Cheng Yunling is about to be angry with Shi Qing's attitude.

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But the eldest young master is thick skinned. Even if she wants to stare out her eyes, Shiqing is still unaffected. She lies on the couch, not knowing how carefree she is.

Cheng Yun is very smart.

How could this man be so cheeky? He did it clearly, and he was so righteous.

Assistant advised her: "bear with it, he has background, and you told me that his uncle promised not to let him do anything to you again?"

Speaking of this matter, Cheng Yunling can be regarded as Qi Shun.


That's right!

What is she afraid of? When Mr. Tan is around, is it not because he is Mr. Tan's nephew?

Mr. Tan has spoken. What else does he dare to do?

Although, Cheng Yunling is still a little afraid of what Shiqing will do to her. Even if Mr. Tan punishes Shi Qing later, the damage has also been caused.

Think about if you were caught up by Shi Qing last night

Cheng Yunling hit a thrill, she took a deep breath: "Sister Zhang, help me to prepare the makeup remover."

Although she has a good foundation, there is a big difference between make-up and no make-up. Moreover, she shaved her eyebrows in order to shoot the play. Once she removed her makeup, she didn't have eyebrows at all, so she didn't believe that Qing could still go down her mouth.

Just then, a beautiful woman came to her face. Seeing her, she gave a warm smile: "is Yunling coming? I asked you for breakfast in the morning. Why didn't you go there

See her, Cheng Yunling heart is a block.

This person and she are in the same period, the relationship between the two has always been good, in the media has always said that the other side is their friends.

As a result, such a person who she thought was a friend took her to Shiqing's appointment when he knew she hated him.

When she found that she was drugged and frantically looking for "friends" to save her life, she found that she had already left.

At that time, if Tan Mingjin did not happen to meet her, she would be finished.

Cheng Yunling also wanted to make it clear when she went back that Zheng Xuexue was intentional. She asked her agent and confirmed that Zheng Xuexue had finalized an advertising spokesman. The company behind the advertisement was under the name of tan.

Now there is nothing I don't understand.

She was sold by Zheng Xuexue.

But yesterday only sold her Zheng Xuexue, today actually can with such a what has not happened appearance and her to talk.

Cheng Yunling knows that she can't show her anger. Although this is the crew, there are many people taking photos and videos. If she shows any unfriendly look towards Zheng Xuexue and is recorded and posted on the Internet, she will be playing a big game.

So, she also brought a smile: "I have something to do in the morning."

"Oh, what can I do for you?" Zheng Xuexue took Cheng Yunling's arm with a smile. There was a faint jealousy in his eyes: "it's said that Mr. Tan liked you very much last night. I really envy you. Yunling, I like you more or less. Even Mr. Tan is interested in you."

How can such a good thing not come to her.

Cheng Yunling laughed: "don't get me wrong. Mr. tan just helped me out. By the way, why did you leave suddenly last night? I can't find you anywhere. "

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"Isn't it about you and the time, the big and the young?"

The smile on Cheng Yunling's face almost didn't last. If it wasn't for the public

She managed to squeeze out a smile: "I don't like the world of harmony, big and little, you like it, next time you go by yourself."

With that, she gently took Zheng Xuexue's hand from her arm and tried to bear the full heart of the sleeping trough, turned and left with the assistant.

Zheng Xuexue still has a smile on her face, but her eyes are full of jealousy.

If she can let Shi Da Shao like her, where still use Cheng Yunling.

Cheng Yunling is the only one. He is stupid. He doesn't want the rich second generation who comes to the door.

Why is this woman so lucky.

I like her less, and Mr. Tan helps her.

When she turned her face, she leaned back on the reclining chair with a straw and drank juice. Zheng Xuexue's eyes brightened.

She knows what happened last night, and she knows that Shi Dashao seems very angry when she leaves last night. If she goes to say something to Shi Dashao

Cheng Yunling had just passed by. When she turned her head, she saw Zheng Xuexue rushing towards Shiqing. She just recalled her fear and despair when she was drugged. She also spoke with a bit of anger: "I don't know what kind of ghost thing I'm planning."

Assistant also frowned and looked at the past: "don't worry, from now on, I will follow you 24 hours."

But she was also a little worried. When she knew what they were going to do, she thought for a moment and said, "I'll turn to the side behind them to see if I can hear what they say. If it's really about you, I'll take precautions."

As for the recording of what, even if it is a big thing, it is not good for Cheng Yunling, who is in the rising period of his career.

Shi Qing is listening to Zheng Xuexue.To tell you the truth, Zheng Xuexue's voice is very good, and she was once praised as a sweet goddess by fans. However, she is not very famous. Otherwise, she would not sell out her friends and use underhand means to win advertisements.

"It's time. I heard about last night. Don't be angry. This time, there will be another time."

When Qing drank a straw, did not look at Zheng Xuexue: "well."

"In fact, Yunling is not so hard to catch up with. I heard about an advertiser and her before..."

She said it deliberately, and waited to ask her.

As a result, when lying on the reclining chair, his eyes were still empty, and he perfunctorily replied, "well."

Zheng Xuexue, who is full of waiting, chokes when she asks her "the love and hatred between advertisers and Cheng Yunling".

She looked at Shi Qing carefully and said in a low voice, "Shi Shao, Mr. Tan, is he interested in Cheng Yunling?"

The young man who had been lying on the salted fish suddenly got up, and his handsome face was full of anger:

"what do you say?!"

At last, it's the thunder point!

Zheng Xuexue was happy in her heart and continued to give Cheng Yunling eye drops:

"as you know, Yunling's temperament is like this and she is more open-minded. Although Mr. Tan is the chairman of Tan's family, he has never interfered in the affairs of the circle before. How could he be so clever as to help Yunling? And in fact, I didn't leave. Mr. Tan looked at Cheng Yunling's eyes, tut tut. "

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She looked at Shi Qing's face more and more black with satisfaction. She was elated in her heart and continued to add fuel: "if I remember correctly, Mr. Tan is your uncle. If Yunling is with your uncle..."

The young man sneered: "she won't be with my uncle."

He suddenly stood up and took out his mobile phone: "Hello, it's me. I have something to look for you..."

Seeing when the Qing aggressive side of the phone to go out, Zheng Xuexue heart more and more proud.

I really hope that when this woman is robbed, she will deal with Cheng Yunling well.

She didn't think that Shi Qing would swallow it. After all, Shi Qing had a bad reputation and was the most stingy one.

Shi Qing will teach Cheng Yunling a lesson.

Cheng Yunling also thinks so.

After listening to the assistant who overheard the conversation, she had only two words left in her mind: over.

Shi Qing's reputation has always been bad. This time, she has not been put to death.

She was nervous for nearly half an hour.

Half an hour later, several young men came in with boxes of delicious cakes.

"We are hard-working. We should not invite you to eat cakes."

Cheng Yunling looks at those cakes with horror, and always feels that there is a big conspiracy hidden in it.

The sweetness of the cake wafted, but she had no appetite. She was only full of how to refuse for a while.

Finally, Shi Qing strode forward.

There was a sneer on the corner of his lips, which was called a good-looking eye, and his eyes were full of malice.

He came to Cheng Yunling.

Cheng Yunling swallows a mouthful of saliva nervously.

What to do, how to do, how to refuse, or to lose weight, yes, to lose weight.

Thinking of the reason for her refusal, she opened her mouth and said, "I..."

"What are you looking at?"

When big little sneers and raises chin: "they all can eat, you cannot."

Cheng Yunling, who was full of things added to the cake in his head, said:

She specially came to see Zheng Xuexue who was very busy

When big little but don't go to see their petrified appearance at all, it is a sneer again, face behind the back way: "send in."

One by one, the roasted duck was carried in with a shelf, and the hot pot with the table attached to it came in.

It's still mandarin duck pot.

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For a moment, the crew was filled with the aroma of food.

Standing in front of Cheng Yunling, the handsome young master lifted his chin with pride and pride on his face. He pointed to the food as if he were pointing to a large area of rivers and mountains;


The big young master's lips raised a smile cruel and rampant: "you can't eat."

Cheng Yunling:

Zheng Xuexue:


When Shida Shao looked up and left as if he had won the battle, Cheng Yunling recovered from the shock. She turned her head to the assistant: "Sister Zhang, Shi Qing just Is revenge on me

Assistant: Should it be? "

Cheng Yunling:

What's up, kindergarten kids?

This revenge is too boring.

It's weird to be useful.

As Cheng Yunling thought, he could not help rubbing his stomach, which sent out the signal of "I am hungry". He smelled the food smell in the air, and his mouth was filled with saliva.

Well, it's still usefulDuring the filming period, takeout is not allowed in, and there is no food around, so it is unrealistic for assistants to buy.

Cheng Yunling did not have the ability to clear the money. He could only smell the smell of the air and eat fried rice made by the master of the production team.

Clearly at the bottom of my heart, when I feel naive, why can I have a good feeling of sadness.

It's hard to get through her part. After shooting, she can go out and look for food. Cheng Yunling can't wait.

As a result, as soon as she tied up Weiya, the eldest young master came again.

"Is this all right? What should I do if such a thin rope falls off? "

Destroyed by the smell of food for several hours, Cheng Yunling has no expression.

Shi Qing: "what expression are you looking at? Can't you see that I care about you? I don't know gratitude at all. "

Cheng Yunling: neuropathy.

The rope was slightly suspended. Her feet were off the ground, and almost the whole person was half a body higher than the people on the ground. She looked down at the young master who was sticking his waist to the humanity beside him: "how could the rope she was hanging be broken?"

As he spoke, he reached out his paw:

"I think I can just pull her around Ah, the trough

The rope on Weiya was about to break, but when Shiqing pulled it, it couldn't bear the gravity and broke suddenly.

Cheng Yunling fell directly on the youth.

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Her heart pounded with fear and turned to look at the broken rope.

If it wasn't for the time when Qing pulled, the rope would break after she went up

Cheng Yunling: "my God..."

Then she heard the young master who was pressed down by her also said:

"my God Why are you so fat, come down quickly

Tan Mingjin's face was white when she arrived at the news.

Shiqing himself is a child. To catch an adult who fell from the air because of Weiya fracture, it has to bear multiple huge pressures.

Even if the crew repeatedly assured him that it was ok, he was still worried.

When he came in a hurry, the young man was looking at him with disgust on his face. Since he knew that the rope had been cut by man, he was shaking with white face and racking his brains to think who wanted her to die.

If it was not time for Qing's hands to pull, then her life would be gone.

Although she hated him before, she was saved by him. How could Cheng Yunling not be grateful? She raised her head and sincerely looked at the youth in front of her: "I'm really grateful for my time."

A slender and beautiful white finger was against her arm. Cheng Yunling looked up blankly along the finger. When she met her, she was disgusted:

"you talk, stay away from me."

Cheng Yunling:

What's the matter with his face full of dislike? Before that, he wanted to pursue her!

She could only move her body and try to sit on the other side: "little time, I really want to thank you, I..."

The assistant came in: "little time, Yunling, Mr. Tan is here."

Cheng Yunling nodded: "we know..."


The young man who just wanted to be eight feet away from her quickly sat down beside her, and his hand fell naturally on her shoulder:

"let my uncle come in."

Cheng Yunling:

When she turned her face to look at it, she saw the young man straightening his chest and raising his head. She looked like a pupil who saw his teacher seriously.

But his hand, which seemed to fall on his shoulder, was separated by a layer of air.

What is this doing?

The beautiful girl looked at the young man with her hand on her shoulder. She looked like a beautiful woman in her arms. This is what Tan Mingjin saw.

What a beautiful picture of Lang's affection and concubine's idea.

If I had not seen him standing on his shoulder, a pair of disgust to death, white tender face full of rejection, separated from the next door to Cheng Yunling, bah, bah, spit, there is no saliva of the hour Qing.

Tan Mingjin believed it.

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