In the autumn of another year, early in the morning, the soldiers guarding the gate of Hecheng opened the gate. The peddlers who had been guarding the gate of Hecheng immediately met them. After paying the money for entering the city, they all strode in quickly, as if they would lose money at a slower pace.

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The soldiers guarding the city are not surprised to see the peddlers running faster than flying one by one.

Hecheng is very famous in recent years. Who knows that when he settled down here in the south of the Yangtze River, many new things were produced, which attracted many merchants to buy and sell them to all parts of the country.

Therefore, in recent years, Hecheng has the largest number of merchants.

It's strange that a lot of businessmen have come to pay for their lives early.

Those businessmen who came to Hecheng for the first time were different. They looked at the back of those peddlers with strange eyes. They didn't know what kind of running they were.

A young businessman paid the money, and then took out an extra silver or two and handed it to the garrison. "This big brother, it's windy recently. Take this money to buy wine."

The garrison took the money, and his business attitude immediately became enthusiastic at the speed visible to the naked eye. He put the silver in his arms and said with gratitude and smile, "thank you very much."

Seeing that he had collected money, the businessman asked, "brother, why are these people running so fast? Is there any reason for that? "

Naturally, he paid to ask questions not only because of curiosity, but also because he had just come to a boundary. Now the world is in chaos, and everywhere is in a mess. The imperial court alone is almost a few cities worshipping an imperial court, and there are mountain bandits everywhere. When doing business, if he meets a Shanzhai imperial court, it will be almost impossible to save his life.

Now I've just arrived in Hecheng. Although I've heard that Hecheng is very safe, I still need to ask clearly for my life.

It was not the first time that the garrison heard such a question. Because the businessman gave money, he explained in a friendly manner that it was nothing. It was just that Shijia opened a super market in the city, which occupied a large area. These vegetables, sugar gourd and wood were sold. In any case, as long as they were selling things, they could get one after paying money A stall. "

"Because you can get a stall for only one Wen, and you can get shelter. In addition, the people in Hecheng know that there are all kinds of goods sold in this super market. The price is cheap, and there are many people coming. Basically, you can sell a lot of goods in a day by setting up a stall here. Because many vendors want to buy a stall, they run so fast, but they are afraid that they will not be able to get a place. ”

young businessmen suddenly realize that "it is."

He thought about it for a while, but he couldn't help but wonder, "a penny is not worth any money. Even if it's a few hundred people, it's only a few hundred Wen a day. It's nothing to the Shi family. Why does the Shi family do this?"

"You don't know."

The city guards were full of pride. "Master Shiqing is in charge of Shijia now. He is a great good man and has always been considered for the common people. The super market he established can block the sun in summer and snow in winter. In the past, those peddlers were selling takeout. Which one of them was not tanned in summer or frozen in winter Now, if you pay a penny, you can be protected. You don't have to suffer heavy rain and cold wind. Besides, it's more convenient for the residents to buy things than ever before. "

He boasted for a long time, and the pride on his face was overflowing, and his back was even more straight.

"such kind deeds are not what ordinary people can do."

The young businessman nodded.

Indeed, a few hundred Wen a day was not worth the effort of the family at that time.

But if it's for the people, it makes sense.

He immediately yearned for this young master of Shijia who cared for the common people. He could not help but exclaimed, "I heard a lot of young master's rumors when I was in Jiangcheng before. I was lucky to buy the beauty porcelain and thousand year old wine he made with others. They are really extraordinary."

The city guards were also proud of "nature, everything that comes out of the house is exquisite!"

The young businessman also said, "I heard that he also invited famous teachers and great Confucians to set up a school in Hecheng. As long as the students who passed the examination could enter the school without charge, and the family would also distribute food and clothing free of charge."

As soon as this incident spread out, almost all the poor families in every city, but the students who were determined to learn all rushed to Hecheng.

Fortunately, when the family was rich, the school was also large, prosperous under a lot of people.

That's not the kind of tragedy that people can't live in.

But so many people, as long as the entrance examination, clothing, food, housing and transportation, that can be all the time family money.

And they don't only support this group. They recruit students every year.

I heard that there was a library in the school, which was collected and put in by the time family.

There are more than ten thousand books in it. As long as the students are in the school, they can borrow the books for free without spending any money.

It doesn't cost a cent.

The whole Hecheng, no, and even the whole country, apart from the Shi family, who can do such kind deeds.After hearing this, the young businessman always yearned for Shi Qing and felt that he must be a good man with the world in mind.

"That's not true."

The spirit of the city guards got up. "This is all advocated by the young master. There is no money for food and accommodation. It is said that it is to let the students pass on the knowledge. I, a rude man, don't understand this, but I know that when the young master is willing to do so, he must be a good man!"

The young businessman nodded his head and looked up to the sky. He asked, "brother, are you related to the time family?"

Otherwise, how to boast about Shiqing? He is so proud.

"When my brother-in-law is at home for two months, it's very nice to see my cousin's eyes when he is in the second month of May."

The garrison said ostentatiously, and then asked the young businessman, "I think you have been inquiring about the affairs of Shijia. You are like those people who want to join Shijia and be registered under the chamber of Commerce of the young master of Shi?"

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"Chamber of Commerce?"

"You don't know about it. It was founded only two months ago. I guess the news hasn't spread out yet."

Because he was also related to the Shi family, the garrison was in a good mood and patiently explained, "my relative told me that the so-called chamber of commerce is that the Shi family takes the lead and then allows other businessmen to join in. After joining, the chamber of Commerce will help each other to solve problems in business, and they can also trade with each other."

"Many businessmen want to join even after they have broken their heads. But Mr. Shi said that he only needs those businessmen who are sincere in doing business and don't cheat others. Ah, our young master has such a principle."

The young businessman nodded, and the yearning in his eyes became more serious.

"It's very principled indeed. He deserves it."

"Childe, if you want to join the chamber of Commerce and don't know how to get there, you can wait a moment. I've been standing here for three hours, and someone will replace me soon. Then, I can take you there."

Of course he was not kind.

I just saw that the young man was very good-natured, well dressed and generous. He could give him one or two silver just by asking. If he was to lead the way, would he not give more.

In any case, his family lives near the chamber of Commerce and is on the way. He doesn't make money for nothing.

But the young businessman shook his head. "No, no, no, I don't want to join the chamber of Commerce, but I'm close to my family and want to visit."

"A relative?"

The Garrison's face immediately showed a look of "I know it." if there's any kind of good sister between my grandmother and my grandmother, or if they are all related by their surnames, I'd better advise you not to make a fool of yourself. Since the young master became famous, a person with various names will come to visit in two or three days, and never see the family let people in. "

The young businessman laughed and didn't explain anything.

He only asked, "elder brother, I'll give you five Liang silver. Would you like to take me to the gate of Shifu?"

The Garrison's eyes were shining, and he nodded quickly, "if you want to, I'm willing to!"

Five Liang silver!

Don't say let him lead the way, just let him lead the way!

After a while, he was on duty and took the young businessman to his home.

When the young merchant left the gate with him, the guards found that although he looked young, he was followed by a lot of people, more than 20 people led the carriage, and there were some carriages behind as if they were holding things.

After entering the city, young businessmen found that different from other cities, Hecheng was planted with neat trees on both sides of the road.

The reason is that every tree stands straight, and this row of trees almost stands in a straight line.

He had never seen such a scene before, but now he saw it for the first time. He felt that such a neat picture really made people feel free.

A gust of autumn wind blew, the leaves fell on the ground.

Immediately, some people picked up the leaves and put them in the basket, intending to wait until they were dried and burned as firewood.

Therefore, although the leaves of these trees fall off severely, the ground is still clean, every leaf.

He asked, "are these trees?"

"Oh, these are also sent by the young master." The city guard naturally replied, "our city is windy and sandy, but the young master didn't know where he saw the method. If he planted more trees, he would be able to resist the wind and sand, so he sent people to move these trees."

After that, he ended up with a sentence that he had said many times: "the young master was really a good man."

Shijia is almost in the center of Hecheng.

The wall is also the highest in the surrounding courtyard. Although the gate is open, you can see some people walking around in the clothes of boys.

It is clearly a business, but it looks more strict than those official families.

The young businessman was slightly stunned and looked at the garrison, "are these people?""Oh It's nothing. Although Hecheng is not as chaotic as it is outside, when the name of Shi family goes out, there are always some people who don't have long eyes to offend. Therefore, the guards of Shijia are the most among the big families. "

Along the way, the city guards introduced the big families in the city to the young businessmen with the mentality of "doing things after receiving money".

After all, most businessmen are new to visit these families.

If you don't meet, you come to give gifts. If you accidentally encounter these family businesses in business, you won't be ruined directly.

He introduced it, and finally he mentioned Jiang family.

"You should pay attention to Shijia when you are in Hecheng. Don't offend the Shi family. The Jiang family was a big family in Hecheng a few years ago. The eldest son of the second master of his family was not sensible. When he married his sister, he didn't treat him well. He annoyed the Shi family. Such a big family was dragged down by the Shi family."

"Now the Jiang family is declining, even a small family is not as good."

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The young businessman had also heard about it. He didn't think that Shijia had done anything wrong.

If one's children are insulted, they will naturally seek justice.

What's more, it was the Jiang family who refused to give and leave the book, so we can't blame the family for using some means.

It's good to get together and to be scattered. We have to make such a scene.

He gave silver, thanks to the garrison, in the other side "you are sure to be excluded from the door" of the affirmative line of sight, with people to come forward, hands in the hands of the post in the past.

When the guard took the invitation, his face immediately showed a respectful look. "It turns out that the young master has arrived. I will take you to see the master."

After receiving the money, the garrison, who planned to wait until the young childe ran into the wall and asked whether he wanted to lead the way to the inn, was stunned.

Master Biao?!!

Is this a relative of the Shi family?!

He stood in the same place, half ring and suddenly happy!

That's great. He took the road for the young master of the Shi family.

Some blow again!

It's autumn, even if you plant more trees, the wind outside is chilly.

Shiqing is more and more reluctant to get up.

For the ladies in his room, it was the most difficult thing to wake up the young master.

Every day when it's time to get up, a group of women take turns to fight and gently persuade the young master in the bed to

"brother Qing, it's time to play. Didn't you say yesterday that you would go to the chamber of Commerce today? He also said that we must call you up. "

"Yes, qingge'er, what do you think I brought? Your favorite sweet scented osmanthus crisp is delicious. Would you like to eat it up?"

"Brother Qing, the sun is out. Get up quickly."

Women are all gentle like water, natural voice is also full of gentle, soft, full of exhortation.

Just listen to the ears of Shiqing, which is almost equivalent to a lullaby.

The young master closed his eyes and buried himself in the bed, pretending not to hear.

"Brother Qing, stop making trouble. It's time to get up."

One of the women took a piece of sweet scented osmanthus cake, handed it to his mouth, and lured, "if you don't get up to eat, I'll eat it."

Shiqing directly closed his eyes and opened his mouth to bite off a piece. He chewed the sweet scented osmanthus crisp while lifting the quilt. He buried the whole person directly.

The women looked at each other.

"What? Qingge'er won't get up again. "

"Why don't you ask the cat to come here? The cat is stepping on the quilt. Qingge'er will have to get up soon."

"OK, I'll go and carry the cat."

With a way, the women went to hold the cat, put the cake put cake.

In the interior of the room, soon only Shi Qing was left alone.


Because of the cold wind and was closed the window was suddenly gently pushed from the outside, a person's quick action directly turned in.

His feet fell lightly on the ground. He was obviously tall, but he didn't make a sound at all.

The man silently walked to the bedside and looked down at the young master on the bed who had retracted his whole body under the mattress and only let the soft and soft mattress swell up into a small bulge.

Suddenly, he stretched his long hand into the quilt and landed on the back neck of the young master who was sleeping.


He was sleeping soundly, and the young master with a good dream was touched by his big cold hand. It was as if cold water had been poured on him in winter. He jumped up like a rabbit and suddenly lifted the quilt and sat up.

"What are you doing?"

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He glared at the person in front of him in anger. When his eyes fell on the right side, he was stunned, and then his expression became more angry. He suddenly threw the quilt on the person

"Jiang bieyu!!! You are going to die

Jiang bieyu laughs and catches the quilt, and then holds the quilt. The magnetic voice laughs in a low voice, "quickly surround the quilt, don't get wind cold again.""You're not good at ice me?"

When the Qing side is a ball, but also do not release gas from the ball out of Ji to kick him.

While kicking, he scolded, "Why are you here again? I've recruited more than 100 people just to protect the courtyard. The inside three floors and the outer three floors surround my yard day and night. Do you grow wings or drill into the ground? Why didn't they kill you?"

Jiang bieyu held the young master in his arms with his bedding and went to taste the sweet sweet osmanthus crisp in his mouth.

"if they could stop me, I would not be able to defeat the Acropolis."

"Don't prick me with stubble. It hurts. It hurts. Take it away." When Qing Qing turned away his face, stretched out his hand, patted one side with one hand, so he patted the man's cold and bearded cheek, and asked him to turn away from himself.

Jiang bieyu's good temper moved back slightly along his strength. He indulged and indulged in explaining that "after beating down the Acropolis, I wanted to see you directly. After three days' journey, I came to see you before I could wash and change clothes. Next time, I'll come back with a shave."

"Bah! You still want to have another time, do your spring and autumn dream. I'll recruit another 100 people to guard my yard. When the time comes, two hundred people will guard my yard together. Don't say that you are such a big living person, you can't let a fly in. "

When Qing slapped on the man's face, soft and powerless, if not for the indignant look on his face, I'm afraid it would be more like touching.

He should be angry.

After all, Jiang bieyu is such a shameless person. Although all the people have left, he always finds a chance to come back to meet him every year.

This guy may know that Shi Qing told his family that he would beat him once, and he would come over the wall every time.

He took a look at the room with that one, and every time he came out when there was no one.

After three years, he really took the opportunity to eat young master seven or eight times.

In addition to some of the advantages, it has come dozens of times.

Every time he came, he would win a city or swallow some people.

Because he was afraid that the stubble on his face would prick the young master's delicate skin, Jiang bieyu didn't press down on his fragrance this time. Only the rogue put his cold hands on the quilt when he was on his way.

On the other hand, he shamelessly said, "my hands are cold, you help me warm."

"Can't you cook when your hands are cold?! What are you doing with me? Take it off

However, Jiang bieyu, who had been out fighting for three years, was thick skinned. Quan should not have heard of it. He still put his hand on the heat source.

Seeing the young master's face full of indignation, he gave up his face and coaxed in a soft voice, "I haven't closed my eyes for three days and two nights, just to see you. Don't despise me. If you don't let me warm, I'm afraid people will freeze to death."

Sure enough, after he said this, Shi Qing's face was still angry, but his body didn't move much.

Jiang bieyu's heart is soft.

He knew that his brother-in-law was repulsive, but in fact, he was still in his heart.

When Qing pulled the man who was clinging to himself, he asked with a tiger's face, "did you attack the Acropolis again? When did it happen? "

"Three days ago, the Acropolis was a tough nut to chew. I led the soldiers to surround them for two months before I took them down."

Jiang bieyu put his head on the young master's shoulder and didn't exert himself. He was like a coquettish dog and rubbed against him.

"brother Qing, I'll listen to you. I won't hurt the people. I could have taken it if I attacked hard. But I spent two months in my life to avoid hurting the people. You should praise me well."

Shi Qing was heartless, and snorted coldly, "if you want the world, you need a good reputation. It's good for you not to hurt the people. It's not for me. What should I do to praise you? You should be grateful to me."

"OK, thank you. I'm grateful to our brother Ching."

Don't Jiang bieyu come here for such a long time to hold his brother Qing?

Now holding the soft body in my hand, I can't help but get up. With my strength, I hold the person and fall down. The magnetic voice has been lowered

"just be grateful in bed."

"What are you doing, Jiang bieyu, there's someone outside. Get down for me!"

The little young master was kicking him across the bed. Suddenly, a girl's voice came from outside: "brother Qing, are you awake?"

When Qing pushed a man who was leaning on himself like a big dog. He was not angry and said, "wake up, don't come in."

The girl didn't wonder his tone. The young master was angry. If he got up in the morning, his tone was good, it would be strange.

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She said, "the master sent someone to visit you. Now he is waiting in the study. Please get up and meet you."

"Wang's cousin?"

The strange thing of the time Qing was to push the river away from Yu.

Jiang bieyu Shun got up and said, "he is the eldest son of your mother's sister. He is also in business. He is called Wang Zhancheng."The young master looked at him in wonder, "how do you know him so clearly?"

Jiang bieyu shaved the tip of his nose with a smile.

"I can remember your relatives' names and live everywhere, so as not to offend them carelessly when fighting outside, and let you remember me and hate me, but don't want to be with me."

"Who's going to be with you, get out of my way."

Shi Qing stares at him and comes out of the quilt to find clothes to wear. Jiang bieyu naturally takes the clothes and puts them on for him.

"I'll go to see him with you," he said

Young master frowned, "you?"

Jiang bieyu touched his face and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Wang Zhancheng has never seen me. No one knows that I am Jiang bieyu."


"Who doesn't know the prestige of general Jiang, who has won dozens of cities in just three years, and now it's said outside that this world is definitely yours."

Jiang bieyu gathered together and laughed and deliberately pricked him with stubble. "Yes, the world is mine, but I am yours."

"Brother Qing, don't forget that I signed a contract of sale."

I feel a little bit more with such a prick.

Unfortunately, the time is not right.

Otherwise, the two will have a good fight.

So Wang Zhancheng saw in his study not only his jade brother, but also a fierce man with a cold face, who looked as if his good things had been interrupted.

When he knew that the other side was a boy, he thought, "my cousin is Niu PI, and there is such a powerful person to be a boy", he said his various yearning feelings at the same time.

"Well? Super market? "

"I have a shop there, too. First attract the merchants with low rent. If there are more merchants, there will be more people. If there are more people, my shop can make more money."

Wang Zhancheng, who thought that Shiqing was a special shelter for those peddlers

He " I see. But cousin, you open a school free of charge, invite students from Guangzhou University, and you also include food and accommodation. This is a good deed

"It's exactly what my cousin said."

"But even though it's a good thing, I can't let myself suffer. Before I opened the school, I contracted all the land around the school and built a lot of houses."

Wang Zhancheng couldn't understand "building a house?"

Young master complacent smile "cousin, do you know, School District Housing? "

Wang Zhancheng" School District Housing? "

"The house built around the school is often more expensive than the normal house. Because it is close to the school, many people will buy it for convenience. In this way, the house price will naturally go up. This is the school district house."

"Young master" this school has made a reputation. Not only the poor students but also the children of the rich families who come to the great Confucians and the library are not willing to live in the school. At this time, the school district houses I built earlier can sell at a high price. They don't care about the money. As long as they live nearby, they can sell the money for five houses It has been the school's expenditure for a whole year. After calculation, I have made a lot of money. In addition to those shops, I really can't make a profit

Wang Zhancheng "..."

Shi Qing was a little puzzled and continued with a little pride, "but is that what the outside world says about me? Well, sure enough, everyone knows the nature of my kindness. "

Jiang bieyu looked at the young master gently and said, "yes, our brother Qing is so kind."

Wang Zhancheng "..."

He looked at his proud cousin, who was totally different from what he imagined to be a warm jade for the country and the people.

Take a look at that obviously fierce but gentle eyes, open eyes to lie to coax his cousin strange man.

At the bottom of my heart, there are only question marks on the screen.

Always feel that It was a mistake to come home.

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