“He’s not good! He… He…” Feng Qin didn’t have any dirt on Jia Shu yet, but he wanted to belittle Jia Shu in front of Lin Zhizhi. For a while, his mind became perplexed because he couldn’t find Jia Shu’s shortcomings at all. After all, he and the sea emperor have a bad relationship, and the only thing he could insult is the other’s appearance…

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Leaving his personality aside, one would only need to look at his appearance to know that he’s the most perfect descendant of the sea. 

“-Anyways, He is not good at all!” The little phoenix rubbed his red nose. He tactfully skipped his list of insults and gave a vague conclusion instead. Feng Qin used the power of the spiritual fire residing in his body to create a pair of wings and hovered until he was the same height as the black-haired boy’s shoulders. He stretched his small hands out to hold the other’s beautiful face. The little dough’s dark eyes were soaked in tears, making him look purer and more vulnerable.

Feng Qing nervously pursed his lips. His eyes were shifting around the place as he tried to express his feelings.



Well… How could he compare to him? First, he should praise himself- But did he already praise himself just now? Will he upset Lin Zhizhi if he repeats himself?

The little dough’s heart was going back and forth in confusion before he finally decided to start by praising the other party. It’s the part he’s best at. He might not be able to boast about himself, but Feng Qin knew he could talk about him nonstop for a full hour. 

Feng Qin made up his mind before turning his gaze back to look into the other’s black eyes from a close distance.


The distance between them is very close. Feng Qin could even count the number of eyelashes on the boy’s eyes, which are thick, slender, and smooth. Below those eyelashes are a pair of gorgeous eyes. Even in this situation, there is no emotion in those eyes, they’re not even flustered or shy, calmly looking at him instead.

Under those eyes is the nose bridge, then his lips…

The nervous little phoenix blushed,  losing control of his spiritual powers under the sway of his heart, making his wings abruptly disappear as he fell from the air. When his butt was about to crash onto the ground, Lin Zhizhi, who had been closely watching him, stretched his hand out to catch him. The little phoenix easily landed in his arms.


Even though he managed to embrace his sweetheart, Feng Qin was still slightly sad.

He was sad because of the other’s calmness.

If he could grow up to be a tall, slender, and powerful man like Jia Shu, and approach him, Lin Zhizhi would definitely blush, right?  His face would be so red as if it’ll drip blood, it’ll look like he had applied rouge to his cheeks. At that moment, he could lean forward and kiss him. He wouldn’t get treated as a child like now.


It’s all his fault! Blame him for not growing up! 

Grievance and panic filled his chest again. Feng Qin originally thought he would have enough time to grow and confess his love. He could take his time to pursue him, Just like his father and mother, they’ll be together. But suddenly, Jia Shu appeared, and he felt an abrupt sense of crisis.

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And at the same time, he discovered that Lin Zhizhi treated him differently from other people.

This young man, who’s distant with other people, willingly lets him stay inside his room. Sometimes, he would take the initiative to show his care to him, asking him if he’s already eaten, reaching his hand out to rub his face. These are things he has never done with other people.

At first, Feng Qin is very happy about this special treatment, but now he finally realized that it was because of his appearance. 

Because Lin Zhizhi only regarded him as a younger brother.

But that’s not what he wanted.

The little phoenix sadly lowered his head. The surrounding air gradually became hot because of his agitation, sparks of flames were even ignited inside the room.

“Can’t you… see me as an adult?” He whispered, the emotions hidden inside his heart finally erupted. “I… I have liked you for a long time… I’ve fallen in love with you since the first time I saw you. I hope you can give me a chance.” 

The favorability index on top of his head was also changing in real-time, [ Want to confess ].

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pa remmfrroeiis ygbxf Olc Itlhtl’r ijra liierlbc bo tbqf. Rbk, tf olcjiis xcfk ktb atf akb qfbqif atf rsrafw wfcalbcfv lc atf rfmgfa gfjiw kfgf.


Wejc Lej jcv Mfcu Hlc.

Olc Itlhtl ralii vbfrc’a kjca ab jvwla atja atf obgwfg lr ufcelcfis lcafgfrafv lc tlw, la’r qgbyjyis yfmjerf bo atf qtsrldef, tjtj- 

As for the latter, he didn’t even bother to think about him. Feng Qin is still too young, right?

“…You’re just a kid!” Lin Zhizhi looked at the top of Feng Qin’s head as he choked out the same sentence he said to the system not long ago.

Feng Qin pouted and retorted, “I’m not young anymore. If you count my age from my time in the egg, I’m already over a hundred years old! If I’m an ordinary mortal, I would’ve had many descendants already!”

Lin Zhizhi, “…” 

So my younger brother is actually my grandfather’s age. Hello grandpa, goodbye grandpa.

“I… I hope you won’t see me as a child anymore, but as a man.” Feng Qin loudly declared. His eyes looked firm even though his eye sockets were red. He looked a little bit like an adult.

Lin Zhizhi looked at him for a moment before saying in a deep voice, “Okay, you’re a man now. It’s already late, you should go back.”

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Feng Qin, who had been sleeping in the boy’s room for several days now, hesitantly asked, “..For now, can I still be a child?” 

“What do you think?”

Little Phoenix: QAQ

Sky continent, the first heavenly spirit sect.

The Sky Spirit Sect is located on the top of the mountains which are full of spiritual aura. It is the first of the twelve sects in the Sky Continent. 

The surrounding seven spiritual mountains are connected as one, the hidden mountain peaks seemed to stretch through the sky with earth-shattering momentum like a drifting sleeping giant dragon. It continuously provides spiritual energy for the sky spirit sect.

Once attacked by foreign enemies, these seven spiritual mountains will form an ancient spiritual array using the seven mountain spirits as a guide, waking the mountain dragon and use the two colored yin and yang to resist the invasion.

The founder of the sect once said that unless a true immortal from the heavens descended to the earth, no one will be able to break through this formation.

In the thousand years of history of the sky spirit sect, this formation had only gotten activated twice when the sect faced an exterminating crisis. Every time the formation gets used means the sect was faced with a life or death situation. It takes the entire might of the sect members to utilize the formation. 

These two openings were caused by a foreign enemy invasion. One is the demon race, and the other is a joint attack by several other sects.

But now, in this peaceful and prosperous age, the sect master and elders of the sky spirit sect are discussing if they should activate the formation.


Simply because of the presence of the man clad in purple on the top of their majestic mountain.

Lush trees, dim bamboo, drifting clouds, and mist couldn’t shroud away his demeanor. The man stood on top of the mountain with a cold expression, closing his eyes as he waited for the given time limit to end. Standing like this is already enough to give the surrounding people a great sense of oppression. Even the head master’s spiritual consciousness couldn’t invade the mountain. 

This man is naturally Xuan Hua.

After he arrived at the Sky continent, he had no other leads except for the vague red line of direction.  Master Daozun isn’t a low-key person, and he dearly misses his little apprentice, so he doesn’t want to leave the Zhongtian continent for too long. If his little apprentice cultivated to the late foundation establishment stage, how pitiful would he be if he wanted to form his golden core without his master’s protection? What if his little apprentice’s physique lashes out again…

Xuan Hua chose the same path he once walked toward the Zhongtian continent, and was called the enemy of the world.

He first politely asked to see the head of the sect along the way. When a powerful outsider came to visit the sect for the first time, the head of the sect would usually agree to meet them. After all, offending a powerful rogue cultivator would do him no good. No matter how powerful a sect is, there will always be low-level disciples who need to go out. 

It’s just that when Xuan Hua placed forward this request, all of the sect heads would decisively choose to reject him.

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He wanted to consult all the experts in the sect about herbs, special physiques, ancient legends, and cultivation exercises. This isn’t an unacceptable matter, and Xuan Hua is very considerate, so he didn’t ask for their entire manual to be shown to him.

Cultivation exercises are the lifeblood and bottom line of every sect. If he asked for it, he could get attacked by the entire continent and its sect.

A few sects would agree with Xuan Hua’s idea of taking a step back. 

Is he kidding?! This isn’t a question of whether or not the herb experts are useful or not, it’s about the dignity and face of the sect!

At that moment, the first sect master he visited rejected Xuan Hua with an unkind expression, “Is this fellow Taoist joking? This is not something that can be casually said.”

“Then I can only forcefully take it.”

That was the second sentence Xuan Hua said after he entered their gates. The killing intent in lord Daozun’s eyes flashed as the frosty aura he had after cultivating in a lofty position all year round nearly condensed into ice. Facing him, the sect master was shocked to find that the spiritual energy inside his body had been affected. It was no longer cycling smoothly in his body and was nearly frozen in place. 

“God transformation stage…” Shock and despair flashed across the head master’s face as he muttered those words.

Shouldn’t there be some form of agreement for an existence that had cultivated until this level regardless of the world’s affairs? Since when did the sky continent have such a god-like figure in this cultivation stage?! With this level of cultivation, it’s enough for the other to annihilate his sect before the other god transformation stage cultivator arrives! After that, the sky continent’s god transformation stage figure wouldn’t want to embarrass another existence with the same level of cultivation as them since the matter has already been resolved with their destruction. At most, they’ll only ask him to compensate with some spirit stone.

“Senior! Please, calm down!” Sensing the oppressive force, the other elders in this small sect came over in shock, wanting to stop Xuan Hua from raging inside the sect.

The man in purple merely gave them a cold look without exhibiting any emotions. This force belonged to the god transformation stage and was mixed with the might of heaven and earth, forcing these masters to bend down to him. 

“Late god transformation stage…”  The head master squeezed out these four words through gritted teeth.

It is especially difficult to transform into a god, a top existence in the human realms. A person who turned into a god with the Dao will be a respected figure even if he ascended to the immortal realm. The mortal realm has thinner spiritual energy than the upper realms, the dao’s teachings are scattered, and there are thousands of barriers if one cultivated in the mortal realm. To be able to comprehend the concept of the great dao in the human realm could only be achieved by a once-in-a-million prodigy.


Why did such a person come here to ask for his sect’s manuals? Compared to fighting this illusionary figure, it’s more practical to give him the manuals to let the sect continue to exist.

Just as the head of the sect was determined to bear the shame of showing his sect’s secret manuals to an outsider, a somewhat doubtful elderly man’s voice resounded in the air, “This fellow Taoist seems unfamiliar. May I know where you come from?” 

He is also a cultivator at the transformation stage!

The head of the sect was pulled back from the dangerous situation by the voice. In surprise, he exclaimed, “Senior Cai!”

Xuan Hua didn’t answer him. He merely brushed the dust off his cuffs with his hands.

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The old man had white hair and beard and was dressed in commoner clothes. He looked ordinary, but he was able to withstand Xuan Hua’s aura. He glanced at the distressed head master before continuing to speak to the cold man in front of him. “I came here to collect medicine and was passing by this area when I sensed this god-like spiritual energy, so I came here to take a look at the situation. You must be new around here and didn’t know the sky continent’s rules. I and other fellow cultivators of the same stage cannot easily intervene in the cultivation world’s matters.” 

“Rules? I’ve never paid attention to those.” Xuan Hua withdrew his hand. His voice was very calm when he said that, and there was a cold sharpness hidden beneath his tone.

Xuan Hua fought until the stars fell and rose again. In ancient times, no matter how strong an enemy was, he would never flinch when he fought against them. If it was someone else, they might try to compromise with this old man before seeking help from the cultivators of this realm to find a way to heal the enchanting physique. This approach wouldn’t make any enemies and is relatively gentle. But Xuan Hua isn’t a mild person, and he always walks in a straight line.

It was the case then, and it is still the case now.

“Fellow Daoist, do you wish to fight me?” 

“If you wish to fight against me, then let us fight.”

As soon as he finished his words, master Daozun moved his finger like a sword as he channeled his spiritual sword energy. The sword’s energy abruptly dissipated into the air as it sliced toward the old man in the next second.

A round shield appeared in front of the old man, blocking the sword’s energy. His white eyebrows were furrowed together as he doubtfully guessed what path the other party used to reach the god transformation stage, “Life and death? Reincarnation?”

Xuanhua remained indifferent and disappeared into the sky at the same time as the old man. 

This is the first time he has battled an outsider after the last two hundred years.

It was all for Lin Zhizhi.

The head master didn’t know the exact process of their battle. He only knew that about half an hour later, the odd purple-clothed man came back to him unscathed.

Except for the scratch on the hem of his clothes. 

The headmaster wryly smiled. He peacefully offered the secret manuals the other party requested in exchange for the continuation of the sect.

Xuan Hua fought all the way, from the minor sects to the major twelve sects. He encountered powerful enemies and struck every single one of them, not even losing once.


This plan only consisted of one sentence, but the process is very dangerous. It’s just that he hasn’t found any specific leads about the cure to the enchanting physique yet.

Now, the next targets will be the sky spirit sects. 

Howdyy, gonna drop a little announcement here… I’ll be going away for a school fieldtrip soon, and there’s also a few events and stuff scheduled up in the next few days [ probs weeks ] So I might not be able to update during this time. [But I will if I can, this is just a heads up just incase I couldn’t!] So I’ll see ya guys then! QAQ 


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