Before in front of his peers arrogant temper is not very good, to the public holding the time Qing in front of the elders also did not look down.

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"They didn't hear it clearly and didn't know the reason. You can send someone directly to the land boundary where we are. I once refused my brother-in-law's invitation to go to Bingxi. My brother-in-law had to take me to Bingxi. At that time, many people watched. How could you rely on me?"

He was particularly righteous and could not stop blaming Jiang Liye: "I said no, no, my brother-in-law still has to go, and now I have to blame for an accident. I have not seen such a brother-in-law, do not love my brother-in-law, do not regard me as a brother-in-law, but also let me take charge of things."

Shi Qingsheng's good-looking looks like a charming young master who is not familiar with the world. He seems to complain and act like a coquettish person, and he will not feel that he is suing.

It will only make people feel that Jiang Liye is not authentic.

After all, since Shi Qing dares to say so, he is sure that the truth is true.

He is a brother-in-law. He has not yet opened his mouth to complain. It is Jiang Liye who has to drag him to go. As a result, Jiang Liye is very good. He clearly started his own business, and he must be wronged by his innocent brother-in-law.

At present, the implied meaning of the elders looking at Jiang Liye is not very good.

Although his father was an elder, he was just a father-in-law. Jiang Liye's father was sitting here. He couldn't say anything serious. He just served tea with a bad face and his tone was not heavy. He said, "it seems that Liye is worried about brother Jiang's punishment."

The implication is that in order to avoid punishment, Jiang Liye put the blame on his son.

Anyway, he knows his son's temperament. If there is no evidence, he can't be so sure.

In the face of outsiders, of course, it is decisive to protect the short.

Jiang's father looked at his son, his face even more ugly than his father.

As soon as Jiang Liye saw how his father thought of himself, he cried out in his heart and quickly explained to him, "Dad, don't believe Shi Qing, it's him..."

"Shut up!"

Jiang's father slammed his teacup on the table, his face was black, and his eyes were full of harshness.

"in the past, my father was too spoiled to you. You don't know the height of heaven and earth, and you don't repent when you make mistakes. Do I teach you that in order to avoid the punishment of the elders

Jiang Liye was scolded by him more and more impatient.

What is spoiled to teach, from small to large, he is not the master to teach it?

Jiang's father is only concerned about drinking and drinking every day, or when he taught him in this aunt's house and that aunt's house.

Don't think he doesn't know that his father has a face in front of his grandfather. It's all because of his eldest son.

Jiang Liye didn't have much awe for his father. He was reprimanded and didn't admit his mistake. He only had an unconvinced iron green face and kept silent.

Everyone can see how unconvinced he is.

When the governor looked into his sight, he was filled with unhappiness.

It's not terrible to make mistakes. What we are afraid of is not to correct them.

In particular, Jiang Liye was taught by his father. His father was so disrespectful, which shows his character.

And when you look at it again, it's clear there.

Although the father in the time of the home, in a room of spoiled when the Qing people seem to look down on this son, always scold.

But it depends on the situation.

Now they are outside, and his son has been wronged again. Although he is in the way of his own son, he still has to reprimand him in front of the commander in chief.

But reprimand is just a passing scene.

Therefore, his face was gentle, and his tone was not very severe. He asked the young man kneeling below

"although you don't want to go to ice play, you are also going. Now those people who have been harmed by their painstaking efforts have been abandoned. You have to drive them away, but someone went to the governor to complain. In the end, you have done something wrong. Do you know that you are wrong?"

This time, he didn't talk about Jiang Liye. He nodded his head to admit that his son was wrong

His kneeling was straight and his white face was full of seriousness. Although he was charming at first sight and all his clothes and accessories were exquisite, his soft voice was very clear, and the people present could hear him clearly.

"at that time, when the common people began to cry, their sons already knew that they were wrong, but they were afraid that they would not leave his brother-in-law's interest He also gave them their own money as compensation, thinking that money could be used to solve the problem. These are two mistakes. My son should not have made these two big mistakes. He should ask his father to punish him. "

Next to Jiang Liye, I wish I could go up and bite Shiqing.

Is this kid admitting his mistake?

This is clearly one side boasting oneself, while constantly throwing the pot on him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but the commander-in-chief sitting on it said, "Oh? So you have compensated the common people for their money? "Jiang Liye was arrogant among his peers, but he did not dare to do anything more in front of the governor, who was also an official. Seeing that he opened his mouth, he could only shut his mouth reluctantly.

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With such a black face, when listening to that boy blind a few bullshit.


After Shi Qing's definite answer, a smile of embarrassment appeared on his white face. He lowered his head and his voice was soft and soft. He said, "it's just that I haven't met this kind of situation before, so I only gave the silver to the people nearby. Maybe some people didn't get the silver, so I told you."

He used to be a little more reasonable, but now he has added a little bit of youth's unique shyness, and the governor can't help but feel that he is not guilty.

He had heard of out of date Qing before, and he also knew what reputation this young master was in Hecheng.

Before I still felt that Xu was spoiled by my family, and I was a man of no taboo.

Now it seems that, although the temperament is indeed some publicity, but it may be mostly because of the relationship between age.

Young man, publicity is right.

What's more, although Shi Qing publicized it, he looked good on the big issues. He also knew that going to the moat to play in ice might disturb the people, and he also knew that spending money to make people feel at ease.

However, he was still young and did not consider things properly, which did not pacify all the people and let people go to him to sue.

However, compared with Jiang Liye, he is already very good.

After all, I'm still young, where can I take everything into consideration.

Consciously in the heart for a clear time, the governor looked down to the bottom of the juvenile kneeling line of sight is soft, not a little bit.

What a nice kid.

He nodded and said to Shi Qingdao, "you have done a good job. There is no need to blame yourself."

As soon as he finished, he saw that the boy below seemed to have something under his knee. He twisted his body and asked immediately:

"what's the matter? But I don't feel well? "

The young master was still showing patience on his face. When he asked, he didn't cover it up. He only showed a flattering smile on his beautiful face. His voice was soft, as if he was playing coquetry with his close elders.

"since he was a child, he has never knelt down. Today, it is cold and kneeling for a long time, and his knees hurt a little."


Sitting on one side of the upper part, my father said with a straight face, "if you spoil me at home, how can you be so in front of the commander in chief? Kneel straight for me!"

The young master was suddenly full of grievances. He closed his face and flattered his smile. He twisted his body and knelt straight.

The poor but dare not say much small appearance, with the grievance of the look, and pleasing beautiful face, the governor looked, not only did not feel that he did not have rules, but felt that the young man was really temperament.

He once had a child, because he had only such an only child. He was very careful to raise him for fear that there would be half a mistake. The child was also close to him. As a result, he was raised to the age of 15 and died of a cold.

Although he never appeared on the surface, in fact, the governor had some empathy for a young man about this age.

Especially Shi Qing, who is willing to be coquettish with him as he treats his elders, can also remind him of his son.

He looked gentle, facing his father, "why scold the child like this? Isn't it normal that he is young and spoiled from childhood?"

When his father was serious, he said, "no, this son dares to be presumptuous in front of the adults. You can't forgive him lightly", but he doesn't think so.

If it wasn't for blocking the mouth of those present and letting the governor not blame Shiqing for disrespect, he would certainly not have scolded his son like this.

After all, Shi Qing said before that he didn't want to go to Bingxi. It was Jiang Liye who had to pull him.

His son, that was wronged!

He thought about this side of his heart, but the governor over there liked it more and more. He simply said, "since you are not used to kneeling, come here and give a seat."

If it was replaced by other young masters, he would certainly refuse in fear. But when the time came to clear up, the young master immediately changed his aggrieved look on his face and gave a big smile to the governor.

Dry crisp stand up, soft waxy voice full of close "thank you for your sympathy."

The stool was moved here. He was not polite at all, and sat on it with a smile.

When the father looked at his son's smile, the expression on his face took a puff.

This kid, he's not out of the ordinary.

When this is my home.

"Rebellious son, what do you look like..."

Before he scolded him, the chief commander intercepted the words to

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"needless to say, the child, he has not done anything wrong. Since he is right, why should he kneel with him?"As soon as this was said, the young master, who had done nothing wrong with the official seal, became more and more justifiable, and sat on the stool with a calm face.

The young masters behind him "..."

Jiang Liye

No one came out to refute.

Those young men are determined not to get involved in the struggle between them. Anyway, they fight. It is impossible for shrimps and rice to be cannon fodder.

Jiang Liye's brain is gradually sober.

He thought about it in his mind and found that he couldn't prove that it was Shiqing who said he went to Bingxi.

First of all, it is impossible for those young masters behind him to testify for him. These are just a group of grass-roots people who start their own businesses happily. When something happens, they will run faster than everyone else.

Then, Shi Qing did tell him that he didn't want to go to Bingxi outside. He also made it clear that he was afraid of disturbing the people. At that time, so many people heard about the people coming and going. Even if he insisted, it was definitely Jiang Liye who was lying.

In addition, on the moat, Shiqing first gave the money.

All three things together, he had no chance to reveal the truth.

However, he was silent, but the young master in front of him still did not let him go. Relying on Jiang Liye, he knelt on the ground while he sat on a high stool and looked down at him.

That soft waxy tone, soft and soft people hate.

"Brother in law, if you still want to wrongly me, you can send someone out to check it out. You are very observant. If you really don't do it, you will not be punished."

He blinked, white face showed a bit of grievance to "why put all the blame on me, my body is very weak, if you can not explain clearly, adults want to hit the board, how can you stand."

As soon as the words came out, my father became nervous at once.

Don't see that he is always a bastard before the son, facing the son of Shiqing, he is more careful than anyone.

From childhood to adulthood, when Shiqing was ill, he was always watching and supervising the doctor.

Shijia was such a young master. If something happened, he worked hard to make such a high position in Hecheng. No one would inherit it, and all of them would be in vain.

He quickly looked at the commander in chief, and carefully said, "my Lord, although I look at the body is OK, in fact, he has been weak since childhood. If you really do something wrong, you can punish him, but do not hit him."

Jiang Liye, who was still angry in his heart, laughed at his father's words.

Or how to raise the overbearing temperament of Shiqing, who lies so righteously and justly.

Son, is that for pampering? It's not a girl, such a big young master, but also spoiled into such.

The governor must have felt in his heart that he would not teach his son.

Jiang's father almost thinks so. He thinks that his father usually looks smart. How can he care about his son.

He also opened his mouth, but the meaning of his words was completely contrary to that of his father: "adults, since you have made mistakes in your career, you should punish them, and you should listen to them."

After all, Jiang Fu was very proud of this sentence. After all, he was the commander in chief. Even if the two families were in a high position in Hecheng, they were not officials. To put it bluntly, they were dependent on people.

How can you bear to be criticized by others.

What's more, the governor was newly appointed, and he needed to establish his authority. When his father spoiled his son like that, the governor must be very upset. If you look at him like this, he will give everything to the governor. With such cooperation, the governor will surely have a good feeling for him.

What Jiang Fu thinks is very good, logic is also very smooth.

Unfortunately, the newly appointed commander-in-chief, because of his dead son, has no place to spread his father's love. He does not like the kind of father who is strict with his son and gives his son to outsiders to beat and scold.

The reason why you dare to do this is because there are a lot of sons in the family, and it doesn't hurt to have a dead one?

Take a look at me. Unfortunately, I finally had a child. I was very careful and careful. I saw that the child was going to get married and have children. I gave birth to a lot of grandchildren. As a result, I was so cold that I went.

When the governor thought about it, his heart was full of sadness. If he looked at Jiang Fu again, he was not satisfied with all aspects.

This point is similar to his father's idea.

When the father has been very reluctant to see this in laws, feel that he is not lucky, there are so many sons, but also all obedient.

He was envious and envious. Every time he heard Jiang's father say his son's one, two, three, four, five and six seven, his eyes were red with envy.

Although the governor was not jealous, he was obviously closer to his father, who took good care of his children and raised them carefully.

Ah, it's the same people from the end of the world.

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Jiang's father over there is still Balabala. "When you first took office, the dog made such a big trouble. Although I'm not an official, I also know to cooperate with the adult's jurisdiction. Today, if you punish me, I don't have a second word."When the governor looked at him, he felt that his head was full of words like "Hey, hey, my son is not afraid of you". He felt depressed and nodded his head

"that's the case, come here, fight!"

Jiang Fu "..."

Jiang Liye

No, what happened?

Why not follow the logic?!

When they cooperate with each other, when they don't cooperate, they also ask for all kinds of requests. Shouldn't we not beat them to hit Shiqing?

Even if we want to fight, we should treat them equally.

Both of them were shocked, but the governor did not explain to them at all.

He also felt that he had already given the Jiang family a lot of face. At least, he had a head and a face. He just wanted to make ten boards.

Those young masters are accomplices, and they are not the main conspirators. One person has five boards. They can only fight hard.

The new official took office three fires, and now his fire has been released.

There was a sudden howl from the hall.

Jiang bieyu, as a servant who didn't participate in it, knelt on one side like an invisible man.

Just a pair of eyes, but always fell on the bench, did not feel that others have been beaten, he did not have the heart and uneasiness.

Shiqingzheng was gloating at the young masters who had been beaten.

Just looking at it is not enough, he still relies on his back to his father, Jiang Fu, when the commander in chief, from time to time shows a little look on his face to watch the excitement.

Those young masters have been beaten at home, and have some experience in fighting. Even if they have three points of pain, they can shout out 300 points of pain. Those who beat them all know that they are young masters in Hecheng, and they dare not exert themselves any more.

Jiang Liye has never been beaten since childhood.

It's not like those young men who have struggle experience. When he gets hurt, he opens his mouth and cries out, but before he makes a sound, he looks at him with gloating eyes.

"Brother in law, do you feel pain? If it hurts, it will feel better to shout out. "

Jiang Liye

Would Shiqing be so kind to remind him?

This is clearly want to see his joke!

Damn it!

He didn't yell!

The people who hit him didn't hear the sound, so they thought Jiang Liye could bear it, so they didn't deliberately release water.

Jiang Liye was beaten by several boards, and his face was sweating. The pain was almost suspicious of his life. However, because Shi Qing was "watching a joke" in front of him, he could not even shout out. He was angry and painful, and his eyes were all blackening.

Until the board is finished, the other young masters are all shivering with snivel and tears on their knees.

Jiang Liye, like a dead dog lying there, even no strength to move.

At once the governor's eyebrows wrinkled.

But it's just ten boards. He hasn't let the people below seriously greet him. Jiang Liye was right when he put the mistake on others. Now that he's on the board, he doesn't even have the guts.

He didn't deliberately hide his dislike. Jiang's father soon realized that he was dissatisfied with Jiang Liye, the son who always satisfied him.

Originally, he thought that the son was very good. He was good-looking, and could make his father happy. He was the eldest son of his grandchildren and married the first lady of his family.

The future should be limitless.

As a result, he was always doing stupid things. The purpose of his marriage with Shijia was to help him fight for the position of successor in the Jiang family.

Jiang Liye didn't know to coax Shixi, but she couldn't get along with her mother's family.

Shiqing was the only young master in the family. He pushed people into the water. He had already covered up the past with a common son. Now, in front of so many people, he still clearly wanted to frame up Shiqing.

The key is that you frame and frame. At any rate, the framing is successful.

Now he also lost a big face with the harm. Now, as soon as the governor took office, Jiang Liye made an accident. This is not to beat the governor's face!

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Jiang Fu's face was not good-looking, but his father was in a good mood.

Anyway, as long as his son does not suffer losses.

As soon as the governor took office, it was impossible for him to hold on to this matter. After hitting the board and saying a few words of encouragement, he released him.

Those young men can go, one by one to Jiang Fu and Shi Fu after saluting, slip faster than anyone.

After a while, they were all gone.

As soon as the boy saw that he was all right, he rushed forward to help the young master. Jiang Fu's face was so ugly that he came to him and snorted, "let him get up by himself."

As a result, Jiang Liye had no choice but to struggle again and again. He got up slowly. He hated him very much. Together, the first time he went to see what Shiqing was doing.

As a result, as soon as I raised my eyes, I saw that the young master was looking weak and leaning against Jiang bieyu. He was following his father's delicate complaints"I've been kneeling for a long time. My knee hurts very much. I can't walk any more. It hurts badly when I move."

When the father's face is cold and hard, but also really afraid when the halal kneel bad leg.

After all, this little ancestor grew up. When did he let him kneel down and immediately said, "let the servants help you walk, or you can carry it on your back."

"Just hold it."

When cleaning straight gas strong stand on tiptoe, arms embrace Jiang BIE Yu's neck.

Always silent man is really a skilled one to hold him up, steadily fall in the arms.

This scene, how ambiguous it seems.

When the father did not notice the wrong, but also a face of heartache, carefully to see the son's knee.

As soon as Jiang Liye limped out of the door, he saw a worried lady coming out of the sedan chair.

As soon as she saw Shi Qing, she was carried out and immediately felt heartache on her face. She hurriedly took a group of people to greet her. She said, "my son, how are you doing? Where did it hurt? Oh, I'm sorry to see. Let's see. What are you doing? Don't bring the sedan chair to the front. Don't let my son suffer from the wind. "

Jiang bieyu hugs Shiqing in silence. Listening to the spirit of the young master in his arms, he complains, "Niang, my knee hurts, but my brother-in-law wrongs me. I kneel down for a long time. Ouch, don't touch me, don't touch me. Just let Jiang bieyu hold me into the sedan chair. I'm in pain."

When the wife suddenly a face of heartache, the general will of the stars and the moon will be holding his Jiang bieyu into the sedan chair, turned to hate the glare of Jiang Liye.

She understood.

This son-in-law is to torture his son to death, so that there is no heir to the Shi family, he came to take advantage of this son-in-law.

Think about the suffering daughter, she has been for her daughter's forbearance, now Jiang Liye all pedal nose face.

She's still a fart!

Mrs. Shi made up her mind to support her daughter and son, and looked at Jiang Liye more and more unkindly.

"you are also the brother-in-law of Qingge, but you can't walk with him like this. You're doing well yourself. Jiang Liye, this is not over!"

Big deal, he Li!

Even if she grinds the master for ten days and a half months this time, she will grind it. He agrees to support her daughter.

Thinking about it, Mrs. Shi hated to crush the handkerchief

She turned to hate into her own sedan chair, leaving Jiang Liye standing in the same place with all the pain, afraid of pain.

He was really injured and limped to walk on his own. He watched as the curtain of Shiqing's sedan chair was lifted.

A young master who didn't get caught by the board was all nestled in the arms of the tall man, and raised his chin to him with pride

"bah! What a bully

Jiang Liye was choked in the chest, almost not to be blocked.

"Make it clear to me that you Cough, cough, cough

Be careful, the boys behind him are all flustered.

"No way!! The young master has been beaten to vomit blood

Jiang Liye reached out and wiped the corners of his mouth, and as expected, he saw red blood.

His eyes were black.

What does it mean to be beaten to vomit blood.

He was angry!!


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