Yin Mingzheng brought Shiqing to the room where he used to live.

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Since his "sacrifice", the base has closed the room, and no one has moved inside, which makes it look like they respect Yin Mingzheng for the outside world.

The man originally planned to put Shi Qing in the room first, and then go to look for Lao Huang to show him whether he needs treatment or not.

As a result, because of Shi Qing's obsession with Yin Mingzheng, he didn't see himself as a medical doctor.

When Qing took his hand, pressed on his heart, to feel the beating mechanical heart, aggrieved in a low voice: "in order to find you, I did not sleep."

"I'm a human body now. It's hard not to sleep."

When a young man with a weak voice and a pathetic expression appeared naturally, Yin Mingzheng could not refuse him.

In particular, Shi Qing also moved out the mechanical heart of Yin Ming Zheng's fooling him.

So two people comfortable nest together, long lost together to sleep.

For Yin Ming Zheng.

Anyway, Shiqing these days can be confused every night, he drilled into his arms to sleep.

Yin Ming Zheng was too tired.

Along the way, he felt the reproach from his heart, worried that Shi Qing would catch up with him, and at the same time he had to guard against the nearby Zerg. He was nervous almost every second when he was awake.

He can persist until the base has not fallen down, relying on his strong will power, and then there is the rosemary given by Shiqing every night to cure his fatigue.

Only the physical fatigue can be cured, but the mental fatigue needs his own adjustment.

If Shiqing didn't appear, Yin Mingzheng would only bear it in silence and act as if nothing had happened.

But his little prince appeared.

Like a little leopard who never gives up if he doesn't achieve his goal, he pours into his arms with a full body of confusion.

Before he reacts, the little leopard sucks his clothes and moans wrongly. Instead of blaming the prey for running away, he is still full of dependence.

It has to be said that at this moment, Yin Mingzheng felt more guilty, but at the same time, he felt a great sense of satisfaction.

This night, like a dragon, he circled his treasure and had a beautiful sleep.

Before going to bed, Yin Mingzheng made a decision.

Since Shiqing gave up the spaceship and came to him, he must protect him.

It was for his sake that Shi Qing had his weakness, which was his responsibility.

At the same time, Yin Mingzheng remembers the promise he made last night, and his memory begins to return. He closes his eyes and thinks about Shiqing's weak and timid appearance yesterday, and his heart rises with pity.

Poor little guy, he must be scared when he left the ship for the first time.

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He's just a baby of tens of thousands of years old.

Yin Mingzheng decided to spare time today to comfort Shi Qing so that he would not be so afraid. When he made a decision, he was about to open his eyes and suddenly felt something was wrong with him.

Feeling the familiar warmth and coolness, Yin Ming Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

Then, saw is diligently diligently diligently with the spare parts exploration research time Qing.

As if feeling the man's eyes, the young man looked up excitedly and said, "you wake up."

"Come on, let's go."

Human hero:.... "

Under the sight of full of expectation, the man sat up.

It took an hour.

An hour later, Shi Qing, who was satisfied with her feet, regained her lovely and soft appearance. She was lying on the head of the bed with a pair of slightly round eyes and curious about the things on the bedside table.

Seeing the young boy holding the glass cup on the bedside table curiously looked up and down, Yin Mingzheng rarely gave a dry cough.

"Is this a Ming Zheng? What is it? "

Sure enough, Shi Qing, like a curious baby, quickly turned around and asked.

Yin Mingzheng's face was a little uncomfortable, but she still replied: "it's the trophy I used to participate in the competition."

In peacetime, he was just a good-looking and gentle ordinary man. His parents took him to participate in the competition when he was a teenager. Later, his parents died in a car accident. Yin Mingzheng took the trophy as a sustenance. Even if the Zerg invade later, human beings did not forget to take it with him when they evacuated.

It's a bit silly, though, to keep your teenage trophies.

Fortunately, Shiqing is an alien and should not understand this.

Time Qing if thoughtful holding the cup and looked at it before putting it back.

This cup is made of glass. After so many things, Yin Mingzheng can protect it so well. You can imagine how much he attaches to it.

When the alien teenager was like a curious little dog who had just moved to his new home, he tumbled around the house and turned over all the things that had been put in the house by Yin Mingzheng, and then he was satisfied to lie back on the bed with a look of ease."It's all about the Ming Zheng."

Although he knew that Shi Qing was simply talking about the taste, Yin Mingzheng, an old driver who was no longer pure, flashed some pictures that were not in line with the values of a harmonious society.

The human hero tried to get his mind back to normal and began to ask, "Shiqing, how did you leave the spaceship? Do you want to go back?"

"Of course, I'm here to take Mingzheng back."

Shi Qing answered happily.

Yin Ming Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng, and then his eyes were stained with bitterness, "that What if I'm not going back? "

The alien youth looked back at him blankly, a pair of silver white eyes were stunned, as if abandoned in general, so fixed to look at the man did not speak.

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Finally, Yin Mingzheng couldn't stand his gaze and asked, "if you want, Shiqing, you can stay in the base and live with me."

When Qing eyes flash, but soon, and stubborn arrogant head up: "mechanical race will not help other races."

"I don't need your help."

Obviously, the atmosphere is very heavy, but you can see the young man's action. The man is still amused. He simply stretched out his long arm and put the man in his arms. His voice was soft: "you have been trapped in the spaceship, don't you want to see what the outside world looks like? Stay. You don't have to do anything. Just live well. "

"I know you're afraid I'll take you away. Forget it. You're my partner. I'll let you."

The alien youth played like a fool, humming and hawing in Yin Ming Zheng's arms, and in his beautiful eyes, he also took a firm determination: "the intelligent brain can't make mistakes."

He vented his resentment in the man's arms and rolled, muttering in a low voice: "I'll be here with you reluctantly. When you are betrayed by human beings, you will go back with me."

Yin Mingzheng's eyes are dark.

Before that, he only wanted to guard the base, and never doubted that some people in the base would want to attack him.

Now, even if he knew it, he didn't want to shrink back.

If there is a hard rock in the way, kick it away.

If there is a villain in the way, kill it.

He died once, anyway.

The man bowed his head and looked at the boy rolling in his arms. He stretched out his hand and touched his small head. "OK, we'll wait and see."

Why do I always think he treats me as a child? Isn't repulsion down? ]

after reading the Tao Te Ching for an hour, the system bubbled, the voice was soft, and the tone was flattering: [yes, it was reduced to 40 Oh host. According to the regulations of the universe exclusion degree, more than 50 is the standard exclusion, and below 50 is the normal rejection. At present, the 40 degree of rejection of Yin Mingzheng to the host shows that he is friendly to you but not intimate with each other, Otherwise, in case there is something, he will rub up and go back. ]

Shi Qing was affected by the tender tone of the system.

What's the matter with your voice? Change back. ]

system confusion: [does the host not like it? This is the first time that the host has reduced the rejection level to 50. I will give you a reward. ]

[change, change back! ]

the system committee has changed its grievances.

Shi Qingwo was in the arms of Yin Ming Zheng, playing with his cuffs.

I didn't expect that Yin Mingzheng seemed to be obedient to him, and his eyes were gentle enough to drip out of the water. He didn't really regard him as a lover in his heart.

Generally speaking, such a man is either slag or flower.

But Yin Ming Zheng is obviously neither.

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He is simply responsible.

However, when something happens, if his guilt and responsibility are overburdened, his rejection will still rise.

So it's still a strategy game.

When the system is afraid, the pressure of clearing is high, and he comforts: "don't be afraid of the host. Generally speaking, the rejection rate is very difficult to rise ]

just as he was saying this, he suddenly remembered the scene of Yin Ming Zheng's soaring rejection degree last time, and he suddenly got stuck.

Shi Qing didn't feel the pressure at all. He was very excited to dive into the arms of Yin Ming Zheng, and almost did not laugh.

[exciting, I like it! ]Under the protection of Yin Mingzheng, a human hero with great prestige in the base, Shi Qingshun settled down in the base.

His daily routine is to drink tea, watch TV dramas, go shopping hand in hand, and then have a serious human and mechanical ethnic communication with Yin Mingzheng.

After seeing the rejection rate drop to 40 and no longer worry about being thrown out by the world consciousness all the time, the system is elated. Even in the face of a full mosaic every day, the system can read the Tao Te Ching very happily.

Shiqing is undoubtedly very popular in the ranks of the powers.

In today's world, capable powers fight to defend the base. Even teenagers are wearing frost and look like adults.Civilians are even more miserable. They are trapped in the base every day, numb and tired. When the Zerg attack, they can only shiver and hide in the house waiting for rescue.

In such a situation, Shiqing, who is so delicate and soft, can speak sweet and coquettish, but does not hinder others (he only interferes with Yin Ming Zheng), is of course very popular.

In particular, he is still the heart of Yin Ming Zheng treasure, even for the sake of Yin Ming Zheng, these powers also want to hold him in the palm of his hand carefully.

What's more, on the second day after arriving at the base, the little prince, who had been wandering around for a while, happily ran into Yin Mingzheng's arms and announced to him:

"I also want to have powers!"

The man skillfully held him in his arms, while helping him to arrange his hair, which was a little messy because of his excitement, while laughing and coaxing: "the power is not something that exists."

"I can have it. My body now has human construction. I can also have powers if I want to!"

Yin Mingzheng was stunned, but he didn't expect it.

But when he asked Shiqu Qing before, Shiqing refused to call on humanoid machines. He was so silly to stay in the base with the human body full of weak points, and he was well protected by Yin Mingzheng.

At a certain time, the Qing Dynasty attracted the worry that the machinery would take him away if he was not satisfied. Yin Mingzheng also obeyed him and said nothing more.

It's just that when I go out to do tasks, I'm not as secure as before.

It's like a person who has lived alone for a long time, and has a baby cat that hasn't been weaned at home.

The baby cat is too small, soft and tender. It has not been weaned. It can only crawl. Its voice is small and delicate. It can't live without being fed.

How can I put it down in my heart? I have to think about what the baby cat is doing at home. Is she hungry? Is she afraid.

Now when he learned that Shi qingneng had powers, Yin Mingzheng was relieved. He held the young boy in his arms and asked him, "can you control any powers by yourself?"

"Yes, I can change my internal molecular structure to match the amount of air power in the planet."

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Although it sounds like a little bit of pulling, but fortunately, Yin Ming Zheng has been used to this kind of sounds very loud, but it is very real words.

He thought for a moment and said, "you can use the thunder power. This is the most powerful, and you can also protect yourself by the thunder in the sky."


Shi Qing refused.

Yin Mingzheng coaxed him patiently: "good, now is not a capricious time, I usually outside, sometimes can't protect you."

"I want to cure the system."

The little prince raised his head and put his hand on the man's heart.

"I want to protect you, too."

Yin Ming Zheng was stunned.

In many people's eyes, he is a human hero.

He is the God of war.

It's the hope of the Zerg again.

But this is the first time, someone said to protect him.

The palpitation in the heart passed, and Yin Mingzheng calmed down, "no, you have to confirm your safety first!"

When Qing didn't listen to him at all, he jumped down from his arms skillfully and said, "you come after me! If I catch up with you, I won't listen to you. "

The back of the little prince Sahuan is in front of the man.

Yin Mingzheng looks at him from time to time and looks back at his small appearance, but the corners of his lips are helpless. How could such a little fool give up his own safety and still want to protect others.

He smiles, but his eyes are full of tenderness:

"really, little fool."

The author has something to say: ah, I can't control the number of words

changed the cover!! I love the dog on the cover, ferocious

I tell you, I really don't abuse this book, I really do, but I'm very moral. If you don't abuse, you won't be abused!

Of course, I mean it doesn't look like the one in the first two.

A random number of little angels send red envelopes, and moocho

sends out red envelopes

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