When Jiang bieyu was brought forward, the young master was cleaning his hands again. He was still served by four girls. When he wiped his hands, his eyes fell on the man who had washed and washed, and his hair was still wet, and he had changed his clothes.

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At such a glance, Shi Qing's eyebrows could not help wrinkling up and asked, "how did you put on this dress for him?"

The woman who brought Jiang bieyu in was stunned, and quickly fufu's body. She replied, "didn't the young master say that he would stay in the mansion? We found the servants' clothes for him

Before that, Shi Qing said that Jiang Liye had given Jiang bieyu to him, and said that he would sign a contract to sell himself. Naturally, they felt that Jiang bieyu was going to be a servant.

"No, I can't The young master was still languidly leaning on the couch, letting the last woman rub frost on his hands. He looked at Jiang bieyu's dusty clothes with dissatisfaction.

"He was born so well, it's not good to wear this kind of clothes for him."

Say, when clear lift chin, "take paper and pen."

His words are affirmative command tone. The woman in charge of the paper and pen did not make a stumbling. She quickly turned around and took it and put it on the table. She polished the ink beside her.

The young master came down from the couch and stood barefoot on the blanket. Immediately after that, a series of soft and soft voices from the ladies were heard? Put on your socks. You haven't been ill for a long time

"Put on this cloak, just now the window of the house has been opened, and it will be blown again."

"Brother Qing, please slow down."

Soft female voice interlaced, the room for a time as if lively up.

Jiang bieyu is very out of place in the bustle. He just stands there in silence and looks at the little young master with bare feet. He chases several girls behind him and comes towards him fiercely.

Until he got close, he naturally stretched out his hand, took Jiang bieyu's wrist and took him to the table.

When Qing was young, he didn't mention any heavy objects. He was very charming and had little strength. Fortunately, Jiang bieyu cooperated with him.

Seeing that Jiang bieyu was coming with her, the woman, who was grinding her ink, turned pale and tensed. She looked at the man who stood up more and more tall and fierce. Her eyes were full of fear.

"Qing, Qing brother..."

Shi Qing naturally saw the fear in the girl's face, and the young master immediately felt proud, as if he was proud of "others are afraid of themselves", and at the same time, he was very rude to laugh at her.

"you women are timid, and now he is my man, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

"All right, all right. Get out of the way and let Jiang bieyu sharpen my ink."


The woman, if pardoned, hastily blessed her body and retreated respectfully and carefully.

The young master took the lead to the table, looked at the paper on the table, and reached out his hand with satisfaction.

After touching it, he noticed that Jiang bieyu was standing still, but not angry. Instead, he said to Jiang bieyu in his soft voice, which is the same as his mother. "Didn't you hear that? I want you to come and sharpen the ink for me

It was quite like a rebuke to carry out the words, but Shi Qing's voice was soft and he didn't have much anger. He had a good temper.

Jiang bieyu didn't really think the young master in front of him had a good temper.

Shiqing's reputation in Hecheng is still very big. The only son of the Shi family is spoiled and spoiled. Every day, he spends time and money and plays with other people. Because the children of Hecheng are not rich, he can't help being arrogant and complacent when dealing with people.

When facing others, they also want them to hold him. If they don't hold them, Shiqing will not give them any good face.

Before meeting this young master, Jiang bieyu only listened to the old-fashioned name of Jiang Liye. Every time, the elder brother who had never touched the wall in the mansion was gnashing his teeth and his face was full of reluctance.

Often this time is not when Qing bought his favorite things, is when Qing outside did not give him a good face.

Therefore, a long time ago, the young master's arrogance was already in Jiang's mind.

However, he did not expect that the first meeting between the two started with Shi Qing's one hundred whip.

He was able to coax his father with his mother, but he could not coax Jiang bieyu, who was the party.

But now, this young master is a kind of indulgent attitude to him.

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Jiang bieyu didn't say anything. He went forward in silence and began to sharpen his ink.

He is still very skilled in doing these things. After all, he doesn't have a servant like Jiang Liye in Jiang's family. If he wants to write, he has to use his own money to buy paper and pen. Naturally, he also comes to grind ink by himself.

The man stands straight, while rubbing ink, he can feel the sight of the young master.

He did not show any emotion. Although he was wondering why he should look at him with such eyes, he always looked down on his face and focused on the ink.Shi Qing is looking at Jiang bieyu's body proportion.

The more you look at him, the more interested you will be.

How to say it's a male master. Even if he was young, he couldn't eat enough and was not warm enough to wear, and he had to learn from his brothers. He could still grow into this tall figure.

Shoulder width, slender waist, big long legs, flat abdomen, no abdominal muscles, but you can practice if you don't.

When Qing looked more and more energetic, simply straight forward, patted Jiang bieyu's shoulder, and ordered, "you turn around."

Jiang BIE Yu Mo's hand a meal, with a light colored eyes, a deep look, the face is full of happy young master.

It's good. Why are you so happy all of a sudden?

He was wary of what he could not guess, but he turned obediently.

When he turned around and exposed his back, which was equivalent to weakness, to Shi Qing, and the eyes that could observe and help him could not help him a little because he was in front of him, his whole body was stiff and tense.

The feeling of exposing his weaknesses made him very uncomfortable.

When he was kicking Maoye, he was forced to hide behind him.

Jiang bieyu is not afraid of injury. He just hates the situation that when the injury is coming, he still knows nothing and can't see anything.

On the previous ship, when he was about to be beaten by Shi Qing, he clearly heard the young master who was all over his body, and his teeth were waving and his face was full of anger, saying that he should be beaten with 100 lashes.

At least, he determined what the punishment was.

When he was beaten, Jiang bieyu could lie on the ground, hold his fist, count in his heart, and wait for the 100th.

Instead of being asked to turn over his back and deprive him of the sight behind him, he has no idea what Shiqing is doing and what he wants to do to him.

Although he didn't get along for a long time, Jiang bieyu could see that he was spoiled and grew up almost without any loss. Shiqing's temperament was a little moody. He turned his face when he said that he would turn over his face. He could still hit him with anger before, but now he can touch his eyes with joy.

The young master of the time family is capricious.

His uncontrollability makes it difficult for Jiang bieyu not to think about the worst.

After all, Shi qingneng smiles at him after hitting him, and kills him when he laughs.

Jiang bieyu was thinking about it for seven times. Suddenly, he felt a soft hand falling on his back, as if he was measuring something, from the left side to the right side.

The man's body was stiff because of this sudden movement.

From behind came the young master's soft voice, as if it was fun. "Your meat is very hard, it's really strong."

With that, he also took a few shots. Jiang bieyu never had such close contact with anyone except his aunt. Under such soft hands, his body was stretched a little bit.

He stood stiff and stiff, feeling that the young master behind him was really measuring all parts of his body, inside and outside. After measuring one place at a time, he would stop to write something on the paper.

Finally, the soft and arrogant voice of Shiqing rang again, "OK, turn back."

The man was silent and submissive again.

He turned back, as if unintentionally looking at the desktop, on the top of the paper, is really written something.

The young master did not pay attention to where he looked, only patted him on the chest, "you are really strong."

It is the first experience of Jiang bieyu's life to be boasted of his strong body with the eyes of love and yearning.

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He was a little stiff to avoid the sight of the young master, trying to keep calm on his face.

Shi Qing didn't care whether he looked at himself or not, but tried to press his hand to the man's shoulder. He was dissatisfied and said, "lower your body, I can't reach you standing like this."

This is not a fake. Shi Qing is not short among his peers, but he is only 16 years old this year. In this era, how tall can a 16-year-old boy grow.

Jiang bieyu, on the other hand, is 18 years old, but his birth is much higher than other peers. Before he was on the ground, he was OK. Now when he stood up, Shi Qing found that Jiang bieyu was nearly two heads taller than him.

What a heartbreaking height ratio.

With such a big gap, what should we do if we do not coordinate when we carry out some kind of harmonious movement in the future.

Fortunately, he's only sixteen this year, and he can grow.

At the same time, Shi Qing wrote down in his mind about how to exercise more and drink more milk and grow taller quickly. On the other hand, he was very critical and pointed to Jiang bieyu, who was slightly squatting with him. "It's still too high."

Jiang bieyu some don't understand why he suddenly thinks he is too high, so he tentatively lowers his head.

The young master was satisfied.

He reached out his hand and rubbed his slender soft fingers on a handsome man's face as if he had grasped some funny toy."Don't worry, you look so good, I will make you a set of clothes that best look best for you."

Said, he also a little proud to get away from the body, let Jiang bieyu look at the paper and pen on the table.

"I'll paint your clothes myself, and I'll certainly dress you up as the most powerful man."

Then he turned his head and asked the ladies in the room, "wait, when I draw the clothes, you will make them."

Women "..."

"But you have never painted, brother Qing."

"Yes, what's more, it's the tailor's job to draw the style of clothes. How can we do such a thing because our brother Qing is so delicate."

"Don't be tired any more, ma'am, but she said that we should take good care of you and have more reading and rest."

But the young master didn't listen to "reading is no rest. Who said I didn't draw a picture? I've done it hundreds of times in my dream. Don't stop me, but I'll dress him up myself."

He said so, even if the women feel that Shi Qing can't draw anything, they dare not stop.

Just think of the Qing elder brother son said after Jiang bieyu followed him to serve, one by one for the sake of Qing worried.

If we really make clothes for Jiang bieyu according to the clothing patterns drawn by brother Qing, it is not that the young master of their family will be accompanied by a man in rags or strange clothes in the future.

People outside are not sure how to laugh at brother Qing.

A lot of women, regardless of other things, still have loyalty. Now that they can't stop Shiqing from painting their own clothes, they secretly decide that if they have finished painting, Qingge wants them to do it, and they will secretly do it more normally.

The "artistic creation" of Shiqing was a whole day.

Sometimes he was smiling, sometimes frowning and meditating, and he pulled the woman in charge of the cloth to ask about the characteristics of various fabrics.

During this period, he also took Jiang bieyu to pat and beat for a long time, and all the women who watched were terrified.

People in the tailor's shop usually measure their body weight before making clothes. How can they get to qingge'er? It's the same as the butcher who patted the pig to see where to start when he went to buy meat.

The women were terrified. They were afraid that something might happen to halal. They sent a girl to inform the lady in the yard.

When she came, Shi's wife was in a good mood, and her father finally decided to be angry and happy with her tears. After listening to the girl's words, she didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, she thought that they were making a fuss.

"when I was a brother-in-law, my young master couldn't even afford to waste some pen and ink cloth? If he is willing to do it, let him do it as long as he doesn't get tired. "

As long as Shi Qing can keep his body at home, let alone that he wants to draw clothes and make clothes by himself, even if he demolishes the house, his family can afford it.

It's a big deal. Take it down here and cover it over there.

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It can be seen that the hegemonic reputation of the young master in Hecheng is also reasonable.

The housewives in the yard said so. Even though the women in Shiqing's house thought that their brother Qing was too serious, they still didn't dare to do anything else.

When the Qing Dynasty finished painting, he waved triumphantly to let Jiang bieyu, who was still standing on one side and was very calm, came to have a look.

"Come and have a look. This is what you'll be wearing."

Jiang bieyu comes forward and looks at the Xuan paper according to the young master's wishes.

On the rice paper, a rough dress was exposed in front of him.

The reason why it is so rough is that Shi Qing's painting skills are too moving.

For example, if ordinary people draw pictures, they draw a cat.

When Qing painted, it was a match cat.

In a word, from the perspective of paper effect, it's hard to say.

Fortunately, Shi Qing may have self-knowledge, and he marked what kind of cloth is used here to make what shape.

On the whole, the preparation was very serious, and the results were dismal.

However, the young master is especially confident and looks at Jiang bieyu. On his beautiful face inherited from his wife, he is full of confidence and full of confidence

Jiang bieyu was silent for a few seconds.

"Good looking."

The young master got a satisfied answer and immediately laughed. His smile was curved and harmless. His beautiful eyes were dotted with stars, just like the most brilliant stars.

Such a pure, clear smile, even in front of this in Hecheng infamous, quickly to have a dandy reputation on the face.

Jiang bieyu was stunned.

However, the young master who tried with him did not continue to look at him. Instead, he picked up the rice paper and handed it to the ladies to see

"just do it according to this pattern, and there are labels beside it. If you don't know anything, you must ask me, you can't do it by yourself. This is the first time that I draw clothes by myself. You can't screw it up for me, you know."After seeing this kind of "design drawing", the ladies all look strange, but when they see the young master's "I'm so good" look, they can only be obedient and happy

In a word, they can only make up for it. At least, they don't have to make up for it. It doesn't matter whether he humiliates Jiang bieyu. If brother Qing takes Jiang bieyu out with this dress, it will be a shame for the whole family.

Although the clothes are supposed to be made for Jiang bieyu, he is very witty and doesn't express any opinions. He only commands and acts like a robot.

After painting the clothes, the young master went straight back to the couch, holding the cat whose nails had been cut off by his servant. After playing for a while, he looked up and found that Jiang bieyu was still standing in front of the table, quietly and seriously rubbing his ink.

"I don't draw any more. What are you doing there?" he said

Jiang bieyu's hands did not stop. He raised his eyes and looked at the young man who was sitting on the soft couch with the cat in his arms.

"You didn't ask me to stop."

"I didn't say stop, you didn't stop?"

The young master listened to the answer, and he was more happy. He took the cat to the couch and lay lazily on the pillow

Jiang BIE Yu Shun from continued to hang his eyes and carefully grind ink.

Seeing him on the couch, the woman who carefully covered his bed and stuffed her husband with soup whispered: "I didn't expect that this big man looks fierce, but he is still loyal and honest."

The young master touched his cat and asked the woman who spoke, "do you think he is loyal?"

"It's not. Brother Qing asked him to sharpen his ink, but he kept on grinding without saying stop. Although this man is fierce, he is somewhat honest."

With Shi Qing's women, they were sold to their families when they were young. From childhood to adulthood, they received education such as "how to serve the master". In their eyes, loyalty is already a high praise.

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When the Qing Yang eyebrow smiles, looks at from afar that at the moment as if the body has a trace of angularity has also disappeared.

He is still the same appearance, or that height, but because of deliberately slightly drooping eyes to cover the edge that should not have, and deliberately made a bit of wood gas, at the moment, the women working in the room have been visible to the naked eye, not as afraid of him as before.

It seems that Jiang bieyu is going to settle down in his home first.

He had just been mentioned before, should be that the family would not let him go, so those fierce momentum did not cover up.

Now I know that Shiqing will not do anything to him for the time being, and asks for his contract of selling his body, so this guy goes with the flow.

This wood looks like a real imitation.

Shiqing yawned and decided to take a nap. He held his cat and closed his eyes lazily.

He wanted to go to bed, but he didn't tell the woman who was busy in the room, but all the women who were paying attention to the master's body were all quiet. They did not do anything that could make a sound. They only did that kind of silent and would not make a noise.

There was a moment of silence in the room.


The domineering big fat cat that was held by Shiqing jumped down from the couch. She was afraid that she would wake up. She quickly took dried fish to feed it. But she only smelled it but didn't eat it. She cocked up her tail and opened her arms and legs, and went straight to the silent river.

This is also understandable, after all, there is only a stranger in the house.

Jiang bieyu also noticed that the cat was aiming at himself. He looked up.

This is a typical Persian cat with long hair. Jiang bieyu has seen Persian cats. Most of the ladies in Hecheng have Persian cats. However, all the cats Jiang bieyu has seen are delicate and should be held in the arms wherever they go.

When Qing this is very different, it has a domineering face, looking very fierce.

This kind of appearance, which is not agreeable by reason, has made it a favorite of the young master of the time.

Because the most important person in the yard dotes on it, along with those girls and boys, they dare not neglect it, so this cat is very proud.

It looks at Qing Ge'er's line of sight is full of disdain, as high as a king.

It should let every outsider know that this is its territory!

The king of the cat jumped on the table.

Before it gives each other a power, has no edge, wood like mechanical Mo Mo man slightly raised his eyes, glanced at the Persian cat in front of him.


The king cat seemed to be intimidated by the beast. Subconsciously, he stepped back and quickly jumped off the table. He ran back to the couch and buried his head in the bed. The cat's buttocks were exposed outside. It was as quiet as a chicken.

"Why? What's wrong with the cat

A girl noticed the movement of the cat and looked curiously at Jiang bieyu.

Jiang bieyu raised his face and whispered, "that cat is really good. He must accompany the master when he sleeps."

It turns out that I'm going to accompany brother Qing.

The woman put down her doubts, nodded and whispered, "naturally, qingge'er is very good to that cat, and it is normal for her to like qingge'er."Jiang bieyu nodded thoughtfully, "what you said is."

"It should like it and be loyal to its master."

So when she woke up, she saw that under the candlelight, the man was still rubbing ink.

Perhaps noticing his sight, Jiang bieyu raised his head and looked at Shiqing's eyes full of loyalty.

Nestled in the warm quilt, the young master just shivered.

This guy, what are you playing with.

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