When Qing added this sentence, he didn't speak any more. He took a look and was looking at his wife, who was changing her face quickly. She also followed him.

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Mrs. Shi's cry is delicate and timid, but it seems to be the cry of a green bird. Because of the soft, pitiful and delicate tone, Shi's father's expression almost immediately coaxed her in a soft and low voice.

don't cry. Isn't our brother-in-law looking at nothing When the wife gently hit her husband with a powder fist, sobbing, "Jiang Liye is out to compare 710 prostitutes with us. Brother Qing is eager to protect her sister, so she comes forward to argue with him. But who knows, Jiang Liye doesn't look at your face at all, and pushes us into the lake directly.

In such a cold weather, our elder brother Qing was weak since he was young. If he was not lucky, he would not be able to stand in front of you and me. Qing Ge'er was frightened, but they deliberately threatened him to beat people with a whip.

My father's eyebrows wrinkled at once when "Jiang Liye pushed his brother qinger?", "what's the point? Isn't it a common son's push?

No, it's just Jiang Liye's pushing him to back the accusation. Qingge Er told me that Jiang Liye pushed him, smelly and absolutely wrong. When my father listened to his wife's words, he went to see Shi Qing, who was lazily leaning against the wall ”"Brother Qing?

when counting and nodding" is not, Dad. He pushed me by Jiang Liye, and said that even if I was a young master of the Shi family, he didn't pay attention to our Shijia.

His voice was soft as Madame Shi's, and his voice was as soft as that of his wife's.

What Jiang Liye said at that time was clearly "if you dare to beat me, I must go to the Shi family to seek justice, even if you are the young master of the Shi Family". How could this change the meaning of Shi Qing's mouth.

But when the father to listen to, not only to listen to, he also listen to the face of iron blue.

Everyone knows that when he was in Hecheng, he only had such a single Miao Miao. Even if he didn't look up to this son and didn't make progress, he told others that he was a villain. That was also a single Miao Miao.

Jiang Liye!

married his daughter and didn't stay well, he even killed Shiqing.

His father even thought deeply about the conspiracy theory. If there was something wrong with halal, Jiang Liye would blame a common son, and he would be very clean.

At that time, his family had no successor, and only Shixi was a legitimate one. When he and his wife passed away, the wealth of his family would surely be left to Shixi.

Jiang Liye is also Shi Xi's husband. When he thinks about it, Shi Qing's death is good for him.

His father's face was black and transparent.

Of course, in the process of thinking about these things, he did not think about the common sisters and sisters of Shiqing.

The water thrown out by the married daughter, not to mention a common girl, has been living in the yard with her aunt. Ten times a year, I can't see where she lived in the hospital when she was a child. She was hugged and coaxed by herself, and she took her brother-in-law out of the house to play with.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it might be Jiang Liye's conspiracy against their family. Maybe the Jiang family was involved in it. No one knows. They were well-known rich families in the south of the Yangtze River. In the past, they were rich, but they were afraid of being officials. But in today's world, as long as they actively send money to the big man, they have a background.

Nowadays, in addition to military power, money is the most important thing. Why did the Shi family move to Hecheng so quickly? It's not money!

although the Jiangs are the local forces of Hecheng, they are not rich enough. When they first came to Hecheng, they were under great pressure, but they fought a fierce battle.

If they were not local people and had some foundation in the end and both families suffered losses in the fight, how could the Shi Family marry their family and squeeze them out long ago

I didn't want to cut throat, but there was no mole or throat. The two families of Shijiang were married, and the Jiang family was ambitious and full of evil.

Is this a bully or something when you look at them.


when the wife carefully pinched the handkerchief, looked at his father's ugly face, and quickly put out a worried hand to touch his chest." don't be angry or angry, you look wrong.

When the father came back to his senses, his expression returned to normal. "Nothing, brother Qing, you are sure that Jiang Liye pushed you.

of course.

The young master is still as upright as ever. Leaning against the wall, he leans lazily against the wall, and his soft and waxy voice is lengthened, which makes him a bit naive and clever.

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"if dad doesn't believe me, just ask Jiang bieyu.

He pointed to the man with blood on his back on the ground. His attention had been put on his wife and son since he entered the door. Then the father found that there was still a man on the ground.

He twisted his eyebrows to look at the dying man, how to see how miserable, and doubtfully looked at his son who did not strive for success.

The surname of Jiang is a witness again. It's clear that there is no lynching when he is surnamed Jiang.As soon as the young master touched his suspicious eyes, he immediately understood it, and then he turned a blind eye to him.

dad, don't look at me like this. This is what he did when I brought him back.

After all, Shi Qing beat people before they brought them back.

Jiang bieyu took a dark look at Shiqing again. He saw the young master standing barefoot on the thick carpet with his slender white fingers holding the stove. He looked at him. Shiqing lifted his chin slightly and showed confidence in his delicate eyebrows and eyes.

He was confident that Jiang bieyu would not tell the truth.

Jiang bieyu really can't say anything. He drops his eyes again and looks like a transparent man.

When the wife saw that her son started, she immediately followed him.

No, master, look, they are so cruel in the Jiang family. This is the brother of Jiang Liye. Although he is a common son, he is also a close relative by blood. He even forced us to start. He pitied my brother Qing. He would have been timid if he hadn't scared them When she came back, she would not have a high fever.

when she came back, her crying voice was quiet again. She cried well, but it was not very annoying. Therefore, in his father's ears, he also became tired of the Jiang family and was a little jealous.

He worked so hard to open branches and leaves, so many years, he had only one son of Shiqing. Jiang family Ding Xing h, even push people out of the back pot are used by men.

How can I not let my father be jealous.

Although this point of his jealousy is a little wrong, fortunately, it is also in accordance with what his wife thought.

When the wife began to sob, "pity our Xi sister, dry Jiao Wanchong grow up, did not expect to be married to such a dandy, younger brother want to make a start for her still be beaten like this."

At one time, his father's expression turned into anger at the Jiang family and Jiang Liye, and then turned into pity for his wife. However, he was not a cheat. He just stood there and didn't know what to do.

Or when Qing said, "Dad, you see what your mother is crying like, but you don't want to coax her mother. She has angina pectoris. If she is too sad for a while, what should I do.

When she had angina pectoris, her wife had this problem.

however, from the beginning, she played a weak role in front of her father. Now, as soon as she was reminded by her son, she immediately pressed her hand with tears on her eyelids on her heart, frowning slightly, and she looked very uncomfortable.

When the father was startled, and his son reminded him, he quickly stepped forward to hold his wife and coaxed her in a soft voice.

"don't cry, and then frighten brother Qing. You and I will go back to the yard and discuss how to deal with this matter."

When the lady saw good, she nodded softly, "I listen to the master.

At that time, the father did not care about anything else. He helped his wife to go out. The girl standing by the door immediately lifted the curtain.

When he saw them go, he turned around and yawned, and ordered lazily, "come on, I'm starving.

As soon as I finished speaking, when I heard his son's words outside, my father opened the curtain and leaned out half of his body. His face was serious. He scolded, "eat, eat, you know you can't leave the house these days. Read a good book for me. Look at the brothers of the Liu family, one by one

Outside came the lady's coquettish voice: "master, help me quickly.

"Here it is.

When the father quickly back to answer a, the wife in the back urged, now is not the time to teach his son, he can only stare at the face of "I can't hear not hear" when Qing, put down the curtain hate to go out.

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As for Jiang bieyu on the ground, his father didn't pay attention to it at all.

Jiang Liye was able to let Shi Qing bring back Jiang bieyu, who had been beaten up like this, to his home, which showed that he had no position in the Jiang family.

At that time, his father was still angry, and he did not care about such a humble son.

When the master and hostess of the house have left, the eldest in the house is only left when Qing. He was so relaxed that he put down the stove and picked up the cold water on the table to drink.

Ai Qing elder brother, this has been put cold, can't drink.

As soon as he put the cup to his mouth, there were three or four girls with anxious faces to stop him.

There is no poison in it. What do I fear if I take a sip.

The young master finished and drank the glass of water, regardless of the girls' careful obstruction.

After drinking, she lost the stove and ran back to Jiang bieshe with great interest. She squatted down, stretched out her soft little hand with a little hot feeling, and patted the man's cold and hard cheek.

How old are you? How old have I never seen you in Jiang's family?

maybe it's because his hands are too soft, or maybe it's because of Shi Qing's soft and sticky tune that people can't mention rejecting and disgusting. Jiang's face is patted, but Jiang Bie Yu doesn't feel much insulted.

He looked down like a wolf who had to avoid the edge for a while. He hid his tusks. He was very docile and lived in the yard with his aunt

The young master was very satisfied with his meekness. He reached out and touched his head. He took back his hand when he felt the dry blood on Jiang bieyu's hairAlmost as soon as his face showed disdain, a girl nearby rushed to pour water into the basin; after confirming that the water was warm, he quickly sent it to Shiqing.

he was also used to such a great hand to go in without moving himself. In addition, a girl carefully washed his hands for him to ensure that each slender white finger was clean, and then took over the softness of the girl's tears Towel, carefully a little bit of time clean dry.

It's not finished when it's dry, and then another girl, holding the soft cream on her hand, is careful to put on the young master's hand which has not suffered a little.

Wash a hand, when Qing didn't say a word, there were four girls serving him, silent and respectful.

However, Shi Qing's face did not show any pride and ostentation. He took it for granted, as if he had not been taken care of in such a meticulous way that he was wrong.

he showed Jiang bieyu exactly what a young master is.

Jiang bieyu is indeed the first time to see such a young master as Shiqing, who is treated like a little ancestor.

The Jiang family is a military family, and there are not so many rules in the house. Moreover, although the status of the Jiang family is established, it is far inferior to that of the Shi Family in terms of money and wealth. Naturally, it will not raise so many girls and children.

Jiang Liye's kind of young master is just a little more beautiful, such as Jiang bieyu's son, every month there are few cases of poor, but also to break some servants

Bi Jingjiang's family has many children, not rare a common son.

Where is like the time family, the wealth also had only when the Qing so a single seedling. Up and down, they all wish that the young master lost a hair and would be like a big enemy. Jiang bieyu is still so docile on the surface, but in the bottom of my heart he is calm and calculating the current situation.

When the Qing Dynasty confirmed that Jiang Liye was deliberately pushing him into the water, but also with his wife, Shi Fu.

This time, Jiang Liye is bound to be involved in ten systems.

Because of this, he felt better.

Although it may be difficult to stay at home in the village, is it the same with staying in the river family?

we still have to collect information and find an opportunity to escape. Now the world is still in chaos. Although it is very dangerous, it is also a good time to get ahead. He was thinking, young master clean hand, again to pat his face.

Xu was just touched by the soft and cool green, so the original not so obvious aroma was stronger this time. With the action of Shiqing, the faint fragrance of Osmanthus was dyed around Jiang bieyu's cheek.

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He looked up at the young master in front of him with his light colored eyes.

The color of Jiang bieyu's eyes is very light, maybe because of this, when looking at people, it always seems to contain some inorganic cold and thin.

Just as most people don't like snake's eyes, most people don't like Jiang bieyu's eyes.

His father thought that he was a white eyed wolf. He didn't smile when he saw himself. He only looked at people coldly.

His brothers thought that he looked vicious, like a wolf, but this "evil wolf" had no status, so they liked to bully Jiang bieyu and get the pleasure of "conquering the wolf".

But now, he is still the wolf. He is very charming, but he doesn't show any fear on his face. He even touches Jiang bieyu's eyes with his tender hands.

Jiang bieyu didn't close his eyes, so he opened his eyes, feeling the soft unreal hand circling around the outline of his eyes.

The girls beside them are tense one by one, as if the next second Jiang bieyu will die violently and hurt people.

The girl who grew up with Shi Qing whispered, "brother Qing, he's really scary. Do you really want to keep him?

What's frightening? I think his appearance is very powerful.

The young master is still holding on to his own opinion. He looks at Jiang bieyu's eyes with fascination and yearning. His soft voice is full of love for

"such beautiful eyes, if they grow on my face.

This attracted the girls to look at each other, do not know when the Qing aesthetic is not normal, or should advise him not to think about this kind of irrelevant things. They are entangled, but Jiang BIE Yu's body is stiff and stiff, heavy look when clear one eye.

This is still For the first time, he was praised for his good-looking eyes.

From birth to now, what Jiang bieyu hears most is the rejection of his appearance.

In this era that has not yet been fully opened up, Jiang bieyu's humble status, which is too tall and does not conform to Hecheng's aesthetic taste, makes him look like a white eyed wolf. Jiang's father said that he was insulted by words

even though he never took those people's words to heart, he felt that he looked vicious and not liked by people. But now there is a young master who has been carefully cared for by many people from hair to toenails, as if carved out of jade. It's hard to describe how it feels to Jiang bieyu. He just keeps his eyes open, so that he can appreciate his "good-looking eyes" more clearly.

Ding! Jiang bieyu's rejection degree is 99100Shi Qing is good; he also gave me one, which is not a loss.

although he said that he had calculated the degree of rejection of Jiang bieyu, he did not lie.

Jiang bieyu is very beautiful, and his eyebrows and bridge of nose, that is, he was born at the wrong time, which is not in line with the current aesthetic.

In addition, he is not in a high position, and he usually wears grey hair and looks dirty.

but now that people are in his hands, it is easy to handle this matter.

A smile appeared on the young master's white and tender face. Yiqiao came in with a dish of dishes. He turned around happily and took a piece of meat with his chopsticks, and then handed it back to Jiang bieyu's mouth.

"Are you hungry? Come on, have a piece of meat.

Although he was feeding him, he only looked at Shiqing's laziness and didn't care. As long as a person can see how to make such an intimate and active young master, he didn't pay much attention to Jiang bieyu at all.

Rather than feeding Jiang bieyu, he seems to be feeding some fresh toys.

Jiang bieyu grew up in a variety of negative words and emotions, which can be seen naturally.

He was not angry or insulted. He opened his lips obediently and ate the meat.

Is it delicious?

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seeing the man chewing, the young master's smiling eyes bent, and he took the handkerchief from the girl and wiped the corners of his mouth for Jiang bieyu. Jiang bieyu nodded in silence.

"When I asked you if you were good, you had to answer me

the man's obedient answer" delicious.

Good to eat. Eat more.

The young master's eyes and eyebrows were brisk again. He simply turned around and took a plate of beef. He squatted beside Jiang bieyu and fed them to him one by one. It's OK that Jiang bieyu had a big appetite since he was a child, and he didn't hold on to such a plate of beef.

When he finished eating, he was quite satisfied.

He reached out again and couldn't put it down to touch the man's face in front of him. He followed the cold line and touched the small stubble on his chin.

The stubble is small and hard, and it sticks the hand very much. The young master doesn't pay attention to it. After touching it, he pricks his finger belly and takes back his hand immediately.

Qing Ge'er.

"But what's the matter? Is there any bleeding?

come and get the ointment quickly. What are you doing? Qingge, I'll blow it for you.

The women in the room immediately became nervous, and they rushed to sell one by one, as if Shiqing had been scratched a big hole to frighten people, instead of being lightly pricked by stubble.

The young master who grew up in such an environment is naturally very delicate. He frowned and looked at Jiang bieyu with dissatisfaction. The conductor took him down, gave him a good bath, shaved his beard, and then brought him to my room.

All the women were soft and hesitant. They were afraid of Jiang bieyu's appearance and felt that he was so frightening that he must not be a good man.

but the young master made the decision, and they did not dare to say anything more, so they had to follow the instructions of Shiqing.

Jiang bieyu is injured all over now. He must not be able to walk. He is tall again. These women who have been raised at home since childhood and can't lift their shoulders and hands must not be able to move him.

So he went outside and called a boy. He moved the man over and took a bath. He shaved his beard and found a new suit for him to wear.

Jiang bieyu had a wound on his back, so he shouldn't have taken a bath. However, after he was beaten, he dragged on the ground for a while, and the stones and dust inevitably got into the wound. Now that he has taken a bath, all these things have been removed.

When she was getting dressed, another woman came over and said that the young master had sent her to deliver the medicine for acne. The boy didn't know the specific situation. She even sent people to deliver the medicine when she saw Shiqing. She thought Jiang bieyu was taken seriously, so she helped him with the medicine carefully.

Jiang bieyu was silent all the time, but at the bottom of his heart he was wary of the fickleness of Shiqing.

When he was young, he accepted that people would treat you well only if they had an intention to you. Before Shi Qing, he didn't look up to him. After he was pushed out, he whipped him with a whip.

Now it shows the importance of the meaning, how can we not let Jiang bieyu be vigilant

after he has finished, the female Niang comes to urge "hurry up, qingge'er urges you to hurry over. Jiang BIE Yu back pain, the face is also white, just as usual followed back to the house when the Qing.

In the house, the young master was nestling on the couch, and a girl was feeding him fruit by fruit. He also held a Persian cat in his arms. His long hair was very domineering.

He seemed to like this kind of cat very much. When he looked down at it, his expression was full of love. He also reached out to tease it and fed it fish by himself. His bright and clear eyes showed his love for him.

I don't know why. Jiang bieyu always thinks this scene is familiar.

I don't know what it was playing with. Shi Qing exclaimed, turned away and threw the cat on the bed. He repeatedly said, "the cat scratched me. Take it down to have a manicure. Bring it back to me."The women are a flurry, for him to deal with the wound treatment wound, holding the cat holding cat, careful pacification.

This is the appearance of the previous Kuma River farewell to eat, but also by his stubble when clearing hands.

It's the same.

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