If there is anything to describe Tan Mingjin's inner activities, it is probably bungee jumping up and down, and finally landed on the ground, and could not jump up again.

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And everything is because of the woman in front of her, Cheng Yunling.

He doesn't know what happened between Shiqing and Cheng Yunling in this short time. He only knows that the attention of houqing falls on Cheng Yunling at the moment.

It's not the previous bah, bah, and there is no resentment or anger.

Just now, Shiqing even invited two people to sit on their side. They met by chance and had a chat.

The little guy even smiles like a flower and winks at Cheng Yunling with his small waist.

Squeeze! Eyebrows! Do it! Eyes!

She has never been so lively treated by Xiaoqing, and her heart is complicated.

Looking at Cheng Yunling again, he also looked at the youth. They looked at him in front of him.

Even though he knew that Cheng Yunling had a boyfriend, and that Shi Qing once hated and rejected her, the man who had taken Shi Qing's full attention away from him was still a little unhappy.

He is a person who has a bottom line. Although he is not happy in his heart, he has no malice to Cheng Yunling.

It's just not pleasing to the eye.

"Ha ha Ha ha, Mr. Tan, it's a coincidence

Cheng Yunling felt great pressure.

Before she thought, when the Qing has been very difficult to deal with, did not expect Tan Mingjin more people Alexander.

He gave her a look and she was stiff.

There is always a feeling of being watched by a beast, and it is the kind of beast that looks at her very much.

Cheng Yunling is trembling and crying at the bottom of his heart.

She has met Tan Mingjin once in real life. Even though sometimes Shiqing has a video call with her uncle, she is also the background board.

How can tan Dong look at her so unfriendly now, just like the hatred between them.

Although Shi Qing has always been a look at her unhappy appearance, but get along with a long time, Cheng Yunling can also feel, this is a primary school chicken.

Elementary school chicken doesn't like your way, that is, all kinds of expressions, Wang's disdain, the big deal as not to see.

Tan Mingjin is different.

This is a real rich generation, step by step.

It's strange that Cheng Yunling is not afraid to be looked at with such cold eyes.

Naturally, Tan Mingjin also realized Cheng Yunling's fear of himself. She took a look at Shi Qing, who was looking at Cheng Yunling with pride. His eyebrows became tighter and tighter:

"it's very clever."

The man's voice is magnetic and steady: "is this Miss Cheng's boyfriend?"

Cheng Yunling quickly replied, "yes, this is my boyfriend."

Seeing her happy to admit, Tan Mingjin's mood is a little better, the cold in the eyes is also slightly eased.

Aware of the warming atmosphere, Cheng Yunling breathed a sigh of relief.

This uncle and nephew are really the same strange temper, well behaved, she did not do anything.

She is thinking, aware that "Cheng Yunling has a boyfriend is equal to when Qing will not have any idea of Cheng Yunling." Tan Mingjin slightly relaxed to see Shiqing.

Then I found that when Qing's line of sight has been turning around Cheng Yunling, standing on the shoulder of the hour Qing is also a pair of eager to try the lovely appearance.

Different from the concentration when talking to myself and feeding myself fruits just now, it seems that the youth at the moment can't see a tan Mingjin sitting opposite him.

Tan Mingjin:

Today, he came to eat alone with Shiqing.

As a result, Shi Qing's attention has been attracted by Cheng Yunling in the past.

If it was before, although Tan Mingjin would be sad in her heart, she would not think about anything else.

But now, just as Shi Qing was just soft talking to him, feeding him after eating the fruit, she asked to be fed by him. Now, Tan Mingjin really doesn't want an outsider to destroy the atmosphere between them.

His heart was blocked, but his face did not show his dissatisfaction with the youth's behavior.

Shiqing is so obedient that he can't do anything wrong.

How could he express his dissatisfaction with Shi Qing.

To have dissatisfaction, of course, is to the outsider Cheng Yunling.

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Feeling a sudden decline in the atmosphere, and Tan Mingjin's poor look at Cheng Yunling:.... "

She felt that something was wrong.


Cheng Yunling slowly stood up and took her boyfriend's hand and was about to withdraw: "in fact, we've almost eaten enough, Tan Dong. Time is short. Then we'll go first. We'll talk about it next time we see each other."

See her to go, the man's fierce eyes this just eased some.

But then, he noticed that the sight of Shiqing has been falling on Cheng

To be exact, it fell on the hand of Cheng Yunling and her boyfriend.

The man casually hangs in one side of the slender big hand slightly flicked, wrung eyebrow to tell oneself: nothing, Cheng Yunling is about to leave.

When they were gone, he asked Shi Qing what was wrong with Cheng Yunling, and how they were good, bad and good.

Tan Mingjin thought well, but before Cheng Yunling took her boyfriend for a step, she sat quietly by the side and said, "my young master's evil charm is pulling cool, domineering and handsome", Shiqing suddenly says:

"wait a minute."

The young man slowly stood up and lifted his chin to Cheng Yunling, looking proud of his "little master's honor":

"wait a minute. I want to ask you something."

The man's slender right hand snapped at his fingertips.

Even though he knew that he was not doing the right thing, he could not help but anger Cheng Yunling.

As a result, Cheng Yunling felt the malice and anger of Tan Mingjin from the most popular oss of Tan's group.

At this moment, in Cheng Yunling's eyes, Tan Mingjin is like a lion who has been infuriated.

Although did not roar to rush up, but his body revealed that momentum, he looked at the eyes, let her fear from the bottom of her heart.

It seems that the next moment, the lion sitting in silence can rush up and bite her throat.

Cheng Yunling, who felt that he really didn't do anything at all, said:

She really didn't provoke Tan Dong!!!

She was wronged!!

Fortunately, at this time, when Qing has come to her, also noticed Tan Mingjin look over the poor line of sight.

The young man looked at his uncle and Cheng Yunling and asked, "uncle, what are you doing? It looks strange and frightening."

Tan Mingjin immediately put away her sharp body and looked at Shi Qing, who was standing in front of her, and her arm on his shoulder, babbling as if she was crying out for cold Xiaoqing. Her eyes were gentle.

The angry lion seems to have been groomed. Although his voice is still a little hoarse, it is absolutely gentle and harmless:

"nothing. Don't delay Miss Cheng too much time. Go early and return early."

Cheng Yunling felt that the crisis had been lifted and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Shi Qing is very annoying and needs to be beaten, she would rather fight against Shi Qing, who owes his mouth to others and deserves to be beaten, rather than Tan Dong, who usually does not show his mountain and dew, and who is a murderer.

System: [Ding! Cheng Yunling's rejection degree: 65]

Shi Qing: [how can there be 65? How hard I try to give her delicious food these days? Isn't this a great favor for her who usually wants to eat and is not allowed to eat? ]

System: [ However, she still wants to lose weight when she is fat ]

Shi Qing: [tut Tut, so to say, women. ]

he stopped talking to the system and looked directly at Tan Mingjin.

"Just a few words, what time can be lost." As always, the young man turned his mouth and raised his chin at Cheng Yunling:

"if he left, he was still in a daze to do something."

"Oh, oh."

A beast that seems to kill her quietly at any time, and a fat rabbit that squeaks every day, Cheng Yunling of course chooses rabbits.

She couldn't help but follow when big little behind, to her boyfriend made a wink.

Honey, don Tan doesn't mean anything to you. Just bear it.

Boy friend:.... "

He is also a member of the entertainment industry. Of course, he knows Tan Mingjin's identity and general status.

Sitting beside Tan Mingjin at the moment, he just felt uncomfortable.

Sitting awkwardly and silent for a while, he glanced at the silence beside him and dropped his eyes. Tan Mingjin, a handsome face, did not know what he thought of, and showed a slight smile. He felt that his embarrassment and cancer were almost committed.

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My boyfriend thought about it and decided to find a topic to break the embarrassment.

He also saw what kind of attitude was towards Tan Mingjin's uncle just now when he was in the Qing Dynasty. To be nice, he was not very sensible, and that was not filial piety.

as like as two peas, he had a little nephew, who was spoiled, and every day was a little bully. He was just like the big boy who was so eager to bear his chin.

Maybe it's something in common.

Thinking like this, he coughed dry, a little nervous: "when little, is he usually like this?"

When she was just talking to Shi Qing, she was lying on her shoulder, rolling around to find her own little shape. Tan Mingjin's eyes were more smiling:

"yes, he is also so cute and cute."

Cheng Yunling's boyfriend:



When big or little??!!

Boy friend:.... "

Sure enough, the younger generation is a little bully, because in the eyes of the elders, they are always good everywhere.Fortunately, he and Yunling can see clearly.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Cheng Yunling's face was blank: "you mean, ask me how to let a person like you?"

Shi Qing's face was arrogant: "didn't I make it clear to you? Tell me quickly. "

"No Cheng Yunling broke a little bit: "I'm not a love expert, how can I know?"

"Don't you know you took off the bill so quickly? How long has it been? You two are so close. You feed me and I feed you. I can see it

"You don't want to bluff me" on the young man's face, urging: "tell me quickly, how can you and he become?"

Cheng Yunling:

She is where you feed me, I feed you, clearly is at that time do not know how to return a responsibility by time Qing to infect primary school chicken infantile power.

But seeing the youth in front of a "you don't want to muddle through" appearance, she can only put her and her boyfriend's love process said.

To sum up, she had a good feeling for her boyfriend before, and just at the right time, she said that she would let her (her body) off the list, so she simply went to her boyfriend to confess.

As a result, her boyfriend also secretly fell in love with her, so the two of them were the king of heaven and the earth tiger. No, they fell in love with each other.

Speaking of this, we have to thank Shiqing. If it wasn't for his chicken behavior in primary school, Cheng Yunling would not have the courage to go to the person he secretly loves to confess.

After listening to Cheng Yunling's brief introduction, Shi Qing looks contemplative.

Cheng Yunling saw him like this, and cautiously said: "that what, nothing, I will go back first, my boyfriend is still waiting for me."

"No way."

Shi Qing pulled her down.

The eldest young master's face was angry and very unhappy: "who let you just deliberately show love in front of me, you don't help me to think of a way, do not want to kiss and love your boyfriend."

Cheng Yunling: "no, I took off the bill according to your order. Why don't you let me go? I can tell you that I've gained five Jin. Even if you put the knife on my neck this time, I won't eat more!"

Be sure!


When Qing cruel smile: "I don't force you to eat, I give you and your boyfriend good resources, you shoot in the East for half a year, he in the West for half a year, I don't have a boyfriend, so you and your boyfriend separated from two places."

Cheng Yunling: A vicious threat.

Chicken is not terrible.

I'm afraid this guy is too young and powerful.

What evil did she do in her last life? Only in this life did she stand such a primary school chicken to torture her.

She compromised.

"Well, I'll try it. If you like Wait, boyfriend

After knowing later, I realized that what Qing just said was that Cheng Yunling, a boy friend, had a strong spirit.


When big little still a face should beat disdain, cold hiss: "less see more strange."

After realizing that Qing was serious, Cheng Yunling's resentment of being "cruelly treated" by Shiqing these days seemed to dissipate in an instant.

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No wonder when qingneng so cruel with high calorie food to deal with her such a beautiful girl, it is because this likes a man.

She has seen a lot in the entertainment industry, but instead of forcing Shi Qing's sexual orientation, she jumps over this level and asks, "is this man you like? Is he a straight man?"

Shi Qing: "I don't know."

Cheng Yunling: "this generally can be seen, such as he has made a girlfriend, or a boyfriend?"

Shi Qing: "no, he has always been single."

Cheng Yunling touches his chin. It seems to be a more pure type.

Yeah, isn't that what it's all about in novels?

For example, when the Qing Dynasty such a big family, the most favorite is pure love type.

"Does Cheng Yunling continue to be close to him

When big little is a skilled lift chin, very proud of the appearance: "of course close, we live together."

Cheng Yunling: Cohabitation? "

No, they live together and ask her what to do.

When big little just quite proud of the look really changed, a little not too happy to see Cheng Yunling, depressed way: "just live together."

Cheng Yunling: tut tut.

Sure enough, love makes people blind. Like the young master of Shiqing, he can rent with the people he likes for the sake of love.

Cheng Yunling, who has played several idol dramas, quickly imagined in his mind a beautiful young man with a delicate and beautiful appearance (otherwise, when most and young people would like it), pure temperament (never falling in love) and poor family (otherwise, how could they rent together).

The title of the play has been figured out: the little gray boy when he is domineering.

This name will sell well after it is shown!Fortunately, although she thought far away, Cheng Yunling had not forgotten the business. She continued to ask:

"did you have physical contact when you shared the rent? Such as touching the hand, touching the leg and so on, how did he react? Do you want to avoid it or not? "

According to Cheng Yunling's experience, the more straight a man is, the less he cares about touching with the same sex.

There are even people who make fun of themselves.

If you avoid it, it is estimated that 80% of this innocent and poor American boy has a little interest in Shiqing.

The young man in front of him was pondering on his face, stretched out his slender white fingers and counted them one by one:

"he touched my head, touched it many times, and helped me cover the quilt, fed me fruit, and I also fed him. Is this really close?"

With his description, Cheng Yunling immediately came up with such a picture in his mind.

The beautiful boy gently smiles and touches Shiqing's head. His other hand passes the fruit to his mouth. When he goes to sleep, Shiqing lies on the bed and closes his eyes. The beautiful boy covers his quilt gently and carefully.

What a beautiful love this is.

Cheng Yunling is very sure: "he absolutely has a play for you."

Youth spirit a shock, beautiful eyes are bright some: "really?"

Seeing him so happy, Cheng Yunling was strangely happy for him. She nodded her head again: "really, a straight man will not often touch another man's head, and feed fruit to help cover the quilt. He has done this to you, and it must be interesting to you."

As he spoke, Cheng Yunling sighed in his heart.

Well, being a man, being able to do this to another man.

This beautiful boy may also be secretly in love with Shiqing in the bottom of his heart.

It's like she and her boyfriend.

I didn't say it before. No one knew that they liked each other for a long time.

Cheng Yunling urged Shi Qing: "shishao, if you are afraid that I'm not right, you can directly tell him if he likes you?"

Speaking of this, Shi Qing's original joy faded slowly, and changed into timidity: "I dare not. If he doesn't like me, I confess to him, what should he do if he drives me out?"

As a young master, is he afraid that he can't afford to rent a room?

See how humble love can be.

Cheng Yunling sighed that even Shiqing, a young master who was not afraid of heaven and earth, was afraid that he would not be close to the people he liked.

Ah, although it's a primary school chicken, it's also a poor primary school chicken who is not bad at heart and is trapped in love.

Ding! Cheng Yunling's rejection degree: 60100]

Cheng Yunling: "otherwise, you can try out others if you don't directly say so."

When the majority of the blink blankly, at the moment it is showing some spoiled grow up do not know the appearance of the world.

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Maybe it's because I have something to ask for, even the voice is soft.

"How can we try? You teach me, if you help me, I will repay you in the future

He was beautiful, with delicate facial features, red lips and white teeth. As soon as his appearance of pulling 250000 yuan was restrained, it was revealed that this painting easily provoked women's maternal hair.

Ding! Cheng Yunling's rejection: 59100]

[Ding! Cheng Yunling's rejection: 58100]

[Ding! Cheng Yunling's exclusion: 55100]

is important if you make complaints about it. Before this beautiful face that shows a hesitant and restless look, Cheng Yunling's dissatisfaction with time and Tucao is just like that she ate.

There is no more.

She patted her chest: "it's very simple. In this case, you listen to me. When you sit with him, you reach out and hold his hand. Hand in hand, you know, it's the kind of ten fingers clasped together to see how he reacts."

Shi Qing hesitated: "is this a trial? Isn't that equivalent to a direct statement? "

"Temptation comes by little. If you shake hands with him, he reacts very much, you say you are joking."

Shi Qing: "will he believe it?"

"So you need a prop."

Cheng Yunling patted himself confidently: "well, in our good relationship, I will accompany you to see him. When he reacts greatly, you say you are joking, and I will laugh with him, saying that I have discussed with you to make fun of him. With me, he will surely believe it."

What she vowed to do was mainly to see what this beautiful young man who was so arrogant in the Qing Dynasty liked.

Must be a pure feeling, say two words on the blush, white and tender little cute bar.

Cheng Yunling's idea is infallible indeed. Shida Shao nodded quickly, and his face was firm:

"OK! Just do what you sayHis face of Affirmation: "you don't worry, you help me find a way, I will not treat you badly, you and your boyfriend, I will let the company push."

Cheng Yunling's eyes brightened, and she didn't push away with affectation. Of course, she had to take the chance to earn money with her own skull!

"Don't worry about it. It will definitely be detected! I will be very cooperative

"Well, let's go in."

Cheng Yunling thought Shi Qing meant to let her go in and take her boyfriend. He nodded happily: "ah!"

Together they returned to their positions.

As soon as Cheng Yunling reached for the bag to withdraw, he saw the young man standing up with her boyfriend and sat down beside Tan Mingjin. He stretched out his hand and held the man's big hand.

The one with ten fingers clasped.

Cheng Yunling:

She stood in the same place, full of brain is just when Qing said.

Touch the head, feed the fruit, cover the quilt.

These are things that a normal man does not do to another normal man.

But an uncle can take care of his nephew like this

Cheng Yunling:

Me! Yes! Mom! Ah!


When he saw Shiqing sitting down beside him, he was looking at the man with a smile. When he was holding his hand, his body was stiff. The other hand that was holding the cup was shaking. The cup fell down and made a crisp sound.

Water trickled from the cup to the table.

His heart is pounding and his eyes are complex and gentle.

Finally, the man eased over and opened his mouth: "when..."

Shiqing immediately pulled back his hand: "ha ha ha ha ha, I'm joking!"

"Cheng Yunling says it's fun. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

With that, he turned his head and looked at Cheng Yunling, who was confused. He frowned and urged him in a low voice:

"why don't you smile? Smile quickly."

Cheng Yunling: Ha, ha, ha... "

She felt that she was on the verge of death.

The innocent and lovely gray boy in my mind has been covered with black smoke by Tan Mingjin

Completely replace.

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