Because of the fireplace in the house, it is as warm as spring, but Jiang bieyu's heart is suddenly cold.

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Seeing that his expression was not right, Shiqing seemed to be very strange. He stretched out his hand and touched his face with white fingers

Just like before, the young master, who was full of stars, arrogant and charming, only showed his soft smile that could melt the whole person away.

Waxy voice low, coquettish general "I just said you a, angry."

He raised his chin and cocked up his mouth. "Come on, stingy. It's a big deal. I'll stop talking about it in the future."

Even in soft words, there is still a sense of pride in the young master's face.

Once upon a time, Jiang bieyu did not put this arrogance in his eyes.

Because he is different from others.

Although he was smiling at the girls, he would tell a few jokes to tease them from time to time, but he had never been close to those girls, and he had never asked them to sit on the edge of the collapse to lull him to sleep.

Not to mention, as it is now, Jiang bieyu hugs him in a gesture that can be described as overstepping.

In Jiang bieyu's heart, Shi Qing has always been different from him.

But now, in the face of the young master smiling beautiful face, the man's voice seems to block a piece of general, half a day can't speak.

Just now, it's definitely not his illusion.

Why didn't you find out.

When the clear, full of love of the line of sight, never just put on him alone.

Now, the cat.

They all have the same treatment as him.

The young master in front of me I like it.

"Jiang bieyu? Jiang bieyu? What are you doing? "

Shi Qing held the cat in his arms. Before meeting, the tall man was stunned with a wooden face, and the smile on the corner of his lips was bigger. With a smile, he held the cat in one hand and pushed him with the other.

Jiang bieyu was pushed out of his mind.

A look, then on the clear line of sight.

The young master was still smiling, and his expression was full of connivance. He did not blame him for ignoring his own meaning.

This kind of tolerance, the whole family, only Jiang bieyu can get.

Once upon a time, his heart was soft for this, but now, there is only a void left.

"Shi Qing."

The man opened his mouth, even if he had been raised for more than ten days, his voice was still dark and hoarse, which was very ugly.

He called Shi Qing's name for the first time and asked, "do you really like me?"

"What did you say?"

The young master stretched out his white fingertips and looked like a dandy. He raised the chin of the man in front of him with a smile and asked him to look at him more closely.

Or that pair in the bamboo forest appearance, toot mouth, take the initiative to get up.


A crisp sound.

Jiang bieyu's body did not move, only looked at Shi Qing slowly retreating away, as before, took out a handkerchief from his arms to wipe his mouth, the corners of his lips were still smiling.

"If I don't like you, how can I let you be my pet

His words are glutinous and sweet, and his expression is full of justice and boldness.

Can always stand still, looking at the young master in front of Jiang bieyu, in his clear and beautiful black and white eyes, but can not see half of the love.

When Qing looked at his face, half of the heart was empty.

Dislike River don't Yu straight don't talk, he impatiently pushed a "you today in the end what's the matter, wood general, annoying tight."

After pushing, he naturally lies in the man's arms.

Skillfully lying on Jiang bieyu's knee, he yawned and muttered in a soft voice, "I want to sleep for a while, don't disturb me."

As the winter became deeper and deeper, the young master of Shi family became more and more sleepy. If it had not been for dealing with the Jiang family during this period, he would have loved to spend 12 hours on the couch.

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Naturally, as his "child molestate", Jiang bieyu has been accompanying him.

In the past, holding the young master's body, listening to the wind outside in this warm room and smelling the milk fragrance on the tip of the nose, Jiang bieyu's heart would be peaceful.

But now, his mind is in a mess.

He always thought that Shi Qing was happy with him.

It turns out that there is no such thing as

These days of close, coquettish, when Qing do very natural.

Jiang bieyu didn't think that these might be fake, but then he thought that if it was fake, he would be under the fence now, what could Shiqing do with him.

So, it's not fake.

"Meow ~"

the lion cat, who had just arrived today, let out a gentle cry, which made the young master dissatisfied with his hand and closed his eyes. He leaned skillfully into the man's arms.These days, the two people are stuck together almost every day. Even if the mind is in a mess, Jiang bieyu's hand falls on Shiqing subconsciously and hugs people tightly.

When he came into contact with the young master's clothes, he reflected what his hands had done.

These days, the young master's various commands, he has been used to cater to the time.

Jiang bieyu made sure that his feelings would not go wrong.

Shi Qing likes him.

It's just that he likes a cup, a cat and a sachet. It's no different.

He connived at Jiang bieyu, letting him not be big or small, and letting him do all kinds of actions. He laughed sweetly and talked sweetly. He seemed to like Jiang bieyu very much, rolling and scattering Jiao in his arms.

But maybe, for the young master of the time, it was the same as he was teasing with the cat in his arms.

For him, he got a real love, daily immersed in some people like their own peace.

Occasionally, he would think about the future, thinking about how to get rid of his family, how to get military power, and how to take his little Canary to his side when he was in power.

Take good care of it.

He can also let the stars of Shiqing enjoy the moon without suffering at all.

That pair of delicate white barefoot, do not need to land in the future, when Qing wants to go, he will hold him in person.

However, no matter how good and how clear, the reality still falls in front of us.

For Shi Qing, it was just teasing his favorite pet only.

Jiang BIE Yu's hands on the young man's waist slowly tightened.

Ding! The rejection degree of jiangbieyu is 70100

Ding! Jiangbieyu rejection degree 75100

Ding! The rejection degree of jiangbieyu is 80100

Ding! Jiang bieyu's rejection rate was 99100

he was conscious that there was no problem. The host who was waiting for him to lie down and win was stunned.

Host!!! Host host!! The event is not good, host!!!

Shi Qing still closed his eyes, a pair of sleep is ripe, but the bottom of my heart is lazy to talk to the system, how is it always so, how, how, how, last time you were self-taught what kind of line, straight straight when things are not urgent, not impatient system of mind?

The system is eager to rush out of the host, you see the degree of exclusion ah, he suddenly soared to 99, 99!!

This ten days a little bit down the exclusion degree, this is a failure!!

Hi, 99? I thought it would go up to 100.

When Qing is still that pair of not anxious sample system baby, this is not to 100, what are you anxious about.

As soon as the voice dropped, there was a prompt tone in my ear:

Ding! Jiangbieyu rejection degree 101100


When the system reaches 100, what will the host do.

Shiqing what to 100, one more, one less, that is not a hundred, good, steady.

The system tries hard to simulate the sound effect of taking a breath. The gentleman should guard against arrogance and rashness, and I can resist it.

Shi Qing

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It's fun where the kid learned these words.

Although we should guard against arrogance and rashness, we still can't get rid of the worried system and ask carefully

host, is that ok? You're not in trouble, are you? I have been studying the strategy book "self cultivation of the system" these days, and found that there are many examples in it. They are all tortured by the air carriers after the host overturned. It is extremely tragic that one host was tortured crazy and voluntarily left the system and stayed in the small world forever.

When Qing laughs at ease, who will stay, I will not stay, I have not finished the real world game, the final boss, how willing.

If you don't feel the pain of the host system, don't worry about it.

Shi Qing turned over in Jiang bieyu's arms, and felt that the man stretched out his long hand and gently let him lie more comfortable in his arms. He was eager to hum a little song.

All in all, what are you so nervous about? It's not that there has never been more than a few hundred repetitions before, and you haven't been so nervous at that time.

The system was worried and balked, but Jiang bieyu was different. He was so fierce

In the middle of it, it stops.

When Qing tut tut Tut, you know he is fierce. I thought you were cheated by his appearance.

In any case, the system is more ferocious. The host should be on the safe side and block the pain.

Shiqing didn't listen.

You think he's going to hurt me?

System How does it know.

It's nervous anyway, just to be on the safe side.

When clear, what's the meaning of that, good, you go back to play, the problem of exclusion does not need to worry.


It is not worried about the degree of rejection, it is clearly worried about the host ah!The system is not willing to go back.

When Qing nest in the man's arms, feel his hand is gently brushing his back, pacifying the same action.

He opened his eyes, held out his finger, and poked his arm in front of him.

Jiang bieyu is worthy of being half a Hu, even his arms are hard.

Feel that there is a soft power in touch with their own, river not more than drooping eyes, on the clear line of sight.

The young master almost subconsciously gave him a soft smile.

Glutinous voice sweet called a "Jiang BIE Yu."

The man was stiff.

NBS Ding! The rejection degree of jiangbieyu is 80100

Ding! The rejection degree of jiangbieyu was 60100

Ding! Jiang bieyu's rejection degree was 49100

just stuck on the passing line.

Time is no accident.

He blocked the road that Jiang bieyu had planned to take, so that he could see the end of this road.

As long as Jiang bieyu wants him, he will change his way consciously.

As for whether it is possible for him to give up on him?

When Qing is in the bottom of my heart.

Have been to the mouth of the meat, hungry wolf will be willing to release it?

He is still smiling at Jiang bieyu, as before. It seems that his eyes are full of joy, but in fact, he is heartless.

From this day on, Jiang bieyu served the Qing Dynasty more carefully.

Young master is also more and more inseparable from him, do anything to call Jiang bieyu, every day with him together with Jiang family hard gang.

Now, in order to deal with Jiang's family with Lishu, almost everyone in Hecheng knows it.

The Jiang family can't carry it.

There's no way. It's OK to fight against it. If there's no food to eat, how can they resist it.

However, the old fox was very cunning. He didn't show up and asked a younger generation to come forward. Even if they wanted to ask the Lord to help, they were shameless.

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After all, Shi Qing said that it was the gratitude and resentment of the younger generation. Only Jiang Liye signed and left the book. He immediately stopped targeting the Shi family.

That was not signed by Jiang Liye himself.

He would rather watch his parents and relatives suffer, and watch the whole house be implicated by himself, but he would not sign and leave the book just for his own selfish desire.

This kind of words come out, how can the Jiang family still have the face to rescue the soldiers.

However, on the one hand, the Jiang family didn't want to bow down, on the other hand, it was a matter of trouble. If they bowed their heads, they would become a laughing stock. They had to bear the shame to find the Lord and let him preside over justice.

After the king knew the reason, he thought that the Jiang family was really useless. He could not even play with a 16-year-old child, but he asked him for it. He said impatiently that he would not control the food of the Jiang family again.

The young master of the time really listened.

However, he gave Wang Ye the face and refused to suppress the rice and grain of the Jiang family, but he refused to give up the pressure on the Jiang family so that Jiang Liye could sign and leave the book.

This young master, who used to show off as a dandy, directly took over a large number of shops and businesses from his father and operated various operations.

In order to suppress the Jiang family from all aspects.

I don't know whether it's Jiang family's bad luck or the young master's talent.

Since he began to get involved in his business, everything he wanted to do was above the crowd.

Jiangjiapu sells spices. He asked people to study spices. The aroma of the spices that they studied did not disperse for a long time. They were very popular with the families in Hecheng.

He opened a restaurant in jiangjiazi. He also opened a chain. The restaurant had good service, paid great attention to the layout, and paid a high price to invite famous chefs. In the end, not only Hecheng, but also other cities had Shijia restaurants.

Jiang's shop sells porcelain, so he opens a brick kiln to burn paper porcelain. He actually makes him produce a porcelain that is as crystal clear as white jade. It is called beauty porcelain. The price of this porcelain is very high, but it is still popular.

When his father gave his son the business, many people predicted that he would surely lose the family business.

But it is also good, when the father is still alive, with him watching, even if it is how to lose, also can't lose where to go.

It turned out that nobody thought of it.

When the powerful Shijia arrived at Shiqing, his assets turned up several times and his reputation was almost world-famous.

On his own, he did not use a knife or a gun, nor did he use dirty means. He was just as aboveboard as boiling a frog in warm water, which brought down the Jiang family a little bit.

Fortunately, Jiang family was also called Hecheng two big families together with Shijia.

But now, just because of the time Qing Dynasty, the Jiang family is now a group of poor people. Their children, let alone extravagance and extravagance, can't even afford to go to the Shijia restaurant for a meal.

Of course, this does not rule out the reason why the restaurant is too expensive.

In short, the Jiang family has seen it clearly.

If you keep up with the time, the guy who bites and doesn't let go will definitely kill them.They refused to sign and leave the book just to save face.

But now the family has been suppressed by a group of poor, there is no inside, what face.

When the Qing Dynasty had just passed the age of 18, and soon after the birth of Hecheng, the Jiangs finally compromised under his indomitable attacks, and sent people to send him and leave the book.

The young master, who was happily holding a snowball in the yard, heard about it. He immediately showed excitement on his face and pulled Jiang bieyu, who was squatting with him, to get up fiercely.

"Go! Let's meet my sister

The tall man followed him in silence, looking at the sweet smile on the young master's face, which seemed to melt the whole heart, and his eyes also showed a trace of softness.

Shixi was almost snatched back from Jiang's family by his father.

Before the Jiang family refused to let people go, Shiqing had to deal with the Jiang family.

If Shixi was still at Jiangjia, he would starve together.

When the father heard his son Balabala finish, he took a group of people to the river house, called to visit, talk about every day, talk about the earth, see if we can have a peace talk.

In fact, he was there to rob people.

After grabbing his daughter back, Shi Fu didn't stay for a second, so he went back to his home directly.

As for what the Jiang family called him shameless, he did not hear.

It is also said that when Shi Xi married Jiang Liye, it is the Jiang family. Who has stipulated that married women can't go back to their parents' home to visit their elders.

His old father is ill. When Shixi is his daughter, can't he come back to serve the soup?

Anyway, he has a point.

The Jiang family can be regarded as knowing who Shiqing's impudence came from.

The descendants of the Shi family are not as many as those of the Jiang family.

In addition to the father of the family, there are only two men.

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It is not expensive to have more.

A 16-year-old boy who had a dandy reputation two years ago and was arrogant and domineering didn't seem to be able to inherit a good family business. He didn't have to suffer a little and didn't experience anything.

How could it be that this life brought down their Jiang family.

I'm really pissed off.

The young master of the family was wearing a silver fox fur cloak with rabbit skin on the edge and beautiful jewels on his clothes. He trotted to the front.

With the movement, his beautiful face, which was more and more white like snow, was also dyed with a little red and beautiful color.

In the past two years, Shiqing insisted on drinking milk every day and jumping from time to time. As expected, he grew taller, but his skeleton was still as slim as before, and still looked so petite.

However, in two years, he controlled the whole Shijia and even Hecheng's economic lifeline. Even if his skeleton was slim and his age was young, he would not feel like a bully.

Of course, it will not let people bully this point, it may also be because he always followed Jiang bieyu.

That tall, cold and hard man, like a lone wolf general man.

His Hu blood makes him much taller than Han people. His light colored eyes always make him feel cold and cold when he looks at people. However, the eyes that scare countless people to look down are always gentle and faithful.

They all said that Jiang bieyu was the most obedient wolf under Shiqing.

In the past two years, Shi Qingyin was expanding his family. He did not know how many people he had offended. He himself had been assassinated several times, and all of them were blocked by Jiang bieyu.

After that, the man named servant, but actually ferocious and abnormal, just found out those people one by one.

The others were fine, just thrown into jail.

What he said to the assassin was not that he wanted Shi Qing to die, or he heard that the young master of his family was so gorgeous that he wanted the assassin to take people out of the mansion for him to play with, but he was dragged directly into the street by Jiang bieyu.

In front of the street people, a knife blade under his body meat.

No one knows where Jiang bieyu learned his skills. In short, the man howled for three days to stop breathing. He was not stopped, so he always begged for mercy. However, no matter how he cried or asked for pleasure, the tall, cold faced man was expressionless, just as he didn't hear it.

After that, he was caught in prison for using the death penalty and was released within two days.

After all, in order to protect his life, the man signed a contract of sale.

Therefore, according to the law, Jiang bieyu was only a servant when he was dealing with it. This was a family affair, and the county government was not good at intervening.

Although he did this in the street, the field he was stepping on was paved by the people of the time.

So, there's no place to look for his mistakes.

Those three days brought great psychological shadow to the people of Hecheng.

After Jiang bieyu made such a scene, the effect was also remarkable.

At least after that time, no one dared to send someone to assassinate the young master.

And Hecheng people talk about Jiang bieyu is also a pair of quiet if the appearance of greetings.They say that he is worthy of the blood of the Hu people, that is, he is cold-blooded and merciless. At the beginning, the man's heart and liver were trembling when he was crying and howling. However, Jiang bieyu was able to continue his execution without any expression.

Some people say that he is protecting the young master.

Can he be so fierce, when the young master can really control him?

The people of Hecheng are very clear. Although this young master is charming and arrogant, he is really kind-hearted. In the past two years, he has built roads to facilitate the people, set up department stores to accommodate scattered vendors, and bought rice at a fair price, never falling prices.

He's very kind, and they all know it.

Is such a kind-hearted young master really able to hold down Jiang bieyu's ferocious servant like a wild animal?

Shiqing didn't know how to say himself outside.

He ran across the yard, past the porch.

The young master took a subconscious look and stopped to look. There, the housekeeper was giving lectures to the new servants.

Jiang bieyu saw that he stopped suddenly, and then he stopped.

The man was silent and respectful waiting for the young master, but he saw Shi Qing suddenly raise his hand. Under the white clothes, a small piece of jade white finger showed, pointing to the other side, and telling the girl who was following up

"what's the name of the tall man in Xuan clothes

Jiang bieyu looked at the past and saw a fierce looking servant.

He lowered his eyes slightly, stood beside Shiqing and looked at him.

I saw a little interest on the young master's jade white face, and his eyes were full of eager and joyful.

The man dropped his eyes slightly and clenched his fist.

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