Is there anything more irritating in the world??

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Jiang Fu was so angry that he almost didn't perform at the time and fainted on the spot.

He had a sudden shock.

By the way, he can fall down at his house.

When the time comes, the people of his Jiang family will pay a good visit to the house, walk in vertically and go out horizontally.

In addition, Shiqing has been stirring the wind and rain in Hecheng these days. Everyone knows that he is targeting at Jiang family. Even when he falls down, Shijia can't tell even if he has eight mouths.

Jiang Fu thought, covering his chest, slowly fell down.

He thought that Shi Qing and his father would be more or less panicked, and would rush to support him in a hurry. However, he did not expect that they were indifferent. They just stood there and watched him fall. Jiang Fu had no choice but to bite his teeth and fall to the ground.

"Dad, uncle Jiang has fainted. Let's carry him to the street quickly."

When father "carried to the street for what?"

Shi Qing said: "Uncle Jiang is hungry and dizzy, but Jiang Liye is still unwilling to write and leave the book. This kind of unfilial behavior can only be seen when his own father is too hungry to give up his own selfish desires. Naturally, we should let the world know."

Jiang Fu playing dead "..."

He had a dark face, opened his eyes and turned up.

"Uncle Jiang, you are awake again."

Jiang Fu's "shameless!"

"Uncle, you are right, the boy is shameless. I apologize to you."

Jiang Fu "..."

He was wrong. He wanted to take back the shameless words that the owner of the house was the first in the world.

In this world, the most shameless person, is clear when Qing!!

I can't play, but I can't even pretend to be dead.

Jiang Fu has no choice but to withdraw.

He snorted and swung his sleeve out.

At the gate, I just met Jiang bieyu who was waiting outside.

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Jiang bieyu saw him and did not salute, but stood quietly looking at him with the light colored eyes that Shuangjiang's father always thought represented the cool and thin nature of his son.

Looking up and down again, he saw that Jiang bieyu's clothes were fine and his face was ruddy because of his good food and drink. Even his body was much bigger than before.

He added more gas.

I heard that you are now the servant of Shiqing? You have a good life with Shiqing. You should have drowned you in the water at the beginning, just like he didn't respect his elders. "

Jiang bieyu coldly raised his eyes and laughed at his father. "I have to thank my father and elder brother for bringing me to such a good place at home."

Jiang Fu "..."

Zhennima's irritating even ordinary people who used to be silent and listen to his admonition are so irritating.

With a gloomy face, he said, "you really didn't have a good place at that time. When you clear that little beast, sooner or later..."

Jiang bieyu's expression suddenly cold, fist slowly clenched.

"Animals are animals. If they eat, sleep and eat, they don't have to worry about so many things, let alone talk with people."

Shi Qing came out from the inside. His beautiful face was full of publicity, and he looked at Jiang Fu with a smile. "But uncle, if the animals can speak and have to quarrel with each other, what will be the people who can't even talk about them?"

After seeing the young master swaggering out, he loosened his fist and said, "animals are better than animals."

"You guys

Jiang Fu was really dizzy this time. He pointed to Shiqing with trembling fingers and pointed to Jiang bieyu. He did not squeeze out a word.

Shi Qing said it for him.

The young master respectfully made a farewell gift, and said in a crisp voice, "younger generation, send off your uncle."

It's like driving people naked.

How can Jiang Fu be humiliated.

He looked at the young boy in front of him. He clenched his fist slowly and was about to make trouble.

Jiang bieyu was in front of Shi Qing.

On the surface of cold and hard face, a pair of pale eyes coldly look at Jiang Fu.

Looking at his tall and strong figure, Jiang Fu is full of awe inspiring momentum

Forget it!

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He doesn't know these people!

Jiang's father walked away in gray.

Shi Qing put out a head behind Jiang bieyu, reached out his hand and knocked on his arm. "He is your father. You help me, are you not afraid to bear the reputation of being unfilial?"

Jiang bieyu slightly drooped his eyes. "I was saved by you."

The implication is that he must help Shi Qing.

"You have a conscience."

The young master didn't pinch. He was so happy that he jumped on the man with a smile. "Just now I spent a lot of words with him. I'm so tired that I can't walk back. You can take me back to the yard."Jiang bieyu is used to all kinds of delicacy of the young master these days. Naturally, he bends down slightly and reaches out his hand to hold this delicate body in his arms.

Shi Qing is still growing. Recently, he has grown especially fast. Jiang bieyu thinks that the milk he insists on drinking is really useful. After all, he has only seen Shi Qing when he is running so fast.

It's just that the milk is OK. If you drink too much, you will always have a smell of milk on your body.

Shiqing didn't like to splash all kinds of spices on his body. She allowed the women to dress him up. The women thought his milk smell good, so they didn't put all kinds of spices into his sachet.

Even his favorite osmanthus, are just put under the pillow.

As a result, the young master of this period of time is full of milk fragrance.

Jiang bieyu felt more and more stable with him.

This is not because he thought it smelled good, but when he was a child, he lived in a deserted courtyard with his aunt. For a period of time, there were several young masters in the mansion, and they were not cared for in the kitchen. He was young and often hungry. The most loyal girl found out that there was a horse in the house and secretly milked the horse for him in the evening.

Without any treatment, the cold milk will not taste so good. But for Jiang bieyu, who has been hungry, it is a rare delicacy.

Now, even if he grows up, he can't help feeling secure when he smells the milk fragrance on his body.

Jiang bieyu went back to the yard with the young master in his arms.

If it was a man of such a big family, it would certainly cause a lot of discussion.

But in the young master of the time family, this seems to be a very normal thing.

After all, their young master is delicate, from small to big, it is fine, can not be refined to raise.

Such a young master is nothing but to be carried back to the yard.

Even if he said he couldn't sleep at night, it was reasonable to ask someone to be held by him.

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After going back, the girls are busy again.

However, Jiang bieyu had already quietly taken care of Shiqing's work in his own body. They could not help but not dare to go forward. They were busy with their own work while watching the tall man gently wipe his face for the young master and take off his shirt.

Even after everything was done, he sat on the edge of the cave, peeling peanuts for the young master one by one.

In the past, it was all their work!!

I feel deeply that the women who have been robbed of their profession have a sense of crisis.

A woman brought the cat, and the young master, who was eating peanuts, immediately showed his liking to the cat. She quickly stretched out her hand and held the fat Persian cat in her arms.

"Cat, my good cat, do you miss me?"

Looking at his warm and friendly appearance, I would like to kiss this Persian cat well.

The woman holding the cat said with a smile, "brother Qing, the cat is so powerful today that people can see that it has colluded with a female cat. I'm afraid that by the beginning of next year, the cat will be a father."

The young master stroked the long cat's fur hand.

The happy smile on his face also fell slightly.

Jiang bieyu felt that he didn't look right. He looked up and saw the little boy frown a little and gently put the cat aside.

"how did it get out of the door? Didn't I say that the cat can only make me close?"

The woman also noticed his displeasure, and her expression was a little confused. "But, it's just a female cat."

"It's just a mouse. If it comes into contact with them, I won't be the master again."

When Qing calm face, a pair of no interest to play again, waving "take it down."

The woman opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but looking at his face, she didn't dare to open her mouth. She quickly and cautiously saluted and went down with the cat in her arms.

If Jiang bieyu thinks about it, he doesn't say anything when he sees the young master eating and sleeping.

When Shiqing fell asleep, he walked out of the room, and could hear some girls whispering in the corridor: "is brother Qing unhappy today?"

"I see also, just cat just ran out once, clear elder brother son is not so angry."

Jiang bieyu slightly drooped his eyes, remembering every move of the little young master just now, and the expression on his face.

When Qing does not like his cat contact with other cats or people.

To be precise, he just wanted him to be the only one in the cat's eye.

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Jiang bieyu can understand what the young master is thinking.

After all, so was his own temperament.

How can you allow others to touch what you really like.

His lips slightly with a smile, no longer put this matter in mind.

The next day, Jiang bieyu stepped into the house again.

Then heard the young master is still sweet and sweet soft waxy tone, very happy look "cat, good cat, come on, eat dried fish, I feed you."He raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is Shi Qing not angry?

The man looked at the past, but saw that the young master, who was still dressed in silk and silk, had a familiar sweet smile on his face and was holding the cat in a soft voice. His brows were full of indulgence and laziness.

It's just the cat, but it's not the Persian cat before.

Instead, it was a lion cat with a more ferocious face and eating dried fish.

Jiang bieyu stopped and looked at the girl beside her. The girl whispered, "brother Qing sent someone to give the cat to the cousin who has always loved cats last night, and then sent this cat to be a cat."

She murmured, "young master Biao always likes cats. He begged Qing Ge'er many times. He swore that he would be good to the cat, but he didn't allow him to do it this time."

"Oh, come? Come and pinch my shoulders. I didn't sleep well last night. My shoulders are sour and soft

When Qing looked up, he saw Jiang bieyu coming and said hello with a smile.

The man stepped forward slowly. His hand fell on his shoulder and kneaded it gently.

With the shelter of the curtain, Jiang BIE Yu's body is gradually close to him, and almost embraces the whole body of Shiqing, who is teasing the cat.

This can be called the following crimes.

The young master holding the cat just turned and looked at him with a smile. His eyes were full of joy.

Soft waxy voice like anger, like scolding, "always so presumptuous."

He is still the original attitude, Jiang bieyu is not light and heavy for him, but the slender hand of the shoulder suddenly stopped.

In the eyes of the young master, he showed his laziness and indulgence.

It was the same as what was revealed to the cat.

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