doing here? This might not be an important site for the sea clan, but it’s a place for us to temporary rest…” The elder’s voice suddenly faltered before he suddenly rushed back to the shore and immediately released his spiritual senses that had reached the early nascent soul stage. His spiritual sense covered the entire island, and soon, he discovered that there are several missing people from the island.

“Where are Tu Yan, Su Yu, and Hu Ping?” He asked, injecting his spiritual energy into his voice, setting off billowing waves and flaring his voice around the island before it reached them.


All the sleeping disciples were startled awake and ran out as if a boiler had exploded.

With the combined effort of Jia Shu and the elders from the human race, two of the missing people were found. As a sword fool, Tu Yan went off to visit a strange sea tribe who also enjoyed wielding the sword and sparred together, but he didn’t return all night. As for Hu Ping, she was a female disciple who was about to have a breakthrough, so she borrowed the sea clan’s seclusion spot overnight. 

And Su Yu was nowhere to be seen.

The elders from the Tianyin sect were the most anxious about his disappearance, searching for him with the sea clan’s army for a long time. He sent a letter back to the sect, and through the cards of life and death, they finally determined that he had gone to an undetectable place.

The most likely possibility was that he had been kidnapped by the venerable of the demon race. His disappearance was settled this way. The Su family wasn’t implicated, but many people were needlessly worried about Su Yu’s safety.

After a while, his disappearance will be submerged in the torrent waves of their war. After all, Su Yu is only a ‘hope for the future’ with the possibility of being a powerhouse, and not an actual powerful nascent soul cultivator with fame. He never appeared under the demon’s attack, so most people thought he was dead. 

This news was stifled by the elders, and no one was allowed to speak of it. They began to contact the emperor of the sea frequently, discussing whether to put their initial plan of ‘bringing in their elite disciples to experience the demon race’s might’ into the agenda or to retreat home first to be on the safe side.

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When they were having a fierce argument, Lin Zhizhi was staying inside the room with a gloomy expression on his face.

He has been in a bad mood these past few days, and the issue of Su Yu’s obsession felt like a mountain weighing down on him. He didn’t know whether it was right or wrong of him to conceal this fact, but he didn’t want to watch Su Yu’s parents and family suffer as a result.

The young master of the Lin family had always been a free and easy person. It was rare for him to be this troubled. After all, Su Yu’s place inside his heart is different than the rest. 

Feng Qin was always by his side.

The little phoenix has been very cute and well-behaved now. He’s simply like a sweet caring little padded cotton jacket around him. The little dough noticed that the young man had been in a bad mood lately, and he also knew that Su Yu, who disappeared during the incident, was a close friend of his sweetheart. So, according to article 11 of rules to chase your future wife by his father, when your future mate is unhappy, as their future man, he must make his wife happy!

So, Feng Qin would think of ways to make Lin Zhizhi happy every day, he even told him his childhood stories to cheer him up. He honed his skills from grilling chicken and started to grill fish too. Now, the clever little fish would swim as fast they could, desperately swinging their tails when they saw him.

A pure white sword sect uniform wrapped around Feng Qin’s body. He sat on a chair, holding a cup of tea as he watched the black-haired boy quietly meditate, contentedly waiting for him to finish. It wasn’t until Lin Zhizhi opened his eyes that he nervously but happily spoke, “I see you’re going to cultivate. Will I bother you if I wait here?” 

Lin Zhizhi withdrew the qi that penetrated his meridians and consolidated his cultivation base, which has now entered the middle stage of the foundation-building period not long ago. He tilted his head and asked, “If I say yes, would you leave?”

Feng Qing’s soft little face wrinkled into a ball as he answered, “If I’m disturbing you, I… I can wait outside!”

Until Lin Zhizhi opens his mouth and said that he took it back because he was worried about him, he must gloriously portray that he could guard the door to his mate’s house and prove that he is a capable man.

Lin Zhizhi stood up and picked a fruit from the basket on the side. He chopped it up before placing it into Feng Qin’s teacup and pinched his face, saying, “It’s fine. It’s windy outside.” 

Feng Qin swore to himself that he wanted to make Lin Zhizhi happy, but every time, for some reason, he would be the one getting coaxed by the boy instead… Getting his big face held in his soft hands, he was so happy that he didn’t know what time it was.

#Te hee hee hee, he added fruits into my tea today#



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