Outside the courtyard, his mother-in-law is still scolding.

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The voice is soft and soft, and the pronunciation is slow, just like a coquettish one.

"whose young master is not afraid of melting in his mouth, but afraid of falling in his hand. How come the young master of Jiang's family is not so expensive as ours? My brother Qing is still the only man in the family. He pushed my brother Qing to the cold lake and only wanted to push a common son to deal with this. What a daydream

Then a few soft talking girls were Persuading "madam, don't be angry. Naturally, our family should talk about Tao and Tao, but it's our uncle at that time, and it's not good to explain."


"I don't know what the master thought of him. He married my sister and didn't stay well. He talked about my sister together with the woman in the kiln. The Jiang family was just a military family. He didn't cherish it when he got married. What kind of uncle is he?"

It's just that she didn't tell us anything about it even though she hated her voice.

When their daughter becomes a wife, they are in trouble. What if something that doesn't have any rules finds trouble with her daughter.

When Qing heard almost, he called out "come on."

"Qingge'er is awake?"

Almost immediately, the curtain was lifted, and a well-dressed, pretty girl came in with a happy face. When she got to the bed, she carefully looked at Shiqing's expression. She was relieved to see that there was no pain on his face.

She said in a low voice, "brother Qing, don't want to have a conflict with people next time. They are from the military family. Our brother Qing is weak. How can we compare with them? This time, we are scared. My wife has been crying for a long time."

Outside, the wife also heard the movement of the house, her face a joy, quickly turned around and ran back to the room, as soon as she saw her son sitting on the bed, tears pattered all over her face.

"My mother's brother Qing, I'm scared to death. If something happens to you, my mother won't live."

With such a crying look, Shiqing doubted that she had some incurable disease instead of "beating people with a whip when she got out of the water.".

It's no wonder that the original owner was spoiled by the lawlessness. The master and servants of this room looked at him in the same way as a baby.

"My son, you should stay at home and stay at home. You are not allowed to go anywhere until you are cured. Your mother knows that you also love your sister, but you should not be involved in it. The Jiang family are all rude people I hurt you. "

When Qing obediently nodded, a pair of "I am particularly sensible" appearance, happily should "mother is at ease, I do not go."

When his wife did not trust a look at him, and then took a handkerchief to wipe the corner of her red eyes, "I can't believe you, mouth full of no truth, before also said that a man's three wives and four concubines is good, in the twinkling of an eye to run out for your sister's anger."

Although this is a little coquettish complaining about his son cheating himself, the tone is also a bit proud.

After all, she not only loves her son, but also her daughter. Now, in order to help her daughter, she is glad to see her son.

However, Shiqing knew that it was not a fake.

He is a hegemonic, from childhood to most people hold pet, want a what, open mouth said a lot of people can't wait to hold to him.

Although Shi Xi was his own sister, the status of the woman was still not high. In the eyes of the original owner, this sister was no different from his common sisters.

Even if this sister loves him, in his eyes, it should be.

His brother-in-law takes concubines and plays with women. In his eyes, it's not a big deal. It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines to play. What makes him angry is that Mr. Jiang compares his sister with a prostitute who sells himself.

He and his sister and his mother's compatriots, round to the nearest, are not they taking him to compare with prostitutes?

When he could not be wronged, the young master immediately lifted the table and beat him up. Unfortunately, he ignored that he had been rich in clothes and food since childhood, and his shoulder was able to resist what he could not pick. On the contrary, he was killed by others.

Shi Qing vaguely remembers that in the original plot, because the Jiang family specially asked someone to carve a big cricket with a big arm in jade to make amends to him. He accepted the gift, and on the surface, he would have uncovered the matter.

As for his sister's experience in the Jiang family, it was not in his eyes.

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Although women are no longer in the emperor's heart, they still feel sad when they want to marry their wives.

Shi Xi, who was a compatriot with his mother, died within five years.

This matter did not leave any waves in the heart of the original owner.When Qing thought about it in his mind, his wife was saying in a soft voice that he should be good at home to recuperate. He was not allowed to hang out with people. If he felt bored, he could send a post to let the husband of another family come to their house, but he could never go out.

Shiqingdu, uh ah, ah, should be.

He is not so perfunctory himself once or twice, when his wife is also used to it. She is planning to order those girls, and suddenly listen to the son in front of him asking

"mother, where is Jiang bieyu

"Jiang bieyu? What is Jiang bieyu? " When the lady did not respond for a while.

Shi Qing "is the man I brought back. He was sent to me by the Jiang family to make amends."

As soon as he heard that it was the Jiang family, his wife's face immediately showed indignation. "I listen to the wind around you, that is, he pushed you into the water, and then he was thrown into the firewood room."

She was very angry, thinking that if her son was picked up later, it would be very likely that she would be separated from her forever, and her heart would ache.

"I don't know who gave him the courage to push the young master of our time into the water, but he was just a commoner."

The tone of her voice was soft and clear, and she did not express any opinions.

This is the tone of the times.

Being a housewife and a common son are natural opposites.

What's more, it was the person who had harmed her son. If she didn't remember that this was the Jiang family, it was not easy to dispose of it at will. Madam Shi really wanted to throw people out and freeze to death.

Count the time. In half an hour, Jiang bieyu will die.

It could have been frozen to death, it could have been bleeding too much, and more likely it had been starved to death.

After all, in the original plot, before being called on board as an emissary, Jiang bieyu is shut up and starved for three days because of Jiang Liye's deliberate fault finding.

He asked his wife, "mother, please send someone to bring him here. I have something to ask him."

Shi's wife hated and rejected the culprit of "Harming his son", coaxing her son to say, "my dear brother, he's bloodstained, and then you've got this room dirty. Besides, after looking at it a few times before, she found that although he was injured, he was very tall. If he suddenly breaks out and hurts you, what should I do?"

When the wife should have this worry, she was born petite, see that kind of tall person, the heart will have some timidity.

In addition, Shi Qing followed her. Although she was only a little shorter than her peers, she had a slender skeleton and looked very petite. When she was provoked, she always thought that her son was still that child and she would always protect her when she needed help.

She suggested, "well, what do you want to ask him, send someone to ask, say hello, and then send someone back to deliver a message?"

Shiqing pretended that she didn't recognize her. She held out her hand and held her sleeve. She whispered in a soft voice, "these words are not easy to be known. Your mother, you can bring people here and ask more boys to escort them."

Although she knew that he was always used to cajole people, Shi's wife could not resist her son's soft appearance, so she answered him and asked people to bring Jiang bieyu in.

Jiang bieyu was soon brought in by the boy.

They all know that this is the main culprit of his young master falling into the water, and his attack will be light hearted. It is better to say that it is brought in, rather than directly thrown in.

No matter how tall Jiang bieyu's body is, when he is thrown on the ground, because of the blood on his body, he looks pitiful.

Regardless of the time, the lady stretched out to stop his hand, stubbornly lifted the bed under the ground.

He had no socks on his feet, and his white feet fell to the ground, because there was a thick soft blanket on the ground, and there was a fireplace in the house, but he didn't feel cold.

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But the house was very busy because of his action.

When the wife a stack of voice orders: "all silly stand doing what, still dare not close the window, blowing clear elder brother son again."

And a girl quickly took a warm cloak, put on the body of Shiqing, and the girl took a small and delicate stove from the quilt, carefully handed it to his hand.

So when Shi Qing went to Jiang bieyu and squatted down in front of him, he was dressed in a warm cloak and holding a delicate stove in his hand. He was well served and could not stand the cold air at all.

There are girls behind her, holding soft white stockings specially bought from the south of the Yangtze River, asking in a soft voice

"brother Qing, put them on, don't let your feet get cold."


When Qing refused very simply, waved to let her go down, the girl's face showed worry, but in the end did not dare to disobey his order, can only bite the lip, and carefully back down.

This series of events is enough to show his status in the time family.

Compared with Shi Qing, who was thrown to the ground, but refused to face down, the parting that was only supported by hands seemed more miserable.

His face was bloodstained and pale. His back clothes were tattered because of being whipped. The wounds on his body were ferocious and even bleeding. From the perspective of Shiqing, his face could not be seen because he lowered his head.The young master, who always wanted something, held the stove in his arms and stretched out Bai Shengsheng's Jiu. He gently pushed the back of his hand, which was still clean.

"Look up."

Jiang bieyu did not resist, nor did he escape, but slowly raised his head in silence.

As soon as his face came out, a few little girls beside him let out a cry of surprise.

There are girls to block in front of the clear when.

Shiqing waved them back, but they still refused to go down and read, "brother Qing, the fierce man in life, what do you want to ask him, or let someone tie him up, what can you do if you hurt him again?"

As they said this, they also looked at Jiang bieyu with vigilance, as if the next moment the man who was beaten to death and had no strength could jump up and show his fangs.

No wonder they are so afraid. It's Jiang bieyu's appearance is too fierce.

It's not that he's ugly. If you look at it carefully, he's really very handsome. It's just that the combination of eyebrows, high nose and thin lips always makes people think of wolf, tiger and leopard for the first time.

Still have that look, lifeless, as if with a strong anger.

Look at a person, like these timid girls, all want to hurry to hide far away.

To sum up, one sentence doesn't look like a good person.

Even though the country is in chaos, the aesthetics of China still tends to look like a gentleman like jade, such as Jiang bieyu's fierce look. No matter how handsome he is, people still can't help but fear.

Jiang bieyu has long been used to being ostracized when others see his face. He looks expressionless and lowers his head again.

As before, try to hide your face.

As he grew up, this appearance caused him a lot of trouble.

The little girls saw him dodging, but most of the men with higher status were keen to see him humiliated with such a face.

After all, although he is only 18 this year, he is a tall man with a fierce appearance. To humiliate such a person, watching him suffer can always make some people who are instinctively afraid of his appearance and temperament happy.

Jiang bieyu's stomach is so hungry that he has a fever. The wound on his back is also in a sudden pain. He really has no strength to deal with other things. He can only try his best to avoid it.

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If scared in front of this is a thousand Jiao ten thousand pet young master, certainly does not have his good fruit to eat.

Jiang bieyu consciously lowered his head and refused to let Shi Qing see it, but Shi Qing became more interested.

He squatted down again, stretched out his green finger tip, and pointed it on Jiang bieyu's cheek, poked it, and his tone was still arrogant and domineering, but because of the soft and waxy tone, he was not so fierce.

"what do you do with your head down? Didn't I make you look up?"

Since he was born, he has never done any work. His whole body is tender, including the nails.

By soft, tender and hot fingertips point cold cheek, Jiang bieyu body subconsciously a shudder, obediently raised his head again.


Seeing this handsome face that always makes people feel cold and afraid again, another young girl exclaimed, trembling and asking Shi Qing, "brother Qing, he is so fierce. Are you not afraid of him?"

"What's so terrible about it? I look at it with dignity."

In front of Jiang bieyu, the young master with all kinds of fine clothes in his hands showed an interesting smile. He put the stove on the thick carpet at random, and a pair of white soft hands fell on his face.

The hand may have been warm because of holding the stove before. It fell on Jiang bieyu's cold cheek due to ischemia, which even made the man feel a little hot.

He looked at the young master in front of him in silence.

The young master is smiling. His delicate and beautiful eyebrows are full of interest. His beautiful red lips are slightly cocked up. His soft hands knead Jiang bieyu's cheek and raise his head to follow the girl to talk

"do you think this is not terrible?"

He deliberately squeezed Jiang bieyu's face together. It should be ridiculous if he fell on someone else, but it seemed to make him more fierce when he fell on his face.

The little girl carefully looked at the man whose back was covered with bloodstains on the ground, and his face was white with bloody air

"it's still terrible, brother Qing, don't play, he will hurt you again."

"He dares."

Shi Qing was confident and patted Jiang bieyu's cold cheek, "unless he doesn't want to live."

The young master didn't use much effort. His hands were soft and tender. When he patted Jiang bieyu's face, he felt as if he had not been beaten, but had been touched.

Of course, under the eaves of other people's houses, even if there is such a feeling, Jiang bieyu does not speak out foolishly.

Only silent listening, squatting in front of him, kneading him as something fun, the young master asked him in a pompous voice;"Do you know that Jiang Liye has given you to me."

Jiang BIE Yu's eyes were slightly dark, and he opened his dry skin lips and said, "I know."

After opening the mouth, he found that his voice had been hoarse and out of shape. It sounded terrible.

The young master in front of him turned away his hand and said, "I have a good face. How can I hear such a bad voice? I'm really blind in this face."

Jiang bieyu hung his head in silence and did not explain.

Shi Qing lost interest because of his voice, and did not pat him in the face. He stood up directly and took the stove from the girl and looked down at the man on the ground.

"Since your elder brother has made the decision to give you to me, our family also has rules. After you sign the deed of sale, you will be my servant."

When she didn't interfere with her son, she was stunned and hurriedly pressed her handkerchief. "How can I do this? But he pushed you into the water. If you were not rescued, you would be killed by him. How can such a harmful spirit stay with you?"

When Qing waved, disapproved of the appearance of "he looked strong, in the future I drunk wine, can let him bring me back, take good care of."

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"He takes care of you..."

When the wife is very disgusted up and down to look at a river not more.

"He looks rough and rough at first, and he looks fierce. How can he serve you well? When you come back drunk in the past, these women will take care of you. If he is replaced, how can he take good care of you?"

Madame Shi is a very gentle and traditional woman. She always pays attention to her husband's marriage and her husband's death from her son. Although her husband is still alive, Shi Qing is the only man in the family. She is not very opposed to Shi Qing.

But now, she is really upset that Jiang bieyu almost killed her son.

"No, my mother doesn't agree. How can he take care of my son when he pushes you into the water again? If he is violent again, he will push you into the water again!"

When Qing saw the situation, he could only say that "it was not he who pushed it, it was Jiang Liye."

Jiang bieyu on the ground frowned slightly and raised his head to look at the young master who was still embroidered with flowers on his clothes.

He was sneering, his face was full of momentum, but unfortunately that soft voice broke the momentum directly. It sounded like he was coquettish to his wife at that time.

"I saw it with my own eyes. It was Jiang Liye who pushed me."

Jiang Liye is the husband of his own sister.

When Madame was stunned at the moment, she couldn't care to oppose Shiqing's practice of leaving Jiang bieyu.

Although she has been crying and scolding, but it is only Jiang Liye who dares to beat her son, and Jiang's son pushes his son into the water.

Unexpectedly, he pushed it into the water himself.

She was stunned for a long time. Her tears fell down again. She stood up and scolded, "he is a black hearted man. He treats my daughter badly and kills my son. I was blind at the beginning and agreed to marry my daughter. How can he not die? I like to drink his blood, eat his flesh and shave his skin."

Although her voice was pleasant, she said a series of incessant curses: "this animal died early. It's good to have done harm to my daughter and my son. When he dies, I'll clap my hands and take someone to dig his grave. Even if he can't die, I'll blind his eyes and let him go out again and behave recklessly."

She is also relying on the fact that all the people in this room are Shi's own. She is also angry, but she wants to scold several times. Unexpectedly, when the curtain is lifted outside, a little girl runs in.

"madam, the master came back and said he wanted to see brother Qing."

She had just finished, a beard, the face of the spirit of the middle-aged man will stride in.

Just when she was still swearing at her waist, she immediately changed her face. She was not fierce, nor did she look at her momentum.

Sitting on the bench, he took the handkerchief and drooped his head slightly, sobbing and crying in a low voice.

"How? I heard that qingge'er is ill? "

As soon as his father finished this sentence, before he could see clearly the situation in the house, his wife called out "master!" as she sat on the stool

She turned her head and threw herself into her father's arms. She was very delicate and sobbing and choked. "Look at how our brother Ching has been bullied and humiliated by their Jiang family. Pushing down the water doesn't count. She has to force him to hit people with his own hands. Qingge'er is ill."

When the father did not understand the situation, he looked at the son standing with the stove in his arms. "Didn't he say that qingge'er was picked up after falling into the water, and then he became ill after blowing the wind?"

When the lady took a veil and sobbed, "qingge'er has been well kept by us since childhood. How could his body be so bad? If he blows a little wind, he will be ill. It is obvious that he was scared by them

"They In order to prevent our family from investigating brother Qing's falling into the water, they forced us to beat people in person. Master, you know the temperament of brother Qing. You are the most timid. How can he not be afraid of seeing so much blood? My brother qinger, Wuwu, master, you must be the master for us. "Watching the whole process, Jiang bieyu silently looks from the whispering cry, as if very delicate when the wife took back.

He also looked at the young master next to him. He was also upright, and nodded his head.

"yes, Dad, you see, the witness is here. You can see that his blood scares me."

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