Lack of love.

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Naturally, Tan Mingjin knew the meaning of the word, but he never thought that Qing Hui lacked love.

After all, in his impression, most of the children were not easy to worry about from childhood. He began to bully his classmates in primary school, and still bullied his classmates in junior high school. When he got to university, he even learned to run to the entertainment industry to prescribe medicine to female stars.

Tan Mingjin is a self-control and slightly conservative person, and Shi Qing's behavior is simply stepping on his thunder point and dancing.

Or the pole dance.

He had been very busy before. As a self-made rich generation, he had too many things to follow up and didn't get along with Shiqing much.

At the beginning, Tan Mingjin would feel guilty and wonder if she should accompany the child more. But every time he asked to stay with him, he would be able to pull the face of the other side and mutter something like "if my uncle is here, my friends will be uncomfortable when they come".

How can tan Mingjin stay after all of them are detested.

The older he was, the more unfamiliar he was with the child.

It seems that Shiqing doesn't need any care from him. What he needs is just that Tan Mingjin will pay money regularly every month to settle everything for him, so that he can have face among his friends.

All his care for each other would be taken as meddling.

Tan Mingjin almost can't remember the details of Shiqing from childhood to adulthood. She only remembers that he was loathed and superfluous, and that he had been called to school countless times to deal with the mess left by Qing.

However, no matter what he did wrong, the child raised by him always stuck his neck and yelled at him:

"grandma wants you to take care of me! Isn't it normal for you to do this? "

But now, the child is still that stubborn appearance. Maybe he saw that Tan Mingjin had been looking at himself. He turned his face and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand to make sure that there was no tear left. Then he roared:

"what are you looking at?"

With a face full of ferocity, he kept the time clear. ]

this is the first time that the system has heard this kind of words from the host and immediately panicked: [what's wrong with the host? Is the world difficult? ]

Shi Qing: [it's not difficult to complete the task, but it's a little difficult to maintain the staffing while asking Tan Mingjin to change her outlook on me. ]

after all, he is a man of the world. When facing Tan Mingjin, he has never been obedient.

System: [ ]

Why do you always feel that you can't keep up with the brain circuits of the host.

Shi Qing: [here, open the mall. I want to pick a prop. ]

the system is excited, even stuttering:

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[host of host)!!! Are you finally going to pick a prop!! Great, I'll open it for you!! ]

except for the first world, it hasn't seen the main props for the night.

After picking the props quickly, Shiqing lifted his chin happily:

"you promised my grandmother would take care of me!"

"Now you want to drive me out of the tan family and find a woman to have children. Is that how you take care of me?"

Just like Tan Mingjin's soft words, Miss Zhao left, the young master restored the prototype.

Even worse than before.

The handsome man frowned, and his soft heart recovered.

Sometimes he really doesn't understand Shiqing.

How can this kid be so annoying.

He felt that he really should have a good talk with Shi Qing.

As she was free today and the place was just right, Tan Mingjin simply turned back and sat in her original position:

"OK, you want me to take care of you, so I ask you, how can I take care of you?"

The young man with a face full of ferocity was stunned by the question, but soon he was right and strong: "my father died for grandma Liu."

Tan Mingjin's face was expressionless: "at that time, the people sitting on the bus were all dead. Your father did block for my mother, but even if not, he sat in that position, still could not leave his life."

Seeing Shiqing choked by what he said, his face was full of defiance, and he wanted to argue and didn't know how to argue. The man took a deep breath and rubbed his eyebrows:

"Shi Qing, no one owes you. At that time, even if I let you go to the orphanage, no one could say anything to me. I took you to my side and raised you up It's because of my friendship with your father. "

"I don't owe you, even if I really owe you, I haven't had enough for 18 years? You blame me for being too strict with you, but even if you know something a little bit and know how to improve your study, don't always make trouble... "

Before Tan Mingjin finished speaking, the youth had already snatched the words first. His clear and clear voice revealed his vicious words:

"what's causing trouble? Don't you think I robbed your woman? That Cheng Yunling, I knew for a long time that you took a fancy to her. What kind of good thing do you think she is? She looks like a fox——Bang!

Tan Mingjin took back her fist on the table, stood up slowly and looked at the young man who seemed to be frightened by him. The magnetic voice was cold and frightening:

"I said, I have nothing to do with her."

When Qing chuckles, disdain to lift chin: "it doesn't matter, you help her."

"Anyone who sees that situation will help her. Shi Qing, you are too much this time."

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The young man soon recovered, disdaining: "what are you pretending to be blind? Every time her face is shown on TV, you watch it all the time. This time you scold me because you think I robbed your woman? Usually it sounds good and regards me as my own child. In fact, I'm not as good as a woman who comes out of nowhere

It doesn't make sense.

It doesn't make sense.

Tan Mingjin itself is not a person who can get along with children, and he can't understand why there is no sense of shame at all.

He caught a girl in such a mean way, but he was still able to be so reasonable and forceful.

He took a deep breath and vomited it out again. It was more tiring to communicate with Shiqing than to work overtime for two days and a night.

Forget it. We can't communicate.

Tan Mingjin just flew back yesterday, and the jet lag didn't come back. She really had no energy and no mood to talk about it any more.

He pinched his eyebrows and his voice was a little hoarse:

"I know that a school in M state-owned is well managed. Since you are not well-off in China, I will arrange you to go abroad."

"I'll send you abroad by next week."

"I don't want it!"

"You don't want to drive me away, I won't go!"

Tan Mingjin's patience has been completely exhausted. He directly took out his mobile phone to call his secretary and said, "I'll send you a short message about the name of the university next Monday, and deal with it as soon as possible."

"I said I don't want it!"

The angry voice of the young man behind her, Tan Mingjin, when she did not hear it, turned her back to Shiqing and continued: "yes, there is no need to arrange accommodation. He lives directly in school."

"Tan Mingjin


"Hum, hum..."

The thin weak cry sounded, full of helplessness and fear.

Tan Mingjin is talking in a voice.

Did Shiqing cry again?

Crying so pathetic?

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That's what scares the kids.

Secretary on the phone: "Mr. tan?"

"That's all for the time being. Deal with it first."

Tan Mingjin said briefly, hanging up the phone, while putting the phone back, while wringing eyebrows, a serious face turned: "no cry..."

His words froze after seeing the scene in front of him.

Shi Qingzheng was puzzled and looked at him defiantly: "who are you talking about! I'm not crying

In the eyes of Tan Mingjin, the young man is sitting on his left shoulder with a slight weakness.

as like as two peas, what is the same as clothes, hairstyles and looks, but the overall proportion is reduced to the size of the palm.

His eyes are bursting with tears, and his delicate little hand wiped the corners of his eyes, and looked up carefully. His lovely face showed a little guilty.

Tan Mingjin:

He looked at Shiqing and then at villains.

Look at the villain, and then look at Shiqing.

The man stretched out his hand without expression and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm talking to you! Why ignore me

Because he didn't pay attention to himself, his face was full of anger and his tone was very bad.

The villain on his shoulder also stood up in anger, staring at Tan Mingjin angrily. He stomped his feet and stuck it in his waist. With his bright red mouth, he developed a babbling voice. Although he could not understand, his tone seemed to be scolding him.

Even if you rub your eyes, you can see the villain's Tan Mingjin

Is it too much work pressure?

He wrung his eyebrows and stepped forward, reaching directly to the villain.

Obviously fell on the body of the villain, but as if touched the air, the man's slender big hand can only reach the nephew's shoulder.

Soft, some thin and weak, not as hard as Shi Qing.

Tan Mingjin can feel that, with his touch, the youth's whole body is frozen, he stares round eyes, as if Tan Mingjin is something frightening creature staring at him: "uncle, uncle, what are you doing?"

Tan Mingjin saw his appearance of hiding behind, and was in a bad mood. He said in a deep voice, "what can I do?"

Sure enough, Shi Qing rejected him.

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Is thinking, the man slightly droops the eye, the line of sight fell on that small person body.

Qingzheng covers her white cheek with her two small hands. She jumps on her shoulder happily and laughs happily when she steps on her feet.When he put his hand down, Tan Mingjin found that when trumpet Qingqing's face had been completely red, a pair of beautiful and moist eyes seemed to be full of shyness, and looked at him with a little hope and opened his arms.

This is You want him to hold him?

The man went to see Shiqing again, because the little man's red face, subconsciously also looked at the face of Shiqing.

Actually also red, although only a thin layer, do not pay attention to simply can not see.

He looked at the red earlobe of the villain, and then went to see Shi Qing.

As expected, it is also popular.

Tan Mingjin hesitated do not know how to do, where does this villain come from? Why and when Qing looks the same, and why suddenly appear, how never seen before, a series of problems full of his brain, make him always stand to wriggle eyebrows.

"I don't know why!"

The young man seemed to shake off his uncle's hand and snorted coldly: "anyway, I will not go abroad. I decided to Ah

He tripped and fell straight to the ground.

Tan Mingjin subconsciously turns around and finds that shiqingzheng is twisting her eyebrows and looking at her right ankle. In the end, she is her own child. She puts aside her other thoughts for a while, and reaches forward to help her up, but she turns around and dodges.

"I can do it myself."

Maybe she didn't want to let Tan Mingjin look down on her. The young man raised her face, and her beautiful face was full of disdain:

"what are you looking at? Do you think I will cry like a little fart child?"

Tan Mingjin:

He cleared his shoulders as he looked.

Hour Qingzheng sat on his shoulder with his little fat feet in his arms, whirring while blowing. A lovely white face was soaked with tears within seconds.

While crying, Xiaoqing took time to open her arms to tan Mingjin, her red eyes were pathetic, and she begged for hugs.

Tan Mingjin:

The man looks at the hard standing up with the time, the earlobe that has not faded red, and with the action of standing up and pain to frown, the eyes are not aware of the red details.

A bold guess arose in his mind.

The hour Qing sitting on the shoulder of Shiqing represents the real thought of Shiqing's heart?

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