Kill him.

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At this moment, Shi Qing has no expression.

Tan Mingjin has been very angry, but he seems to be more angry than he Tan Mingjin, just soft voice, all kinds of young people also stand up.

Angry, beautiful eyes as if hidden flame.

The whole person became a dolphin.

"How can you do this! This is my wish. You can't do it even if you don't want to! "

On the shoulder of the hour Qing also along with babbling, angry as if the next second can go to heaven.

Tan Mingjin was baffled by his accusation, but he soon realized that he was clever, lovely, obedient and sensible, and now he wanted to fight against him for the sake of a young swindler woman in Shiqing.

Men's eyes are also gradually angry.

The tyrant said in a cold voice, "in short, I won't agree. If you have to insist on your own way..."

At this point, the tyrant is stuck.

If Shi Qing insists on his own way, what can he do?

Once he was good at threatening and intimidating Shiqing. At that time, whenever Shiqing started to make trouble, he would scare Shiqing by cutting off the other party's financial resources.

For Shi Qing, who spends money lavishly and likes to show face in front of his friends, the threat is too effective.

And now, at the thought that if he cut off the other party's financial resources, this heartless little bastard would surely run to that woman to eat and drink.

Maybe it will be taken advantage of.

Tan Mingjin's mind immediately came up with a picture of Shi Qing selling himself for money.

No way!

Absolutely can't bear it!

But what else is there besides this threat?

Drive Shi Qing out of the tan family?

That how to line, in case the outside knows this matter, bullying Shiqing how to do.

And to drive him out, is not it in disguise to let that woman take the place of herself and become the caretaker of Shiqing?

The tyrant couldn't find a way to punish him. He just stopped for a few seconds and continued: "I will let you know that I regret it."

"Can't I like it? Don't you buy everything I like, uncle? Don't you like me? I feel it clearly. Why don't you promise me? "

Tan Mingjin was almost not in front of this justifiable, relying on their own like to ask him, let him in front of the child raised by his own hands when Qing to angry smile.

Yes, he likes Shiqing.

It was because he liked it that he didn't want to.

You have to be more sure about everything else

He can clearly see that the tears in the eyes of the young people standing in front of him are already spinning, and his beautiful little nose is also red. He looks at himself wrongly and obstinately.

Hour Qing is almost the same expression, is standing on the shoulder sobbing tears, white lovely face is full of grievances.

It made people cry.

Tan Mingjin felt guilty.

I really feel guilty.

Especially others know that his obstruction is not only because the woman is a liar, but also because he doesn't want Shiqing to leave him.

At the moment, to shangshiqing's tears, Tan Mingjin seems to be awakened by a stick.

What is he doing.

Shi Qing is different from him.

Shiqing is normal and likes girls.

Isn't it normal to like someone at this age?

Why should he keep Shiqing in his sight because of the shady idea in his heart.

Obviously, he wanted to occupy Shiqing, but he showed a good appearance for Shiqing.

Before this child and his relationship has just eased a little, since he knows that he can not go further, why to block this child to find his own happiness.

The more sour Tan Mingjin has figured it out.

At the moment, he seems to be the affectionate man in the TV series. Even if he doesn't give up all kinds of things, he just wants to snatch his beloved to his arms directly, but he can only slowly give up his hand and watch the other party complain about others' embrace.

Lonely, lonely and sad.

If it's an animated picture at the moment, you should be able to see that there is no cloud all around, only Tan Mingjin's head, a dark cloud falling on it, thunder and lightning, falling rain.

The man is sad purses the lip, diligently lets oneself forget that should not have the mind.

That's it.

Just hide it like this.

To be a good uncle of Shiqing all his life and protect him all his life.

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Looking at his lovely wife, young children, both children, happy life.

Tan Mingjin is lonely and happy to watch from afar.

He took a deep breath and sighed:"Uncle won't stop you from pursuing your happiness. You can like girls of your age, such as those in your school, or I'll introduce them to you. They have some common language."

He was so heartbroken that he forced himself to say "intimate" words.

As a result, he found that the youth in front of him was more and more aggrieved.

Not only aggrieved, but also sad.

Tan Mingjin, who is also sad, understands his idea. It must be very difficult to give up a person.

But what can be done.

People he likes don't like him.

The person that Shi Qing likes is a female swindler.

Tan Mingjin: "I know you may not accept it now. It's OK. Uncle will always be your uncle..." Your partner may not always be your partner.

He was sad and wanted to say more, but his shoulder was pushed by Shiqing.

Tan Mingjin didn't react. Her feet were still standing on the ground, motionless.

I can't help it. Although he is older than the time, he goes to bed early and gets up early to exercise in the tropics.

Shi Qing, before that, he stayed up all night and did not exercise. His body was a sub-health state.

His strength is small, so a push, fell on Tan Mingjin, just like being scratched by a baby cat whose nails are soft.

It's not painful, it's even a little cute.

Tan Mingjin was thinking about it, and then noticed that there was condemnation in the sight of QingWang.

Oh It's because he was pushed. He's OK.

I wish the whole world would be held to the time when the man in front of him thought for a second, "stagger" and step back.

Is it time for Qing to be happy?

As a result, when he looked up again, he saw that the young man's eyes turned red, and the tears rolled and rolled in his beautiful eyes.

Finally, he reached out his hand and wiped away his tears with the back of his hand. He said angrily, "you are too much. If you don't promise, you won't agree. I didn't ask you to promise. Why do you want to humiliate me so much?"

Then, facing the man who didn't know how he humiliated Shiqing, the young man roared with an angry dragon:

"I hate you!"

Finish saying this sentence, when clear a second all without delay, turn around to rush out of the dining-room.

Only left still standing there Tan Mingjin still don't know how to humiliate her.

At a loss, helpless, and full of jealousy.

"My uncle is too much, he is really too much, do you hear me, I say he is too much."

I don't know why he has become the most and less emotional tree hole Cheng Yunling. He is expressionless and has nothing to love through the phone:

"I heard it, and I know that Tan Dong is too much, but it is too little. I have heard it at least 100 times tonight. Can you change your words?"


"Have you ever seen such an excessive person? Haven't you

Cheng Yunling:

Yes, I have.

That person is you.

This guy called me at three in the morning and forced me to listen to all your babbling.

Cheng Yunling lay down helplessly: "time is little, it's really late, or we should go to bed first. I'm so sleepy that I can't open my eyes. I still have work tomorrow."

When you see the game in the morning, why are you still looking for me when you are playing the game

Cheng Yunling:

This young master is usually silly. How can he be so clever at such a time.

She broke down and kneaded her hair into a chicken coop: "but what are you doing with me about these things!"

Shi Qing's tone is very natural: "are we not friends? I'm feeling frustrated now. Shouldn't you help me? "

Cheng Yunling: Your sister's friend.

She is short of all the five elements, but she does not lack friends.

In particular, there is no shortage of friends who call in the middle of the night to nag about "too much" for an hour.

maybe she felt the heart of her heart, and the youth's clear voice immediately came to her. "Don't forget, if you weren't me, how would you tell your boyfriend, if you didn't make complaints about it, how could you know that he was secretly in love with you? You can depend on me for everything. You must know gratitude. Now I have emotional problems, and you won't help me solve it. Is it? "

Cheng Yunling:

There seems to be some truth in that.

"But how can I solve this problem? How can I dare to come to him when he is so powerful? And what he said is right. If you are so big, there will be no common language in the future."

Cheng Yunling suggested: "otherwise, you should have a good sleep, give me some time to think, let me think about how to deal with this matter, when I think clearly, I will help you, OK?"At that end, he thought clearly and nodded his head and said, "well, don't think too long. Think about it well."

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Finally, I can get rid of his nagging.

Cheng Yunling was so excited that tears filled his eyes and quickly assured him: "it's very fast. Don't worry! When I think about it, I will help you solve this problem! "

Anyway, sleep first.

Although she can stay up late to play games when she doesn't work, Cheng Yunling is strangely sleepy after being nagged for an hour.

It's hanging up at the other end.

Cheng Yunling heaved a sigh of relief.

Then there was some complacency.

Sure enough, the child is a child, easy to coax and cheat, it seems that her IQ can still hang hit when Qing.

This kid.

Murmuring about getting ready to go to bed, the mobile phone rings again. Cheng Yunling turns to see that it is Shi Qing's phone, but he doesn't want to pick it up:

"time is short, what's the matter? Did you forget something? "

"60 seconds have passed, tell me what you think!"

Cheng Yunling:

Kill her!!!!

Why is Qing lovelorn? She suffers!

She doesn't want to bear it, she can't bear it!!

"When I was young..."

Shi Qing: "you really want to know what the variety show is and learn how to cook together? Think it out for me, and I'll send you to that variety show

The most popular variety show!

All the artists who go up can soar. The popularity doesn't count. The fans are going up by many times.

At this moment, Cheng Yunling has no sleep in his mind and no game.

Only the golden Boulevard in front of us.

"No problem. I've decided to solve it for you."

Isn't it just chasing people?

Although the pursuer is male, the chased is also male.

Although it was the chairman of Tan who was pursued.

Although the pursuers were raised by the chasers themselves.


Cheng Yunling: It seems to be really difficult.

What to do with a little regret.

But she agreed, now regret is useless, may be because her own love is too smooth, when most of her as a love expert.

From the next day on, he stayed in the crew on the day and at the hotel in the evening.

I also bring my own notebook. I don't know how serious I am every day.

It's a good thing to learn things seriously, but Cheng Yunling has nothing to teach Shi Qing.

And because Shi Qing always came to find her, she and her boyfriend's two people's world, out of thin air more people come out.

Triangle, beautiful shape.

She simply decided to take Thirty-six Strategies as the best.

It's just that the cast is finished, and you can go home. Besides, your boyfriend is also free. You can enjoy the happy life of the two at home.

As a result, Cheng Yunling did not expect.

She underestimated Shi Qing's cheekiness.

This guy is really shameless to follow.

Follow me!!!

And still shameless must also live in her home, also fortunately her boyfriend does not mind.

Although Cheng Yunling felt that her boyfriend didn't mind because she didn't realize how annoying Qing was.

Sometimes her boyfriend is sleeping in the room, and Cheng Yunling is depressed and expressionless, talking about the love course she has searched from the Internet.

In just five days, she couldn't stand it.

Shi Qing was very happy with her.

Especially when she found that Tan Mingjin was watching and sending people to follow him.

As a result, he became more and more comfortable.

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Comfortable life is always very fast, seeing a month is coming soon, the system began to worry.

[host, what to do? Time is coming, and her rejection rate is still not moving. ]

Shi Qing: [don't worry, in fact, don't you think she's very kind without the rejection rate of 100? ]

System: [ ]

in fact, it also thinks so.

Look at its host.

Lying on Cheng Yunling's sofa, with milk poured by Cheng Yunling in his hand, eating fruits bought by Cheng Yunling and cut by himself, watching Cheng Yunling's TV, and occasionally sitting on the other side of the sofa, talking with Cheng Yunling's boyfriend about the game.

Perfect show a disgusting young master image.

Shi Qingzheng was eating melon seeds while watching TV. His mobile phone suddenly rang. He immediately got up and yelled: "Cheng Yunling, it's 8 o'clock, it's time for class!" Cheng Yunling, who is applying the mask, is coming out of


is really dark face and mask is black.The sound of the alarm is still ringing.

For Cheng Yunling, this is not the sound of the alarm clock, but the call from the daily collapse.

Sometimes she really felt that Shi Qing didn't want to learn anything at all. It was because Tan Mingjin had treated her a little differently before, and this boy was jealous, so she deliberately messed with her.

When Cheng Yunling sat down, the young man had already asked for his own small book, waiting to take notes.

Cheng Yunling: neuropathy.

Forget it.

Think about the heat, think about the fans, think about the career and the future.

She forbear!

"Shi Qing, how did this strategy go? Why can't I walk several times

Just after the lecture, Cheng Yunling's boyfriend came over and handed his computer to him with a thoughtful face.

"Well, simple, I'll tell you, you go here first, then here, and then you come to this position..."

Cheng Yunling:

It's day, dog.

When was the relationship so good.

Come on, bear with it.

Just don't see it.

That night, the two young lovers lie in a quilt. Cheng Yunling also specially perfumes herself and goes into her boyfriend's arms.

Boyfriends: "you don't press me, I and time Qing are making copies, you are so close to me, later it will affect me."

Cheng Yunling:

Cheng Yunling:

Can't bear it!!!

Eat her dress her, she endure!!

Forcing her a layman to be a love expert, she also tolerated!

Every day she looks like a young master. When she thinks about the variety show, she can bear it!!

But now!!

Boyfriends have been taken over!

Can't bear it!

Absolutely can't bear it!

Cheng Yunling came in a fierce manner. He knocked at the door.

She's going to tell this guy!

Get out of here! Get out of here!

What variety show! What resources!

She doesn't want it!!

"Come in."

Inside came a young man with a little hoarse voice. Cheng Yunling didn't take it seriously. He still rushed in fiercely.

As soon as I went in, I was stunned.

When Qing is sitting in front of the computer, yes, is also playing games, yes, but that beautiful face, a pair of eyes is red, nose also a puff, a pair of just crying poor appearance.

He has always been very good-looking, once the expression is not fierce and overbearing, that pair of natural and pitiful will be revealed. In addition, at the moment, his eyes are red and his nose is red, which is pitiful.

Cheng Yunling's heart softened immediately.

Even the voice was lowered 800 times: "what's the matter with you?"

"It's OK. It's just playing games and thinking of my uncle."

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When Qing sniffles, the expression is more and more pitiful, even has always been publicized tone all soft down, soft waxy, listen to let people want to hold in the arms, good pain.

"In the past, my uncle didn't like me playing games, and he always scolded me every time I found it. But now I've played all night, no one cares about me, and no one asks me to go to bed early."

He reached out his hand and wiped the tears on his face. He looked pitifully at Cheng Yunling: "fortunately, you help me, or I really don't know what to do."

Cheng Yunling is a soft hearted mess.

Yes, she always thinks Shiqing is annoying. But think about it, he has only one relative, Tan Dong.

Without Mr. Tan, the whole world is lost to him.

He's so pathetic that she can't drive him.

Don't worry about it. If you don't care about it, don't worry about it. If you don't feel disappointed in the world, don't worry about it


When big little very pitifully red eyes nodded, rarely meek said: "I listen to you.

What a lovely child.

Cheng Yunling sighed in the bottom of his heart: "sleep quickly, don't worry, even if you and Tan Dong really break up, there is also my friend, I won't care about you."

Just returned a pair of weak and pitiful appearance when Qing immediately changed face: "this is you say, I did not force you."

With that, he pulled out the drawer, took out the spicy noodles hidden in it and took a sip. His spicy eyes turned red again.

Cheng Yunling:

"Shiqing!!! How many times have I told you!! No eating in the bedroom!!! Ah, ah, ah, ah, you're going to piss me off

The next day, Cheng Yunling of Shiqing surrendered and asked Tan Mingjin out.

Fortunately, Tan Mingjin left her a contact information after she helped her.Although it is said that the first time she contacted Tan Mingjin with this contact information was to help Shiqing, who was considered as the "perpetrator" at the beginning, it was a little strange.

Tan Mingjin knew that recently when Qing lived in Cheng Yunling's house, she agreed to meet.

He is eager to know the situation of Shi Qing, not what the employees said about having two bowls of porridge, one egg and two fried sticks for breakfast, but what Shi Qing thought.

He really because he did not allow him and cheater together, so decided to abandon his uncle.

At the thought of this, the man's heart will sour hair pain.

In this world, there will always be a kind of people, fight, reluctant, scold, reluctant, left, and can not put down.

When Qing is tan Mingjin can not let go of people.

At the moment, he sat opposite Cheng Yunling with a serious face.

Cheng Yunling twists his spoon in his hand and feels strangely that he is here to make a date:

"well, Mr. Tan, I know that you only regard shishao as a junior. Last time he confessed to you, you should have been shocked and unacceptable. In fact, when he told you a little less, it was just a little bit of truth revealed. These days in my family, it is weeping and howling at night, which is very uncomfortable, But he likes you, which is beyond his control, so... "

Tan Mingjin: You wait. What did you say just now

Cheng Yunling was stunned: "I said that I would cry one day and howl at night..."

Tan Mingjin: "no, the next sentence."

Cheng Yunling: "he likes you..."

- bang!

The man's hand fell to the ground.

In the debris of the ground, he suddenly stood up.

A handsome and calm face was full of blank: "Shiqing Like me

Cheng Yunling: Well, yes, but this was not the last time... "

Tan Mingjin: "Shiqing likes me?"

Cheng Yunling: "yes."

Tan Mingjin: "Shiqing likes me."

Cheng Yunling: Is that right? "

Tan Mingjin: "Shiqing likes me..."

Cheng Yunling:

She touched her nose.

What's wrong with these two, a little asshole, a repeater.

However, before she could continue to say something, Tan Mingjin had already turned around and strode out of the restaurant.

"Ah?? Mr. Tan?? Mr. Tan

Cheng Yunling subconsciously caught up with him and was stopped at the door by the waiter:

"excuse me, madam. Your account has not been settled yet."

Cheng Yunling:

What evil has she done.

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