Yin Mingzheng only returned to the base for three days, and all the ordinary people's spiritual appearance in the whole base was completely different from before.

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The most significant change is that everyone has a smile on their numb faces.

Especially in Shiqing, the little guy who was brought back by Yin Ming Zheng and had the healing ability most liked to do was to slip into the street and play around.

There is always no shortage of people to set up stalls in the outer city where civilians live. Most of them are things that Zerg didn't fight for and some craftsmen made things to support their families after they moved into the base.

They often have defects in their bodies. They are either weak enough to repair the city walls, or they can't join the convoy to earn money because of lack of arms and legs, so they can only find ways to do other things to survive.

Before the time came, these things were always hard to sell.

Originally, the stomach will not be full, who cares about these things.

But Shi Qing likes these things very much, such as grasshoppers made of grass, baskets made of branches, and game machines that are backward in his view before the end of the world.

The mouth arrogantly said "you human technology is not developed", but the body is very honest to buy everywhere, like a small hamster trying to grain, can buy a pile of strange and various kinds of gadgets every day.

Yin Mingzheng's not so small room even set aside a compartment for him to put Shiqing's baby.

And when all civilians welcome him, it's not only because of his generosity, but also because of his healing powers.

Although Shi Qing was brought back by Yin Mingzheng, he didn't join his team of powers and didn't have to go to the battlefield. The healing ability has appeared up to now. He either treats Yin Mingzheng's wounds or uses his own abilities to offset the cost of buying things on the way to buying.

In the eyes of many people, he is suffering a lot.

That's a cure system!

Even if it's a team of the most powerful powers in the base, there's only one healing power.

Moreover, because of his limited powers, he only served the generals and soldiers, and the civilians could not even see him.

But Shiqing appeared.

This little guy with a natural, harmless and beautiful face walked down the road in the outer city with a clean smile. When a peddler boldly asked if he could help treat his child, he nodded happily.

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At this moment, standing in front of the cured child, Shiqing seemed like a God in many people's eyes.

Soon, someone from the upper level of the base came to Yan Mingzheng and said something to Yin Mingzheng, suggesting that he should take care of Shiqing, and that the power should have the appearance of a power. How can we waste rare healing powers to treat some civilians who have not made much contribution to the base. Powerful healing powers like Shiqing should serve to help all mankind.

If it was before, Yin Mingzheng would agree.

He used to be such a sincere and stupid person. As long as someone said that it would be good for everyone, he would rather give up his own interests.

But now, Yin Mingzheng saw the ending given by zhinao.

He changed quietly.

After he came back, the upper layer of the base immediately sent the high-level corpse that had attacked him and sent him to the spaceship, along with the soldiers who flew the plane.

Yin Mingzheng smiles at them just as she once did, expressing her forgiveness.

Looking at the relief of those people, Yin Mingzheng still just laughed.

He was not blind, and the position of the person who attacked him was not very high, and no one told him. How dare this man do to Yin Ming Zheng.

He forgave the men because they were dead.

But the rest of the people, Yin Mingzheng, had them in mind.

He himself suffered losses from these people. How could he be willing to let Shiqing become the knife in their hands.

At least before Yin Ming Zheng took power, Shiqing must be under his wing.

So, Yin Mingzheng heard the movement of the young LADA running around, with an apologetic smile: "the Qing Dynasty is young, and has no combat experience, I do not intend to let him participate in the campaign."

The visitor's face immediately showed the expression "the original human hero will spoil a person like this".

But looked at the lovely nest in the man's arms, curiously opened a pair of silver eyes to look at the beautiful youth, he praised in his heart.

There are a lot of beautiful people, but like Shi Qing, it seems that you can see the end at a glance. There is absolutely no second person in the base who is as pure as an elf.

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No wonder people like Yin Mingzheng would take care of him.

However, the more he protected Shiqing, the more vulnerable he was.

The man who came to test Yin Mingzheng left. Shiqing looked at his back curiously from the man's arms, "Mingzheng, who is he?"

"Unimportant people."

Yin Mingzheng closed the door and ordered the little guy who was not willing to pick up the door. He said with a smile, "you are more popular in the base than I am now."

The alien teenager smiles with pride.The man also wanted to tell him to be careful when he was playing outside. Now the base's top management seems to be happy with his return, but in fact, the undercurrent is turbulent. Shi Qing, as the person who came back with him, naturally has thousands of pairs of eyes watching. Naturally, he should pay attention to it all the time and don't be caught by others.

But when he looked up at him with joy and joy, Yin Mingzheng couldn't say it again.

Shiqing was originally well on board the spaceship and was guarded by hundreds of millions of humanoid machines.

But it is because of his selfishness that he cheated Shiqing into being in the base, and he also acquiesced that Shiqing, who is only human body, doesn't call for human like mechanical protection.

This is his fault. Why should he restrain the innocent Shi Qing.

Forget it, or spread some rumors in the base, it's not good to bully the bad tempered rumors, so as to avoid some short-sighted recruit him.

Yin Mingzheng swallowed the words that reached her throat. She only laughed at the boy's indulgence and told her, "when you go out to play, remember to call in a few people in the team. Some of them are about the same age as you, and they are just relaxing."


Shi Qing responded happily and saw Yin Mingzheng turn to make the bed. He was eager to sneak in from behind. Relying on his own weight of several tons, he almost fainted the man.

As soon as Yin Ming Zheng recovered from the darkness, the voice of a teenager's urging sounded in his ear:

"go on the program!"

He can only reluctantly turn around, will be like a little leopard bite prey the same youth circle in the arms.

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Such a silly little thing.

But how can he rest assured.

General Zhao came back from the meeting with a very ugly face.

As soon as I got home, I saw my daughter coming back from shopping. The expression on her face suddenly became even worse: "I'll let you have a good relationship with Yin Mingzheng and pull him to our side. You'd better, you know how to buy things every day!"

"I don't want Yin Mingzheng to follow me, OK? He likes men. What can I do? Dad, you haven't seen it. He's spoiling that wild boy who doesn't know where he comes from

Zhao Miaomiao's face also pulled down, "I'm so upside down. Yin Mingzheng just ignores me. What can I do?"

General Zhao snorted coldly: "well, you can go shopping. When Yin Ming Zheng's reputation is getting more and more popular, you can sit at the top of the base. According to the temperament and character of the lower class in his eyes, there is no better life for us father and daughter."

With that, he turned around with a cold face and left, leaving Zhao Miaomiao stamping his feet in the original atmosphere.

Her friends did not expect to meet father and daughter quarrel, embarrassed for a while, whispered comfort: "wonderful, you don't feel sad, is not just a wild boy, general Yin is just a fresh, fresh after the good."


She actively gave advice: "general Yin hated that someone would bully others. You do this..."

The next day, Yin Mingzheng went out to inspect the outside of the base to clean up the Zerg, so he went shopping with a small basket.

As a result, just walked to the opposite side of the street today, a man dressed in dirty clothes rushed over from nowhere and kowtowed to Shiqing desperately:

"young master, I dare not accept your money any more. Please let me go. My family can't make it now."

He is a big man, crying, listening to sad, see tears, it is tragic.

Then, without waiting for Shi Qing to speak, he automatically and spontaneously told a story in his cry that "Shiqing bullied others to buy his things and didn't want to give money. He didn't want to ask for money. As a result, Shiqing ordered people to take all the things from his family.".

Shi Qing: [ ]I really doubt Miss Zhao's IQ. ]

when Cao Cao arrived, Zhao Miaomiao, dressed in white and with a holy face, came over with his mouth covered.

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"What is this? Don't cry, Shiqing. You should apologize to humanity. "

The man saw that someone was coming, and his mouth was dirty and scolded at the young man immediately.

Zhao Miaomiao saw this and took a dim look at Shi Qing.

As far as she knew, this wild boy was held in the palm of Yin Ming Zheng's hand. It was said that if he was not satisfied, he would play tricks on others. Even Yin Mingzheng couldn't help him. When they quarreled, they were beaten by Yin Mingzheng several times.

Can Shi Qing endure this injustice?

Come on.

It's good to make a scene.

As long as Shi Qing started to make trouble and the civilian was killed again, it would be difficult to turn over the story.

Although this method is simple and crude, Shi Qing's character in the outside world is really simple (fool) naive (easy to cheat) and easily irritated.

She looked forward to Shi Qing, waiting for him to get angry.

In full view of the public, it is widely rumored that the young boy who has a big temper and can not be wronged takes a step back.

-- wow, Wei was wronged and cried.Zhao Miaomiao, who was waiting for his youth to get angry:.... "

She turned around again and found that the people around her looked at her with condemnation in their eyes.

Zhao Miaomiao once again said:

It's a little different from what she thought.

The author has something to say: let me make it clear that up to now, Dayan and shixiaoqing have not really been in harmony. They are just greasy and crooked.

And, the update time has been changed to around 9:00 p.m!

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