Cheng Yunling always felt that the black breath was hovering over Tan Mingjin.

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At the moment, she has no resources in her mind and no happiness of "making money from the skull".

It's all kinds of information that is tangled in her skull like a ball of wool.

Shi Qing likes his uncle.

She encouraged him to pursue love boldly.

Now the time is clear, not to say, but also drag her into the water.

Anyway, he is his nephew. No matter how angry Tan Dong is, he will not do anything excessive to Shiqing.

But she is not necessarily an outsider.

At this moment, this situation, Cheng Yunling's mind only one word.


"Mr. Tan, it's a little time. Ah Zhi and I have to rush back to the production team. Then, we won't disturb you much. Let's go first. See you next time."

With that, she was like a rabbit who was chased out. She couldn't wait to pull her boyfriend with a blank face and didn't know what happened.

This time, when the goal was achieved, Qing did not stop him, but leaned back as if nothing had happened, and looked at the man sitting opposite innocently and blankly.

Maybe it was an outsider who left. Tan Mingjin's face was really dark and frightening. His voice softened again. With a little begging spirit, he played with a smile and said to himself:

"uncle, you are not angry with me, or you are a joke. Don't be so small."

No! So!


Also thanks to tan Mingjin is her own all the way up the mentality is very stable to live, otherwise today's back and forth of so many, if changed into a bad mentality, it is estimated that can be directly in front of this heartless cub in the past.

In one day, she was in such a high and low mood. If she was changed to someone else, Tan Mingjin would have turned her face.

However, even if the bottom of my heart is sulky, when I contact him, I will be so mean and arrogant that she won't really do anything against him. The anger in the man's heart is inexplicable.

He moved his hands slightly. It seemed that there was still the youth's temperature in the palm with thin cocoon.

Shiqing has always been a skipper. From childhood to adulthood, she is restless. Her body is not empty at all. Unlike Tan Mingjin, although she has never stopped exercising, she still likes to be quiet and her hands are not as hot as Shiqing.

Just when he was held, the palm of his hand was also hot.

With the heart are warm down.

But it's just a joke.

At the moment, his palms have returned to their own temperature, and Tan Mingjin's heart is slightly disappointed. She doesn't know whether it is because Shiqing released his hand or because he knows that this is just a joke.

The small face was full of care, even revealed a little pity. Now, the ruddy little mouth is not like before, but slightly pursed, very cautious and pitiful.

Tan Mingjin heart left a little anger also in such eyes slowly dissipated.

He didn't think of it as a double arrow. He only thought that the kid knew that the joke was over played and he was afraid that his uncle would be angry.

At the thought of this, the look on the man's face sank again.

I'll drive when I know he's angry.

I really don't know what kind of soup Cheng Yunling poured into Shiqing. This kind of joke can coax him to play.

His heart was sour and astringent, and his eyes were full of melancholy.

But still answer: "I am not angry."

As for the bottom of my heart, he is the only one who knows.

At that time, the eldest young master was always arrogant and had no long memory. When he saw his uncle, he was not angry, so he immediately put away his flattery and pretended to be good. He especially pushed his nose and face and rubbed his stomach across his clothes.

"The fruit just digests quickly. I feel full just now. So I'm hungry again. Uncle, let's order something to eat. I just patronized the fruit and didn't order."

He didn't say that he was OK. As soon as he said it, Tan Mingjin remembered that Shiqing had just fed him fruit, and that he had to feed him was just for Cheng Yunling to see. The stuffy air in her heart which had just been pressed down ran up again.

Especially when he found out that Qing was careless on the surface and didn't put anything in his heart. Actually, when he stood on his shoulder, Qing still had a guilty face. After looking at him, he looked like he had something on his mind.

The man took a deep breath.

Facing Cheng Yunling, he is happy to be like that, facing him is just like this.

Such a guilty heart, is it hard for him to really treat Cheng Yunling

Even if he had brainwashed himself many times before, "he is only uncle Shiqing", "he should wish Shiqing happiness", "he will hide this love in the bottom of his heart and never reveal it all his life", and so on.

But these, is in he has not felt when Qing's initiative intimate thought.In a day, was patronized twice (although are false), Tan Mingjin is not provoked directly press people to say clearly the intention is good.

How can I see when I see Cheng Yunling.

He breathed a deep breath again. He insisted that he didn't say anything. He called for the menu and watched the youth order carefully.

In any case, since Shi Qing didn't have such an idea, even if he was not willing to do so in his heart, he had to press it down.

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"Have a steak, uncle. Do you want it?"

Shi Qing looked up at Tan Mingjin with a good smile on his face. The words from his red lips pierced his heart like a thorn:

"just now, Cheng Yunling seemed to like to eat it. Let's try it too?"

Tan Mingjin is taking over the new cup from the waiter. When she hears this, she can't help tightening her hand. She almost doesn't let this cup spread the legacy of her predecessors.

He held the glass in his hand for two seconds before slowly placing it on the table.

The magnetic voice is still calm. Although it is a little hoarse, it sounds like a very common tone:

"you seem to like Cheng Yunling very much. She has a boyfriend now. As a member of the opposite sex, and you pursued her so vigorously before, it is better to keep a little distance, so as to avoid her boyfriend from thinking too much."

"What's the matter? I'll ask Cheng Yunling for a favor. She'll make it clear to her boyfriend, and her boyfriend won't misunderstand us."

This is quite certain.

After all, as long as they are normal men, they will not worry about what a gay thinks of his girlfriend.

He felt that he was very considerate. He handed the menu to the waiter, watched him go, and then laughed at Tan Mingjin: "I also ordered one for you."

Tan Mingjin doesn't want to eat steak at all.

He just wanted to eat the time in front of him.

However, Shiqing didn't want him to eat. It seemed that he wanted to eat others.

In this way, Tan Mingjin is more depressed.

He asked, "what can I do for you? It's better to ask me for help?"

He is quite sure of this.

No matter in terms of contacts, or vision, he is absolutely strong and has a lot of cloud spirit.

Shiqing took a look at the man in front of him, and saw that his handsome face was slightly sulky, as if in anger with who, a little want to laugh.

He thought for a moment and said, "uncle, you have no experience in this matter. You can't help me."

Tan Mingjin takes a look at Xiaoqing.

The little guy is holding his chin in his hand and sitting on his shoulder. His little feet are shaking, and his white and tender face shows some depression.

He depressed his own even, but also took time to stare at Tan Mingjin.

It's like complaining.

Tan Mingjin was more angry at the bottom of her heart.

When Qing this is to dislike him to disturb him, with Cheng Yunling almost?

He thought that "Cheng Yunling is a boy friend, I teach the child, absolutely can't do such immoral things", at the same time in his heart sour wish to come to a jar of old vinegar.

"I'm older than her anyway. What's her experience and I'm not?"

This sentence Tan Mingjin said can be said to be justified.

He can be justified.

When I was in school, I worked in various part-time jobs, and I knew everything about the school. After that, he had never seen anything and experienced any difficulties.

If there is something Cheng Yunling can handle, he can't handle it.

Tan Mingjin didn't believe it.

The expression of Shiqing at the moment is consistent with that of Xiaoqing.

All of them left the upright man sitting opposite.

He curled his lips.

The hour Qing follows.

He opened his mouth.

Xiaoqing sighed with a decent sigh.

He wrung his eyebrows slightly and said reluctantly, "it is You've never been in love, uncle

Hour Qing followed heavy and sighed, white lovely face, looking at Tan Mingjin's line of sight again filled with depression.

Tan Mingjin:

For a moment, his body was stiff again. After a few seconds of delay, when he finished his speech, a little embarrassed and embarrassed appeared on his white face. In front of Shiqing, he said in a soft voice:


Again and again, the man's words are not calm, erratic, like a dream: "like the people?"

The young man's beautiful white and tender face flashed shyly. This always arrogant and wanton young master rarely made some wriggling, and nodded to admit with the color of his face slightly red.

He and the hour clear again for a while, the eye is looking forward to tan Mingjin.

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But in Tan Mingjin's eyes, that small eyes, good is afraid that he this uncle will not agree with the same.

"I like him very much, so ask Cheng Yunling to see how he can track down people."Tan Mingjin:

He didn't know what to say.

Heart It may have exploded.

A full delay of 30 seconds, has always been a steady man some difficult to open the mouth, voice obscure: "what kind of person is she?"

Shi Qing seemed to be very shy and lowered his head.

It's Chunqing, staring at Tan Mingjin.

Shi Qing: "he is a little older than me. He is a very powerful man. I adore him and always like him."

Tan Mingjin suddenly felt astringent in her heart.

He thought that he was the one who worshipped by Shiqing.

The man took up his water cup and sipped his saliva to ease his stiff look: "bigger is better, bigger is better for you."

"How big is it? From the same school as you? "

When the eldest young master's head is lower, a pair of dare not and Tan Mingjin look at each other: "he is more than ten years old, has already worked."

Tan Mingjin: Teenagers?! "

So big?

"Although he is more than ten years older than me, he doesn't look old at all. He likes to keep fit very much. He's only twenty-five or six, and..."

The hour clear ah ah ah cry, bashful and embarrassed covered his face, a good shy good shy appearance.


p; "and he looks good."

Tan Mingjin; "

When he was a teenager, he looked good-looking but not old. He immediately targeted the female artists in the entertainment industry.

After locking in, he couldn't take it any more.

Shiqing is the prince of the tan family. Many people know about it. It's impossible that someone will hook him up for his identity.

He is young, I don't know, and he has never stumbled. He is a clever and sensible child. How can he play.

He has his own entertainment industry. Of course, he knows more about some people and things in this circle.

This circle is really chaotic. It's not discrimination. It's just that there are so few resources. The appearance of the people competing for resources is outstanding. It's inevitable that some people will sell their bodies in order to get resources. This kind of thing is common. Even if some people are unwilling to clean up their own lives, they will be forced to do so.

Most of them can be clean and clean with the wind and water. Most of them have background behind them.

Of course, there are those who have no background and struggle on their own and don't sell their bodies. Cheng Yunling is one of them.

But as soon as she saw Shi Qing's eyes full of love, she mentioned to him a woman who was more than ten years old. Tan Mingjin still couldn't accept it.

Even he can't tell whether he is because of the age of the "woman" or because this is "the person that Shiqing likes".

He's just instinctive.

"No way."

When Qing face that little joy immediately disappeared, can't believe looked at him: "why?"

Tan Mingjin's righteous words: "you are still a student, she is older, you are so many, and working, you do not have much common language, not appropriate."

"We can see each other every day. What's the matter with our age? It's not 20 years old. I really like it..."

"Shi Qing." The man wrung his eyebrows, got up seriously, sat down beside the youth, stretched out his hand, and gently rubbed his head with comfort.

Feeling the soft hair passing through his fingertips, his frown brow relaxed a little and his voice softened. He advised the defiant young man:

"you are young now, and you think you like her, but when you grow up, you are in the prime of life and she is old and pale. What should you do?"

Shi Qing looked at the handsome face in front of him. "I think he looks good even when he is old, and he is well maintained."

How can this child make no sense.

Tan Mingjin sighed: "you are in school, she works outside, you are not together during the day, if she has someone she likes outside, how to do?"

Shi Qing: "first of all, he is not that kind of person. Secondly, I can stay with him in a company after graduation. We are together every day. What he sees every day is me?"

Man's heart is a stem.

These days, he told Shi Qing more than once that he hoped he would come to work with him after graduation.

With him watching, Shiqing will not be wronged in the place he can not see. He can also teach a little bit.

But now, this just passed a few days, before still full of promise, now unexpectedly for the sake of that woman, want to run to other people's company.

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He gritted his teeth and made a final struggle:

"you and she are different in age. In case of quarrel and conflict, do you think about what to do

"Of course."

Finally, I got to the point.

Shi Qing's face could not hide the excitement, cocked the corner of his mouth, very happy look, left and right to see no one, just got to tan Mingjin's ear, whispered:

"solve it in bed."Tan Mingjin; "

His mind immediately came out of his favorite little guy, a little bit off his clothes, with a flattering smile, stretching the tone, sweet greasy toward a person to ask for sex.

He would be in close contact with another person.

Sleep with that man.

In the life of Shi Qing, there is no longer his existence.

Only -

that! One! People!

"Bang --"

the reason was finally crushed. The man's face was gloomy, and he hit the table with a fist, making a lot of noise.

Can't stand it!!

Absolutely can't stand it!!

He looked at the young man who was frightened by his sudden attack and said through his teeth, "I don't agree that you are together."

When Qing stare big eyes, angry and aggrieved appearance.

He also stood up, like a penguin trying to defend his territory, and chirped angrily at Tan Mingjin:

"why can't we be together? I think he is different to me! We can be together for sure

Tan Mingjin: "she is older than you."

Shi Qing: "I don't care!"

Tan Mingjin: "I care."

Shi Qing was even more angry: "is it a teenager? I'm not afraid of what you're afraid of

He tore off the disguise of reason and was manipulated by emotion. He sat there looking up at the little guy fighting for love.

There is no reason to object, so we can only bite the age:

"I ask you, how much older is she

Young people are unwilling to turn their lips: "sixteen years old."

Sixteen years old.

What a good reason.

Tan Mingjin: "in short, I don't agree. You'd better give me a break."

His attitude was too resolute, and the youth didn't dare to fight fiercely. He was just aggrieved with red eyes and pleaded in a low voice:

"he was very kind to me. From childhood to adulthood, no one has been so kind to me except grandma."

Tan Mingjin was so angry that she lost her reason completely.

What is it that nobody is so nice to him except grandma??

What about him??

Is he not good enough to keep up with the times??

Even if the relationship between the two people was not very good, during this period of time, he just wanted to dig out his heart and lung, and give the whole heart and liver to clear.

This heartless little guy, only his teenage sweetheart, didn't look at him at all.

He controlled himself not to crush the corner of the table and took a deep breath: "no way."

"Uncle, you can promise, age is not a problem, as long as a person is good enough, good enough for me?"

Tan Mingjin couldn't help sneering at her mouth;

"well, you say she's good enough. As long as she's not worse than me, it's OK."

The youth blushed.

Hour Qing also covered his face.

He wryly said: "wealth It's almost like you, uncle

Tan Mingjin:

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He had no mind to think in his mind which woman in the business circle had the same wealth as himself, 12 years older than Shiqing.

After all, he's going to explode.

"Uncle, are you promising? Do you think we are a good match? I really like him and he's really nice to me

Tan Mingjin has no expression.

Shi Qing: "really, uncle, think about it. After we are together, I can get up with him, have breakfast together, go to the company together, work overtime together, and go home together. We can also come to this restaurant often. Do you think, is the picture very beautiful?"

Tan Mingjin clenched her fist gradually, and the scene of her own getting up for breakfast and going to the company to work overtime came to her mind.

"Well, you say, she is good to you, where is she to you?"

He was even a little aggrieved at the moment.

After all, among the living people in the world, he has always been confident that no one can be so good at keeping up with the times.

When Qing obediently sat down and counted him with his fingers: "he videos with me every day."

Tan Mingjin sneered.

He also had a recollection at the moment. There was absolutely no woman in the province, no, in the whole country, who was 34 years old and had the same family status as him.

What can be compared with Tan's, the old Dong is not up in his fifties.

Tan Mingjin can confidently say that in the whole country, only he is 34 years old and has such wealth.

This woman, I'm afraid, was a young man to deceive him.

Isn't he in the same family? I'm so busy every day that I can spare time to keep up with Shiqing video.

Shi Qing: "he also gives me food every day."

At the bottom of her heart, Tan Mingjin sneered.

What's the food delivery? He gave it back.Can that woman have what he likes and doesn't like to eat when he knows it?

Shi Qing: "all the things I love to eat, I have never seen anything I don't like to eat."

Tan Mingjin:

He snorted coldly: "play tricks."

Shi Qing: "he never dislikes me for being angry and always coax me."

Tan Mingjin is a cold hum: "nothing to pay attention to, not rape or steal."

Shi Qing: "buy me what I want and take me to the place where he works."

Tan Mingjin: "what do you want? I didn't buy it for you? I bought all the airplanes for you, and she bought things for you, and you were moved? "

"Uncle, don't you think he is really good to me? He still touches my head. When he touches my head, I can feel that he is really kind to me

Then the young man took his arm and whispered, "I just want to know if he likes me or not."

Said, he a pair of beautiful eyes, with a little hope, looked at the man in front of him.

Tan Mingjin is silent. In fact, he is afraid that he will scold if he is not silent.

After all, he can't even laugh at him now.

Touching your head is just touching your head.

What's the big deal.

Didn't he touch it?

Isn't he sincere?

This child, why don't you think about him, don't look at him!

Shi Qing thought it was almost over. He began to close the net and leaned close to the man. His tone was sweet and greasy:

"such a good person can't find a second person in the whole country. Uncle, do you think so?"

Tan Mingjin suddenly took the young man's arm: "it's impossible to find the second one."

"Because I am the only one who meets all the conditions you just said."

Shi Qing: [well, it's the first time that I'm so explicit, but I'm very happy to think that I'm going to harvest Tan's gift bag. ]

System: [congratulations to the host! Congratulations host!! ]

before the smile on her face was put out, she listened to the man in front of him with a tone of anger, his face was black and his teeth clenched:

"she is a liar!"

"I will never allow you to be together!"


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