All the people present were shocked by Shi Qing's "erotic pet".

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The young master's white face was still complacent, as if he was proud that his pet could frighten others.


He raised his eyebrows, obviously unfamiliar, but he had to look like an old hand in the flower field. His beautiful long white fingertips were touched by his clothes in front of Jiang bieyu.

This action is very familiar to the young masters present.

After all, every time they go out to play and hold the flower maids to play, their hands are constantly moving.

Normally speaking, the angle of the hand and the ambiguous sliding of Shiqing are the same as before, but it just makes people feel uncomfortable.

At that time, the young master's posture, appearance, hand, his whole body was bound to the arms of the high and big "child molestate", OK!

In particular, the "child molestation" is hard, but it is Shi Qing, who was spoiled and spoiled since childhood. At the moment, he is even on the slender fingers of other people, and the nail cover is soaked with glittering powder.

How to look, how weak.

But he was still so proud.

"You are not choosy every time. If you choose someone casually, you will bring them to you. Where can I have my child molestate? Look, how solid he is."

When you were making a table, he was a child molestate. What did he do with such a solid body.

even though they were in the bottom of their hearts, what was there on the surface was that nobody dared to make complaints about it, but they were all stiff faced. They were unaware of their conscience and praised the

. "Yes, or you have a good eye."

"It's really different from the previous child molestates."

"It's you. It's really good."

The young master was flattered. His beautiful white face was almost full of pride.

Jiang bieyu stood behind him and looked at him, thinking, but fortunately he was a man. If he had a tail, I'm afraid that his tail would be lifted to the sky now.

A thought of here, the man will unconsciously a little divergent thinking.

If there is a tail when halal, according to his delicate temperament, it should also be a fluffy smooth tail.

When the tail is cocked up, are not the parts covered by the tail exposed?

Jiang bieyu suddenly felt some itching in his throat. He gave a dry cough and rolled his Adam's apple up and down. He held the young master who was leaning closer to his arms with his pride.

I don't know if Shiqing is too elated to blame him. Instead, he naturally leans back along the strength of the man behind him and continues to watch Jiang Liye.

Other people can pretend to be blind without conscience, but Jiang Liye will not.

He looked at the tall and big man in front of him. He was a rough man who did hard work. He almost didn't laugh.

"In the past, I said that you are a baby without weaning, but you are really right. Even if you are greedy for our romantic and happy life, you can learn better if you want to learn. What kind of child molestate grows up like this is probably a lowlife who cultivates land in the field."

There was no hidden meaning in his sarcasm. When he finished, he was still racking his brains to think about how to praise Shiqing, so that the young master would be happy. All the other young masters immediately shut up.

It's really a crime. How can you be so good? I just got up again when I met these two people.

If they fight again, who will they help.

However, Shi Qing was not as angry as before when he was provoked by Jiang Liye.

The complacency on his face even got a new layer, and the sight of looking at Jiang Liye also took a little bit of "I am happy to succeed in my treachery".

Jiang Liye

Shiqing like this, will not really think of any way to deal with him.

He was afraid, thinking whether to maintain his face and continue to sneer, or to observe the situation first, so as not to burn himself. He saw the young master in front of him eagerly leaned back in the arms of the tall man with a look of arrogance

"look up, let us master Jiang have a good look at you."

The man immediately raised his head obediently.

That face is exactly Jiang bieyu's.

Shi Qing put his hand on the man's cheek, vaguely stroked his cold outline. When he looked at Jiang Liye, his beautiful eyes were full of profound meaning.

"I didn't notice before, brother-in-law, you and my son-in-law, the appearance is somewhat similar."

Jiang Liye

He's finally figured it out now.

Where did Shi Qing find a child molestate.

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This is clearly intentional pull Jiang, don't come out disgusting him.

He stood up with a black face! How dare you insult me! You... "

"Who insulted you?"

Seeing his anger, the young master was even more proud, and he went to Jiang bieyu's arms for a while.Jiang Liye's soft and waxy tone sounds extremely hateful in Jiang Liye

"Jiang bieyu was given to me by yourself. How nice it was yesterday. He pushed the young master into the water and nearly killed me. If you want to fight or scold me, even if I killed him, you Jiang family would not say more."

"I'm kind-hearted and I like his good-looking life. I didn't beat or scold him, and I didn't kill anyone. I just stayed by my side and made a molestation. My brother-in-law was angry?"

Say, when clear hand buckles in let oneself lean on the man's back neck.

Jiang bieyu felt his gentle force to himself and bowed his head obediently.

Then, on the cheek felt a piece of soft tender.

Jiang Liye looks at the young master who slowly leaves his lips from Jiang bieyu's cheek. He is almost angry to burst.

Who doesn't know, for men, subordination is a shame.

Not to mention being a spoiler, that is to put dignity on the ground.

Of course, he is not so angry because Jiang bieyu has lost his dignity.

But angry at, when Qing pulled with him similar to Jiang bieyu, said that this is his child molestation.

What is Jiang Liye, who has the same father and looks similar to Jiang bieyu?

Is this Zuo Jian Jiang bieyu?

He was disgusting at Jiang Liye!

Not only does Jiang Liye think so, but other young masters present actually think the same.

No one thought that Jiang bieyu was really a pet for Shiqing.

Cough, cough.

After all, Jiang bieyu is a little tall. His appearance can't be said to be ugly, but it's really vicious and makes people subconsciously reject him.

Shi Qing has always been delicate, no matter what it is, the eye is very high, how can you see the river do not Yu.

It is just that Yu looks similar to Jiang Liye when he sees the river. He is just disgusted with Jiang Liye.

None of the people present felt that Jiang bieyu had suffered much humiliation.

Such as Jiang Liye, who has always been on the top of the cloud, even if he was scolded, it seems to all that he has been wronged.

But Jiang bieyu?

Born in the abyss, even if he is trampled to death, no one will pay attention to what he is thinking when he is trampled to death.

Jiang bieyu has no feeling.

After all, no one knows better than him. Shi Qing has no heart to insult him.

Compared with deliberately abusing him, the young master showed his willingness to make use of it. Jiang bieyu adapted very well.

He just looked at the young master in front of him. He was so arrogant that he said, "the old man is the second one, and I am the third one." he laughed at Jiang Liye? It's a pity that my young body is so empty. "

"Don't pretend to be stupid. If you practice our family like this, I will..."

"What is the family of practice?"

"Jiang bieyu was given to me personally by my brother-in-law. Now I look at him and leave him alone. If you want to have a good drink, I will do it."

Jiang Liye: "do you regard my children of the Jiang family as idols, don't you say they are practicing?"

"What kind of practice? I really like his appearance. He is also willing to follow me. How can you say that he is practicing? If you want to say that he is practicing, brother-in-law, you send your brother-in-law. This is the practice. "

The young master usually looks arrogant and domineering. He only makes a dash against the background. He is really angry.

Jiang Liye was blocked by him. He didn't know how to say it. He could only move out of Shifu. "I gave him to you to make amends, but you deceived people too much and let him do menial business of serving others. Even if it was put in Shi uncle's, it would not make sense."

"Don't scare me with my father. If you want to say that, you will give your brother to someone else to be a child molester. Is that ok with Uncle Jiang?"


Jiang Liye had never found out that Shiqing was so sharp and sharp that he refused to forgive people for half a minute.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Shiqing fiercely, "say I give you Jiang bieyu as a child molester. Do you have any evidence?"

"Then you said that you didn't give him to me to be a child molester. Do you have any evidence?"

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Jiang Liye has not.

He glanced back at the people in the room.

The young masters, who had been watching them secretly, looked up at the sky one by one and bowed their heads to count the ants, but none of them was opposite to his sight.

Before they could pretend that they didn't see Jiang Liye push the time to clear the water.

Now it is impossible to help Jiang Liye testify.

When the young master's arrogance became more and more arrogant.He patted Jiang bieyu's shoulder with pride, "hold me up, let's go behind the curtain and have a good time."

The tall man, submissive and silent, leaned over slightly and held up the man directly.

It is obviously held by such a manly manner, but Shiqing is not ashamed at all, but proud.

Thanks to Jiang bieyu's height and being held by him, the young master can also enjoy a look at some people from a commanding position. He gives a special contemptuous look at Jiang Liye, and deliberately leans close to Jiang bieyu's arms to lean on him.

"hold me fast, and look at your brother's appearance. It's like coming up to eat people. I'm timid and dare not stay here any more."

Jiang Liye 艹!

Now the look on his face was really like eating people.

When he looked at Jiang bieyu, he could not help throwing his disgraceful brother to the bottom of the sea.

Jiang bieyu, however, was not affected by him at all. He only tightened his hands slightly and encircled the tender young master in his arms. He opened his long legs and went straight to his position.

Jiang Liye so helplessly watched when Qing was carefully placed on the couch.

As soon as he sat down, he touched Jiang bieyu's cheek with one hand, slightly raised the other hand, and pulled down the curtain.

The curtain fell, and people outside could no longer see what was going on inside.

But it's just because you can't see it that it makes people think more and more.

With what Shi Qing just said, have a good time.

Jiang Liye's face is turning green into green grassland.

He didn't care that Jiang bieyu was taken as a plaything.

But he cares that Jiang bieyu is similar to him in other people's eyes.

The other young masters all looked at each other and pretended that they didn't know anything. They came and pulled Jiang Liye to make a comeback.

"don't be angry, come and sit down and drink."

"Have some cakes. Come on."

"Look at the singer, she looks really good."

They are, as always, playing tricks.

Always is when Qing eat shriveled, feel no one to help their own suffocation.

Now he changed to Jiang Liye, and he knew how hard it was.

He glared at the curtain that covered the scene inside, sat down heavily and poured himself a glass of wine.

When Qing is proud of what.

In order to fight against him, he did not hesitate to ask Jiang bieyu to be a child molester.

The appearance is not soft and beautiful, but the body is hard.

There's nothing to be happy about.


But even if it was how hard he tried to hypnotize himself, he still couldn't help but burst out of his mind, Shiqing's face was full of obscene smile, touching Jiang bieyu's face, as if he were Jiang Liye.


He threw away his glass and ate the cake with a gloomy face.

Jiang Liye is about to be made up by his own brain picture angry.

However, the curtain was not the scene he imagined.


Because the curtain is not soundproof, the young master carefully massages Bai Shengsheng's toes in jiangbieyu. Even if the pain is painful, he can only breathe in a small voice.

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Seeing the man's slender hands gently knead that has some slightly reddish toes, his painful body trembled, subconsciously hiding.

However, he forgot that it was designed for people to have fun, and the design was quite humanized.

For example, this couch is a little smaller than what you usually sleep at home.

Jiang bieyu had to massage his painful toes, so he circled his couch directly.

In other words, the young master shrunk back, not only did not avoid the man who surrounded him, but more like throwing himself into the arms.

Jiang bieyu stopped for his massage.

He looked at Shiqing, who was still unconscious, and moved his body slightly.

The man spoke.

His voice was still hoarse and ugly, because he was afraid of being heard outside, he lowered it specially and asked deeply, "does it hurt?"


Shi Qingzheng, while avoiding the action, is also doing something to drill into people's home. Hearing this, he stretched out his hand and gently pushed Jiang bieyu.

"If you try to kick the screen, do you know how hard I have to endure just now before I didn't show up in front of Jiang Liye?"

Jiang bieyu was silent and did not answer.

Although he was very sure that he would play instead, it would not be like Shiqing. After the delicate and weak kick, it was his toes that made him feel uncomfortable.

He was just like a loyal servant. He lowered his eyes slightly and held the white foot with his long, thin cocoon hand. The other hand carefully and gently continued to press it gently for the young master.

He had been itching in his throat because Shiqing couldn't sit still. It seemed that the young master didn't notice it. The pain was so severe that he not only wanted to drill into his arms, but also held his arms tightly with a pair of soft and tender hands.When it hurts, the hands are tight.

He didn't have much strength. He could not make Jiang bieyu feel pain when he was tight. He could only let him feel the soft body more clearly.

And when Qing because of pain and slightly with trembling poor voice.

Jiang bieyu found that he liked to talk to him in a soft voice that seemed to cry when listening.

When Qing Dynasty was from the south of the Yangtze River, his voice was soft. When he felt wronged, the voice became softer.

Delicate, always like a little sweet.

Even though he knew that in Shi Qing's eyes, he was just a tool to use and aim at Jiang Liye, after hearing such a voice, the man could not help but lighten his strength.

It's not because of a soft heart.

But he was afraid that if he did not control himself again, he would not be able to help but directly hoop the young master in his arms and hold him to keep him from leaving.

But he tried to bear it, but the young master in his arms didn't realize that all the dead people were wrapped up in his arms, and his tender hands went in along the man's lapel.

When touching the soft touch, Jiang bieyu's whole body was frozen.

Ding! Jiang bieyu's rejection degree is 98100

the man's expression is a little complicated, and looking at him can be regarded as taking the initiative to get close to his young master.

When Qing eye tail is still slightly red, obviously just was just massaged to endure to fall to tears, because this red eye tail, that beautiful face also showed a bit of pity.

Even if his hands are now obscene touch, because of the white face on a bit of pity, it is difficult to make people feel bad.

What's more, although the action is obscene, Shi Qing's attitude is quite reasonable.

He patted and beat, and looked and acted like the butcher Jiang bieyu had seen on the street.

The butcher kept a group of pigs. When he killed the pigs, he always beat them to see which one was fatter.

Jiang bieyu has seen it several times. Every time the butcher meets a satisfied pig, he will show a satisfied look on his face. He will smile and continue to pat.

Now, the young master's eyes are full of satisfaction. He slaps and slaps along his clothes. He feels good, but his hands are confiscated. Instead, he falls on the man's strong elasticity and slides around like a toy.

Jiang bieyu saw clearly his disapproval.

He was quite reasonable about his actions and didn't feel anything wrong with it.

After all, he is the master and Jiang bieyu is the servant.

Strictly speaking, Jiang bieyu can only be regarded as his private property.

When the master son, touch one's own property only, have a problem?

As for whether this property will not want to be touched.

Who cares.

The man slightly droops the eye son, the cold and hard face lets him look cold and solemn, but this pair can frighten the female women to retreat, but did not cause any trouble to the young master of the family when he was up and down.

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He is still happy, eyes even a little serious, with satisfaction, upright, take advantage of others.

It seemed that he did not know how much trouble Jiang bieyu had brought by his soft tender hand.

For Jiang bieyu, this is not pork picking.

It's lighting everywhere.

His body was slightly taut, his abdominal muscles tightened slightly, and he asked in a hoarse voice

"what are you doing?"

"Can't you see that?"

"I'm touching you," he said

The man's eyes darkened almost immediately.

When he looked at him, he was very reasonable and forceful. He seemed not to realize what was wrong with his dishonesty without permission.

Sure enough.

This young master is just a good appearance.

In fact, what's the difference between inside and outside.

Jiang BIE Yu micro micro micro motion body, clearly or the original look, but always seems to show a bit of cold.

He stretched out his hand, slowly holding the boy's slender wrist, driving his hand, slowly down the lapel.

It's nice to say, "it's better to touch here."

However, Shi Qing shook off his hand directly.

The pampered young master looked at him inexplicably. After getting rid of the shackles, he returned to the strong chest of the man.

A slap.

Finally full of satisfaction to come to the conclusion that "you are so good, put on the set I drew before, it will be very beautiful."

Said, he can't hide the envy of looking down at his own body.

Because of his young age, he has been well raised since childhood.

Young master can only be described with three words.

It's soft.

It's tender.

In short, the whole person is like a piece of tender tofu, soft and smooth, but not cold and hard."Ah."

He sighed and leaned against the man's arms, turned back slightly and touched Jiang bieyu's cold cheek.

"you can eat more in the future, grow up well, and give me a strong body. Before I grow up like you, you will be cheap and let you wear my painting clothes."

Jiang bieyu suddenly realized that Shi Qing was not interested in him, but envied his figure.

It's not clear what he felt at the bottom of his heart when he understood this.

In a word, either happy or.

Knowing that he thought too much, Jiang bieyu didn't do any more extra actions. He just kept massaging his injured toes as carefully as the most loyal servant in the world.

He was too light and comfortable, and he lay in a daze and fell asleep in the arms of a man.

Jiang bieyu, who has been silent just now, stops slightly.

He raised his eyes and looked at the young master who was sweet and arrogant.

In my heart, a trace of greed gradually rose.

The young master of the time family was very tender from birth. From the toe to the hair, which place was not raised tender? He always looked at arrogance when he was awake.

But when he fell asleep, and his eyes were always closed with some vigor, the tenderness of being spoiled seemed to have another place to go.

In these troubled times, if you can get such a canary.

Little Jiaojiao, quietly jumping in the cage called, that should be how good.

Ding! Jiang bieyu's rejection rate was 95100

Jiang bieyu didn't think about it any more. He just dropped his eyes again and continued to massage quietly with Shiqing.

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