Shi Qing always felt that Jiang bieyu had turned on some wonderful switch.

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He only slept for half an hour. Jiang bieyu seemed to want to open up.

"Brother Qing, wake up. The slaves will wait for you to get dressed."

As soon as the young master woke up, the women all came forward in an orderly way to dress for the Qing Dynasty.

He must take off the outer layers of clothes, leaving only the innermost ones. Anyway, putting on and taking off are all served by others. He only needs to stand there and open his hands lazily.

As usual, the young master's playful temperament got up again. He had been sitting on the couch and was served by the ladies. Suddenly, his eyes fell on Jiang bieyu, who was grinding ink, and raised his chin towards him.

"You come and serve me."

"Brother Qing?"

After all, Jiang bieyu, who was tall and tall, didn't look like he would serve people. Besides, he didn't buy it seriously. Instead, he was forced to be detained at his home after being beaten.

This kind of person, do not say his thick hand thick foot will not serve well, I am afraid is also the heart is unwilling.

It is said that he is still a young master of the Jiang family. Although he is a commoner, he is more noble than those who are slaves and maidservants. How can he be willing to serve others like this.

They are worried that Jiang bieyu feels humiliated and run away, but they always maintain a posture. The tall man standing at the desk silently puts down the graphite, cleans his hands first, and then goes to the couch obediently.

At the moment, there is a girl kneeling, carefully and properly for the young master to tie the waist belt, Jiang bieyu to the front, also learn from her kneeling.

The woman hesitated and looked at the tall man next to her, hesitantly looking at Shiqing.

The young master raised his chin and motioned for her to get out of the way. She was worried and relieved, and quickly backed away.

So the kneeling on the ground was replaced by Jiang bieyu.

He is tall and tall. Even if he kneels on the ground, he doesn't look like the delicate and delicate appearance of that lady just now, but he is calm and natural. He stretches out long and slender hands and seriously ties a soft and light long belt.

Shi Qing's clothes were cumbersome and luxurious. Because their family came from the south of the Yangtze River, their clothing style was still different from that of Hecheng. They could not count the accessories and language belts on their bodies.

Although Jiang bieyu didn't touch this kind of clothes, he just saw his daughter's tie, so even if he moved slowly, he didn't make any mistakes.

But I'm afraid he is slow.

The man who is seriously wearing the belt is still, his expression is as usual, and his long hands have never stopped.

As if he didn't notice, the young master didn't eat any bitterness since he was born. His feet were shaking in front of his chest.

Once in a while, he didn't feel anything. It was still as if it was very boring. He used his own feet to stir up Jiang bieyu.

The girl next to him and Jiang bieyu think it's time to humiliate him.

A good man, who has been kneeling to serve him, still uses his feet to humiliate him.

The women even let go of their breath. They were afraid that Jiang bieyu could not stand the humiliation and hurt others. They were all ready for it. If there was something, they would rush to protect the Lord at any time.

Jiang bieyu did not have any reaction, still was just that pair of plain light has no feeling appearance, seriously and self-study will all need to tie up the accessories and belts are tied, then hang down his hands, motionless kneel on the ground, waiting for the next command.

The young master was very interested in looking at the man kneeling on the ground like a tamed wolf. Bai Shengsheng's Ji extended his hand and deliberately rubbed in along the neckline of Jiang bieyu.

His feet are not cold, after all, he has been sleeping comfortably in the quilt, and his feet are warm.

Therefore, Jiang bieyu didn't feel frozen.

But the young master's behavior, for example, is to serve him and humiliate others.

The women in the room held their breath and felt that their young master was really brave.

Just look at this man looks so fierce, even if you want to let him wait on him, send him to the nursing home, so that you can use it after teaching.

Why do you have to do this? This is a young master of the Jiang family.

And he was fierce.

Jiang bieyu also knew that Shi Qing was intentional. He raised his eyebrows and met the young master's fearless and proud sight. His beautiful eyes were bright and full of expectation. It seemed that this was a very interesting thing.

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The man's silent drooping eyes let the soft foot deliberately step on him.

When Qing saw him so calm, he was very happy and asked him, "why don't you avoid it?"

Jiang bieyu's voice was hoarse, "you didn't let me escape."

That's the answer.

The young master's white and beautiful face immediately laughed, took back his feet, beckoned for food, and specially told

"take more cakes. He must eat more."One of the women was ordered to come with a plate of cakes.

The young master took the cloud cake on the plate and handed it to the kneeling man's mouth.

"Good answer. Thank you. Open your mouth."

Jiang BIE Yu Shun opened his mouth and took a bite. The cloud cake was first mellow, then sweet and soft.

It's too sweet. People in Hecheng like salty food, but Jiang bieyu is not used to it.

Seeing the young master let go of his hand, he took the rest of the cloud cake, hesitated whether to continue to eat.

He had suspected that it was Shiqing who was deliberately playing tricks on him. As a result, he saw that the young master also took a piece and put it into his mouth before he finished eating the cake.

Sweet and soft glutinous flavor into the mouth, when the comfortable slightly squint, enjoy the delicious cloud cake.

He ate much faster than Jiang bieyu. Soon he ate one after another, and then reached for it after all three were finished. As a result, the woman carefully held the plate and stepped back. She raised her eyes carefully and looked at her face. She said, "brother Qing, did you forget that you can only eat two pieces a day."

The young master, who had just been satisfied with his face, immediately fell down, but he did not get angry. He only talked with the girl about "you are good. If you don't tell your mother, she won't know?"

Then he ordered some jiangbieyu's chest with tender white feet and soft feet. Maybe it was because he had eaten the cloud cake, his voice was sweet, and he said softly

"you can see that I want this cake for Jiang bieyu. If my mother asks, you only say that the rest of the cake is Jiang bieyu's

Jiang bieyu looked up at the young master who took him out to carry the pot.

Well, what kind of reward is that Shiqing wants to eat it and use him as a cover.

However, the female mother did not respond to Shi Qing's words, so she knelt on the ground with a plop.

"brother Qing, you can spare the slave. If you let your wife know that the slave is deceiving her, you will certainly drive the slave out."

The most terrifying thing for these women who followed Shi's family to come to this strange Hecheng from Jiangnan was to be expelled from Shijia.

They were not used to everything in the north. They were tall, strong and crude men. They were not used to eating. Because of the war, they were riding horses in the city, regardless of whether they would hit pedestrians or not.

If they are driven out, there is no way to survive.

Jiang bieyu looked at Shi Qing and saw that although his eyes were full of longing for the cloud cake, he was still depressed by the entreaty of the female mother. He looked indignantly and turned his mouth and waved his hand

"OK, I don't want to eat. Go down."


The woman, who was granted amnesty, still had tears in her eyes, but a light smile appeared on her face, and she went down with her plate.

But the young master's sight line, actually all along yearns and anticipates pursues that cloud piece cake.

Until his wife brought a plate of cloud cake down, he could not bear to take back his sight. He turned and saw that Jiang bieyu was holding most of the pieces in his hand, but had not finished eating them. He was immediately upset and kicked in the past.

His strength is small, this foot passes, Jiang BIE Yu's body does not even shake.

The little man looked at him with a smile.

When he looked at it like this, the expression on his face changed from unwilling to anger to looking at his thoughtfulness. At last, his beautiful eyes flashed with joy.

Just now, he was like a young master who couldn't get any sugar. He was arrogant again. The voice of glutinous voice raised

"where's my cat

"Yes, yes."

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After listening to the master's words, the maids in the room immediately began to look for cats.

Just now the cat has been hiding under Shiqing's bedding. As a result, when Jiang bieyu came over, he ran out of bed as fiercely as he was scared. The women of Fangcai were busy dressing for Shiqing, and no one paid attention to it. However, they didn't know where it had gone.

Fortunately, it's cold. The door of the house is always closed. The cat is easy to find.

Sure enough, after a while, the children and women found out the old man from the bottom of the cabinet. Despite his uncomfortable struggle, they carefully carried him to Shiqing.

"Brother Qing, the cat is here."

"Put me on the couch."

When Qing lifted his chin, looking at the more obedient cat, also did not go to reach for, only let put on the mattress.

The cat went to bed and felt Jiang bieyu was beside the bed. He didn't dare to escape. He was scared to plunge into the bed again.

The appearance of this advice is completely different from the arrogance and arrogance that Jiang bieyu had seen before.

He hung his head and listened to the young master saying to himself, "why is the cat so good today? In the past, it's not always noisy?"Only a glance, then the cat "scared" the good man silent.

Fortunately, Shiqing didn't go into it, but transferred his whole body to the couch.

Jiang Liye thought he was going to play with the cat on the couch again. Unexpectedly, the young master waved at him and said, "come on, too."

The man raised his eyes in surprise, but the young master couldn't wait. He pulled his wrist to pull him up.

He tugged hard, white face because of the force and dyed a piece of pink in the cheek, but the man is still not moving like a mountain.

Fortunately, Jiang bieyu's reaction was quick, and he got up spontaneously and climbed onto the bed.

The women were curious and worried, but they didn't dare to ask.

The young master was very considerate without asking himself, "I think the cat seems to like him very much. Let him help me coax the cat. You go out and serve him."


"Brother Qing, let's stay inside. If there's something you can call us."

There is a warm basin and a place to rest outside. Women naturally want to go, but they can't stand it. There is also Jiang bieyu, an unstable factor in the interior. They were not brought up by their parents when they were young. They looked so vicious. What if something happened.

However, Shi Qing didn't consider their concerns at all. He just waved his hand and was very impatient.

"let you go down. It's not far between inside and outside. Can't you hear me shout inside?"

So it is.

The women put down their worries and went outside obediently.

Seeing them go, Shi Qing's face showed pride. He stretched out his hand and put down the curtain on the couch.

After the unique thin and windproof curtain of Jiangnan was put down, the light on the couch immediately became slightly blurred.

Fortunately, you can see what's going on inside.

At least Jiang bieyu could see it clearly. As a thief, he peeped out several times. When he was sure that no one came in, Qingmeng breathed a sigh of relief. When he turned to him, his expression became more reasonable.

He reached out to the man, his beautiful slender fingers moved, and his voice was also quiet

"give me your cloud cake."

Jiang bieyu looked at a piece of cloud cake that had been bitten on his hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "I have bitten it."

"Know you bite, I don't dislike you, what kind of affectation do you have?"

The young master is garrulous, because of the soft and soft tone of Jiangnan and the lowered voice, he is clearly complaining, but listening to it is like being coquettish.

Delicate, soft.

Another one who likes to be smart.

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Seeing that Jiang bieyu did not move, he simply reached out to take it, but inadvertently drove the mattress. He felt the breath of Jiang bieyu. The Persian cat, shivering under the quilt, was suddenly exposed, and he was a little flustered.

Happened to see the master's hand is here, quickly flattered to lick that slender white jade general fingers, and then turned a take-off, drilling into the Qing's arms.

The young master subconsciously hugged the cat in his arms. He held it in one hand and brushed his hair with the other.

The expression is stiff.

When he held the cat's head, he looked down at his face.

He has been spoiled since childhood. The lawless young master never disdains to hide his mind, and obviously he is not very good at hiding.

At least Jiang bieyu can see that Shi Qing is worried that his hand, which was going to eat yunpian cake, touched the cat.

In accordance with the previous young master's disposition to wash his hands before doing anything, now he can't eat the cake after touching the cat.

Unless you wash your hands.

But just now, he had to put those women away.

Jiang bieyu guessed Shi Qing's idea in his heart, even thought it was a little funny and ironic.

Nowadays, in this world, a pile of corpses, frozen or starved, can be carried out in the city every morning, but at the same time, there are still times when the hands are dirty and refuse to eat with their hands. They are very delicate and wanton young masters.

He didn't think it was fair or unfair, but he was more determined to leave Hecheng and work out a new road.

Just thinking about it, Shiqing's soft, soft and indulgent voice rang again

"are your hands clean?"

Jiang BIE Yu looked down at his hands and said, "only after rubbing ink, I cleaned my hands."

"That's clean, too."

Finish this sentence, when Qing then opened mouth "ah."

The man didn't move.

The little young master immediately glared at him, threw the cat aside, pointed at him and scolded

"I saw that you were born well, and I was kind enough to keep you down. I didn't expect to be such a dull head. Can't you see that I want to eat cloud cake? Now I've opened my mouth. I'm still so stupid that I don't feed me. I'll send someone to drive you out and let Jiang Liye grind you to death. "Unfortunately, his voice was the glutinous of Jiangnan people. He lowered his voice for fear of being heard outside, and his soft tone was immediately as sweet as sprinkled.

It doesn't sound like swearing at all, but it seems to be scattering coquetry.

Obviously, he scolded so high, and his expression was so arrogant. Jiang bieyu, who was scolded, was so strange that he couldn't be angry at all. Instead, he wanted to laugh in the subdued soft voice.

It's a pity that the young master didn't realize his mood. Seeing his silence, maybe he was afraid.

The young master's proud eyebrows opened his mouth to the man again, and his ruddy lips opened and closed. He did not forget to teach him a lesson

"you should feed me quickly and be careful not to let the cake dregs fall on my couch. If they find out, take care of your skin."

Jiang bieyu nodded and raised his hand. With his right hand, he handed the white cloud cake to the young master's mouth. His left hand held it below, waiting for the broken residue to be picked up.

Because of putting down the curtain, the light inside is a little hazy.

And it was in such a hazy light that the little young master, who was spoiled and had always had a domineering reputation outside, approached him in this way.

Jiang bieyu found that although Shi Qing was always on the top, his skeleton was very small. When he got close to him, his slender neck moved forward slightly, and he looked more slender and white.

The young master may cherish this hard-earned cloud cake. Instead of eating it like before, he carefully bit off a small piece.

After entering the mouth, he squinted his eyes again, chewed slowly with relish, and felt the sweetness of yunpian cake.

As he narrowed his eyes, his long eyelashes became more and more thick. From Jiang bieyu's angle, he could clearly see that the corners of the young master's mouth rose slightly, as if he had been very satisfied.

Because every time he bit off a small piece, the young master cherished eating slowly, so at the end of each meal, he was still reluctant to chew his mouth, trying to find out the flavor of some cloud cake.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

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No matter how hard you try to eat this piece of cloud cake for a long time, it will still be finished.

The last piece of time left, the young master's face showed visible frustration.

Jiang bieyu, looking at his appearance of wanting to eat and reluctant to eat, thought he was a little cute.

He looked with great interest, and saw Shiqing take a deep breath, as if he finally made up his mind. He licked his lips, his red lips and teeth, and bit the last piece of cloud cake.

Here we are!

Even if it was the last piece, the young master still squinted silently and contentedly, trying to prolong the last piece of time to the longest.

Jiang bieyu fixed his eyes on him, and saw that his beautiful little face looked from contentment to reluctance, and never to give up to pitiful. Finally, he swallowed in his throat like a young master's face.

It's all over.

Shi Qing opened his eyes, and his face was full of reluctant expression. He puffed his mouth and sighed, "it's finished so soon."

Jiang bieyu looked at his lost little appearance. He didn't know what he thought. He said in his hoarse voice, "I still have one in my left hand."


When Qing Wang looked at his left hand, he saw that there were some pieces and crumbs of cloud cake on it.

The young master's eyes brightened.

Jiang bieyu opened his mouth and said, "these can be inverted..." Here you are.

The rest of it choked in my throat.

The palm has the feeling of wetting, as well as soft, let him feel stiff all over.

The man keeps the original action rigidly, looks at is bowing his head to eat the cloud piece cake fragment in his palm when Qing.

Young master is still like before, very reluctant to eat, for a while, slow.

For Jiang bieyu, this is absolutely unprecedented experience.

Clearly know that Shi Qing is not so close to him, but probably feel that he is his own property.

Looking forward to that drooping eyes, eating seriously young master, the man had a kind of illusion for a moment.

It's not that he watched him eat cloud cake at the request of Shiqing.

Instead, he took the initiative and asked Shiqing to eat his food.

This indulgent and delicate, lazy little young master, can only at his request, obediently bow his head, in his palm to eat the cake he wants to eat.

Just thinking like this, the blood in the body seems to flow faster.

And the young master who finished eating also raised his head. Because he had eaten the food he liked, there was no haze on his pretty face. He was comfortable. His pink tongue licked the debris on his lips.

Righteously, he asked Jiang bieyu to "wipe it clean for me."

The man stretched out his slender hand in silence and wiped the corner of his lips with the back of his hand.He rubbed his tender, beautiful lips.

Once again, I rubbed the corner of my lips.

When he got to the beautiful upper lip, Jiang bieyu's hand stopped there and suddenly said, "there's still a piece of it."

The young master did not want to let go of any chance to eat yunpian cake. He opened his mouth and quickly licked his lips with his tender, pink tongue, and rolled that little piece of cloud cake into his mouth.

He continued to be satisfied, but not willing to eat.

I didn't notice whether there was a piece of wet on the man's fingertips with his own movements.

Jiang BIE Yu's face did not show any clue, still is under the gentle and serious for young master wipe clean.

Then slowly take back the hand, with a little bit of wet repair long hand hidden behind the back, slightly clench.

The man's eye son sinks heavy, slightly changed the movement, covered should not be high the clothes pendulum.

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