"No, I don't care."

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The young man held his arms in his arms, his expression was cold and his words disdained. All over his body, he was full of the four big words "I don't care".

Tan Mingjin looked at the soft smile on his shoulder. She twisted her waist and tried to make a pole dance out of thin air. She could not help laughing.

How can this child be so awkward.

Because the heart of seeing is soft, the man kneaded again.

"Why? I'm not a child. I always touch my head and get bored."

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a rebellious teenager. Shiqing shakes his head with displeasure, but I don't know whether his strength of shaking his head is too small, or tan Mingjin doesn't let go. The slender big hand still firmly falls on his head and rubs his soft hair with his action.

Even Zheng Xuexue, a transparent man on one side, looked at him and felt that Tan Dong must be angry.

Tan Mingjin is famous for his bad behavior. He started from scratch to now, of course, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

How dare you treat him with such an attitude

Zheng Xuexue always felt that she was going to see the scene of domestic violence.


Tan Mingjin's smile didn't even fall off her lips, her eyes were still soft, and her magnetic voice was full of tenderness:

"we haven't seen each other for so long. My uncle wants to be close to you."

Shi Qing's face is full of impatience, which vividly shows what is called "the accomplishment of an unfilial son". His tone is also full of impatience:

"meat does not numb you."

"Forget it." The eldest young master seemed to be merciful, and glanced at Tan Mingjin: "since you like it, I'll try my best. But you count the time. Every ten seconds, you will buy me a new car."

Along with his voice, Tan Mingjin's ear sounded the babbling sound of the hour, which was tender and full of joy:

"Yaya Yaya."

His cat like slightly squint eyes, white face full of enjoyment and happiness, small mouth while babbling, while trying to stand on tiptoe, so that uncle can better touch his head.

Feel comfortable, but also gently turn around, open small hands, babbling to embrace.

"Twenty seconds, two cars, more than thirty seconds, give me twice as much money every month, and forty seconds is twice as much."

Tan Mingjin was fascinated by the appearance of the mind, always with a smile, a pair of "yes, yes, it is my home, I do not want to touch my head, it is my own must touch" and appearance.

"All right. Here you go."

The movement of the two people is not small, or there are two or three people to see.

They who witnessed the scene said, "well

The world of rich people is really puzzling.

It's enough for Shi Qing and Xiao Qing to clear the hair. The man rubs the young man's hair before he takes it back. Then he asks:

"would you like to go to dinner?"

"I don't really want to eat, but since you want to eat uncle, I'll accompany you, so as not to be told that I'm not good to you."

The young master was condescending.

Tan Mingjin looked at the same proud face on his shoulder and raised his chin, but his small eyes glanced at himself. His white face was full of eager hour Qing, and he wanted to laugh again.

"Uncle, when we leave, we'd better stop at home, right."

They left.

Zheng Xuexue, who has been standing there all the time, has never been looked at by them. No matter what he says, Zheng Xuexue is ignored

This is not to let her most angry, the most angry is, just can pretend to be just passing by a few people immediately heated discussion.

"My mother, twenty-four filial piety uncle, didn't you say that Tan Dong was very cold? I have a good temper. "

"Gao Leng is true, but there are also different people. At least last time I met Tan Dong, he was really very cold."

"Shishao is really lucky. He is not the second generation rich, but he is still so favored. Although he is said to be the nephew of Mr. Tan, he is not married and has no children. In the future, the family property of Tan's group will be his."

"No, I didn't say that Tan Dong and Shi Shao had a bad relationship with Mr. Cheng before? I watched it very well. Before that, I had video with Mr. Tan every day. I didn't know how to be intimate. If Mr. Cheng married less, he would be married into a rich family. "

Zheng Xuexue in the side more listen to more angry.

These people don't know, can she still not know?

Cheng Yunling had already left Shiqing and was with other men.

They farted in such an envious tone.

Even if the bottom of my heart how to identify Cheng Yunling and others together, but think of her just so hard on the eye medicine, Shi Qing just as did not hear, including Tan Dong are a pair of blind look, she can not settle down.Seeing those people talking more and more happy, she wanted to directly announce that Cheng Yunling had a boyfriend, but Zheng Xuexue told Shi Qing that it was a gossip at most.

If you tell the staff, it is appropriate to spread rumors.

When that time is exposed directly on the Internet, the reputation will definitely disappear.

Zheng Xuexue's face is twisted, endure and endure, endure again and again.

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Finally, I couldn't help it. I tried not to twist my expression and cough a few times.

Staff a: "Shi Shao Bala, Cheng teacher Balabala, Tan Dong Balabala."

Zheng Xuexue: Cough, cough. "

Staff B: "yes, yes, sometimes balabalabala..."

Zheng Xuexue:

Taking a few deep breaths, she said, "cough, cough!"

Staff member C: "and Tan Dong, he balabalabala..."

Zheng Xuexue:

She could no longer control her anger and growled in a twisted look: "are you blind?"?!! Can't you hear me

There was silence.

Zheng Xuexue suddenly wakes up. As expected, all the staff are shocked and staring at her blankly. There are some people in the distance who have not noticed this side, but are attracted by her roar. People who come over look at her.

Zheng Xuexue:

She covered her face in confusion and hurriedly headed for her room.

Today's incident will be posted online.

She yelled at the crew at the shooting scene, and the company didn't praise her. She would not try so hard to help her wash.

When her reputation on the Internet is bad, directors will not ask her to shoot TV dramas, and advertisements will not dare to ask her to shoot because of her bad reputation.

Zheng Xuexue's mentality completely collapsed.

Isn't she just trying to sell Cheng Yunling and frame her and step on her superior position??

How did this happen!!

Obviously, Cheng Yunling had the courage to find a boyfriend when he was less than pursuing her.

And I heard that Tan Dong liked her very much.

Now that she has a boyfriend, shouldn't they express their anger??

Shouldn't you feel offended or despised?

No matter how bad it is, revenge on Cheng Yunling's boyfriend!

This pair is completely unaffected. It seems that both of them are happy to see it. What kind of trouble are they going to make!!!!

This Cheng Yunling, she is to these two people under the head down it!!!

"I won't have my head lowered, will I? You can meet him everywhere

rarely make complaints about the movie today. She specially asked the director to ask for leave, and wine and dine with her boyfriend. She talked about her ideal of life. When she was tucking away, she was so clear that she was so young that Cheng Yunling didn't eat her two. She saw Tan Mingjin coming in with her.

As soon as he saw the young man who was better than himself, had better skin than himself, and was slender, as if he had been born and raised in the palm of his hand, he strode in, and Cheng Yunling's reflexive stomach began to sound "I'm hungry.".

I can't help it. I don't know if he hasn't been in love before.

It doesn't matter if he wants to show affection.

But the problem, as if in the eyes of the master, there is only one way to show love.


Sometimes Cheng Yunling even thought that Shi Qing was not happy with her and deliberately fattened her.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing her howling, her boyfriend turned around strangely. When she saw Shi Qing coming in, her face suddenly showed sympathy:

"why don't we change our family?"

"Forget it, another family has to guard against paparazzi."

Cheng Yunling and their choice of this restaurant also has a reason. This restaurant only receives celebrities or powerful people. There is no camera in the restaurant, and the staff have signed a confidentiality agreement.

Every guest who comes in will be scanned by the instrument to make sure that they don't bring any recording pen, camera or other things into the restaurant.

Although they agreed not to announce their love for the time being, they didn't plan to hide all the time. They couldn't eat a meal all the time. So they made an appointment to come to this restaurant. If they changed places now, they couldn't find a suitable substitute.


Cheng Yunling is hungry.

Originally, she had eaten eight full, but now she has to continue to eat. After eating, she must gain weight. It's miserable.

Cheng Yunling: "eat these before you go, here is a strong privacy, they may not be able to see us."

My boyfriend nodded: "but there is almost no sound insulation here. I hope they don't sit around us."

Cheng Yunling smiles and waves his hand. "It's not so clever."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt a burning sight falling on her body.

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Cheng Yunling subconsciously raised his eyes and met the young man's eyes full of thieves."She said

These two people actually sat opposite them

In terms of pattern, Cheng Yunling and her boyfriend sit face to face, while Shi Qing and Tan Mingjin sit face to face. From Cheng Yunling's point of view, Shi Qing can be seen.

As soon as Tan Mingjin sat down, she found that the young man who had been groomed by his hair had risen up again. She looked like a murderous man. Even when she was young, she was sitting lazily and suddenly stood up. She was holding her small fist and waving at him.

What's the matter? This is?

The man subconsciously wants to turn around, but suddenly says: "uncle, this watermelon looks delicious, I feed you."

Tan Mingjin was stiff.

And what's going on in the brain is the body's instinctive response.

Although he didn't understand why he was feeding him, he would be stiff.

Because Tan Mingjin didn't object, Shiqing thought he agreed.

He was also very happy, picked up a watermelon with a toothpick and handed it to the man's mouth: "uncle, ah."

Tan Mingjin's body seems to be playing anesthetic, so stiff sitting there, slowly open thin lips.

The watermelon was sent to his mouth.

The young man in front of him was happy again. If he had a tail, he would have been very proud.

Tan Mingjin did not pay attention to these at all, his sight has been in the red lips and white hands.

"Uncle, I remember you like to eat strawberries, and this strawberry is also for you."

He looked down carefully and picked the biggest and reddest strawberry on the plate. When he picked it out, he raised his eyes and laughed at Tan Mingjin.

"Uncle, how about this strawberry?"

Tan Mingjin inexplicably felt dry throat.

Voice also seems to be a bit hoarse: "good."

The young man was happy again. He picked up the strawberries with his slender white fingers and handed them to the man's lips.

When Tan Mingjin bit off the strawberry, her lip accidentally touched the white fingertip.

Hour Qing fork waist, very proud of the appearance, full of face full of show off, as if he did not find his fingertip was so unintentionally touched.

But the man's body was stiff for a moment.

Full of brain, then only left that soft, tender touch.

He was numbly chewing the strawberries that he handed over. The young man in the opposite side was still very serious and continued to select the food that he thought was delicious and good-looking from the fruit plate.

While feeding, he asked: "uncle, is it delicious? Is it that the fruit I feed is more delicious

Tan Mingjin looked at the water moistening eyes and the smile without evil thoughts. In her heart, it seemed that thousands of wild horses had run through, which was a mess.

His voice was obscure: "delicious."

Shi Qing was really full of joy. He wanted to make a promise. He asked again, "am I the only one who has fed you like this, but we are the two closest in the world. You will not let others feed you in the future, will you?"

These words

It's not like a nephew told his uncle.

It's like, sweetheart

The man moved in his heart and looked at the young man sitting opposite.

Shi Qing looks forward to his reply.

Hour Qing is also full of anticipation and tension, holding a small fist, can't wait to look at him.

Tan Mingjin seems to be able to feel the flow of blood in his body, he sat stiff in place, even though the wild horses in his heart ran past a group and a group.

Even if you know it clearly, such a promise can't give him a child.

But with the beating heart, the man still nodded.



Hour clear suddenly made a gesture of celebration, very happy.

Looking at his happy appearance, Tan Mingjin also quietly stretched out a trace of hope that he did not know whether to exist or not.

These days, he is more and more aware of the wrong mentality.

He used to dream at night, he always dreamed that when he was a child, he witnessed his mother's death again and again, and the desolate cemetery.

But recently, he always dreams of Shiqing.

At the beginning, it was a lively young boy.

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Later, is always full of rebellious, and constantly make trouble, do not know the repentance of the youth.

Finally, it became the present one, always inexplicably angry, and inexplicably happy, when the child's temper is clear.

From here on, the dream slowly changed.

He dreamt that Shiqing was smiling at him like Xiaoqing. Sometimes he would cry and cry, and he would bury himself in his arms at the same time.

Crying and crying, the young man said in a low and pitiful voice with a choking voice"Uncle, you don't want me."

Tan Mingjin thought, how can, how can I not you, I know how good you are, know how soft your shell full of spines.

But the dream of him, but stretched out his hand to hold the youth's waist, and bent over to hold him on the bed.

Tan Mingjin knew the dream was wrong.

It shouldn't be like this.

How could he

How can I have evil thoughts about this child raised by myself.

But even if the heart again how to think of and time Qing to open a distance, when he was proud to call the video phone, Tan Mingjin did not want to refuse.

He can only bury the bad thought of himself under the proud smile of Shiqing.

Tell yourself again and again.

There is no such thing.

He can restrain himself.

He can always be a good uncle of Shiqing.

He can always keep the time and see him become a family and a career.

But right now, the child asked him for such a promise.

Shi Qing is so happy about this promise, does it mean that

Tan Mingjin is rarely nervous.

The man seems to have a normal look on his face, and even slightly changed his posture. His left hand, placed under the table, trembles a little excitedly because of the idea of indulging in it.

Shi Qing asked him for a promise.

He did.

At that time, will you catch it?

When Qing is very proud to face to face to look over, is full of face indescribable expression, Cheng Yunling shows a disdainful smile.

Cheng Yunling roughly translated it.

The meaning of this smile is: Coco, my uncle only eats the fruit I feed, you're done.

She was almost speechless.

How can this young master still insist on separating her and Tan Dong.

No, no, no, no!

She and Tan Dong have never been together, OK? For such a long time, she also said a word or two when she asked for help from him last time.

And it was that time that I was watched by Shi Qing.

Not a month, though.

But it's been more than half a month.

Half a month!!

She has been tossed fat five Jin, it is not easy to find a boyfriend to keep the weight of ah!!

Originally full of thought that when Qing always should be at ease, the result came again.

This young master's mind is too strong not to want his aunt.

Cheng Yunling: No, I have to help myself.

Her eyes fell on the steak on the table.

He cut a piece of steak, softened his voice, and handed the fork to her boyfriend's mouth:

"ah Zhi, I'll feed you."

Her boyfriend was quite flattered. He opened his mouth and ate it. He looked at the woman with love in his eyes. He also cut a piece of beef and sent it to Cheng Yunling's mouth:

"you also eat it. I cut it thin and it's delicious."

Cheng Yunling smiles and opens his mouth to eat.

At the same time because of her boyfriend's considerate and contented, at the same time thinking.

They all show their love. Shiqing should rest assured.

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After swallowing this piece of beef, Cheng Yunling looks up at ease.

Then on the big and small eyes of the fire.

Cheng Yunling:

"Uncle, I feed you, you also want to feed me."

Cheng Yunling:


"You like to eat the fruits here, and I'll have them prepared at home every day."

At the same time, he also gently wiped the corners of the youth's mouth with a handkerchief. His actions should be more precious and more gentle.

After wiping the corners of his mouth and eating the apple, his expression became more and more proud. He raised his chin to Cheng Yunling haughtily, looking like "I can be much better than you".

Cheng Yunling:

It's hard to understand what Shi Qing was thinking. This time she finally got what the young master was thinking in his not so smart brain.

Obviously, she tried to get rid of the "Auntie reserve" just now, feeding her boyfriend beef, and being fed beef by her boyfriend, was recognized by Shi Qing as showing off.

This young master is not willing to be outdone.

This is to follow the comparison.

After thinking about it clearly, Cheng Yunling is almost like a black question mark.

No, what can be compared to this??

She's a boyfriend!!!

That's your uncle!!!

You should not see me and my boyfriend so loving, immediately rest assured, put down the pig knife, and then let my body dog life??It's too childish to compete in such a competition. The kindergarten children can't play like this.

Just want to finish, Cheng Yunling again face-to-face contact with the face of the youth disdain.

His eyes and manner almost put "you are a garbage" on his face.

Tan Mingjin handed over another strawberry. She didn't eat it directly, but played with it. She played with the strawberry in her hand. She also put it in Cheng Yunling's place.

Cheng Yunling:

I can't bear it. I can't bear it!

She took a deep breath, soft voice, Jiao didi looked at her boyfriend: "I want to eat, you cut me again."

Shi Qing was sure to keep up with him immediately and softened his voice. However, he didn't ask for anything soft. Instead, he was full of arrogance:

"I want to eat, uncle, you can feed me again."

Tan Mingjin looked at the young man in front of her, and her lovely little appearance with her waist on her shoulder, and her eyes were gentle.

This kid.

When he feeds him fruit, does that make Shiqing so happy?

Yes, after all, houqing likes to rely on him so much.


"Uncle will give you whatever you want."

He fed the fruit in the past. The young man was very happy and obedient, and even opened his mouth to eat.

This appearance, unexpectedly let Tan Mingjin have a kind of doubt that she is dreaming for a time.

Finally, when Shi Qingguang was eating fruit, he was already belching. When he reclined comfortably on the chair, he couldn't restrain his thoughts. The man was nervous and expectant and asked:

"Shiqing, you seem to be different today than before."


The young people admitted it naturally.

Tan Mingjin's slender hands on the table suddenly clenched, with a beating heart, full of hope to look at the people in front.

"Uncle, look at the back. Cheng Yunling is there. I can't lose to her."

Tan Mingjin:

He felt his heart was going to stop.

Eating and propping up, he was remorseful of how he had been infected. So naive Cheng Yunling suddenly heard the roll call and raised his eyes blankly.

Then on the tan Mingjin to see the dead line of sight.

It's cold. It's scary.

Cheng Yunling:


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