When Qing didn't hide his love for Jiang bieyu's body and face.

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Jiang bieyu has never moved his body, allowing him to move, only a pair of light colored eyes, always settled in front of the young master's white and beautiful face.

Even in troubled times, he is still crystal clear, and his whole body seems to be flawless. Every place is soft as if he should be held in the palm of one's hand or in his mouth.

He thought, you mo Shiqing is a sugar man.

The whole body is beautiful and tight. As long as you touch it, your heart can stick to it. If you taste it, you can feel it in your heart.

Such a sugar man, let alone touch, is a look, people can't help holding it in the palm of the hand, carefully touching, tasting.

What's more, Jiang bieyu is still being touched by him.

His hands, soft and tender, were more delicate than the ladies in the room.

The sedan chair is bound to be bumpy when it moves.

Shi Qing is in such a bumpy, Lai in Jiang BIE Yu's arms, with pure love in his eyes, like touching something precious, feeling the body temperature of the man who holds himself up.

No one can resist this kind of wholehearted love.

Even Jiang bieyu is the same.

Ding! The rejection degree of jiangbieyu is 78100

Ding! Jiangbieyu rejection degree 75100

Ding! Jiang bieyu's rejection degree was 69100

with the sound of Ding Ding Ding, Jiang bieyu, who had never moved, suddenly moved slightly, his eyes darkened, and his slender hands fell down.

For the first time, when they were in such close contact, they took the young master's hand.

The soft hand didn't resist at all, so he let him grasp it.

Jiang BIE Yu Yuan originally wanted to catch Shi Qing's other hand, but after thinking about it, he still didn't catch it.

The atmosphere between the two people is almost ambiguous to the extreme.

With the rickety sedan chair, this movement, the look at each other's eyes and faces, seems to be doing something quite disharmonious.

The system didn't come out this time.

No, it came out, but after looking at the ambiguous atmosphere between the two people, I always felt that the mosaic was about to come out in a while, so I went back to it again.

In fact, mosaics are not available for the time being.

When Qing heard the system prompt sound, the face was still that pair of sweet little young master appearance, but in the heart there was a little accident.

I didn't expect him to fall again.

When the system heard what he said, he dared to come out of his head and asked what happened to the host? Isn't it a good thing to reduce rejection?

Why doesn't the host sound so happy?

When Qing stretched out his hand, white fingertips across the man's lapel, and fell into the Xiu's palm, as if playing with Jiang BIE Yu's palm cocoon.

While playing, while lying lazily on the man's chest, now the rejection degree drops fast is not a good thing.


Isn't it a good thing to go down? Why doesn't it understand?

Fortunately, Shiqing doesn't dislike it. Frankly speaking, man's nature is not right. It should be said that it is a man's nature with strong aggressive consciousness. He will never make aggressive actions when he is still weak or subordinate to others. Do you understand?

Systems that don't really understand

Shi Qing is that if he really has a tendency to like me, he will only be more careful now, instead of grabbing my hand so directly.

Jiang bieyu is just a servant now. I am his master. I am the two of us. The initiative lies in me. He has no feelings for me. Otherwise, even if he likes me a little, he will not need to rely on others to do anything to me.

In other words, Jiang bieyu and Shi Qing said to him now.

This guy only likes his appearance and body, plus a little bit of pampered temperament at most.

There is no real love and so on.

The system understood this time.

It's a little bit muddled. Then, isn't it that he won't go down again?

It's about time.

Systems that have always felt that the world is not difficult are even more muddled.

But isn't it always going well?

Jiang bieyu is reducing the degree of rejection.

It's falling evenly.

Shi Qing was as calm and assured as ever. There was no big problem.


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It's not the host. Do you think there's something wrong with it??

Shiqing just didn't go to the right way. I'll guide him to walk again.

How to guide the system curiosity?

Shi Qing lies on the man's chest and gently picks his eyebrows to block up the wrong road, or put nails on it to let him walk barefoot. When it hurts and finds that he can't walk, of course, he knows that this road can't go.System

It seems that the host is becoming more and more harmful.

The sedan chair has been shaking.

The two men in the sedan chair did not speak.

Although Jiang bieyu is silent, his hands are restless.

He first kneaded the young master's soft palms a few times, and then followed the arm to encircle the young master's waist.

Man's action is very open and aboveboard, even a blind man can see the name of the servant, he to the master of the Qing Dynasty to do the following offensive action.

However, when the young master just looked up lazily, as if very casual general looked at Jiang bieyu, also did not export to stop, also did not let the body leave his palm.

It was almost indulgent to allow such a humble servant to do whatever he wanted.

Jiang bieyu's palm seems to be with fire, a little bit, gently soft, tentative, in the young master's body.

Shi Qing never stopped him.

Even to Jiang bieyu's arms more rely on.

Jiang bieyu's action was slow but not vulgar, and he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

He just enjoyed the beautiful feathers of the former Golden Finch, stroked the gorgeous colors on the feathers, and then thought about how to be careful and careful to raise such a beautiful bird.

The young master has been conniving at him.

When the sedan chair stopped and was released, the boy outside stood respectfully and said, "brother Qing, here we are."

When Qing this just soft one slap to hit on the river to leave Yu's hand, the beautiful face is full of laziness, in the eye also has a little smile.

The voice is still as soft as usual, such a tone, no matter what you say is like a coquettish general

"touch enough, don't hurry to hold me down."

This tone is not like a young master facing the following servants.

It's like a lover who is opposite each other day and night.

Jiang bieyu's hand slightly pauses, the laryngeal knot is rolling up and down, hoarse voice should say "yes."

The young master, who had always been lazy and leaned against his arms, moved slightly. His white fingertips did not use any force, and patted the man's cold cheek.

With a little command, he said, "your voice is terrible. Don't speak a little later."

Jiang bieyu nodded, but he didn't speak this time.

He only held the young master in his arms and lifted the curtain to get out of the sedan chair.

Outside, his wife also got out of the sedan chair. As soon as she got down, she hurried to her son. As a result, when she came near, she saw Shiqing and immediately lowered her voice.

"Brother Qing is asleep?"

She tried to speak in a low voice and quietly asked Jiang bieyu, who was holding Shiqing, "when did you sleep? Did you not disturb him when you held him just now

Jiang bieyu was a little stunned when he heard her saying this. He lowered his head and found that the young master, who had just opened his eyes, was nestled in his arms with his eyes closed. His long eyelashes drooped and cast a shadow under his eyelids.

I didn't know whether I was sleeping quietly or pretending to sleep.

He also followed the low volume, dumb voice back "just sleep."

"Oh, sorry to see, my brother Qing must have suffered in that yamen, otherwise, how could I sleep so fast in such a short time."

When the wife is a burst of heartache, Jiang bieyu look at her appearance, if not her own holding can not move, certainly is would like to hold Shi Qing this baby heart child oneself to protect carefully.

"When it's over, I'd rather take care of it. I'd rather take care of it. I'd rather take care of it. I'd rather take care of it."

It was faster and slower. Maybe she didn't find the contradiction in her words.

Jiang bieyu was silent and did not speak. He only watched when his wife had finished his command and quietly took a small step, trying not to make any other voice to command other servants.

"Keep quiet for me. Don't disturb qingge'er. Cuihong, go ahead and ask those sweeping, kitchen and conditioning to keep quiet. Don't disturb qingge'er."


That wench also followed the quiet should, on tiptoe does not make a sound of the first to run into the house.

Therefore, the way back to the yard by Jiang bieyu was quiet.

I met a lot of servants on the road, but everyone was the same as pressing the mute button on their bodies. Working and doing things, they just didn't make any noise and made noise to their young master.

So all the way to the courtyard of Shiqing, from a distance, you can see a few girls holding handkerchiefs standing at the entrance of the yard, with anxious looking forward to it.

When she saw Jiang bieyu holding her, Qing came over, and their faces immediately showed joy. They quickly stepped forward and quietly covered the young master with the soft blanket they had just been holding. They almost wrapped up his whole body except for the beautiful face which had been sleeping and showed some cleverness.Xu was afraid that they would make a noise even in a low voice. They never spoke again. They just followed Jiang bieyu and watched him enter the house with his young master in his arms.

Along the way, some people opened the curtain for them, some handed over the stove, and some carefully looked at Shiqing when he was asleep.

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But no matter what they did, no one made a sound from the beginning to the end.

When Jiang bieyu gently put Shiqing on the couch, a woman quickly opened the mattress to cover him. Then she put the warm foot stuff in and adjusted the pillow for him.

Young master, you can sleep well now.

Jiang bieyu did not have that soft body in his hands, but felt a little empty.

But now, as a servant of the Shi family, since he has already sent the young master to the bed, the next step is to continue to serve the servant's duty, retreat to the curtain and wait for him.

Looking at the time when an was sleeping on the couch, the man slowly put down his hand, his face still looked the same, to the outside.

Waiting for him to leave, Shiqing did not open his eyes, but when the cat heard him coming back and jumped on his bed, he opened the quilt so that it could get into the quilt and be close to itself.

It's cold outside. Although the cat will not go out as a pet and it's hotter to stay in the house than outside, it's not as warm as a quilt.

Into the bedding, next to the body of the Qing lie down.

When Qing embraces it, also really came a little sleepy idea, the embrace cat in a daze fell asleep.

Standing on the outside like a true loyal servant, Jiang bieyu always looks to the direction of the bed.

He saw it with his own eyes. The cat went in and never came out.

So it's left in.

The man slightly droops the eyes, looked to own hands.

Not long ago, when the hands were still pinched, Qing's body was soft and tender, holding a full.

He slowly raised his eyes, cold and fierce face, as if gradually showed some soft and gentle.

If you don't get sugar man.

But now that I've got it, I've tasted the sweet and greasy taste.

How can I put it down.

When the women in the room feel that Qing elder brother is really more and more strange recently.

NBS put a gentle woman like water and a good little boy, but he used the ferocity of Jiang bieyu. It didn't look like a good big man.

From childhood to adulthood, when he was not properly taken care of. The women who served him in the house didn't even do some rough work on weekdays. They were afraid that their delicate young master would be uncomfortable because of their rough hands.

Can clear elder brother son unexpectedly want to let River don't Yu to wait on him to wash gargle.

Every day, the women watched the tall, fierce looking man clean his face, change his clothes, and wash his feet at night.

It's not that they are afraid that Jiang bieyu will suddenly start to do something. After all, although they are still afraid of this seemingly fierce man, they also know that he will not hurt Shi Qing.

I'm just afraid that this guy's rough hands and thick feet. He's not well served. The young master will hurt him.

Jiang bieyu's 10th day at home.

At that time, his father was quarrelling with Jiang's family, arguing to let his daughter establish a career with Jiang and leave.

Jiang Liye and Shi Qing went to Bingxi together. It was clearly that he proposed Bingxi. As a result, everything happened to this brother-in-law, which was also spread out with the two families' trouble and separation.

As expected, as he said before the Qing Dynasty, no one felt that his father was wrong in mentioning and departing.

Who is Shiqing?

That was the only seedling of the time family.

Jiang Liye offended him and made everyone know that now his father just wanted him to leave, not to let him die suddenly, which can be regarded as very kind.

The only son of the family, who has been adored by others, has always been a character walking horizontally in Hecheng. If he is trapped, he will not be asked back. Who will pay attention to his family in the future.

There was a lot of wind and rain outside, but the fuse of Shiqing was like living safely in the house.

Every day I stay with Jiang BIE Yu.

Since the last time in the sedan chair there was a little intimate action, although the young master has never made it clear, but facing Jiang bieyu, he is a little more indulgent to others.

They eat, drink and play together. The first person they see when they open their eyes in the morning is Jiang bieyu, and the person who coax him to sleep before going to bed at night is also Jiang bieyu.

Hiding in the study, the beautiful name is to study, in fact, it is still nestled in the arms of a tall man, two people together to see his secretly hidden play book.

These days, when Qing Dynasty is an emperor, it is estimated that it can be called a faint monarch.

A pair of Jiang bieyu, even if it is not out of the waves, only with him every day, also feel that everything is good.

When he really starts to slouch down and pester a person, he must be shaken unless he is hard hearted.

At least Jiang bieyu's rejection rate has dropped from 69 all the way to 63.Then it stopped on top of 63 and there was no more movement.

As the host said, the system did not move when it dropped to a certain level, and gradually began to be anxious.

On this day, Shiqing and pretended to look at the book.

When my father quarreled with the Jiang family these days, he was very angry, and because he went to the Jiang family almost every day, he had to watch the 1234567 young masters of the Jiang family wandering in front of him every day.

What he hated most in his life was a family with many sons.

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What's wrong with more sons.

What a wonderful son!

Can you bully people with more sons?!

Although he has only one son, it is not expensive to have a son.

He is so smart, his wife is not stupid, unreasonable when Qing is a mud can not help up the wall.

In short, even if he is really mud, in order to support such a large family business, he also has to pinch into a clay figure to come out.

As a result, Shi Qing was ordered to read in his study and could not go anywhere.

However, there are policies and Countermeasures under the upper authorities. He can't go anywhere, but his father didn't say that he would not let others come in to see him.

Jiang bieyu can come in.

The door opened, and the tall man came in. He didn't speak, but went straight ahead.

Jiang bieyu has tried not to speak since Shi Qing last rejected his voice.

Even if you open your mouth, it is to others, not to the young master of Shijia.

Shi Qing also acquiesced to his practice. As soon as he came in, he lazily hooked his fingers and asked him to come near.

Jiang bieyu walked up to him, and the young master skillfully leaned in his arms. He complained in a soft voice, "there is no fireplace in my study. I can only make a fire pot. I have been here for nearly half an hour. It's very painful. How can you come here?"

The man did not speak, only stretched out his long palm, holding the child in general, and picked up the whole juvenile, almost as if he had used his body temperature to warm and clear.

Young master is quiet now.

He reached out and grabbed Jiang bieyu's hand, played with the slender fingers, and murmured in a whisper

"I heard that Jiang's family refused to let people go, and dad is not good at tearing his face now, is it true?"


Jiang bieyu Chenchen answered this word.

As soon as he finished answering, he felt his soft hand clenched tightly.

He bowed his head. As expected, he saw the young master of the time's family. He opened his mouth and scolded, "who gave him the face of Jiang family? If my sister was really valuable, why didn't you treat her well at the beginning? Now when we want to take my sister home, we still have the face to stop her. I'm so shameless."

He was lazy, holding the hands of a man, but he felt like he wanted to hit the Jiang family members! It's not easy for him to argue with the younger generation. Jiang Liye and I are the same generation, and we drag my sister with shame. So I come to the door and scold him bloody, so that he can know the power of my family. "

Jiang bieyu looked at him with fierce eyes.

In the bottom of my heart, he still don't want to come to scold.

This voice is soft, waxy and elongated. Although he knows that he has deliberately done ferociously, he is still pitiful. It is like being coquettish. It is so sweet and greasy that people want to hold it in my arms.

Needless to say, the young master doesn't want to scold himself.

"No, I don't scold."

He angrily leaned on the man's arms and snorted, "if I scold at the door, I'm not a loser. I'll let people see the joke in vain."

At least Jiang Liye is his brother-in-law.

Shi Qing suddenly sat up straight in Jiang bieyu's arms, turned around and patted the man's cold cheek with a serious face

"People can't live without food. I want to monopolize all the rice grain that comes and goes to Hecheng. If his family doesn't sign and leave books every day, he won't want to buy even a grain from the outside."

Jiang bieyu is silent.

He thought it was a good idea.

But the problem is that it is difficult to implement.

Control all the rice and grain in Hecheng, even those in the city. Don't say it's Shiqing. Even if it's Shifu, you have to weigh it.

Shiqing, a young master who always keeps in the yard, is still too difficult to make, even if he is smart.

Although he thought clearly in his heart, Jiang bieyu still didn't say it when he looked at the young master with a face full of ambition, as if victory was in front of him.

I just think, when Shiqing fails and is sad, how can he coax this young master who has never suffered defeat.

Shiqing's plan was much smoother than Jiang bieyu imagined.

After all, he doesn't need those twists and turns.

When the young master wants to kill who, still use all kinds of plans!

Just go straight up!Before that, of course, we need some financial support.

When Qing got up, he went to find his father.

It happened that his father was not in.

I'm fighting at Jiang's house.

He was very angry.

Jiang Fu chatted with each other, but did not talk and leave.

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As soon as he said he left, Jiang Fu sighed and pretended to be helpless.

"brother Shi, I know that you love Xi's sister. It's just that this is a matter between children. We elders, don't get involved. There's no revenge between husband and wife."

That understatement, as if his brother-in-law was humiliated by Jiang Liye, and his brother-in-law was framed by Jiang Liye.

When angry, my father would like to throw this cup of tea to Jiang Fu's face.

But he can't turn his back.

Now he city is all in the hands of the king, and the Jiang family is also contributing to the Lord, just as Jiang Fu said.

It doesn't matter how young children make trouble. If their elders also follow the opposition, the one who starts the fight first will lose his reputation, and the fight for rights may take the lead.

When the father drank a stomach gas.

In the end, he failed to argue. He could only endure his anger and returned home with a black face.

As a result, as soon as I went back, I met my son waiting for him in his study.

As soon as Shi Qing saw him, he was very happy. He came up and showcased his hands.

"Dad, give me some money."

When the father was his heartless appearance, gas almost did not faint in the past.

Oh, hey, what kind of evil did you make.

At the beginning, when the child was born, it would not have been replaced by someone else. It was also a pit father.

Success from the father that want money when Qing started his own revenge action.

The Jiang family was originally a military family. It was not like those big families who were always well prepared. It was not like the merchants like Shijia who started their business. They had many shops and fields.

Their main source of income is Chuang Tzu, as well as the bank opened when the family did not come.

Recently, it has become more and more depressed. Otherwise, we would not die and refuse to let Shixi leave.

Shixi is the legitimate daughter of the time family. If she doesn't leave, she will leave her children. Can the people of her mother's family not help?

In short, the Jiang family has no granary.

Then only in Hecheng grain shop to buy.

When the Qing Dynasty directly bought these shops, start-up funds from his father.

All the merchants who came and went to Hecheng wanted to replenish the goods. Most of the shops in Hecheng were either owned by the Shi family or participated in the dividends. Shi Qing came forward as the young master of the Shi family and clearly told the world who sold a grain of rice to the Jiang family. It was all my enemies of Shiqing.

Will I sell something to my enemy?!

I won't!!

So, you know.

Businessmen "..."

Is that wayward?

There's no way. They can only die in the Jiang family.

Why can they recognize the people of Jiang family?

Because when the young master of the family sent people to garrison at the gate of Jiangfu, he immediately followed two or three.

They don't do anything. They just follow them. From leaving to returning, they follow in turn 24 hours a day.

Get rid of people? There are five people staring at one person. I'm afraid that the one who can throw away is either the immortal or the God.

Report to the official? People just take a road. Who stipulates this road? When Jiang family can go, they can't?

The rest of the rice grain before Jiang's family ran out quickly.

If we go on like this, we will keep the gold mountain and silver mountain, but we can't buy a grain of grain.

Now the whole family, the master can still have some to eat, but the servants are hungry, it is really unbearable.

Hecheng River family, even can not eat enough.

If you say it, you can laugh off your big teeth.

Jiang Fu was ordered by his father to come to his home.

He suddenly lost his previous confidence and looked ugly. He talked about Shi Qing's actions against the Jiang family.

When the father was smiling, his tone was deliberately understatement, and he gave back all the previous words.

"we elders should not get involved in the affairs between children. How can there be any hatred between brother-in-law and brother-in-law?"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

Sure enough, his brother-in-law is smart.

It's real!

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