Jiang bieyu was photographed by him. He bit his throat again and rolled up and down several times. His whole body was as stiff as a stone.

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At this time, the young master didn't know whether he had never seen those tall servants before. He knew clearly that he had only come to the house for a day, and the deed of sale had not been officially signed. He even dared to run out with him.

Dare to

Men always stand still, a pair of eyes because of the color of the eyes, but the eyes are always on the body.

However, the young master is thick skinned. When he kisses him, he shows a indifferent expression on his white face, and only tells him:

"when Jiang Liye comes to them, if I also want to kiss you and move you, you should not hide and dodge like just now, and be a child molester for me. Do you know?"

Tuo Shiqing wanted to sneak out. Now there are no people around them, only the young master standing in front of them.

If you think about him, his strength is so small. Jiang bieyu just sits on his leg and can let him cry out in less than a second. This kind of delicate and delicate young master can knock him out easily and easily, and then he can escape according to the route planned by the young master.

Anyway, his aunt died, and he had no one he cared about. Now he didn't sign a contract to sell himself. As long as he escaped, the world was so big that he could always find a way to turn over.

However, the road ahead is clear, and Jiang bieyu is still standing still as before. In his eyes, he is full of young masters who are smiling with satisfaction.

Not yet.

He told himself quietly in the bottom of his heart.

Since not to that share, there is no need to leave in disgrace.

Now he still has injuries. He can eat and drink in his family. If he really goes out, he has to fight for food.

Naturally, the young master did not know that the man who was under his control had just rejected the idea of "stun him, the master, and then run away.".

He seems to be very satisfied with Jiang bieyu, a "child molester.".

Even if Jiang bieyu is taller than him.

Even if Jiang bieyu should be hugged by the "thin waist", he can not hold both hands.

Even if Jiang bieyu's tendons and flesh are hard, it's not like that he doesn't like to move because of his delicate temperament, and the flesh on his body is soft and soft.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as his young master said, he jiangbie Yu is a child molestation.

So when the tall and imposing man in front of him said hoarse and deep voice, his beautiful little face almost immediately showed a happy smile of contentment.

The young master lifted his chin with pride, and his face lifted his eyebrows:

"walk, and see your brother."

There are not many other things in Hecheng, that is, there are many rich people.

Especially after the chaos, more and more rich people came to Hecheng for safety and wealth.

The king who protects Hecheng is also very good at speaking.

You want to come to Hecheng?


Just give me money. If you give me money, you can go anywhere you like. The more money you give, the better my attitude will be.

For those families, there are wars all over the place. No one knows if they will sit at home one day and suddenly burst into a group of people and kill the whole family.

Because Hecheng is such a safe territory, let alone give money, let alone give them half of the property is no problem.

Because, a large number of people with money and food came.

Shijia is one of them.

It's just different from other people. At that time, family wealth was very thick. People brought several carts of grain, they brought hundreds of cars, people sent a box of money, they sent a convoy of money.

This contrast gap does not come out.

When the family so willing to spend money, the status of Hecheng suddenly rubbed up, and together with Shiqing can walk in the circle of the second generation.

He is beautiful, and some of the local second generation of Hecheng, led by Jiang Liye, are not happy.

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Originally, when he didn't come to Hecheng before, although Jiang Liye was only the son of the second master of the Jiang family, he couldn't stand up. There was no grandson of Jiang family in front of him. He was a serious grandson.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been favored. Even if he was born out of the Jiang family, because he was generous and had a high status at home, he was always sought after by the generation of Hecheng phase II. His living scenery is like the common people in the yard. Even if he is also the blood of the Jiang family, he is just a lowly person who can handle whatever he wants.

Before Shiqing came, Jiang Liye was just like usual, lying lazily on the chair with people, watching the singers dancing hard.

Some people mentioned Shiqing: "Liye, you pushed Shiqing into the water yesterday. How can you still be so free and easy today? Aren't you afraid of being blamed by the time family?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

Jiang Liye looks more like following his father. He is not short but not tall. If he is carried to the crowd, no one can see him at a glance.However, he is the master of the Jiang family, or the beloved master of the Jiang family. No matter how ordinary his appearance is, he is now the focus of attention.

Knowing that many people were looking at him, Jiang Liye's expression became more and more arrogant: "when he was a good speaker, he was a face in front of the Lord, but actually he was not a merchant. He ran around all day to see my family. Since I married her, no matter how much I carried a woman to my room, she didn't dare to say a heavy word to me."

After that, he laughed again and said scornfully:

"what's more, Shiqing is really not like a man. He's so big. He also walks cats and dogs every day, and he speaks to me honestly. I'm also Shi Qing's brother-in-law, and I'll discipline his parents."


Is saying the prestige, the screen was fiercely kicked rotten.

The singers were startled and exclaimed one after another. They did not dare to play or play any more. They were so scared that their faces were pale and they hid together shivering.

The young masters who came out to have fun were also shocked. They all stood up and looked at the place.

After the screen was kicked, Shi Qingzheng stood there and looked at them coldly. His beautiful face was full of anger.

Even the soft and waxy Jiangnan tone sank: "master Jiang is so powerful. At best, you can only let me call you brother-in-law. What qualifications do you have to discipline me for my parents?"

Just now, they gathered together to listen to Jiang Liye's bad words. Now they were arrested by the parties on the spot. For a while, except Jiang Liye, other people's expressions were chatted up.

When Qing's face is very ugly, iron green, finish that sentence, then stand in place.

I was very angry at first sight.

When had they seen this young master before.

People present in the heart of the subconscious will breathe light, for fear that the quarrel had been in the period of irritability when the young master.

Don't wait for him to get up with Jiang Liye, a passer-by who is surrounded by himself, sacrifices the heaven first.

When Qing came in, the impact was so strong that almost all people focused on him. No one went to see the man behind the young master, who was wearing the clothes of a boy in the dust and lowering his head.

Naturally, they did not know that Jiang bieyu, who seemed respectful, was also paying attention to Shi Qing.

Others go to see Shi Qing's face, but Jiang bieyu is concerned about the foot of the young master who just kicked the screen.

Although he didn't get along for a long time, Shi Qing's whole body was tender and soft. Jiang bieyu was very sure of this.

Such a kicker has no strength at all. He cries out in pain when he sits on his body. The delicate young master kicks the screen into rags.

His feet should be very painful at the moment.

The man who seems to be very respectful droops his eyes and falls on the right foot of Shiqing just kicking the screen.

At the moment, the leg was shaking slightly at a frequency that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.


Jiang bieyu was more positive.

It must have hurt.

What he could observe was not noticed by the people in the room. Jiang Liye looked ugly and didn't answer. Others looked embarrassed, but he couldn't pretend to be dead like Jiang Liye.

Soon someone stood up and tried to pretend that nothing had happened to greet him:

"Shiqing, you don't say in advance if you want to come. Today ah Zheng brought some good wine. Come and have a taste with us."

He intended to cover up the incident with a gag. After all, Jiang Liye is a member of the Jiang family, and Shi Qing is also a young master of the Shi family. Both of them have a deep background. How they fight a lawsuit, they will not hurt each other.

But these bystanders who are not as big as Shijiang's and Jiang's are miserable. If these two people make a mistake in public, they will be unlucky.

I didn't see that Shiqing was pushed into the water yesterday. His young master was carried back by his family. Now look at this picture, which is as pampered as ever, you should know that he should not be reprimanded by his family.

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If you look at Jiang Liye, you can still see the haze of being blamed by your family at all.

But they can't compare with their status.

Who didn't know when the family only when Qing such a single seedling, now the family is the top of the red man.

The old family of Jiang family also has a deep foundation. Jiang Liye, the eldest grandson of Jiang family, is the successor of Jiang family. He can be sent out as a slave along with his father's half brother. This shows his high status in the Jiang family.

And they had bad luck.

These two people fight back and forth, they are safe and sound, not a bit of fur off, but they did nothing.

It was clear yesterday.

Shiqing is fine, and so is Jiang Liye.

At that time, most of the other people who witnessed this scene on that boat were punished by their families.He asked why he didn't stop them and why he didn't rescue the young master of the time family in time.

It's bloody mildew.

This young master, whose surname is Lu, is quite popular in his family. However, because Shiqing fell into the water yesterday, the second master of the Jiang family sent people to his house to ask him whether he had seen Shi Qing of Jiang bieyu Tui with his own eyes.

He actually saw Jiang Liye pushing people, not Jiang bieyu.

Not only him, but Jiang Liye didn't cover it up. Most of the young masters who were busy pulling them at that time probably saw it.

But no one dares to say "yes, yes, I saw that it was not the son of a commoner in your family who pushed it, or Jiang Liye pushed it.".

If it's true, their family's good days will come to an end.

But if you frame this incident on Jiang bieyu and admit that he saw Jiang bieyu push Shiqing, can Shi Qing, who was pushed, still know who pushed him?

At that time, they can't afford the anger of the time.

So, he can only say, did not notice, at that time too chaotic, he only cares about pulling two people.

He can be mixed in the circle of the second generation of Hecheng, and has not been kicked out for such a long time. Regardless of the appearance, the inside is absolutely a bit of chicken thief.

Therefore, both the Jiang family and the Shi family sent people to ask for the same result:

it was too chaotic at that time, and no one could see who pushed Shiqing.

But even if everyone lied, it was over, but when the two families left, they were still punished by their families.

After all, these families in Hecheng, except for Shijia, have no shortage of offspring.

They raised people well, and almost brought disaster back. Those who are somewhat spoiled at home are OK, that is to say a few words of reprimand.

But those who don't make a fuss and are not favored are miserable.

If you are heavy, you will be punished for copying. If you are light, you will be locked up in the house and you will not be allowed to make trouble.

Yes, in today's chaotic world, all families are cautious, and watching others fight, that is also making trouble.

Well, there are at least three people who have been locked up at home and haven't been released.

It's a pity that the young masters of the two families are watching. It's really sad to think about them.

This young master Lu was hit by the board yesterday. Fortunately, his mother saw that the situation was not right, so she rushed to tell the board beating person to lay down on the bed and go anywhere.

Because of yesterday's incident, this one was really afraid and went to pull Shiqing with a 120000 smile.

The young master had an ugly face because his attitude was better.

Although only a little bit, but at least it is also a face to this.

Seeing this, young master Lu felt relieved at the bottom of his heart. At the same time, he was more grateful to Shiqing.

Thinking in my heart, I always felt that I was pampered and arrogant when I got along with her. I could see the sky with my eyes. Today, I feel like I'm still very good at talking.

Looking back at Jiang Liye, I can't see his face at the moment, sitting in the same place without any action meaning.

This picture of Master Lu looks like thousands of grass mud horses galloping through his heart.

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Big brother, you make it clear!! It's the family you provoked, not me!!

You've been caught saying bad things behind your back. It's normal for people to get angry when they are in front of many people. Why are you so angry about people!!

Obviously, it's my own disaster. If I don't apologize, I'll expose it to the public. I still have a bad face to see others round for me.

How big is the face?!!

Even if he admits that he and Jiang Liye are close to each other in order to get more resources, after all, in this world, more resources can make more sense of security.

But it's been a long time since I raised my dog.

However, judging from Jiang Liye's reaction and attitude, he is clearly regarded as a dog.

It's still the kind that can't be raised.

Last night, he was baffled by the board, and today he has to laugh with him. In the end, he is also a young master. Jiang Liye really regards him as something. He must hold his thighs, otherwise he can't live?

Shi Qing didn't seem to notice that because of his attitude, young master Lu was dissatisfied with Jiang Liye. He just glanced at him casually and said: "is there a place with curtains?"

This is a place to play and play, and there are curtains naturally, so as to facilitate the guests to do something in the curtains with the attendants.

Think about it. On the one hand, because of the curtain, people outside can't see what's going on inside. On the other hand, they are so close to each other that they can chat as if they were sitting together.

And behind the curtain, what the guest did and what he did to the people who served him could only be heard outside.

This exciting play has always been popular.

But in the past, Shiqing only cared about eating, drinking and playing, and never showed any inclination in female sex. Now he suddenly asked for such a request, and all the people present were stunned.This young master from the south of the Yangtze River, is he enlightened?

This land boundary is not owned by Mr. Lu. He goes to one side and looks at a Zheng standing up with a hearty smile:

"of course, there are people. This is here."

He opened the curtain next to several people's positions, and there was a small couch with a brazier under it. The bed was covered with a fluffy leather blanket.

Shi Qing looked at the past carefully and quickly caught what should be captured.

On the table beside me, there are some tools that should be mosaic.

A Zheng also opened the cabinet carefully, with a bit of pride and pride to let Shi Qing see the things in the cabinet.

"And these, but they're all from foreigners. It's a special taste to hear. In a word, you'll know after using them."

He was very considerate. After introducing the mosaics, he added: "this place has just been built, and no one has ever used it. I have reserved one for each of you, and it will not be used by others in the future. You can just take this place as a relaxing place."

Because of the sudden arrival of Shiqing and Jiang Liye's ugly face, the atmosphere in the field was slightly stiff because of the intimate arrangement.


"Hehe, in that case, you are welcome."

Ah Zheng was more and more proud: "you don't have to be polite. I have arranged a lot of beautiful women for you. I can send them to you soon."

The smiles on the faces of the men on the scene were more intimate, and even Jiang Liye's look was better.

"I don't have to arrange women here. I have brought people myself," he said

For a moment, people's eyes fell on him again.

With someone?

Where is anyone?

They looked up and down, left, right and right several times, and Shiqing didn't really bring any women around.

Some people glanced at Jiang bieyu and saw that although he lowered his head, he could also see that he was tall and tall. At a glance, he was an adult man, and he ignored him directly.

The air was immediately filled with doubts.

Jiang Liye is even more sneering: "what brought people, you have come up for so long, where there is a woman, on your small body, afraid that is not a hidden disease, do not want to solve here, casually find an excuse."

A Zheng's eyes flashed anxiously.

At the moment, he really wanted to go back to the past and give him a big mouth to invite Jiang Liye here.

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If you say that Jiang Liye has a grudge against Shi Qing himself, it doesn't matter if he wants to be sarcastic. Even if they fight, it doesn't matter.

But why didn't he look at the occasion every time he had a conflict with Shiqing? Now this is his place, and it's a good place for him.

He specially invited these people to come here, for what, not to let them have a good time here, have a good time, go back and give him a good publicity about how much this place is good, do advertising?

It's hard for him to ask for help when he is young, but he is not interested in serving his family.

If it wasn't for knowing that he couldn't offend Jiang Liye at all, he would like to kick Jiang Liye out to relieve his anger.

What kind of person? I can't see others, can't I.

Jiang Liye did not get his dislike, nor did he notice the dissatisfaction of those young men who looked at him.

He has always been arrogant outside. Before Shi Qing, no one in the second generation of the whole city dared not choke with him. However, since Shiqing came to Hecheng, he has been completely destroyed.

When used to the first, how can Jiang Liye be willing to be the second.

Therefore, he was determined to make a face of Shiqing, but he was just a boy who was 16 years old and had not grown up. He was still the brother-in-law of the boy. He didn't beat or scold him. He just said his guess reasonably.

If Shi Qing turns over because of these two "casually say" words, he doesn't feel guilty when he says it, and he still has the upper hand.

But Shiqing is different.

At the end of the day, it must be said that they are too young to hold their breath.

It's a bit of a treat to think about it.

However, Jiang Liye was disappointed.

When Qing didn't get angry, the beautiful face that made his teeth itch when he thought of it. Even after he said this, he was still a little proud.

"Who said this young master brought a woman."

His face is full of publicity and complacency, if it is not still cold winter, I am afraid he would shake the fan to make a look like a romantic childe.

"I brought a child molestate."

Child molestation?

Among the young masters present, they were also good at this way. Their eyes were bright and they were very interested.

Shi Qing is famous for his high vision.

He always wants the best clothes and chessboard. If it is not good, he will never use it.This one can only be spoiled out of the problem, can not be less enviable.

Now, he said he had found a child molester.

How good-looking the child molestation must be to look at such a high-level young master.

Under this expectant sight, the little young master lifted his chin and stretched out his hand to catch the slender hand of the man standing beside him.

He also specially clasped his ten fingers and showed the hands they held in front of the public. His pride was beyond words:

"look, my child molestate."

Everyone:.... "

They looked at this "child molestate" who was at least one more head taller than Shiqing and was born tall and strong. They did not speak for a long time.

On the contrary, Shiqing seemed to feel that the stimulation was not light enough. He stretched out his white arm, stood on tiptoe, and landed his hand on his neck.

Yes, it's a bit difficult. After all, he's only 16 years old, which is understandable.

The "child molestation" also bowed his head very obediently, and put his hand around the young master's waist, and his head fell slightly on the side of his neck.

Because of the big difference in body shape and height between the two people, this picture is just like a man's whole time in his arms.

However, the young master was very proud. He was surrounded and distracted to explain to them: "look how clever my child molestate is. The little bird depends on others."

Everyone once again: "

This NIMA bird is like a human??!!

It's special. It's big. No

It's a bird eating man!!

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