Facing his father and mother, he felt aggrieved, as if he had knelt down and died half his life. As soon as Qing got into the sedan chair, he immediately got up.

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He did not dislike that he was sitting on Jiang bieyu. He consciously adjusted a comfortable posture. He lifted the curtain and went to ask the boy next to the sedan chair to inquire about Jiang Liye.

The boy soon passed the news of Jiang Liye vomiting blood.

The young master laughed so much that he almost didn't slip out of the man's arms.

Fortunately, Jiang bieyu's reaction is quick, and before he falls down, he grabs people back into his arms.

When Qing smile too happy, did not notice at all, the body is still wriggling, look at that look, as if all want to roll in the arms of their own people.

Jiang bieyu can only quietly buckle into the arms of the people in his arms, so that Shiqing will not fall down with extreme joy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, he vomited blood. It seems that he is not very inhibitive. I was only a little angry with him. I didn't expect that he was so small. Ha ha ha ha ha."

The young master swayed his body with pride and wished to roll. After laughing, he did not forget the meritorious Minister Jiang bieyu.

He sat up straight and turned to see Jiang bieyu.

See the man's face or that look, motionless as a mountain of stability, when sitting there, smiling out his hand.

The soft and warm palms were pasted on Jiang BIE Yu's hard face.

He tried to knead Jiang bieyu's face like a dough. However, he was cold and hard, with deep facial features, and was not a fat man. Finally, he failed.

I can only touch Jiang bieyu's face and boast in a condescending way: "well done, I didn't ask you to call them to report to the official, but you are very clever, and you know that going to report to the official will make a lot of trouble."

Jiang bieyu is sitting, and Shiqing is almost the whole person in his arms. Therefore, when he looks at Shiqing, he still wants to droop his eyes.

The man so droops his eyes, hard to hear the hoarse voice asked, "since you can come up with this method to deal with him today, why didn't you use it before?"

Why did you just talk.

They were almost pushed into the water and killed.

If the early Qing Dynasty used today's black and white, clever means, where can Jiang Liye be so rampant for so long.

The happy smile on the young master's face was slightly closed, and his expression became lazy again. He freely changed his posture in Jiang bieyu's arms, and his soft and waxy voice was still that harmless appearance;

"it's my brother-in-law. If he died, my sister would not be widowed?"

When Jiang BIE Yu buckles, Qing's hand slightly pauses.

He didn't think of this floor before.

But it makes sense.

Shixi married Jiang Liye. If Jiang Liye really died, a big family like Jiang's would not allow her to remarry or return to her mother's home.

Even if she is the legitimate daughter of the family, she can only live for a lifetime.

"In that case, why did you do it again today?"

After listening to Jiang bieyu's words, Shiqing squints slightly, looks up in the man's arms, looks at him who is looking at himself, reaches out his hand, and points Jiang bieyu's nose.

"Are you stupid? Jiang Liye first raised a woman outside, then compared her with my sister with a prostitute, and then nearly killed me. Now he has torn his face. If he continues to be my brother-in-law, he will only be more aggressive and humiliate my sister. "

"Although my father and mother love my sister, but the woman married, even if she had a bad life, they would not want to ask her sister and leave. Only if Jiang Liye hurt me several times, my parents would not bear it any more."

It's cruel, but it's true today.

If the time family let them leave because the Jiang family was slow to wait for Shixi, it would only make people think that the Shi family was making a fuss, but it was just a married out daughter, and they would not hesitate to offend the Jiang family.

It will be different if you change it to Shiqing.

This is the only seedling!

After that, the heirs of the Shijia family, let alone Jiang Liye, had been framed several times.

Even if there is only one suspect, it is enough for other families in Hecheng to take it for granted.

And I think Jiang's brain is broken.

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They are all married and ready-made allies are here. If you don't get along with each other well, you will connive at the only Miao Miao who bullies others. Isn't that waiting for a pat and two pieces!

In any case, it is absolutely the most appropriate situation for Shiqing to do the guiding, fire and rope work, and to ignite Shixi and jiangliye.

Speaking of this, the young master's eyebrows were a bit depressed

"besides, it's not a matter of seeing people when a married girl is supported by her mother's family. If my father really supports her sister, I'm afraid he will be talked about in Hecheng, and it's hard to find my other sisters' marriage."

"It's very chaotic now. It's easy for people with military power to speak. Even if we were a figure in Hecheng, if we didn't have soldiers, we couldn't stop people. We were still merchants. They looked down on us from the bottom of their hearts."The more he said, the more angry he became. He didn't know whether it was Qi, or whether Qi Jiang's career depended on this point.

The angry young master hit Jiang BIE Yu with a fist.

Jiang bieyu got a fist, but he couldn't feel the pain at all. He only said, "although the family had a lot of money, I'm afraid it's hard to get involved in the military affairs. Now that he's out of breath, I don't want to say that again."

On his face, he looked the same as before. In fact, he was always distracted when he was talking to the young master.

After all, this topic is still sensitive.

After making sure that the sedan chair is not loud and can't be heard outside, Jiang bieyu continued: "don't say these words again in the future. If you spread them out, you will be in danger."

This is the truth.

The one with Hecheng has always been a careful eye, and his own soldiers can't let a point.

When the family took a lot of money, food and grass, to hold a thigh is no problem, but want to intervene in military affairs?

Wash and sleep. What's the beauty.

This kind of words, to speak well, is to persuade with good intentions, but to speak badly is to speculate maliciously.

According to Jiang bieyu's character, he would never say such words to others.

But today, maybe it was Shi Qing who taught Jiang Liye such a proud and active lesson. Maybe it was the young master who had won a great victory in the sedan chair, but he was so dependent on him that he was so lazy that he could not help but soften his eyes.

Those words, so naturally out of the mouth.

With that, Jiang bieyu was stunned.

When he went to see Shi Qing, he saw a little unhappy in his eyes.

The young master obviously knew that it would be impossible to control the military power in Hecheng, but Jiang bieyu's tone of coaxing children made him a little uncomfortable, and his face suddenly showed his dissatisfaction.

He didn't nest or try to roll. He sat up straight and faced Jiang bieyu. His voice was crisp and crisp. A series of words were spoken like this.

"do you really think I can't do this? Nowadays, there is chaos everywhere, but it is not impossible to get ahead. There are a group of common people in the South holding the banner. Although there are many people, ordinary people only read books. They have a half understanding of the world situation, the situation, the art of war, food and forage. They all know a little about the situation. Now they can hold on, but only because of the large number of people. "

"It's a big piece of fat for either side. As long as you eat this piece of meat, no one dares to look down on it. As long as you eat this piece of meat, the king of Yubei is next door. The king of Yubei is old and seriously ill, and his sons are fighting with each other. If we further separate at this time, the army will come to the city and get another piece of fat. ”

Jiang bieyu's slender big hand clasping the young master's waist gave a sudden shock.

A pair of light colored eyes in looking at him, also slowly dark down.

These are what Jiang bieyu once thought about.

He kept these thoughts in his heart all the time and never said a word to anyone.

But I didn't expect to hear this in Qingkou when I was supposed to pamper everything in the city.

Men speak, hoarse, ugly voice, but strange very reassuring, "you said these, but it is just on paper, want to make, financial, human, and all kinds of strategies, these you can do?"

"Especially the financial resources, your father has been careful to have today, if you let him know that you intend to rebel, will he support it?"

Jiang bieyu finished this sentence and saw that the young master was like a puffer fish that had let out his breath, and the whole man was unable to get down.

He slouched to a tall man's arms, powerless "Dad has always been timid, certainly won't help me, maybe will drag on later."

"And I'm the only son of the Shi family. I can't go to the battlefield in my life. I can't even leave the sight of Hecheng and my parents."

Therefore, all this can only be as Jiang bieyu said, on paper.

The young master was very unwilling. He leaned on the man's chest and got angry again. He took Jiang bieyu with his teeth clenched in his teeth.

I hit him with fists.

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"If I have military power, if I have it! Certainly, we must take our soldiers to tie Jiang Liye in all kinds of ways, and ask him to kowtow to my sister and admit his mistake! "

He had no strength in his hands. He had been pampered and raised since childhood. He was soft with his fists. He hit people like a cloud bumping into Jiang bieyu.

It's not a collision.

It's like hitting the tip of my heart.

Jiang bieyu never thought about it. The original appearance was so open and wanton. Relying on all kinds of arrogant background at home, Shi Qing saw it so clearly.

He had never seen Shi Qing before, only heard about him.

It is said that he was the only male in his family, so he was raised in the palm of his hand since he was a child. He ate and dressed well. Wherever he went, he paid attention to his appearance.Once upon a time, Jiang bieyu only thought he was a straw bag.

When he arrived at his home, he felt that Shiqing was a good-looking straw bag.

Now I know.

He is a good-looking young master who is not careless.

Jiang bieyu thought that maybe Shi Qing didn't know the current situation, nor was he really ignorant.

He is very clever, although spoiled a little naive, this can be seen from his ability to tell him all these words without reservation.

The young master of the Shi family and the Qing brother of the Shi family did not really know the situation of the Shi family, the world's major events, and the false prosperity of Hecheng.

He's just, he's seeing it better.

Jiang bieyu can even guess what Qing thinks then.

In this position, as the only child of his family, the only one who can't go anywhere in his life.

Even if the bottom of my heart think how clear, all aspects of the comprehensive consideration, when the young master of this identity is enough, he was limited.

Therefore, even if you know it clearly, you can't do anything and change it.

It's better to still be the little young master who is used to being spoiled, superior and never worried about everything.

Jiang bieyu knew the importance of military power.

He also knows that although it is a chaotic time, it seems that everywhere is in a mess. The most important thing for the civilians is to survive.

But in fact, chaos is the best opportunity.

In the peaceful and prosperous times, those who can't climb up because of their low status can speak most smoothly when they have military power and have military power.

Jiang bieyu's intention is to leave the Jiang family, slowly hold some military power in his hand, and then a little bit dormant.

But his aunt passed away, he was taken by Jiang Liye and pushed out to carry the black pot, but Jiang bieyu was caught off guard.

When he arrived at his home, Jiang bieyu's ideas did not change.

Still be careful to hibernate, and then try to get rid of it.

Jiang bieyu had long thought about how to act and how to master power after separation.

But now, he actually heard the words almost the same as his own.

Jiang bieyu's hand still falls on the boy's waist.

It's still holding people in my arms.

Before that, he did it just to avoid falling off in a fit of ecstasy.

Now, the hand is not consciously fastened.

He once thought that Shiqing was a beautiful, good-looking and singing bird.

I once thought that if I really had a good day, I would take this bird into my cage and ask him to show his beautiful and delicate feathers and his melodious singing voice.

Now, the canary is still like that.

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Soft, delicate, as if born should be spoiled holding.

But he was not like Jiang bieyu thought, except singing and combing his hair.

This bird, in fact, has been flying outside the cage for a long time.

But he was willing to drill back into the cage, combing the beautiful feathers, singing melodious songs, disguised himself as the poor and lovely appearance of starving to death without the master.

This feeling, inexplicably makes people itch.

The young master was still in the appearance of waving his teeth and claws. Perhaps it was because he felt that the words he said would frighten the people in front of him, and his beautiful white face also showed a bit of pride.

He lifted his chin slightly with pride, closed his soft fists, and leaned slightly against the man's arms as if he were kind to him.

"how do I scare you? You are a tall man with such a small courage. Don't say you are my child molestate when you go out. "

When Qing is still like that, arrogant people hate it.

Jiang bieyu's heart, with his arrogant and arrogant look, gradually rose to conquer the desire.

He wants this canary.

Never wanted it like that before.

Want to imprison him, circle him.

Give him the most precious jewels, interspersed among his beautiful feathers.

So beautiful and see through, think of the clear golden sparrow, if can reach his hand, can hold a full.

How good that would be.

Ding! The rejection degree of jiangbieyu was 95100

Ding! The rejection degree of jiangbieyu was 93100

Ding! The rejection degree of jiangbieyu is 90100

the system is shocked, eh? Gee, Gee?!

It's confused and helpless. What did you do?

Is it provocative again??

When Qing comfortable nest in the man's arms, innocent, who knows what happened to him, may be suddenly found that we have soul traction between us.


Time clear peace of mind, conventional means, you are not addicted to the game? Let's play games, honey.Come out of the system still don't know what to go back.

Shiqing didn't fool the system.

Anyway, as long as Jiang bieyu hears these words.

Even if someone really hears that he is smart, but he can't change the status quo, so he can only continue to maintain the status quo. This logic is totally sound.

Shi Qing once again drilled into Jiang bieyu's arms. As for this guy, it seemed that he was thinking. His right hand was unconsciously touching his waist, so he didn't see it.

Is enjoying the warm and full of security in the arms, is holding his man cold asked a "why I stay around?"

The young master replied very quickly, and looked up at him inexplicably. He said, "naturally, it's because you are beautiful."

Finish saying, when Qing's hand and particularly skilled along the lapel slide in, patted the man holding his firm chest.

"How can I ask you about this? Are you still thinking about the Jiang family? Don't think about them any more. Now you are my Qingqing person. Just eat and drink well every day, make yourself stronger, put on my clothes and look good in front of me

Jiang bieyu was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly said, "you clearly knew that it was Jiang Liye who pushed you. Why did the 100 whip hit me again?"

"At that time, I was just fished out of the water, and I was dizzy. I didn't have time to see your appearance."

Said, when the young master's white face showed a completely frivolous smile, stretched out a white fingertip, point in front of the man's chin.

One lift, no lift.

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Time Qing "..."

"You lift your chin up," he said reluctantly

Jiang BIE Yu Shun lifted his chin along his strength.

A pair of light colored eyes, slightly with a bit of dark meaning, a fixed eye looking at the clear.

The young master didn't care how deep and obscure his eyes looked at him.

He only complacently said, "before, when you were at the other side of Jiang bieyu, you always kept your head down. How could I have thought of going to see what a little boy around him looked like. However, if I had known that you were so handsome, I would have come to you long ago."

With that, he touched a man's cold cheek.

"It's a pity that the whip didn't hit your face at that time."

Looking up at Jiang bieyu's beautiful eyes, she is full of pure joy.

However, he did not hide it at all. He knew that it was not Jiang bieyu's fault, and he pushed the boat along the river to throw Jiang bieyu's 100 whip.

Not to mention Shiqing, even Jiang bieyu himself did not have a grudge against the hundred whips.

He just wants to know one thing now.

"If I had lost this face, would you still treat me like this?"

Shi Qing blinked and his face was strange, as if he felt that Jiang bieyu's question was puzzling.

He replied, "of course not."

"If you don't have this good look, why should I look at you again?"

Actually, I didn't hide the fact that what I like is this face.

Jiang bieyu didn't speak any more.

In fact, he was not surprised that Shi Qing would give this answer.

After all, Shi Qing has been expressing his love for his face from the beginning.

This face, which looks like a monster to outsiders, can frighten the female mother and children to scream, but it is precisely Shi Qing's favorite.

It was like his Persian cat called cat. He was obviously ferocious. If he had changed to someone else's house, he would have been loathed.

Can arrive when Qing hand, but be regarded as a pet by him.

Raised in the house, delicious and good to drink, not stingy to its close.

Jiang bieyu couldn't tell whether he was talking about the cat or himself.

He looked at the boy in silence, and suddenly an idea came out of his mind.

Perhaps, it is because we can't go to the battlefield, we can't do that dangerous thing.

When he was raised in Hecheng, he was very delicate in food, clothing and transportation. Only when he was raised in Hecheng, did he like those ferocious people and cats more.

That's the only reason.

It sounds ridiculous, but it's a real reason.

Without this face, won't you get the half attention of Shi Qing?

The man slightly droops the eye, embraces the bosom young master's slender big hand, slowly locks tightly.

In this way, he will surely fight for

"Oh, No

Jiang bieyu, who is immersed in his thoughts, is interrupted by a slap from Shiqing soft.

"It's not impossible to have such a good look."

When he heard this, he was flattered. He looked down and saw the young master with a soft smile, stretched out his hand, and climbed into his lapel."No face, this pair of good body is still on the line."

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