Fortunately, those women didn't hear this sentence, otherwise they would be scared out of their wits.

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Qing Ge'er, who is well served, actually found a child molestate.

It's still a child molestation like this.

Don't mention them, even Jiang bieyu's shocked brain is blank.

Seeing Shi Qing slapping and beating on his body so carelessly, his expression is more and more satisfied. The man who is patted by him finds a bit of reason hard

"but I am a man."

The young master seemed to have a strange look at him. "What nonsense are you talking about? That is to say, the man is a boy

He knows that.

Jiang bieyu "can be molested children are good looking young women."

Sometimes some people take boys for fun. However, although Jiang bieyu is a little cold hearted, he hates people who do such things to young children, so he doesn't mention it.

When Qing looked at the man in front of him.

He was a tall man. He had just been patted and could be patted out. He had strong tendons. His face was beautiful, but it was not that kind of delicate beauty.

His eyes, in particular, added a little anger to his face.

Such a person is not likely to be called a child molestate, but more like a person in a high position.

But what about that.

The young master slapped a few times, which was full of flexibility. "Who has stipulated that you can't be a child molestate when you are old. Besides, you are not very old. When I was young, the young master said you were a child molestate, and you were a child molestate."

Jiang bieyu is silent.

He looked at Shi Qing in front of him, and the young master patted him with great interest. Although the more he slapped, the more happy he was in his beautiful eyes, he could be sure that there was no lust in his eyes.

He said that he wanted to be regarded as a child molestate, but when he looked at his face, it was more like finding a toy to show off.

Shiqing is not really obscene, he is just pure on the surface, and his heart is full of 666666. He makes a good exploration of jiangbie Yu.

It has to be said that Jiang bieyu's Hu nationality not only brings him such a pair of light and beautiful eyes.

And even if you don't have enough to eat and wear, you can also keep a very good figure.

The clothes are so easy to touch. If you take off your clothes

Shiqing didn't want to.

Now is not the time, he thought more, some did not, that is not a white greedy for himself?

So he seriously stretched out his hand and hugged Jiang bieyu.

Being held by the young master in his little hand, I can feel that he is trying to pull himself to the other side

The man drooped his head in a daze and looked at the young master who was struggling to blush.

"What are you doing?"

"Let you come to my arms." Shi Qing's reply was quite reasonable and forceful: "don't all the child molestates want to sit in the host's arms?"

Jiang bieyu

He looked at it in silence, and then he could see the slender young waist even though he was wearing expensive clothes.

After reading, he took another look at his strong arm.

He could be sure that only when the two arms were together could they be barely as thick as one of his.

That's it. Do you want to hold him in your arms?

A man wants to laugh at the bottom of his heart.

I don't know if he was aware of his smile. The young master became angry and pushed Jiang bieyu, who couldn't move himself.

The soft and glutinous voice from Jiangnan is very high, but it doesn't seem sharp at all. Instead, it's tender and tender. It seems that he's complaining.

"I don't know how to take the initiative when you're a child molester."

Obviously, he was treated as a child molester. If he had been a child molester, Jiang bieyu didn't know how to hate him, or how to plan revenge.

But now

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Looking at such a small childe who can't even hold his "child molestate" in front of him, the man has no expression on his face and sits on his leg along his strength.

Shi Qing Sleeping trough, this NIMA bulldozer.

"You are heavy, come down quickly."

Hearing the urgency in his tone, Jiang bieyu quickly got up and turned around to see that tears were already in the young master's beautiful eyes.

His soft hands, white and tender, who had never suffered a little, fell on his robe, trembling and pitifully.

The voice also trembled down, as if with a little cry cavity "good pain..."

The movement here was soon discovered by the women who were working hard.

Seeing the tears in the eyes of the young master, one by one immediately turned pale. He quickly put down his things and rushed over with gusts of fragrant wind.

"Brother Qing, what's the matter? I'm sorry to see that you are crying? "

"Legs? Where was it hurt? "A room full of women is busy again.

At the same time, the wife put on a thick cloak and wanted to come to see her son.

As a result, I met my son with tears in my eyes, covering my legs and crying for pain.

Immediately exclaimed and trotted forward.

"What's wrong with my brother Ching? What's the matter? This is? Oh, poor, look at it. It's so hard to cry. "

When she saw his wife coming, she howled more vigorously. When Qing covered her legs and looked at the wooden standing, she didn't realize that she was likely to have a disaster at once, so she took the time to kick him.

If you are unhappy, you should help to cover it up.

He curled his lips and casually said, "I bumped into the couch."

"How did you take care of it, and let qingge'er bump into it so badly?" When the wife is anxious and heartache, scolded a few female Niang a few words, and urged "still Leng to do what, do not hurry to go to the doctor."

After scolding, he whispered to Shiqing again, "my brother Qing, come to let my mother have a look. Fortunately, there are many good medicines in our family. It doesn't hurt to put it on."

Said she would have a look of heartache to lift when Qing's clothes, provoked when Qing even put on a poor look, quickly a dozen roll to the couch.

"Mother, what are you doing? I am a man and you are a woman. How can you lift my clothes?"

When the wife is first a Leng, then happy, will put the veil on the mouth, jiaosheng smile up, "my Qingge son also know shy, you are so old children afraid of what, have not married yet."

Yes, although he is already 16 years old this year, he was already a married family in ancient times, but in his wife's opinion, his son is clearly a child.

When the child Qing but still refused to accept, dead seize their clothes to the couch the innermost side of hiding, "no, men and women give and receive."

"Oh, you child, you're coming out of your mother's stomach. What's taboo with your mother?"

Because of his embarrassed posture, his wife's anxiety was dispelled, and she pointed to a female mother with a smile and said, "OK, my mother won't give you medicine, let the people in your house give it to you. It's true that she has to pay attention to her mother."

"I don't want it. Aren't all women in my room? Don't they ruin the reputation if they give me medicine? "

What's more, there are rules and regulations in Hecheng. Even a woman who runs a stall in the street must point to him. On the other side of the south of the Yangtze River, women come out to sell things. As long as it is a legitimate business, no one will look down on it.

Although this thought, but in the end can not beat their own son, when the wife can only comply with him "OK, OK, mother to find you a boy, this will be satisfied?"

At this time, the woman who was sent to get the medicine came back. When Qing saw her eyes shining, she kicked Jiang BIE Yu's leg again.

"You go and get it and give me the medicine."

Just now the young master didn't give him up. Jiang bieyu was a little surprised. He was even more surprised to ask him to take medicine without revenge.

But obediently, he picked up the small and delicate bottle from the tray.

It seems that the bottle was burned out of a good kiln. It's jade white and exquisite. There are beautiful pictures on the bottle. I'm afraid that such a bottle can sell for at least ten Liang silver.

But in Shiqing, it's just a bottle for medicine.

He took the medicine, turned around and came to the bedside. His hands fell on the hem of his clothes. His hands were still cold, but they were blocked by a pair of soft hands.

The owner of the soft and tender hand is holding his hand and raising his eyes. On a delicate and beautiful face, there are words of shame, embarrassment and arrogance.

"I apply medicine, you women don't look here."

When the lady looked more and more thought her son was funny, she couldn't help laughing, "you just put the curtain down? We're not going to lift the curtain to see it. "

"That's not good. It's not the same. What if any of you really lift the curtain to see me?"

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He wanted to maintain his "innocent" appearance, which made his wife feel soft, and thought his son was funny and funny.

She has always been doting, and now she asked, "well, let's go behind the screen and don't see my brother clearly."

"No, isn't it still in the room behind the screen?"

When Qing still does not agree, very justifiably requests "you must go outside the house."

If someone else's family, my son asked his mother to wait outside, and he didn't get scolded to death.

However, this is the Shi family.

His wife was a mother who always followed her son unconditionally.

She didn't think it was her son's filial piety at all. She said with a smile, "OK, I'll take them outside."

It's really a big kid. I'm ashamed of my mother.

When the lady laughs and takes the girls out.

There were only two people left in the room, Shi Qing and Jiang bieyu.

Jiang bieyu carefully put the medicine bottle aside. Because of the old idea that the clothes should not be raised high, although it was just medicine, he was a little confused in his mind. His face was still expressionless. He reached out to lift Shiqing's clothes, but he was opened by the little young master.He raised his eyes, just on the young master's round eyes, "what are you doing?"

Jiang bieyu picked up a small medicine bottle and showed him "medicine."

"If you take any medicine, you just sit down for a while, and it hurts for a while."

When Qing stood up and kicked him a foot, but also delicate accusing him of "see you are white long a pair of smart, if I really leg pain into that, just how can I still kick you."

He swaggered to the front of the cabinet, familiar in the quilt put in the bedding for a while, found a small wooden box and then took it out.

After opening it, the silver money in it fell into the eyes of the two people.

Jiang bieyu watched. Shiqing took out the money bag again and put the money into it. After that, he hung the money bag to his waist and put the wooden box in it.

From his careful and skillful movements, Jiang bieyu can probably guess that this is the "private money" of Shiqing.

After taking the money, Shiqing looked out again. He could see that his wife was standing in the yard with the girls, and she came down to the other side of the house, avoiding the window.

When he arrived, he opened the window again.

It was a bamboo grove outside. Originally, Shi Fu heard that scholars liked to live in the bamboo forest, so he specially found someone to plant it here, in order to cultivate his talent in reading.

It's a pity that the bamboo grove is also very cold now.

Jiang bieyu stood where he was and watched the young master poke his head out of the window. He looked left and right. He made sure that there was no one. He turned back and waved to himself.

A thief whispered, "come here."

Jiang bieyu Shun goes forward from.

"Hush!! Shhh

The young master's eyes widened again, and he made several actions to stop him in a hurry. "Don't go directly like this. They will see it outside, just like I did. Hurry up!"

The man bent down in silence and walked forward in this funny posture.

Or that sentence, if before, let him walk like this, it's better to kill him.

However, after "setting an example by example" in Shiqing, it seems that it is not so humiliating to walk in this way.

Especially the young master didn't go to see how he walked at all. After calling him, he always focused on the outside.

Jiang bieyu soon arrived at Shi Qing's side.

The laziness on the young master's face became excited. He pulled his sleeve and whispered the plan

"there are no people around this bamboo forest. Through the bamboo forest, through the garden, through the rockery, finally through a lotus pond, you can get to the yard, OK

Jiang bieyu nodded in silence.

He knew that the young master was going to steal out of the mansion.

It's just

Why did you take him when he left the mansion?

The man took a complex look at the young master who was excited because he wanted to run away.

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At the moment, the young master is lifting a leg regardless of the difficulty of the image, holding the bottom of the window carefully and turning outward.

Outside, the lady felt that the time was almost up, and she raised her voice and called, "brother Qing, are you ready? But changed the medicine? My mother is going in. "

"Not yet!"

When Qing is not anxious and flustered, he returns with a sentence: "just wiped a leg, still have a leg."

With that, he turned over his other leg and jumped to the ground lightly.

After jumping, he turned around with a smile and waved to Jiang bieyu.

"what are you doing? Come down quickly."

Now it's winter and winter. The bamboo forest with a good artistic conception outside is still gray. The warm sunshine on people doesn't feel warm at all.

However, the young master, who was carefully raised all over his body, stood there with a pure smile on his small white face.

The sunlight sprinkles on his face, lining his eyes in the light spot.

Looking at this scene, Jiang bieyu was in a trance.

He struggled in the abyss, and the people he met, whether they were in the abyss, or looked down on him from above, were extremely unbearable.

The servants who trample on the ground and hold them high, concubines and servants who try every means to compete for favor, and those brothers who seem to be gorgeous in front of their elders, but actually go out and enjoy themselves in other people's humiliation.

Now recalling the past, there is only time Qing, outside and inside, are the same pure.

It is the same to the elders in the family, the young masters outside, or to him.

Arrogant, but wanton.

At such a time of Qing Dynasty, Jiang bieyu had some doubts about whether it was Jiang Liye who forced him to whip himself on that day.

After all, he was so kind to the maids who were supposed to be very mean in the eyes of young masters.

- bang!

A dry piece of mud was hit on Jiang bieyu.Pull him back from those thoughts.

In front of him, there is a young master with a frown on his face and a complaint and anger on his face. He is yelling in a soft voice for Hecheng people;

"what are you waiting for? Don't you hear me let you down? If it wasn't for the sake that you are the Jiang family, I would not take you with me! "

Looking at the ferocious young master in front of him, the man cast off all the ideas just now, and with his right hand supporting the windowsill, he jumped out of the house very easily.

He this simple and handsome action let young master some envy and jealousy, hate hate to kick his foot again.

"There are no beautiful women here. I don't know who to show off to."

Jiang bieyu pursed his lips and saw clearly the envy of his eyes.

He thought about it for a moment, and in a hoarse voice he said, "I'll teach you next time."

"Shall I teach you, a child molester? If there is another time, you will jump over first, and then carry me down, you know? "

The young master snorted coldly, turned and walked ahead.

Jiang bieyu followed him.

But in my mind, I think of the picture of turning over the window just now.

He was born tender and had no strength at all. He even kicked people gently. When he turned the window, he naturally had no strength.

So can only so carefully lie on the window, like a little turtle, hard to turn over one side, and then turn the other side.

The pitiful and lovely little appearance really didn't look like the arrogance that he had swung his whip before.

But he is.

Shiqing is a scene that makes people feel pity, but those pictures, seen by his servant, will only make him feel embarrassed.

The young master in front walked out two steps and saw that he didn't follow him. He turned around again and yelled angrily at

"Why are you so stupid? I asked you to follow me, didn't I hear you?"

Jiang bieyu gave a low reply and kept up with the front.

The young master was arrogant, soft and tender, and his voice was full of pride and pride. "Did you remember what I said to you in the room just now? I'm going to go to Jiang Liye for a moment. You are my child molestate. Later, I want you to sit on my lap. You can sit on my lap, but you can't really sit on my leg. "

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It's also a bit of self exclusion.

Jiang bieyu actually understood, but Shiqing was afraid that he could not understand, and he pulled him to cover up for a while. "Do you know about squatting? In those playbooks, martial arts experts have to squat before practicing martial arts. "

In the joint really quietly follow the martial arts master Fu, the man who has practiced martial arts can not help but export error correction "Zha Ma bu."

"Yes, I'll do it if you know it." The young master nodded and patted Jiang bieyu seriously. "I want you to sit on my leg for a while, and you'll look like you're sitting, but you're actually riding. Don't you know?"

Jiang bieyu nodded.

He didn't ask why he couldn't really sit. After all, when he sat down, the poor trill was still in his ear.

The young master is still muttering, "and you have to throw your arms to me in front of them, little bird depends on others."

Jiang bieyu Does a little bird like a man

When Qing seems to be very surprised to look at him, "little birds depend on people, you don't know? Even if you want to be smart in front of me and obey my orders, I will kiss you, and you will be well hugged by me when I hold you

Of course, Jiang bieyu knows what it means. After all, there are many concubines in the yard of the second master of the Jiang family.

But the problem is, he knows what he looks like.

He looks like a little bird?

Seeing him as if he didn't understand, the young master was impatient, and he tried to make a demonstration: "come here, your head is in my arms."

Jiang bieyu

The man stood silent for several seconds, only when Qing was impatient, and when he was kicking him, he slowly lowered his head.

His head finally fell on the young master's shoulder.

The height difference is really not going down.

"Why are you so useless."

The young master complained with annoyance and irritability, and then went to take Jiang bieyu's hand. He shook his soft hand. "The hand should be put on me, to show that you depend on my action, you know."

Jiang bieyu

He raised his hand obediently.

In the end, Xiuchang's hand fell on the waist of Shiqing.

Just across his clothes, he pinched his slender waist.

Because of the close movement, he can even feel the temperature from the time of body cleaning and the delicate skin under his clothes no matter which part.

Young master is still not satisfied with his waist, while thinking, "no, I think this is not close enough."

He forcefully put his legs, cross to the man between the legs.

Now, they are really close.It's just that Jiang bieyu is a little too close.

At the age of 18, he is full of vigor.

Before just watching when Qing eat cloud cake, he can dress up carelessly.

What's more, it's like this now. When he said that he wanted to be a little bird, but in fact, the whole young master threw himself into his arms.

The man's throat, which was covered by young master's clothes, rolled up and down his throat, slightly drooped his eyes, and looked at the slender neck of Shiqing.

Bai Shengsheng is tender, just like other parts of his body.

Just a little touch.

That piece of white, with the master's panting, red.

Jiang BIE Yu micro dark eyes, slowly toward the neck close.

When Qing suddenly raised his head, turned his face and pouted at the man's cold cheek.


A crisp sound.

The young master took out his handkerchief to wipe his mouth. He looked at the stiff man with satisfaction and patted him again. He was full of flexibility

"good, good. Just follow this way. Now you are a child molester."

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