When Qing hard to support the wall to change to stand up, during this period eyebrows have been tightly wrinkled, as if very impatient.

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"Hum, hum..."

On the shoulder of the hour Qing but cry more loud, his voice is small and weak, revealing a share of pity, a sound of a sob, when Qing every move, his choking sound is increased.

Pathetic. It seems that I have been wronged.

Tan Mingjin really can't listen to it. She takes a step forward and holds Shi Qing. Regardless of his struggle after a second of immobilization, she forcibly holds people to the sofa.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

By the youth very does not cooperate to throw away the hand, Tan Mingjin's heart rises a anger.

Anyone who is kind enough to help will get angry.

But as soon as his face was cold, he could see that he was not crying when he was young. The little hand on his left rubbed his eyes, and the small hand on the right opened to him for a hug.

The anger in the man's heart was extinguished by this gesture.

When he went to see Shi Qing again, he saw that the rebellious young man's ear tip turned red again. Although he turned away from his face, he did not want to look at him with disdain, but his eyes and eyes were drifting carefully.

Tan Mingjin was silent for a few seconds. She knelt on one knee and half in front of the sofa, stretched out her hand, and landed on the delicate ankle of the youth precisely.

"Do what you do, what you do!"

The ankles of his men suddenly froze, and from above came the voice of the young man's exasperation.

Tan Mingjin raised her eyes and looked at the hour Qingzheng covering her red half face. There were tears in her eyes, but she didn't cry any more. Instead, she buried her face in her small hands with a strong sense of shyness.

Tan Mingjin looked at his shyness to no avail. His eyes softened a little. He held out his other hand, long and big, and cleared his ankle with one hand. The other hand was slowly and gently forced.

"What are you doing, don't you hear me Hiss

Listening to the pain of the youth above, the half kneeling man raised his eyes slightly and asked in a deep voice, "does it hurt here?"

"Where do I need you to Ah, ah, ah, ah, it hurts

Tan Mingjin dropped the hand that fell on the other side's pain to another place. While listening to Shi Qing's painful cry, while listening to the hour Qing sitting on his shoulder, he was crying again and said:

"OK, you're OK, just a cold compress."

As soon as his conclusion was drawn, the hour was clear, and the hour was not howling.

Tan Mingjin this just carefully when Qing's ankle put down, stood up.

Before the Qing Dynasty did not pay attention to, Tan Mingjin is very tall, before half kneeling, now suddenly stand up, the body that bullying momentum immediately showed.

It's fascinating.

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He shut up and didn't speak. He just looked at Tan Mingjin as if he had been scared.

as like as two peas in Tan Mingjin's eyes, the same person looks like the owner at the moment. He looks at himself with the same expression and looks at himself with a silly face.

This scene inexplicably makes Tan Mingjin want to laugh.

He asked Shi Qing, "what do you think I do?"

The young man didn't respond to him for a few seconds. When he realized what his uncle was asking, he looked at Tan Mingjin hesitantly for several times, and then he asked:

"you can't tell. My foot still hurts. I'd better go to the hospital."

"Don't worry."

Tan Mingjin rarely can hear, when Qing speaks with him in a normal tone, and her tone is slightly soft.

"Just now it hurts. I'll have a good sleep today and I'll be fine tomorrow. If you don't believe it, you can get up and take two steps."

The young man looked at him in disbelief, and slowly stood up with the sofa.

The shoulder of the hour Qing is also careful, a look to tan Mingjin, as if to find from his face the evidence of "no pain".

The young man's feet fell to the ground and walked two steps tentatively. As expected, the pain did not hurt. His face first showed his ease, and his smile did not bloom. When he turned his eyes, he saw Tan Mingjin beside him and immediately stopped laughing.

Tan Mingjin: "how about it? Is it not painful? "

"Blind cat meets dead mouse," he said

The little man on his shoulder was very happy. He sat down with his little hand and looked at him. He looked up and looked up at Tan Mingjin. His lovely face was full of adoration and yearning.

The child

Tan Mingjin was adored by the hour Qing line of sight in the heart of a soft, the smile of the corner of the lip also bigger.

He even patted Shiqing on the shoulder (a little distance away from the hour) and said with a little smile:

"you child, you don't understand these normal things. When you were not born, every time your father was injured, I came to deal with it. I have rich experience."

Tan Mingjin said, looking at the tall and handsome young man in front of her, she sighed a little more:"In a flash, you're so big."

Maybe it's all too magical to see today, and Tan Mingjin's weird heart calms down.

He believes that now is the best time to talk to each other.

The man tries to make his face as pleasant as possible, and decides to say a good word or two first:

"I know that you are too old. It's normal for young people to want a girlfriend. My uncle doesn't want you to fall in love. As long as you chase girls with proper means, I won't say much if you bring them to me."

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Imagine, a parent, talking to a child who has just had a relationship with a man and a woman; you can fall in love, I don't care about you.

The child's reaction must have been very happy.

Tan Mingjin was preparing to continue to speak while Qingqing was happy, when she heard the young man coldly reply:


Tan Mingjin:

As he watched, the expression on his face was cold at the speed visible to the naked eye, and even a little angry.

This kid, what happened.

It wasn't good just now.

Shi Qing's tone was hard: "I'm going to the set this afternoon to see people filming. I'll go first. Goodbye, uncle."

With that, the young man strode past Tan Mingjin with a cold face. When he passed by, the hour on his shoulder was still full of anger, and he clenched his fist at Tan Mingjin and said "hum!" There was a sound.

This time it was louder than when I was crying.

Tan Mingjin:

The handsome, very young looking parents stood there for a few seconds without thinking about it.

Good end, when Qing how suddenly changed face.

Even Xiaoqing on his shoulder changed his face.

This is really

The man was tired and puzzled and rubbed his eyebrows.

When I was young, I could feel his face clearly.

The sudden change of face really made him a little bit unresponsive.

Tan Mingjin is entangled in thinking about what is going on, suddenly fell in the center of the white slender hand a stiff.

No, why does he want to think about it.

He should see an eye doctor now.

Thinking, the man put down his hand without expression.

Maybe the psychiatry department should take a look.

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At the time of "seeing a doctor" in Tan Mingjin hospital, Shi Qing had already arrived on the set.

He looked down at his watch. Seeing that there was enough time, he was not in a hurry again.

Shiqing is very special on the set.

It's something special that you can see at a glance.

After all, he is neither a staff member nor an actor. If he really wants to say something, he is at most an investor.

But it is such a young master who should not appear in the crew, but he is particularly justifiable to wander around in the crew.

He even called people to buy milk tea and invite the whole crew to drink it.

It's rich and boring.

On the surface of the crew, they thank each other less, but behind their backs they all beep.

"What is he doing here?"

"It seems that I have a crush on Mr. Cheng Yunling. I'm catching up with him recently."

"Tut Tut, scum man, he was chasing Susan last time."

"Shhh, you should be quiet. When you are short of temper, you have enough background. If you let him hear it, be careful that he will punish you."

When Qing was holding a fruit juice to drink, he saw that there were several staff members gathered together not far away, whistling.

It must be speaking ill of me. ]

the system is dedicated to running out: [the original owner had a bad temper before, and many people didn't like him. ]

this is also normal.

Shiqing was not a member of their crew, nor an artist. Somehow, he ran over to be a master. When he was upset, he immediately turned his face. Who could look at him.

Shiqing didn't take it seriously. He was drinking. He saw Cheng Yunling coming in from the door, followed by an assistant.

Seeing him, both of them have a ghost expression.

When the young master threw the juice into the garbage can and walked over with his eyebrows.

Cheng Yunling face is white, subconsciously back, when Qing even dare to do medicine, she is afraid.

The assistant is a face like an enemy, the hen protects the chick as carefully as she protects her behind her.

"It's OK. Don't be afraid. It's public. He doesn't dare to do anything to you."

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Cheng Yunling nodded with a white face.

Under the sight of a little panic, Shi Qing finally came to them.

He raised his chin slightly. "Did you eat it?"

The two men who were nervous about preparing for the enemy were as follows:

Seeing that they didn't answer, he gave a little Tut and turned his lips uninteresting. "Cheng Yunling, what are you hiding? Come out and I'll tell you something."Cheng Yunling; "

It's stupid to go out.

When he didn't come out, he shrugged and said, "OK, I'll tell you that yesterday's medicine was not really under my control."

Cheng Yunling was silent.

"Do you believe me?" asked the young man, who was also quite good-looking

Cheng Yunling wanted to say I didn't believe it, but she didn't dare, so she could only fight with silence.

When Qing and her four eyes opposite, she tensely pursed her lips, breathing a little dare not, but there is a stubborn heart.

Even if Shi Qing puts pressure on her like this, she will never speak.

Three seconds later, when she was staring at her, she raised her eyebrows and said, "you just trust me."

Cheng Yunling:

Cheng Yunling: "when will I..."

Shi Qing: "you wait, I'll make a call."

She watched as the eldest young master said to himself and took out his mobile phone: "Hello, uncle, I've come to meet Cheng Yunling. She also believes that I didn't prescribe medicine. Yes, my eyes are very sincere."

"Medicine, am I such a dirty man?"

Hang up the phone, the eldest young master put the mobile phone back, yawned, and looked at Cheng Yunling with a straight face: "you see, it would have been better if you had admitted to believe me."

Cheng Yunling:

She didn't resist: "when did I admit that I believe you, that medicine is clearly you..."


"The weather is good, I go to the reclining chair to have a rest."

He waved to Cheng Yunling.

"Thank you for believing me."

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