The sincere time Qing is lovely in Tan Mingjin's eyes, but Cheng Yunling can't stand it.

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It's not about Shiqing's attitude. To be honest, although the eldest young master has never covered up the fact that he only regards Cheng Yunling as a tool maker, he is really good to her.

Advertising endorsements and even contracts with big IP can be delivered to her naturally.

If his appearance was not better than her, his clavicle was more delicate than her, and even his skin was tender, white and smooth, and she looked three degrees white, Cheng Yunling might have been really moved.

After all, although Shi Qing is a little angry, so far it is only a mouth fault. Moreover, he also saves the life of a dog in the process of Yunling's death. He also doesn't care about her misunderstanding about her medication.

Yes, Cheng Yunling is now 100% sure that Shiqing will never give her medicine to try to be a good thing.

After all, when the majority of her dislike can be filled with a basket.

In short, tool man cheng Yunling doesn't want to continue to be a tool recently.

It's not that there is any dissatisfaction. The main reason is that since Shi Qing entered the production group, she has seen her weight rise a little bit.

As we all know, actors control their weight in order to look good on the screen. Cheng Yunling used to be called a fairy by fans, but now, how long has it been? She has gained five pounds.

Five catties!!!

Five catties!!!

How can this be tolerated.

The main culprit is Shi Qing's various feeding. Yes, this young master, after digging out the video function with his uncle, stopped taking photos and changed the video.

Before Cheng Yunling can rely on his strong perseverance and the desire to be thin, reluctantly after taking a photo not to eat.

After all, after all, when the photos are finished, most of them are satisfied and will not care whether she eats or not.

But now, he's changed to video!!

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From then on, Cheng Yunling became a background board in the video conversation between Shi Qing and Tan Mingjin.

Different from other background boards, her mouth is always eating.

Eat, eat, can not be fat?

What's more, Cheng Yunling's startling discovery is that she once had a good command of her food. She may have had a good time eating, but gradually began to collapse her willpower. In the evening, she scratched her heart and scratched her lungs to eat all kinds of delicious food.

It's terrible.

She has to change.

Cheng Yunling decided to have a showdown with Shi Qing.

After listening to her explanations, the eldest young master squinted slightly and looked at Cheng Yunling from top to bottom:

"are you refusing my pursuit for such a simple reason?"

Cheng Yunling: I help you to modify the time limit, not to refuse your pursuit, but to refuse your superficial pursuit. "


The young man's white face, which was at least two degrees whiter than her, showed a bit of publicity, which gave Cheng Yunling face in particular:

"OK, pursue superficially."

He was not angry as expected, but gave a request very insipid: "OK."

"But you have to take off the bill, or you won't talk about it."

Cheng Yunling:

Does it have anything to do with the fact that she no longer takes her as a tool person??

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She really didn't understand the brain circuit of the time, so she asked directly.

"Of course, it is to prevent you from becoming my aunt."

"Tut, my uncle to you, you also know, if not for a me in the middle, maybe you two already become, so I always said, he is not good at vision, actually take a fancy to, you."

In front of him, when he looked at him, he was full of disgusted Cheng Yunling

What a surprise to her.

Clearly, she has been trying to explain that her relationship with Tan Dong is so pure that it is even whiter than tofu.

As a result, when Qing tossed her for so many days, he was afraid that she would become his aunt.

And these days, when Tan Dong and Shi Qing's video were not glued to Shi Qing's body, they didn't give her any line of sight at all.

&In this way, Shi Qing can still believe that Tan Dong likes her??

Cheng Yunling: "it was a little time. I have explained it many times. I have no idea about Tan Dong."

Shi Qing: "Tut, my uncle is handsome and good-natured. What's wrong with her temper and character? Will you not like her?"

With that, he looked at Cheng Yunling again with his chin raised and a haughty look at Cheng Yunling:

"but you are not as good-looking as my uncle is, and my uncle is not rich enough. His eyes are not big enough, his nose is not straight enough, his mouth is not red enough, and his hands are so small and so short, I really don't know what my uncle likes about you. Can you eat it?"

Cheng Yunling: Kill him.

After trying to hypnotize herself several times in the bottom of her heart, she took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile"Time is short, then we'll make a deal. I'll take off the order quickly. You don't have to worry about me when you Aunt

Aunt, she said this word, especially gnashing teeth.

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This is absolutely true.

As a great nephew like Shi Qing, she has no luck to live with.

It's also good that Cheng Yunling himself is a little interested in the hero in the play. Before, she always felt that a girl was embarrassed to open her mouth.

But now

In order to get rid of the snake spirit disease of Shiqing, open your mouth.

This male No.2 also likes Cheng Yunling, but before that, when Qing was so ambitious in pursuit, Cheng Yunling didn't treat him like he did before because of saving his life. He thought he was dead.

I didn't expect that life is really great joy, great sorrow and great joy, is in the pain of lovelorn, the goddess automatically delivered to the door.

Two people quickly get close, but after all is a star, also did not announce the news, plans to find a suitable time to announce again.

This can make some people misunderstand.

Zheng Xuexue is overjoyed that he has found the evidence of Cheng Yunling's cheating.

Tan Mingjin is worried about whether Cheng Yunling will feel uncomfortable when he looks for someone else. Although Xiaoqing has always been disgusted with Cheng Yunling, Shi Qing has been chasing Cheng Yunling for so many days. Cheng Yunling has turned to other people's arms, and he may feel more miserable if he loves face.

Recently, Tan Mingjin, who has to work with Shiqing video every day, hesitates for less than a second, and decides to visit Shiqing in person.

Just came, just ran into Zheng Xuexue's accusation scene.

Seeing Tan Mingjin, Zheng Xuexue is more happy. What's this called! Kill two birds with one stone!

She Balabala said that Cheng Yunling ate from the bowl, looked at the pot and looked at the basin.

As a result, the two who should have been furious did not respond.

Shi Qing looks proud to see Tan Mingjin.

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He pursues the beautiful woman to all run away, still so proud to do what!!

Tan Mingjin looks at Shiqing with a smile.

And on his shoulders, he danced happily with his little waist, and his face was just like the hours of blooming.

Zheng Xuexue: "it's a little time. Cheng Yunling did it. Ah, it's too much. I can't even see it."

No one paid attention to her.

She was embarrassed for a few seconds and then went on: "Mr. Tan, are you here? It seems that you and Cheng Yunling have a good relationship. Did you know the news of her love? "

No one paid attention to her.

Zheng Xuexue gritted her teeth firmly and continued: "although she and I are good friends, I really can't agree with her about some things. In fact Oh, forget it. I can't say that... "

She was waiting for Shi Qing or tan Mingjin to ask her a question, so that she could go on dancing. As a result, no one looked at her.

Finally, Tan Mingjin moved.

Zheng Xuexue's heart is happy, open mouth: "Tan Dong, I..."

However, the slender man didn't even look at her, until he was in front of Shiqing.

With a smile, he reached out and rubbed the youth's head, and his tone was doting:

"now, are you at ease?"

Zheng Xuexue:

All right.

She's a transparent person.

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