Shi Qing likes him.

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Shi Qing likes him.

This is the only sentence left in Tan Mingjin's mind.

Back and forth, flashback and forth.

It's magical.

But happy.

As long as I think, when Qing likes him, Tan Mingjin, the smile on the corner of the man's lips will never fall down.


That's right.

It should be like this.

Compared with the age of 16 years, this city has no comparable wealth.

Be good to him, touch his head, give him what he likes to eat, and video with him every day.

When he jumped out of the point that "the person whom Shiqing likes must be a woman", everything the youth said on that day was completely based on his tan Mingjin.

On the surface, Shi Qing rejected him, but he always looked at him with admiration and joy, babbling and hugging.

Shi Qingming didn't like Cheng Yunling, and he hated her to be like that, but he still had to force himself to make a look of pursuit.

The reason why he did this is not because of Tan Mingjin's maintenance and affection for Cheng Yunling.

The child is jealous.

As long as the thought of his ferocious and aggrieved appearance is because of jealousy, Tan Mingjin can't help laughing.

The little details that didn't really matter.

Why does Shi Qingming like to be close to him in his heart, but never take the initiative to get close to him.

Why did Shi Qing make a video call to Cheng Yunling three times a day after he had a good relationship with him.

Why does the child react so much when he wants a blind date.

All of these have the answer.

With the more clear thinking of the body, the more clear thinking.

He likes Shiqing.

Shi Qing also liked him.

Is there anything in the world that makes people feel happier than this?

The driver, who was driving, looked up carefully. In the mirror, he had a gentle look. The corner of his lip slightly touched up the smiling Tan Dong and made a shiver.

He has been following him for so long, and he has seen him look cold and frosty. This is the first time he has seen him like this.

Laugh, laugh and shake your head.

Is this still Mr. tan?

It won't be something dirty.

Thinking about it, the superstitious driver shivered again and continued to drive cautiously.

Tan Mingjin now all behavior can be said to rely on instinct.

Instinctively leave the restaurant, instinctively sit in the car.

When the mobile phone rings, it is also instinctively connected.

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There came Cheng Yunling's voice: "Mr. Tan, are you looking for less time? I haven't told you the address yet


Tan Mingjin's heart has long been floating to the time of Qing that, but still can answer.

The man's voice was low and deep, magnetic and pleasant: "I know your home address."

Cheng Yunling: All right.

Although I really want to ask my family, in case the paparazzi address is only told to no more than five people, but considering Tan Mingjin's identity and status, it seems that he knows where her home is completely normal.

She should have known that in this world where money can do almost everything, Tan Mingjin is omnipotent.

The omnipotent Tan Mingjin soon arrived at Cheng Yunling's downstairs.

He got out of the car and looked at the house in front of him.

The door was open, but he didn't dare to step in.

Tan Mingjin has not forgotten, when Qing left his last word is what.

He said he hated him.

Although he knew that sentence was because he said "always be an uncle", he was misunderstood as his refusal by Shiqing.

But men are still hesitant.

He hesitated to stand downstairs and walked back two steps, with a dignified look and hesitation in his eyes.

The driver stood by the car carefully, watching the slender figure of his boss walking up and down. He was obviously eager to go up, but he didn't dare to go up. He took a timid look at the door, which could be opened only by pushing it gently. Then he quietly looked at the gossip mirror hanging in front of the door and shivered again.

He approached carefully and asked, "Mr. Tan, do you remember that year I just came, did you pay in advance with you?"


Tan Mingjin wrung her eyebrows and looked at the driver inexplicably. He is in a mess now and doesn't mind saying something:

"the year your wife had a car accident."


I remember this incident. It's still Mr. tan.

The driver's body was slightly relaxed, but superstitious, he still had some doubts in his heart. After thinking about it, he took down the gossip mirror hanging in front of the door on tiptoe.Looking tentatively at Tan Mingjin, "Tan Dong, you..."

Tan Mingjin didn't notice his small movements at all. He took a deep breath of psychological construction for himself.

As long as Shi Qing likes him.

Even if he is still angry with him, he can certainly coax people back.

Then he took a deep breath. The man's eyes were full of firmness and tenderness. He stepped into the room with long legs.

Just want to test a little bit, still holding the Bagua mirror driver:.... "

Oh, my God!!!

Tan Mingjin did not know that the driver was downstairs thinking whether to run or not.

He has entered the villa under the name of Cheng Yunling.

This villa was bought by Cheng Yunling himself. It was just her nest. Because she didn't trust her when she bought it, she paid attention to confidentiality, so the paparazzi couldn't find it.

It is because of this that she brings her boyfriend here to take refuge.

Although I don't know why it's obviously refuge, the result is that Shiqing's "difficulty" has followed.

Because he wanted to live alone when he bought it, so Cheng Yunling didn't make much effort in sound insulation.

Therefore, as soon as Tan Mingjin came in, she could hear the lively and clear voice of the young people upstairs:

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"move!!! You move!! Ah! Dead again

In the last sentence, his tone was gloomy.

Depressed let the man think of his last meeting with Shi Qing. When he proposed that he would arrange a blind date for the little guy, the tone and expression of Shi Qing seemed to be so depressed now.

Are you playing games again?

He likes playing games so much that he has been killed by himself for so many times before, but he still does not give up to playing games secretly.

The result left him, can't even play games to make Shiqing happy?

The gentleness in the man's eyes was even greater, and he went straight up the stairs.

He wanted to tell Shi Qing that he did not refuse to accept his feelings.

After talking about it, they were together.

He will never be as fierce and clear as he used to be.

However, with a smile in her mouth, she just went up the stairs, and her expression froze.

From his point of view, we can see that Shi Qing and a handsome man are leaning on the sofa together. Both of them are holding mobile phones in their hands. Their legs are cocked and their faces are smiling. They look close and happy.

Shi Qing was patting the thigh of the man next to him, ha ha ha ha. "Look at this mage, I'm laughing to death. Ha ha ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

Be as happy as you can.

Be as happy as possible.

Tan Mingjin:

A handsome man who was laughing with Shi Qing accidentally raised his eyes. His face was black and his head was almost full of black clouds. He was staring at Shi Qing with murderous eyes

A hand that falls on one's leg.

He said:

Cheng Yunling's boyfriend, who was still holding mobile phone music, jumped up after rubbing. Subconsciously, he hid and was eight feet away:

"Tan, Tan Dong."

Just because he suddenly jumped away, the young man who was at a loss also turned his head. After seeing that it was Tan Mingjin, his white and beautiful face first showed a glimmer of joy, and then he thought of something. His dark face suddenly turned away from him.


Don't get me wrong. It's not the time to hum.

It's Chunqing.

The little guy tried to stand on tiptoe, trying to make himself look bigger. The little hand on the left was in his waist, and the white and tender voice on the right side. A small index finger pointed at Tan Mingjin, and angrily and wrongly scolded:


"Eerie, eerie!! Gee

I was so angry that I didn't think it was enough to scold people. I didn't stand on tiptoe any more. I even stamped my feet fiercely.

This appearance, this pair of action tone, is really in the aggressive curse, good.

But in the small guy this small bean curd body, coupled with that childish babbling, inexplicably some lovely and pitiful.

Tan Mingjin was originally out of control because of the interaction between Shi Qing and the passer-by (yes, in his eyes, this is a passer-by a), and her gloomy face gradually warmed.

The man's face with a gentle smile, he went to the front, straight to the angry when Qing side.

Carefully stretched out his hand, with a little resolute, slowly held the young man's soft hand.

When Qing's body is stiff, white face shows a few silk hesitation, turn head to look at Tan Mingjin.

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"Shi Qing, I misunderstood it before."

Since Tan Mingjin has figured it out, she will never try vaguely. Instead, she holds Shiqing's hand and takes out a ring from her arms.

This is a man's ring.

In this way, he slowly put the ring on the young man's slender fingers, with a serious look and firm eyes"I wanted to give it to you for a long time."

"Shiqing, would you like to be my partner?"

When you blink, look down at the ring.

It's a foul ]

he couldn't believe it was done by Tan Mingjin, who had done a series of notes on orphans.

But in the end, I couldn't resist the temptation, and then I clenched Tan Mingjin's hand.

Young people are a little unwilling: "OK, since you are so beg me, I can't help but promise."

Tan Mingjin's eyes immediately burst out of a huge surprise.

He couldn't wait to ask Shi Qing, "shall we go abroad to get the license today?"

Shi Qing looks at the ring on his hand and looks at the dog in front of him. He is full of expectation and looks at his tan Mingjin, pretending to be hesitant.

Seeing the expression on Tan Mingjin's face gradually changed from expectation to caution, and from caution to nervousness and fear, she hummed and lifted her chin:


When Cheng Yunling came back, only her boyfriend was left in the living room.

"What about Shiqing? Is Mr. Tan here? "

Boyfriend: "here it is. I've already taken it. It's just now."

Cheng Yunling heaved a sigh of relief and collapsed on the sofa:

"thank God, the little ancestor has finally left."

She stretched out her hand and patted her boyfriend on the shoulder: "tell me about you. In the end, I am your girlfriend or Shiqing is your girlfriend. I play games with him every day. If I don't know you are straight, I have to sweep you out of the house."

Her boyfriend also knows that these days is indeed some neglect her, hastily flattered peeled the orange, carefully sent to her mouth.

"It's my fault. It won't be like this again next time. Let's go on holiday. My family has developed a new island, which is very interesting."

"What's interesting about the island? I don't want to go." Cheng Yunling ate the orange, just shook his hand, suddenly suddenly sat up: "wait, your home???"

My boyfriend was at a loss: "yes, my family."

Cheng Yunling:

Cheng Yunling: You have an island

Her boyfriend scratched his head suspiciously: "yes, what's the matter?"

"Isn't my family a tourist company? I often buy an island for development, but this island will not be opened to tourists for five years. It must be very interesting. You can go and play with me for a few days. "

When he finished, he added, "didn't you say you wanted to participate in that variety show? I've already said hello, and when we come back from the tour, we'll be in time. "

He is also very happy, dog eyes to his girlfriend for praise.

Cheng Yunling:

She jumped up to pinch him as soon as she stood up. "You are a rich second generation, why didn't you say it earlier!! Ah, ah, ah, you know I agreed to that little jerk of Shiqing for that variety show

"I've suffered a lot these days!! It's a waste of time

"I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Although my family is rich, I'm not as rich as Mr. tan? I didn't know how much I liked men before. I thought he chased you, and then I felt inferior and didn't dare to say... "

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Cheng Yunling almost couldn't lift it without breath.

You have an island in your family, and you feel inferior.

Are rich people so modest?!!!

Although she felt that she was really in vain, she was very happy when she thought about it carefully.

Although her boyfriend is a little silly, white sweet game fans of the rich second generation, but at least still very good at cajoling people, beat the leg, pinch shoulder, peel fruit, coax her mood relaxed.

Cheng Yunling is in a good mood, relying on his boyfriend, which makes him a little bit happy.

"you don't need to feel inferior. Although Mr. Tan has more money than you, he certainly is not considerate. I tell you, I thought that Tan Dong could not accept Shiqing. As a result, he didn't know that Shi Qing was happy with him and laughed me to death. God was fair and gave him more than ordinary people His high IQ didn't give him the same Eq

In addition, the little bastard of Shiqing is so awkward and undeserving.

She couldn't help laughing when she thought about it:

"look, it may take them a long time to get together."

Or her boyfriend.

Is seriously to Cheng Yunling peel orange boyfriend: "they have been together ah, today a said to open on the card."

He looked at the sky outside, calculated the time difference, and nodded positively:

"I think I've finished getting the certificate."

Cheng Yunling, who was gloating at his misfortune, said, "I'm not sure."

What to do if the orange suddenly doesn't taste so sweet.

They decided to "go to bed" early because they had a major breakthrough today (that is, they opened their family background and the inferiority complex of their boyfriends).

After taking a bath and applying fragrance, Cheng Yunling has just got into the bed when the mobile phone alarm rings.Eight o'clock sharp.

Time clear "study" time.

She breathed a sigh of dispirited, and was about to climb out of bed to make up lessons with the little ancestor, and suddenly remembered.

Isn't Shiqing gone already!!

After the reaction, Cheng Yunling was moved with tears.

This little ancestor doesn't have to torture her anymore. Ha ha ha!!

No longer have to be forced to "class" at eight.

I don't worry about the pillow next to me in the middle of the night. When I get up, I see my boyfriend secretly opens the copy.

I don't have to listen to this little bastard cry any more. I have to watch him eat in the bedroom.

Thank God for letting her go!

After that, she must put the little ancestor in her hand and devoutly support her.

After getting the certificate from Tan Mingjin, Shi Qing suddenly hears the system prompt tone:

[Ding! Cheng Yunling's rejection degree: 49100]

system music wants to set off firecrackers; [wonderful host!! We don't have to be kicked out!! ]

Shi Qing: [I have said for a long time, as soon as I leave, her rejection degree will definitely decrease. ]

but in this small villa in China.

As soon as the alarm is turned off and the quilt is covered, Cheng Yunling, who is planning to celebrate with her boyfriend, suddenly lifts the quilt and his head comes out.

No! It was Shi Qing who tortured her all the time.

He doesn't torture her, isn't that right?!

She thanks a fart!

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