Feng Qin told Lin Zhizhi that he wanted him to treat him like a real man, and from that moment, he lost some of his privileges. No matter how much he rubbed and snuggled with the young man, he didn’t receive the same warmth he previously had.

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But the little phoenix will never regret it! He thought about everything the sea emperor has done, making his teeth itch as he couldn’t wait to cross out Jia Shu’s name and replace it with his. It would be perfect. 

To achieve this goal, he is fine with losing some temporary rights. Plus, he has a unique advantage… He and Lin Zhizhi are fellow disciples of the Luo immortal sword sect.

Today, he will return to the sect with Lin Zhizhi. His rival is confined to his position as the emperor of the sea, and in circumstances, he couldn’t join them in the human race’s territory when there’s an invasion from the demon race.



The next time they meet again, he will let the other man know who is the most suitable partner for Lin Zhizhi!

Hmph! That person has to be him! Jia Shu possesses a noble-born and otherworldly look, he probably couldn’t roast a delicious chicken! According to his dad’s law of chasing a future wife, one’s appearances and births don’t matter, what does matter are good foods and non-sticky utensils! 

He already did the former step. During the time he waited for Lin Zhizhi, he learned how to roast chickens day and night… Er, sometimes, he not only studied how to roast chickens, but also strange spiritual beasts such as fish and dragon-scaled beasts. As for the latter, although he is currently not so powerful, doesn’t cultivate well, and is still clingy, Feng Qin believes that with time, he will be able to become a great man for him one day!


Hey, that sea emperor over there, we’re about to leave so what is he looking at? What, he thinks he can touch Lin Zhizhi’s hands?!

The little phoenix angrily stood on the flying palace, looking at the blond man standing on the ground who was still hanging on Lin Zhizhi, refusing to let him go. He really wanted to jump down and kick that vile man away.

Fortunately, His Majesty still has some reservations and acts reservedly in front of everyone. He didn’t stalk him in private as he did a few days ago but merely looked at the boy in front of him with a smile.


His golden long hair complements the royal robes on his body, and his blue eyes look very charming. Jia Shu’s appearance looked as handsome as usual. He was followed by the officials of the sea race. He looked as eye-catching as the sun as he looked at the black-haired boy who boarded the flying palace with a clueless face.

“We’ll see each other again.” Jia Shu said in a low voice as they passed each other.

Lin Zhizhi glanced at him before walking up to the Flying Palace without hesitation.


If anything, he had already thoroughly explained his thoughts to Jia Shu before. He will not consider any emotional matters until his cultivation reaches a certain level. 

Two elders sat inside the palace and held hands. The magnificent flying weapon smoothly flew up to the sky and soared toward the human race’s territory.

As the altitude increased, the clouds and mist around them covered the scenery below before it finally obstructed his sight from the sea emperor’s long golden hair.

Feng Qin was in a good mood after leaving the sea clan. He walked up to the black-haired boy, feeling a little anxious about taking a big step, but a little excited as well. It was his first time calling out to Lin Zhizhi like this, “Zhizi!”

Lin Zhizhi withdrew his distant gaze and looked down at him, “Don’t call me that.” 


That’s what that pesky man usually called him.

The little phoenix puffed up his cheeks, and the flame imprint between his brows became more prominent as he did that. He felt awkward, following the boy’s words, he asked, “Then what should I call you?”

Lin Zhizhi was taken aback. He looked at the little dough in front of him as he subconsciously blurted out, “Senior brother.” 

The young master of the Lin family realized something was wrong when he left.

Regardless of his real age or status as an inner disciple, no matter how he thought about it, he should be the one calling Feng Qin, “Senior brother.”

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Feng Qin didn’t know what Lin Zhizhi was thinking about. Although he thinks this title wasn’t familiar or close enough for him, after thinking about it, a senior and junior relationship is pretty solid. The senior brother usually has an inescapable responsibility to their junior brother, right?

Well then, it’s decided. This title will be exclusively for him from now on! Besides him, he will beat down anybody who dares to call his senior brother Lin Zhizhi! 

“Senior Brother Lin~Senior Brother, Senior Brother, Senior Brother.” Feng Qin’s voice was crisp and clear. He also deliberately changed his title into a nickname, calling him by it several times in a row.

“No, this title is not appropriate…” Lin Zhizhi tactfully interrupted him.


“It’s easy for people to mistake our seniority.” 

“I don’t think it’s confusing, so it’s okay.” Feng Qin shook his head.

He didn’t want to change his title to “Junior brother” again. He has a very simple reason. Those who call Lin Zhizhi “Senior brother” are usually new disciples, and he could easily suppress them with his noble birth and status as well as his extraordinary cultivation. And those who call him “junior brother” are only some stubborn pebbles he couldn’t budge.

Lin Zhizhi thought about it and simply complied with his wishes. The Luo immortal sword sect differs from the mortal’s ethics in this aspect, and the seniority management among peers is lax.

“Senior Brother, what kind of person do you like?” Feng Qin spotted an opportunity and acted like a good boy as he got straight to the point. At this moment, the young man was willing to talk to him and wasn’t buried in his cultivation, so he quickly grabbed the opportunity and asked all the questions he wanted to ask. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lin Zhizhi wanted to take this opportunity to clarify some matters with him. The young man’s side profile was beautiful, but his words were as cold and ruthless as his personality, “I am devoted to the Tao, and I will not think about these matters until I reach a certain stage in my cultivation. So… It’ll be good for you to give up your feelings earlier.”

Ktf sbecu wjrafg bo atf Olc ojwlis kjrc’a erfv ab gfpfmalcu j mbcofrrlbc ojmf-ab-ojmf ilxf atlr.

Maybe because of his mentor [ and Su Yu ], ever since he was a child, he didn’t have much contact with emotional matters. Otherwise, he wouldn’t dare to talk to that mortal woman when he fell in love at first sight for the first time.

Zbgfbnfg, rqfjxlcu bo la atlr kjs, atfgf’r jikjsr j xlcv bo ofjg bo yflcu abb rfcalwfcaji. 

Mfcu Hlc ifa bea jc “jt” jcv ibbxfv eq ja atf sbecu wjc’r alutais qegrfv ilqr ogbw yfibk, yea tf vlvc’a rffw vfqgfrrfv. Yc atf mbcagjgs, atf batfg qjgas’r vfmlrlbc lr jmaejiis lc ilcf klat tlr klrtfr.

If Lin Zhizhi wanted to find a Taoist companion right now, then judging from his current situation, it is 80% impossible to beat those thousand-year-old monsters like Jia Shu.

It doesn’t matter if Lin Zhizhi wants to attain enlightenment, he also wants to be enlightened with him. When the time comes for them to ascend to the upper realms, they will be legends that everyone in the mortal realm will love and remember!

The little phoenix wasn’t discouraged, on the contrary, he became even more determined. He grinned as he replied, “Mn, I see.” 

Lin Zhizhi looked at his expression and felt that the other party didn’t take his rejection seriously, so he repeated himself, “I’m serious. You really shouldn’t like me.”

The black-haired boy looked very cute as he said, “I’m serious.”. Feng Qing automatically added countless halos onto him, staring straight at him in a daze.



Lin Zhizhi finally had no choice but to show it with his actions. He ignored Feng Qin as he flung his sleeves, leaving the outside area of the palace, and walked inside to find a quiet place before sitting in a cross-legged position and beginning to cultivate. 

As long as he continues his cold treatment, Feng Qin wouldn’t last in a few days, right? When he finally The world is a large place when he grows up, he will always meet a good woman, um- Or man, who will be with him.

The black-haired boy left, and Feng Qin didn’t have any reason to stay and lie on the railing alone outside. So, he quietly followed him inside, leaned against the door, and blankly sat with his knees hugged to his chest as he watched Lin Zhizhi in a daze.

Is this what it feels like to be alone? Even if he doesn’t do anything, Just looking at him will make him feel happy. Is this an ordinary thing? O(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

The little phoenix couldn’t help laughing. He buried his face into his knees, showing only a pair of eyes. From time to time, he would shyly lower his head, taking a peek at Lin Zhizhi again after calming himself down. 

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There was a hint of spring in the halls of the flying palace.

Time quickly passed.

In the blink of an eye, the flying palace left the sea clan’s territory and set foot on the human race’s land. The hearts of the two elders in the palace were relieved as they will return to the departure spot in three days.

It was night, and the silver-white moonlight shone all over the place. Night fell, covering everything in darkness, blurring everything the eye could reach. 

The night is always tiring, especially after traveling a long journey. Most of the disciples chose to sleep in the rooms in the palace, and only a few were still obsessively cultivating, including the two elders.

It wasn’t until someone stepped on the deck that they realized something was wrong!

The night sky covering the flying palace is no longer the natural nighttime sky. An overwhelming black mist formed a massive black net, covering the elder’s spiritual consciousness.

Above the black net was a lighthouse filled with an oppressive force, quietly watching over the flying palace. Inside the lighthouse was a drop of floating golden blood, constantly changing the pattern of the Dao. 

Anyone who sees the blood will be shocked. According to legend, after one becomes an immortal, the blood all over their body will turn from red to gold. This was actually a drop of true immortal blood. It exudes the aura of a true immortal, completely isolating the sinister energy of the demonic race, temporarily blinding the heavens mirror of the mortal realm.

The demonic cultivator’s attack came so suddenly, and nobody expected it.

When the Sea race and the Demon race were at war, the Human race joined the battle. It takes a tremendous price for the demonic race to “ambush” a flying spiritual weapon filled with skilled disciples. This is simply an unthinkable decision, they’ll need to pay a steep price worth far more than their harvest!

But a genius disciple who hasn’t grown is only a mere disciple after all. 

“You—” The two elders were frightened and angry. A long cry woke all the disciples from their sleep, and their first reaction to this crisis was to send a message immediately!

But after trying to send it, the strange layer of black mist cut off all their spiritual powers. Even the fluctuation of spiritual energy from the spiritual weapon couldn’t penetrate the net.


In an instant, several demon cultivators with the same level of cultivation attacked them, forcing the two elders to fight, leaving no time to protect the rest of the disciples.

A tide of demonic cultivators swarmed the flying palace, many disciples faced a life-and-death battle as soon as they woke up. 

Lin Zhizhi didn’t feel sleepy and had been consolidating his cultivation during the foundation establishment period. Feng Qin, on the other hand, fell asleep while watching him cultivate, his mouth hung open and he almost drooled into the fabric of his clothes.

After being tempered by the whirlpool in the southern sea, Lin Zhizhi’s spiritual consciousness could be said to be the most outstanding one amongst the present disciples. When the demonic cultivator invaded the palace, he was the first to react. He grabbed Feng Qin and dodged an ambush of a black-clothed demonic cultivator.

The demonic cultivator’s strike didn’t him. The other had concealed his figure, so Lin Zhizhi couldn’t see him with his naked eye.

Lin Zhizhi closed his eyes and ordered the Wenxian sword to cast a ray of thunder, which abruptly struck a spot in the void with a shocking blow. 

With a muffled groan, the demonic cultivator was forced out of his hiding with half of his body paralyzed. He silently recited a mantra at an extremely fast speed. With a black dagger in hand, he dashed like a tiger to engage the young man in close-quarter combat.

The Wenxian sword blocked the opponent’s dagger. The dagger was odd, it was able to consume the sword’s lightning, making the spiritual sword stuck for a while, unable to move at all. Lin Zhizhi let go of the handle and kicked the demonic cultivator in the abdomen, sending him flying away from him.

However, many demon cultivators were swarming the palace, soon somebody took over the job of the fallen demonic cultivator.

The same was true on Feng Qin’s side, fighting in a one-against-three battle. Although he looks young, the Feng clan’s supernatural might are excellent, their bizarre fire has a monstrous force, and Feng Qin doesn’t fall behind his peers. 

Those who can join this journey to the sea clan were not idlers, so there were no casualties for a while.

The two elders furiously yelled as a blue light flashed around them. Hundreds of thousands of blue sword lights filled the dark sky, falling toward the two leaders of the demonic cultivators with a remarkable thunder formation. The famous tiangang sword formation was deployed by a pair of cultivators at the nascent soul stage, normally, this would be enough to destroy the earth. But at this moment, a stream of water from the dark river, which is as black as ink, flowed down and caught the sword formation.

This item is very sinister and evil. According to legend, it is a river that only exists in the misery of the demon world. It is endless, and only a true powerful demon lord can draw its waters.

The fact that the water of the river is here… Does that mean the demon lord is also here? 

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“Who ordered you to attack us?” One of the elders was desperate and was determined to lure in the enemy with words before using the force of his self-destruction to forcefully break through the black mist in exchange for a glimmer of hope for the disciples to live.

However, the demonic cultivators weren’t fooled. Without saying a word, the black mist billowed all over his body, welcoming the sword ray from the two elders.

As for the low-level disciples, with the increase in the number of demon cultivators attacking them, there were finally casualties from their side.

Everyone here has their own life-saving magic weapon, whether it’s bestowed to them by their master or family, they can resist hostile forces in times of crisis for a while and even teleport them to safety. Especially Feng Qin, whose father injected a ray of soul into his eyebrows to keep him safe. 

However, facing the water from the river of dark dao, claimed to be able to stop anything in its path, every attempt to breach it was futile. Any spiritual power that can be transmitted to the outside world will be absorbed when facing this layer of lunar black mist that is associated with the waters of the dark river.

Elder Xuanying didn’t understand. Why was the Demon Race willing to pay such a huge price to stop this group of Foundation Establishment disciples?


The battle gradually became more intense.

Lin Zhizhi’s opponent also changed from the three demonic cultivators into a demonic cultivator who has reached the foundation establishment stage. This person is cunning, his cultivation level is higher than Lin Zhizhi’s, and is very experienced in combat. Even if the thunder managed to restrain him, Lin Zhizhi can hardly take a breath. 

As the two fought, they managed to break the palace’s dome and leaped to the sky.

Flames blazed all over Feng Qin’s body as the strange fire entangled the demonic cultivators, burning off his opponent’s arm. Soon, he followed Lin Zhizhi and said, “I’ll help you.”

“No, take care of yourself.” Contrary to Feng Qin’s rushed attitude, Lin Zhizhi took his time to reply and led his opponent in the opposite direction.

Feng Qin is still young after all. In the demonic cultivator’s life-threatening attack, he used up several life-saving spiritual weapons. He could no longer put the little phoenix in danger, this foundation establishment demonic cultivator is very powerful. If there’s an ambush, it will be very difficult for Feng Qin to dodge the blow. 

Feng Qin was a little disappointed, so he had no choice but to turn around and continue fighting with the other demonic cultivator with a bizarre surging flame.

However, he didn’t notice that the broken arm had stopped falling at some point. And suddenly, at an odd angle, it rushed toward the back of the black-haired boy!

He didn’t notice until it was approaching him!

Feng Qin didn’t have the time to think. His body moved faster than his thoughts and he subconsciously flapped his fire wings. Rushing toward Lin Zhizhi to block the deadly blow! 

The hat arm pierced his heart.

Even if they’re a strong cultivator, nobody can survive this injury before condensing their nascent soul.

How does it feel to die? 

Feng Qin had never thought of this before.

He is the proud and willful little ancestor of the Feng Clan, and all of the inhabitants of the Xumi territory respect him. You might not have to listen to Feng Shuang’s words, but you must fulfill Feng Qin’s orders.

He had started to feel sadness and anxiety after meeting Lin Zhihi.

But many memories of joy and feelings of excitement were also born because of him. 

He was in pain, he was feeling a level of pain that surpassed any previous injuries he had before this moment. Perhaps by thinking that if he didn’t block this attack, Lin Zhizhi would be the one feeling this pain. It made him feel a little better knowing he won’t have to experience this hurt.

He knew he was running out of time.


Death comes so slowly, yet so quickly.

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At that moment, Feng Qin’s figure disappeared, and a huge blazing phoenix appeared in the sky. It tore apart the suffocating darkness as it let out a piercing and clear cry. 

The phoenix’s blood dripped drop by drop, with every drop overflowing with a majestic golden light. At the same time, it seems that the compassion of an immortal in the heavens descended from the sky as a sky blossom fell from the skies, blocking the flow of the dark river.

The number of divine beasts in this realm is few, making them rare. The death of each divine beast will cause heaven and earth to mourn the passing, and a vision will descend.

Feng Qin grew a ray of hope for them in exchange for his life.

“Get out!” The elder understood what was happening. Although they grieve Feng Qin’s death, at this moment, this medium that is gradually recovering is their only hope! He sternly shouted, signaling all the disciples to quickly leave the passage! 

Lin Zhizhi only felt a pang of pain in his chest. This sharp pain came so suddenly, causing him to burst with 100% of his strength, smashing the head of the demonic cultivator who injured Feng Qin with a sword.

For the first time, he wanted to kill someone so desperately.

No, they weren’t human.

After that blow, he wouldn’t die either, the broken arm wasn’t aiming for his back. However, Feng Qin foolishly used his body to block it, hurting himself in the process. 

Why on earth is he so stupid?

The flames burning in the night sky were too dazzling, making him a little dazed for a moment.

Feng Qin’s consciousness was gradually becoming blurry, and he couldn’t help but want to close his eyes. 

But if he closes his eyes again, it will be the end, and he’ll sink into eternal darkness forever

Is this the end? Well, it’s tiring to keep up living.

It’s more tiring than anything he’s ever done.

But…he didn’t want to die yet. 

A drop of water splashed on the calm water, causing ripples circle after circle.

If he dies, what he said before doesn’t count. There will be another person to replace him. Maybe some annoying blond guy, or maybe someone else he didn’t know…


In his place…

In his place for what? 

A walk? Companion? Marriage?

Please don’t do that.

He does not like it.

Absolutely not. 

The flame that was about to be extinguished rekindled slowly but surely.

shining up half the sky.

The Feng clan’s nirvana, living towards death and rebirth.

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