The Jiangjia family in Hecheng, a big local family, was forced to buy a grain of grain by Shi Qing, a teenager who was still a dandy before the incident came out.

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Now the whole family, all want to live a life of starvation, speak out, can make people laugh can not find teeth.

But it happened.

And because the Qing Dynasty did not hide it from the beginning to the end, it was so generous and square against the Jiang family.

Every day, the young master sat in his sedan chair, which was embroidered with gold thread on the curtain, and called people to carry the sedan chair to the major grain stores every day.

Every time I get to a place, I have to make a lot of noise.

Anyone who sees Jiang's family come to buy grain can't sell it. If anyone sells, it's that they can't afford to live with him. If they can't get along with him, they can't get along with the whole family.

As for the Jiang family, they are easy to identify.

In any case, everyone who goes in and out of the river's house has at least one person to follow. They are all tied with red ribbons on their shoulders.

When the little childe of the family made such a noise, it was to make the whole Hecheng lively.

Not only the families, but also the common people are discussing the outcome of this matter.

It was when the young master of Shiqing, who did not know the height of heaven and earth, acted boldly and had fantastic ideas and even made such moves, was suppressed.

Or the old family of Jiang family can't bear to give and leave the book first.

In a word, it was very lively.

And as a spectator, his father discovered for the first time that thick skinned has its advantages.

What he had received in Jiang's family was now returned to his father.

Now he is drinking tea slowly and leisurely. He is not anxious and impatient. "Brother Jiang, don't be angry. A child is bound to have some momentum. He is a younger generation. Why should brother Jiang care about him?"

Jiang Fu almost didn't lift the table.

He managed to maintain his anger, but he didn't laugh. "Your family's brother-in-law hasn't grown up yet. I don't know how to have such a great ability to stir up our Jiang family. If you want to say that he is the only one behind this, and you don't participate in it, Jiang doesn't believe it."

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"Well, that's right."

When the father smilingly put down the teacup, full of complacency, "even when someone heard about this, they were a little unconvinced, but it is also, although my elder brother Qingge doesn't like to study, but at least it is also someone's son. He has been influenced by his childhood, and he is gifted. It seems that it is not so strange that he can do such a big thing."

With that, he touched his long beard with a smile, and sighed, as if to exclaim: "after all, my son follows his father."

"It's reasonable for brother Qing to follow my intelligence and wisdom."

Jiang Fu "..."

He had never seen such a brazen man.

When the father saw that he was so angry that he still didn't go away. After thinking about it, he turned his head and said, "go, call brother Qing to come to me."

Watching the man go down, he turned his head and laughed at Jiang Fu.

"This is what brother Qing did himself. If he offended brother Jiang, I'd better ask him to come and make amends to brother Jiang. It's just a matter of exposing."

Jiang's father listened, and the expression on his face was better.

See his expression turn round when the father is in the bottom of the heart issued a disdain ha ha.

He was too lazy to entertain the man.

Let qingge'er be angry with him.

After all, he is the father of qingge'er. He knows how irritating this boy is.

The time will soon arrive.

Still with his Jiang bieyu.

Just to the door, he stopped and waved, "you're here waiting for me."

Jiang bieyu was silent and stood at the door, watching the young master swagger into the door.

"Shi Qing met my uncle."

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Very polite.

The man stood in the same place, looking at the young master who looked very polite and knew the rules very well, with a smile in his eyes.

I'm afraid he can only behave for such a short time.

As expected, Jiang bieyu didn't expect it. In the house, his father raised his hand to his son. "Brother Qing, your uncle Jiang is here to get in touch with the grain merchant these days. Tell me about you, ah, how to do such a thing without telling my father. I only know when your uncle Jiang comes to visit."

When Qing took a look at his father, it was really a face of condemnation.

If it was not for persuading the grain merchant to buy the shop and give gifts everywhere, he would have believed it.

"I'm sorry, father. I'm just thinking, this little thing, I don't have to let you have a look at it."

Jiang's father's face turned black.

Little thing?!!

Shi Qing turned their Jiang family into such a mess. Now the family are still hungry. They can't eat any food. This is a small matter?!"How can it be a small matter? Don't you see that your uncle Jiang is not happy?"

When the father is also a serious face, "do not give you uncle Jiang apology!"


The young master who stirred the wind and rain outside was obedient in front of his family. After obedience, he saluted Jiang Fu. In his soft voice, he was full of guilt

"Shi Qing apologized to Uncle Jiang."

Although at that time my father suffered a little humiliation, but fortunately the result was good. Jiang's father frowned and raised his hand. "Since brother Qing apologized, we Jiang's family will not investigate this matter."

When the father nodded, "brother Jiang is not angry, then this matter will be exposed."

With that, he went to see his son standing at the bottom, "brother Qing, do you hear me? Your father Jiang is not angry."

"Thank you for your understanding."

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When Qing face immediately with a smile.

Then he asked Jiang Fu, "did Uncle really forgive the boy?"

Jiang Fu wanted to say no.

However, considering the fact that Qing didn't talk about it at all and said that he would not sell grain if he didn't sell grain, he still nodded his head

"of course it is."

"That would be fine."

Shi Qing was smiling again.

He was beautiful, and the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

The young master looked at Jiang Fu who was sitting on the top with a bright face and arched his hands. "Since uncle Jiang has forgiven the boy, I will let people control Jiang's family to buy cloth, spices, accessories, and firewood for going to and from Chaifu. Please forgive him."

Jiang Fu "..."

He stood up abruptly and looked at the young man who was born like a jade and had a bright smile

"Yes." "Uncle Jiang, you are angry with the younger generation. It's really exposed."

Jiang's father was black in front of his eyes and took a deep breath of effort. "What I said is that you let people limit my Jiang family's purchase of grain!"

"This thing?"

The young master's voice was still soft and waxy, as if full of innocence, and was extremely innocent. "Uncle, I just want to let Mr. Jiang Liye write and leave the book, and let my sister go back to the house. It's just a personal grudge between us. Uncle, you're an elder, don't you interfere?"

"Personal grudges?"

When Jiang's father said this, his teeth were itching. "You've made all the people of Jiang's family hungry. How can you say it's a personal grudge?"


Shi Qing turned his lips and said, "I have a bad relationship with Mr. Jiang, which is known all over the city. Now that I want to fight against him, those merchants automatically complain for me, and voluntarily refuse to sell Jiangs' grain. Mr. Jiang and I are private grudges. These kind-hearted people are willing to refuse to sell Jiangs' grain for me. I am very grateful."

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"Uncle, don't worry. If you're still angry, I will certainly make an apology to you. But the food issue, which I haven't seen from the book, has not been discussed."

Jiang Fu "..."

He took a deep breath and looked at his father. "Your son is like this, don't you say anything?"

When the father's face full of doubts, "I want to say something?"

He thought about it for a while, and yelled, "brother Qing, look at you. How do you talk to your elders? You should know the etiquette and how your father teaches you!"

"Yes, dad was right."

With shame on his face, Shi Qing arched his hand at Jiang Fu again. "I'm really sorry for my uncle. I'll say it again."

"It doesn't matter if you don't send the books. I'm a junior, and I can't do anything to my uncle. At most, let the Jiang family have no rice, no clothes, no firewood, no charcoal for heating."

Said, he looked at his father again "nothing, and no injury."

"No, it's nothing."

"Little brother, don't touch your head seriously. Why don't you touch your head so seriously


Jiang's father was so angry that he couldn't stand steadily. Shaking his finger at Shiqing, he kept pointing, "how can you be so shameless and capable, so you can deal with our Jiang family in a fair and aboveboard manner, and use this kind of inferior and abusive tactics, shameless!"


Shi Qing sighed with regret. "The boy has no talent, no virtue, no skill. Now, for the sake of the Jiang family and Li Shu, he has to be brave enough to fight with Mr. Jiang."

"But if it's right, when it comes to martial arts, I don't have the strength to bind a chicken. I don't know how to write essays. It seems that there is only one way to go. Please forgive me."

The young master sighed again, and he was helpless to bow his hands

"Who let me have nothing but money."

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