The Qing Dynasty now faced three choices.

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A strong struggle brought in all the people outside.

If you don't struggle, you can enjoy yourself.

Three to refuse to return to welcome, pretending to struggle, but in fact deliberately led Jiang bieyu to continue.

You don't have to think about these three options.

Shi Qing was such an upright man, of course, he chose three.

As a result, when he was bound by his eyes and his hands and wrists were firmly grasped by Jiang bieyu, the young master seemed to be flustered. He kept kicking his legs in the dark, and asked in a flurry with an unstoppable tremor, "what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean?"

The man's magnetism is low, and with a full of suppressed voice rings in his ear.

The next second, a hot air fell on the young master's ear lobe.

White earlobe is almost immediately in such a provocation to turn into a delicate drop of red.

Jiang bieyu a pair of eyes fixed on looking at bound eyes, nothing to see, can only helplessly show panic on the face of the young master, eyes revealed the extreme tenderness.

If anyone saw his eyes at the moment, he would think that he was crazy.

Because the emotion in his eyes seems to be split into two people.

One looked at the young master, gentle and full of pity.

Another is also looking at the young master, but full of possessive desire and thick mania.

He gently breathed a breath in Shiqing's ear and looked at the prey in his arms. His face was red and deep, and his eyes showed satisfaction.

The man's voice dropped again, as if his lover whispered in the middle of the night

"Do you tremble so much that you are afraid that I will hurt you?"

Jiang bieyu seems to feel that such a time Qing is very cute, and low smile out of the sound.

When Qing can clearly feel that the man's hand fell on his back, as if counting his spine.

His hands were light and soft, which made him itchy and wanted to move. The whole person was imprisoned and could not move.

The young master was so blindfolded, his body trembled slightly, pretending to be cruel

"do you dare?"

"Jiang bieyu, I think you are spoiled by me. I'm afraid you forget what you were when you first arrived at my young master's side. At that time, the 100 whip did not soften your bones! If you dare to be presumptuous, there will be more than a hundred whips! "

Jiang bieyu's hands stopped when he fell on the spine.

He dropped his eyes slightly and looked at the young master who had no strength to backhand in his arms.

Shi Qingxu felt that he had been pasted, and his blindfolded face showed his familiar arrogance and pride again. He snorted coldly

"if you don't want to die, you can let me loose now. I can still look at the past affection and don't kill you."

"Do you like whips?"

In the dark, the man holding him asked.

The young master didn't know what he was asking for. He only vaguely sensed something wrong with the atmosphere. He bit his lips and did not respond.

He didn't answer, and Jiang bieyu didn't mind.

The man only slowly pulled down another curtain.


He was so strong that he could not resist the curtain which only valued good-looking and was torn down directly.

Jiang bieyu was in such a good mood and slowly tied up the young master's hands with the curtain.

This action made his body tense for a moment when he was already in fear.

Soft waxy voice also took a trace of weak fear, "Jiang bieyu, what do you do, you let me go, Jiang bieyu!"

"Don't be afraid."

The man's voice is very gentle, tied, he also slightly bent over, in the corner of young master's lips under a completely pure point.

"I just want to free my hands. After all, you are not good. What if you don't tie it up and run away while I'm looking for something?"

The young master recoiled in fear and thought of something. He turned his face in indignation and said, "don't kiss me!"

Jiang bieyu's tone was almost spoiled. He even held out his hand and touched Shi Qing's head. He comforted him by saying, "well, if brother qinger doesn't let me kiss, I won't do it."

The young master avoided his hand with hatred.


Jiang bieyu tore off another curtain and tied his ankles together.

Now, Shi Qing is really difficult to fly.

In the young master can not see now, the man stood beside the couch, eyes heavy looking at him that because of his own request and the color of the lips.

He slowly pulled the veil out of his arms.

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It was given to him by Shiqing and embroidered with a vivid fat cat.

Young master's taste is always so different, people are embroidered with plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, flowers and landscape.He was the only one who liked to have cats embroidered on the handkerchief.

The whole Shijia, and even the whole Hecheng, only Jiang bieyu was given a handkerchief by him.

Jiang BIE Yu looks at the handkerchief.

It's made of very good materials, and it's soft on the hand. Since he got it, he hasn't used it once. He has always kept it carefully in his arms.

Clean and soft.

It's a good material for plugging.

But standing there with this handkerchief, Jiang bieyu has never been able to come forward and plug it into Qingkou.

It's not to give up.

I don't want to.

He put the veil back in his arms.

"Brother Qing."

The man's tone was very gentle, as if he was afraid to frighten the young master. "You know, what I have done to you today is enough for me to die a hundred times."

"Don't let me go, you know!"

The young master was angry that he was tied up and couldn't move. He lay on his side on the bed and twisted his body reluctantly

"Yes, I'm crazy."

Jiang bieyu walks in the house.

He has lived here for two years, and no one knows better than him where all the young master's things are.

So, very smoothly, he found the whip.

- bang!

There was a bell on the handle of the whip.

With the man's heavy whip, accompanied by the sound of the bell, the whip resounding to the ground.

Shiqing is ready to go to the road. Come on.

Jiang bieyu gently touched the whip and said, "at the beginning, brother Qing beat me with this whip."

After the fight, he was taken back to his home.

Here, after watching for two years and guarding for two years, I am willing to be a dog of Shiqing.

But, after all, he is human.

If he didn't have the wrong idea of the time Qing, he did.

He is the most loyal dog in Shiqing.

Shi Qing likes his loyalty, but he can't have feelings for his pet anyway.

- bang!

The whip fell on the ground again, and with the sound of clear bells, it was introduced into the ears of Shiqing on the bed.

This is his favorite whip. How can the young master not recognize the sound.

His face turned white and he recoiled in horror.

The voice, also trembling more and more fierce

"Jiang bieyu, what do you want to do?"

The man went to the front, in the little young master flustered back, handed the handle of the whip to his bound hand.

"Brother Qing, I know that you will be very angry about today's affairs. As long as you are not angry, you can whip me as many times as you want."

Shi Qing

He never thought of it.

Jiang bieyu tied him up and went to get the whip.

Then tell him that the whip is for him to beat himself??

Sure enough, this guy has a bad head.

He would like to teach Jiang Yu to have a pleasant bed exercise, but he couldn't break up the equipment. He could only grin his teeth and grin his teeth with a ferocious look

He is so abnormal today that he looks like a snake spirit. The young master hides behind in a panic. However, this is on the bed. Where can he hide again.

He was so blindfolded, kicking and kicking, "are you crazy! I'm tied up to let me hit you! "

When the man was kicked, he stretched out his hand and held the young master's slender ankle. He gently untied the rope above.

"Yes, you can't hit me now. I know you are angry. You think I lied to you. Brother Qing, don't be angry. I know it's wrong, but I won't change it."

The rope fell on the bed. As soon as the young master was free, he immediately went to kick his face.

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Jiang bieyu just sat there and let him vent his anger.

He put the whip aside, regardless of the struggle of the time, and imprisoned people in his arms.

Little by little, he untied the clothes he had untied countless times.

But this time, he will not stop when he arrives at the middle coat.

Exquisite and luxurious clothes fell on the couch one by one.

The man's voice is low and hoarse, with pain and madness

"brother Qing, there are many people outside. As long as you shout, they will rush in immediately."

Young master was reminded, a happy, open mouth will shout.

Jiang bieyu continued: "if you shout, if they come in and see this scene, they will surely save you immediately, and I will not resist. They will allow them to take me out. The following criminals, as servants, have a wrong mind on the master. My end, at least, is a random stick."He felt that his body was stiff in his arms, his hands were still gentle, and his lips were still with a wry smile

"you know how much the master and Mrs. Shi attach to you, and then no one can stop me from dying."

The tunic was thrown to the ground.

The curtain, which was torn and scattered, seemed to cover the scene on the bed, as if it had not.

Can only hear a man's hoarse and obscure voice

"my life, in your hands."

Time passed, curtain, after all, no sound.

Jiang BIE Yu Yuan is full of dark eyes, with the silence of time Qing, a little bit of the light.

He couldn't believe it and looked at the people in front of him full of hope.

The young master was still blindfolded. Naturally, he could not look at him. On his angry white face, he did not open his mouth for help.

"Brother Qing..."

The man took hold of him and slowly led him down.

He was fascinated and happy to hold the young master's slender ankle.

At the moment, there is no need to say more.

"If you really dare to do anything to me, I'll send someone to beat you with 500 lashes. I'll make you throw you into the river to feed the fish. I also want, I'll use a soldering iron to brand the mark of cheap slaves on your face, You can't raise your head all your life... "

Jiang BIE Yu Chong ears do not hear, slender hands all the way up.

The young master is more and more flustered.

He said more and more vicious words: "Jiang bieyu, you dare, I castrate you!"

"If you dare to go further, I will let you not see the sun tomorrow. I will hang you on the wall, so that everyone who comes in can see you. If you die, don't think of peace!"

But that soft waxy voice scolded words no matter how much, but also did not raise the voice to call for help.

The man continues his movements without being affected.

Finally, when his hand fell into the forbidden area, he heard the little young master's unbearable angry voice

"Jiang bieyu

Even if blindfolded, even if his hands were tied, he was still so proud.

Lift your chin and blush face with determination

"you dare not."

"If you don't want to die, you stop for me, and I won't pursue it."

Man's hand, but directly fell.

He looked at the unbelievable young master with a blank face, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

Slowly, lean down to

"brother Qing, you don't want me to die, I know that."


The young master panted a little, but he still refused to admit defeat. His body was trembling, but he still insisted on biting his teeth. I wish I could make you such an evil slave get cramped, eat your meat, chew your bones and drink your blood

"That would be fine."

Clearly, Qing said harshly, but the man's face showed a look of yearning, slightly raised the corner of his lips, the tone is still gentle, as if to drip water

"if you really do, then I can stay in your body forever, and will not be separated from you again."

The young master was stunned and could not speak.

The enemy is too abnormal and spoiled. He can't cope with it.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang bieyu did not speak, so he continued his action.

At the beginning, the young master was still patient and could not bear to bear it. He suddenly turned his face over his face.

"Jiang bieyu, don't think I really want you to die. You are just one of my servants. If you want as many as you want, I will call people immediately!"

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Jiang bieyu did not speak.

He followed his own set of people, silent in the abnormal.

In the curtain, only the soft and sticky voice of Shiqing was left.

"Dare you

"Let me go

"Get out of here, get out of here!"

"Jiang bieyu, I will kill you, I must kill you!"

After a while, the middle breath voice turned into weak panting.

"I want to kill you, I must kill you, you Oh!! Jiang bieyu!! You're dead!! You're dead, jiangbie Oh

But no matter how ferocious he yelled, he did not raise his voice and shout a word, so as to attract people from outside to come in and really killed the servant who dared to commit the following crimes.

After that, the young master's fierce and soft milk cat was only left in pieces, which could not be adjusted into a tune or a sentence.

Outside, the women were sitting in the porch, warming and sewing.

A girl looked up at the closed door and held her chin in depression. She complained, "I really don't know why qingge'er likes Jiang bieyu so much. He's so ferocious. I feel weak legs even when I look at him. Qingge'er likes drinking with him."The woman sitting next to her is steady and gentle, and is threading the needle. Hearing her saying this, she laughs and says, "you just came here. You don't know that it's normal. Although Jiang bieyu is fierce, he is loyal. He didn't know how many times he had been assassinated in the past two years. Jiang bieyu was the only one to meet him When it's dangerous, you'll do it. "

"I can't blame qingge'er for liking him. Who doesn't love such a loyal servant?"

The women all agreed with a few words, and then got together along with the topic and began to say how ferocious Jiang bieyu was to the outside world. To them, Qing Ge'er was more obedient than cat'er.

The snow began to fall again. Some snowflakes drifted to the corridor along the wind, but they never got into the door and window.

A woman got up uneasily and looked at the door and window of the house. Seeing that the door and window were closed tightly, she would not let the cold wind blow in, and the young master was relieved.

Just ready to leave, but as if heard a fragile with a sob.


She stood still in doubt and looked around strangely.

"Yao'er, what are you doing? Don't disturb qingge'er. He doesn't like to hear people's noise when he drinks. "

There was a girl standing up in the corridor to remind her from a distance.

The girl answered and came over with her skirt

They worked together in the porch, but they didn't feel cold. On the contrary, they all got together and were very relaxed.

Just let the women feel puzzled is, today Qing elder brother son drinks time also too long.

But Shi Qing's temperament and character are known to all the people in the mansion. He said that he would not disturb them, and they did not dare to ask.

In addition, there is a river left in the house.

Although we all know that Jiang bieyu is loyal to Qing brother-in-law, this man is really frightening. All the women don't show up on their faces. In fact, they are afraid of him.

On weekdays, when they saw it from afar, they were careful to avoid walking. Now that he is in the room, they naturally dare not go in and ask.

So, when the snow stopped, no one dared to go into the house to see the scene inside.

Until I heard a heavy sound inside, the sound of heavy objects landing, very crisp, like a vase fell.


This voice is too loud, the women are not at ease, sent a person to the door, soft voice asked "Qingge er? What's the matter? "

It was quiet inside, and then came the young master's voice with anger: "nothing, I'll teach people, I don't spread it, you don't come in."


Through the door Fu, the woman turned back to the porch.

"Brother Qing seems to be teaching Jiang bieyu a lesson."

"Ah? Really? Qing Ge'er always liked him best. How could he teach him a lesson? "

The woman shook her head. "I don't know. I just heard that the elder brother was very angry. Her voice seemed to be hoarse."

After listening to this, the women all discussed softly

"I'm afraid that's really angry. What's the matter with the noise? Is it Jiang bieyu who has been kicked? "

"But hit him? The elder brother of Qing Dynasty has never beaten anyone in the mansion, so he can't really fight Jiang bieyu, right

"I don't know what kind of fault he has made. A tolerant man like Qingge can teach people a lesson."

"I think that qingge'er is just bluffing him. Qing Ge'er is lazy on weekdays. He has to pass an orange to his mouth. How can he beat people by himself?"

All the women felt it was right and laughed.

- bang!

Inside the house, Jiang bieyu stood among the broken vases on the ground, letting the young master swing at him with a whip.

But I don't know whether it was Shiqing who was out of strength, or something else. The whip fell on him, but only on the ground.

He has taken off the blindfold curtain, a pair of beautiful eyes are still faintly flashing tears, the end of the eyes is also red, voice is hoarse because of the previous cry

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"Jiang bieyu, in addition to the first 100 whip, I know where to blame you, you want to humiliate me like this

The man was silent, his throat was rolling up and down, he moved his body slowly, his knees fell to the ground, and he knelt in the debris.

The fragments of the vase were there. As soon as he knelt down, there was a spot on his leg that was red.

It was obviously cut by debris.

- bang!

Young master is a whip past.

It's just still not hitting him.

When the clear hoarse voice, but also with some nasal, "you speak to me!"

"It's not an insult."

Jiang bieyu raised his eyes and did not dodge to face the four eyes of the time and Qing Dynasty. The magnetic voice was calm

"I adore you."

The young master immediately stares round eyes.

He was too shocked, just can barely hold the momentum immediately scattered clean, stammered again "you, you adore me?"Then he quickly responded, "bah! You humble servant, how dare you adore me!! I don't think you want to die! "

Obviously, he forgot that at first he wanted someone to be his pet.

Again, he gave a kiss on the cheek.

In the end, it was him who took Jiang bieyu every day and night to face each other. In addition to the last step, he connived at each other to do a clean job.

The man's reaction to him was no surprise.

He had seen that for a long time, Shi qingben had such a disposition.

He is fond of the new and dislikes the old, has a strong desire for possession, and is quite reasonable. After doing everything, he still feels that he has not done anything.

He did not blame Shiqing, only slightly dark eyes, looking at the front of the disorderly jacket, but because of unskilled and exposed the red mark on the shoulder of the young master.

"I know, I don't deserve it."

His attitude of knowing his mistake made Shiqing look better. He shook his whip and snorted coldly

"it's good to know that he's wrong. Tell me how I'll punish you."

With a look of disdain, he touched his cheek. "A servant dare to say that he adores me and dare to do such things to me Hiss

The young master moved his body and touched the pain. His face was blue and white again. He finally recovered. Seeing Jiang bieyu Zheng looking at himself with concern, he immediately turned to him and pointed at him and scolded him! It's not you yet!! Get out of my way and get the board

Jiang BIE Yu Shun stood up.

Step by step, I came to Shi Qing.

With a timid look on his face, he opened his mouth and clenched his fist slightly

He did so much, but he didn't want Shiqing to forget him.

Now he committed the following crimes, I am afraid that he was really killed in battle.

In this life, I'm afraid his elder brother can't forget him.

With this sentence, the man immediately turned out and strode as if he had run away, and did not dare to turn back.

As if afraid of their own a turn back, they will not be willing to leave.

Ding! Jiang bieyu's rejection degree is 6100

Shi Qing waits for him to leave and calls his wife to come. He doesn't go to explain why they went out once and the house became a mess, even the curtains were made into such a mess, so he only bathed and changed clothes by himself.

In the evening, when the young master asked Jiang bieyu to wait on him, the servant carefully reported to him.

After Jiang bieyu took his fifty boards, he left the house.

So far, it has not returned.

The young master was so angry that he smashed the restored house thoroughly.

I don't know that when he smashed the house, the man who left was watching him quietly in the bamboo forest.

After confirming that he had nothing to do with it, Jiang bieyu turned around and left.

In his hand, he still held tightly the silk embroidered with cat.

He drooped his eyes and pursed his lips.

Although Shi Qing regarded him as a pet, he was always very good to him.

He It's a scum.

But he never regrets.

And he did not know that he had just turned around, and when Qing was frightened by his attack, she turned her head and looked at the figure.

Tut, look at his lost little appearance, ah, all, I'm really a scum.

Hee hee hee, but I don't regret it.

How cool to be scum!

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