In the yard, the master and the servant stood there, watching the woman trot over to ask the servant.

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Shi Qing is waiting there.

Now he is eighteen, but his appearance is only a little childish compared with two years ago. Although he is taller, he still looks like he wants to be held in his arms.

This "person" is Jiang bieyu.

Jiang bieyu, on the other hand, is tall. He has eaten well in the past two years, but he has actually risen a layer. In addition, he has cleared many obstacles to get out of the building in order to clear up the time. His whole body is sharp and dark.

Today, although they are still masters and servants, when Jiang bieyu stood beside the young master, they did not look like a servant at all.

People in Shifu were more or less afraid of him. Even his father had told his son several times in secret that he felt that Jiang bieyu was a knife that was not easy to control. His whole body was full of the message that "I will swallow the Lord" and asked him to send the man away.

The young master didn't believe it. As usual, he summoned Jiang bieyu to come and go at once. It was really as if he was keeping a fierce and obedient beast.

Anyone can see that Shi Qing is confident.

I am confident that Jiang bieyu will not betray him.

Jiang bieyu Yizhi also thinks so.

It doesn't mean he doesn't have anger.

He fixed his eyes to the eyes of Shi Qing.

These eyes are still bright as if hidden stars, which is his most familiar eyes, because Shi Qing often looks at him with such eyes.

But now, that vision, but in the face of the ferocious servant stopped to stay.

A pair, Jiang bieyu completely forgotten appearance.

The man stood in his original position, his eyes slightly calm, and said, "I have never seen this man in the mansion before."

The young master's eyes seemed to stick to the servant, and he said casually, "maybe it's the servant who bought this time."

Shi Qing remembered, "a while ago, I didn't mean that many people were released from the mansion before, and they wanted to buy people back?"? My mother came to my yard and asked me if I wanted to buy some girls back

Jiang bieyu slightly raised his eyes, also looked to the direction of the corridor, pulled the corner of his mouth, voice slightly dumb "I'm afraid that's it."

After he finished, he looked at the young master and suggested that he should have a good foundation because he is very tall. I'd better let him come under my hand and I'll practice him well

"Under your hand?"

Shi Qing showed a little dislike and glanced at the tall man around him. "Those people under your hands are all timid, and they can't see the bravery at all. If they are sent to your hands, they will become disrespectful. What should we do

Two years ago, Shiqing took over the business of Shijia and showed up in front of the people. For his safety, his father specially made the strong and able boys in the house form a protective team.

At that time, Shi Qing directly pointed out that Jiang bieyu, who was not even given the surname of Shi, became the head of the protection team.

Many people are unconvinced.

They didn't dare to give advice to the young master. They just tried to fight against Jiang bieyu, so that the boy who didn't know where to come from would retreat.

As a result, Jiang bieyu completely tamed everyone in less than five days.

Of course, some means were used. As for the means, no one has ever said it, and no one has ever dared to reveal anything in front of Shiqing.

In short, the rest of the house only knew that after five days, when the guards looked at their heads, their eyes were not awe or admiration, but panic and fear.

At the beginning, they didn't know what to be afraid of. Jiang bieyu was just fierce. He was alone, and so many people in the protection team were afraid that they could not hold him down?

But when Jiang bieyu's own lingchi happened, the businessman who had coveted the Qing Dynasty, no one dared to ask.

Don't say it's bibijiang bieyu. Why does a person who doesn't even have the surname of Shi get the favor of elder brother Qing.

Even if it is only passing by this man, there will be a cold sweat behind his back because of fear.

And all this, young master certainly does not know.

No one dares to chew Jiang bieyu's tongue in front of the young master.

If you offend the living Yama, you don't know how to die.

Although no one told Shi Qing, he was accompanied by Jiang bieyu every time he met the people in the protection team. Naturally, he saw what those people looked like in front of Jiang bieyu.

It's like a mouse meeting a cat.

Don't say it's as fierce as a lion, it's even more tortoise than tortoise one by one.

When the young master went back, he murmured with Jiang bieyu, saying that he did not know how the rumors about the bravery and bravery of the Shijia protection team were all good players.

Where did he know that these people were only turtles in front of Jiang bieyu.

Jiang bieyu didn't deny it. He only said solemnly that he had just entered the government and didn't know the details yet. If he was sent to me, I could make a good investigation

With that, he added, "didn't the king of Zhou want to solicit Shi's family before he was rejected? Maybe spies will be sent over there. You'd better be careful. "Shi Qing seemed to be very hesitant, and finally nodded.

As he doubled the assets of the time family, Hecheng could no longer satisfy the young master.

Now two years later, Shijia industry is almost all over the world.

Earn money and rice, naturally also attracted some people covet.

Among these people, those who attempt to dominate the world are the most, no matter who they are.

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After all, war costs money!

Don't you ask for money for food, clothes and weapons.

At the beginning, it can still hold up. If it only goes out of the room, where can it stand.

At this time, if you can attract such a big help from Shijia, of course, it would be better.

When Qing was mad, he would pick up the olive branch they handed over.

They are now the whole family in Hecheng, there is a big boss, if now dare to jump jobs, the boss will kill them in no minutes.

But it's offensive to refuse.

at least Guang Jiang and Yu Yu stopped at least five waves from other forces.

Now he said that, even if the young master is how to like this appearance, it must be very important for his life.

Jiang bieyu was not surprised by his choice.

He just bowed his head respectfully and strode towards the man.

The maid, who was sent to ask her name, was talking to the servant softly. When she lifted her eyes, she found that Jiang bieyu, the living king of hell, had come. She was so frightened that she quickly gave way to her side.

The man is tall and powerful, with light eyes and no emotion. He looks at the servant in front of him and asks the housekeeper, "who bought him?"

The housekeeper is the son of the old housekeeper. He is not as strong as his father. He is young. He is frightened to hear Jiang bieyu, who has always been a fierce reputation and a lively bully. When he asks himself in such a cold voice, his body trembles.

"Yes, it was the second one who bought it."

Jiang bieyu wrung his eyebrows and looked at the tall servant who was white faced and dared not look at himself. He said coldly, "send him to the protection team."

"Yes, I'll send them here."

Young master is still waiting. Jiang bieyu doesn't say much. He turns and strides back to Shiqing.

Just before leaving, I took a cold glance at the tall servant.

The new servants standing on the porch looked over.

I saw a piece of white snow, the whole body seems to be risking the evil spirit of the man strode to the young master waiting in situ.

His cold face seemed to show a smile, stretched out his hand to tidy up his cloak for the young master, and then left with him.

They were relieved to see the man go.

The brave one asked

Housekeeper is also a sigh of relief, "the head of the protection team, is also a close friend of qingge'er."


A group of people are a little confused.

Do you have a boy who is dressed like that and whose temperament is like that?

Without saying anything else, even the housekeeper was afraid to speak out loud in front of him.

Is this a boy?!!

The housekeeper coughed and said, "no voice, how can I teach you? We should be quiet."


He pointed to the servant who was still afraid because Jiang bieyu was full of evil spirit. "I will take you to the protection team in a moment, and then you will be in his charge."

Servant " Can we not go? The little one thinks that he doesn't like small ones. "

Jiang bieyu looked at that one eye, up to now, the hair on his arm is still erect.

The housekeeper looked serious. "How can I not go? I have to go."

"May, may small fear."

"What are you afraid of?" "Don't worry, he won't kill the people of Shijia. As long as you are still at Shijia, you will never be in trouble."

What's more, he promised Jiang bieyu that if he didn't go, he would be the one to be afraid of.

Servant " He, he also kills people

Don't kill People of the time family

It means that if you are not a member of the Shi family, you may be killed??

Seeing the servant's legs trembling with fright, the housekeeper realized that his words might be ambiguous, and he kindly explained

"not long after the protection team was built, this man suggested to Qing Ge'er to take them to see the blood to train their hands, and then he took them to pay the mountain bandits nearby, so they killed all the mountain bandits."

Oh Mountain bandits, this is better.

There are many mountain bandits around Hecheng, and almost all of them have lives on their hands. The government also takes care of them. However, because of their cunning, they hide in the mountains every time they see people coming from the government.

Now the world is in chaos, and the government can't spare no time to send out a large number of people to catch the mountain bandits, so they can only let it go.

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Now that Jiang bieyu killed those mountain bandits who killed and robbed money, the servant relaxed a little.The housekeeper has not finished saying, "there are still some assassins who want to assassinate my brother Qing. I remember that there are 18 assassins in total. Eight of them were sent to the government. Ten of them died in his hands because they refused to disclose who was behind them."

Servant "..."

Housekeeper "there are several merchants who sent people to assassinate qingge'er. What impresses me most is one of them. He tied him to the street and died alive and late. That scream."

Servant "..."

The housekeeper broke his fingers and said, "I vaguely remember that it seems that elder brother Qing went out to send porridge. When he met someone who was not kind to him, Jiang bieyu started to deal with it. After all, there are about a dozen people. I haven't seen them with my own eyes, but I heard that they all died miserably."

In fact, he didn't know much about it. He only knew that it was brother Qing who went out to give porridge. When he saw a shady place in the woods, he went in and had a rest. As a result, he met some gangsters who were not clean about their young master and wanted to do something.

Jiang bieyu heard the news outside and went in directly.

I took out the young master first.

Another man went in.

When we come out again, we will let others in to collect the corpses of those people.

Although it is true that those people should be killed, most people will choose to go to the government or something like this.

But when we arrived at Jiang bieyu, he killed him directly.

It's no wonder that people in Manchu are afraid of him.

But now, after all, the housekeeper is not so afraid of Jiang bieyu.

It's all for Qingge.

Their master is such a single seedling, of course, we should take care of it.

Moreover, Jiang bieyu is not so inhumane.

He added, "although you said that your boss killed a lot of people, those people were the ones who should be killed. You don't have to be afraid. In fact, he was very considerate. In the evening, he asked someone to shut up the business and didn't disturb the people around to sleep. Is it very considerate?"

Servant "..."

The servant's legs were already shaking.

He cautiously wiped the sweat on his head, "tube, housekeeper, can the small one not go? If you want me to do something else, I'm not afraid of hardship or tiredness. "

Housekeeper "you think well, there was a man in the protection team who wanted to go out. If you want to go out, you should fight with him first. Finally, the man was beaten on his knees, crying and crying to stay in the protection team."

He said, looking up and down at the servant, shaking his head, tut tut voice, "I don't think you can beat him."

The servant was about to cry.

He just sold himself and came to make money to marry his wife.

As a result, how can we get to the bottom of people who kill people without blinking an eye.

Want to go home.

Sobbing, sobbing.

Jiang bieyu on the other side did not know that the servant was collapsing because of his existence.

But even if he knew, he didn't feel much at the bottom of his heart.

No, there are still some.

He will be more happy.

After all, what Shi Qing likes is not just his fierce appearance. If he has a fierce face for nothing, but a weak temper, he will soon lose interest.

It's just.

All the way silence followed behind the little young master who trotted in front of him. Jiang bieyu's expression was always expressionless, but in his heart there was another look.

Every time Shi Jia buys a new person, he always controls it. He never buys back the type he likes.

This time, the buyer changed a manager and mixed in the man just now.

Although Jiang bieyu can see that this man is not very useful, and he will certainly lose his interest after one day, but he still seems to be covered with a layer of black fog in his heart.

It's foggy and heavy.

It's time to leave, he thought.

In the past two years, Jiang bieyu has not only focused on training the protection team.

He already had some foundation, and he could have left his family for a long time.

It's just

I can't bear it.

If he left, Shiqing, who had no conscience, would be angry for a while and forget him.

His temperament, maybe a few days later he began to look around for a fierce looking man to take with him.

At that time, the young master will ask other people to help him put on clothes and shoes, to coax him to sleep, and to follow him around.

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As long as you think of it, Jiang bieyu's heart seems to have fallen into the molten slurry.

My hair was scorched.

He kept his young master for two years.

In the past two years, Jiang bieyu never let Shi Qing suffer a little.

For the sake of the time, he usually even if the bottom of his heart anger again heavy, also slowly pressure down.

But now, others are still here, and Shiqing's eyes look away.

Jiang bieyu was silent all the time. It was difficult for anyone to see what he was thinking from his expressionless face.

Waiting for Shi Qing to come out of Shixi courtyard, he was elated to say that he was overjoyed. He wanted to drink and celebrate!Because it's cold outside, I drink in the house.

If you don't want to sit in the house for a while, don't wave your hands.

Jiang bieyu silent to come forward, looking at the Qing with that sweet Zizi smile, with chopsticks sandwiched vegetables, handed to his mouth.

Young master's voice waxy, as if in a coquettish general, "Jiang bieyu, you try this."

The man must look at the young master in front of him, open his mouth and eat this dish.

Even in chewing, a pair of eyes are always looking at the clear.

The young master had been used to his gaze for a long time. He didn't feel anything wrong. He still laughed and asked him, "is it delicious?"

Men have recovered their magnetic voice in a deep voice in response to "delicious."

"Eat this again."

The smile on the young master's face was even bigger. He took a chopstick and handed it to Jiang bieyu's mouth.

This time, Jiang bieyu did not move.

The expression on Shi Qing's face gradually changed from happy relaxation to doubt, and then to dissatisfaction.

He did not move his hand, but slightly frowned, dissatisfied with Jiang bieyu's four eyes

"what do you do, my hands are sour."

The young master complains, as if the acid hand is a big thing.

In fact, it is.

When the young master of the family, he should be carefully taken care of, a little pain can not be used.

Jiang bieyu opened his mouth slightly, but this time it was not for eating, but for talking.

The man's voice is slightly hoarse and obscure, as if with a bitter meaning;

"Shiqing, why do you feed me?"

"Why else?"

The young master blinked his eyes innocently and incomprehensibly. His long eyelashes seemed to brush across the river.

"I like to feed you."

Is it like you like feeding cats

The young master was stunned.

He looked down at the chopsticks in his hands and Jiang bieyu. His eyebrows wrinkled more and more fiercely. He threw the chopsticks into a rage and became angry. He said, "what's wrong with you? It's very good. Don't eat it!"

In the past two years, his talent in business has shown, and people in his family are eager to spoil him to heaven.

The outside world did not dare to offend him. After all, there was a lesson from Jiang's family. The young master of the Shi family, wherever he went, was full of stars, which was better than before.

As a result, his temper is stronger than it was two years ago.

Angry young master, angry, absolutely do not eat, suddenly stood up to go to the couch.

As a result, he just stood up, and his arm was suddenly pulled by Jiang bieyu, who was sitting on the side. Suddenly, he fell into the arms of a man.

"Well Whoa, whoa

When Qing suddenly opened his eyes, can't believe to see and their zero distance contact man.

Sleeping trough! He evolved?


According to his plan, Jiang bieyu, who was stimulated, should go to fight in the world.

Now the two people are still the master of Qing Dynasty. Jiang bieyu is a servant. How dare Jiang bieyu dare not sit in a high position?!!

Jiang bieyu is really brave.

The man proved it with his actions.

He not only evolved, but also advanced.

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In the room, the man put one hand on the boy in his arms, and the other hand fell on his shoulder, which taught Shi Qing a lesson that "even if the first kiss can kiss, there is no backhand power".

This class vividly illustrates that sometimes, talent is the most important.

At least Shiqing, the old driver, was confused.

When the system came out and saw a mosaic, he was startled. Then he heard what the host said. He had seen the mosaic and comforted him that the host had been salivating at him for a long time? This is not just good.

Shi Qing, what you said is very reasonable, but I can't lose.

The young master was held back by Jiang bieyu and couldn't walk. He tossed and tossed in the man's arms, kicking his legs and hitting his back with his hands.

"No, no, no!! Let go

Jiang bieyu's ear is Shi Qing's angry silence.

He could also see the young master looking at his sight. He did not know whether it was due to lack of oxygen or other reasons. His white face was dyed red at the moment.

Looking at Jiang bieyu, her beautiful eyes are full of anger.

Yes, he should be angry.

If you are forced by your pet, you must be angry.

Jiang BIE Yu's heart sank into a piece, more and more arrogant to take the oxygen from the young master's mouth.

When forced, Shiqing can only gasp and breathe when being let go.

Young master's cheek is red, with a big breath, chest is also in violent ups and downs.

Only a pair of beautiful eyes, angry and angry stare at Jiang bieyu.He held out his hand and pointed at Jiang bieyu angrily

Jiang BIE Yu does not dodge, but looks at the young master in front of him.

Suddenly asked, "in the past two years, you don't know where I am. I only ask you, since I like it so much, why never do the last step."

Shiqing, of course, was because I was not 18 years old before.

Of course, he can't tell Jiang bieyu that.

Jiang bieyu did not listen to him.

In front of this always respectful man, after two years, finally can not help.

He raised the corner of his lips, showing a sarcastic smile, "because you like it, just for a pet, who will do the most intimate thing with the pet?"

"Shiqing, I know you don't like me."

Shiqing, I can see it.

Jiang bieyu's eyes and tail are red. At this moment, he is really like a living Yama.

He squeezed out another sentence from his teeth, "but you don't look up to me. Why do you provoke me?"

The man grabbed the little young master's slender wrist and held him up directly. Regardless of the man in his arms, he kicked his legs and struggled. He turned around and gently put the man on the couch.

Even now, he still remembers that his movements were gentle and did not hurt the young master.

"Jiang bieyu, what do you do, dare you!"

The young master was obviously flustered. He pretended not to be afraid of yelling, while subconsciously retreating.

Jiang bieyu tore off a curtain beside the bed, and slowly stepped forward, holding the struggling young master with one hand and wrapping the curtain around his eyes.

Shiqing can not see, can only feel a man holding his wrist, the other hand protecting his back.

Then he felt the warmth on his forehead.

The man's voice was hoarse. "You're right, I dare not."

Just look at the clear eyes of the youth, can let him beat back those should not have the idea.

"So, I wronged you, I covered my eyes, come to such a bad time."

When Qing cooperates with the shaking body.

The system is still trying to give him a boost, the host refueling!! You can't lose!

Time clear yo yo yo yo!!! That's a foul. Let him do it!!


It still overestimates the host's bottom line.

The system went back in silence.

But when the time is clear, the bottom of my heart is full of joy.

As the saying goes, if you don't break out in silence, you will die in silence.

Jiang bieyu is different.

He was silent for a long time. He was abnormal.

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