After Yin Ming Zheng and Zhao Miaomiao finished speaking, Shi Qing didn't do any other small movements, and An'an points shrank in the man's arms.

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Yin Mingzheng felt the itch in her arms. When she looked down, she saw that the teenager might be guilty. She was gently rubbing the place she had twisted just now.

Knead and sleep with eyes closed.

His lips involuntarily aroused a smile, also did not stab when Qing, so holding the youth all the way back.

The temperament of Shi Qing is very simple and easy to understand for Yin Ming Zheng.

He is straightforward and easy to understand. Sometimes he is a little careful about the opportunity. He will not hide himself when he does something ingenious.

Sure enough, after returning home, a young man was placed on a soft bed. The boy who had just "fallen asleep" immediately got up in spirits. It was like a newborn dragon showing his scales, rolling around on the bed sheet, which lengthened the tone. Yin Mingzheng, who was going to take a bath, accompanied him.

Yin Mingzheng went to inspect the three levels of guardrails in the outer city area today. There are 18 guardrails in the base, one layer with one layer, to ensure that even if the lower Zerg let in from the outside, they can be trapped in the fence with their low intelligence quotient.

The soldiers who watch the fence for 24 hours find that there are enough trapped Zerg, so they apply for someone to clean up.

Yin Mingzheng always felt that her mental strength had risen a lot and her powers had been improved a lot. Today, she went to take those low-level Zerg people who tried to break in to do an experiment.

Killing Zerg is also a hard work. Although he will never let these Zerg get close to him, he also sweats in the end.

If Yin Mingzheng used to sweat when he lived alone, it would be good to deal with it for one night, and then wash it the next day, but now he has a little leopard in his little quilt who loves to be clean and likes other people's clean, which is absolutely not OK.

So he can only coax the little leopard who wants to be tired and crooked, but also climb on his body, coax to say that he will accompany him after taking a bath.

When a man takes a bath, Shi Qing is just like a little fool. He rolls and plays happily on the bed, pulling out a long tone and calling people with coquetry.

"Mingzheng, hurry up, I'm sleepy!"

"I'm hungry. Aren't you ok?"

This is Shi Qing's unique way of sticking to people. Even if he can sleep with his eyes closed, and he can get food from the bedside table when he gets up, he just wants to let Yin Mingzheng come to coax him to sleep and feed him to eat.

Yin Mingzheng had to speed up the bath under such a delicate and delicate urge. Suddenly, he found that since he came back, he had not stopped humming and coquetting.

Men flush action meal, just closed the water, intend to put on a bath towel to go out to have a look.


The curtain in front of me was pulled open.

With a pair of beautiful silver white eyes of the youth, bright eyes drilled in a head.

"Mingzheng, let's wash it together!"

Yin Mingzheng spent almost half a second thinking, and then took half a second to take the bath towel as fast as he could in his life to tear off the towel hanging on the wall and surround himself.

The teenager seemed to be startled by his quick action. He tilted his head, and his face was at a loss: "what's the matter?"

The man lowered his head and covered up his red ears for a moment. He almost stumbled and said, "I've washed it. You, you come in and wash it."

Finish saying, he was so embarrassed around the bath towel rubbed to jump out.

When Qing stood at the same place, looking back as if still at a loss to see his back.

I bet he's using his powers and he's running too fast. ]

the system doesn't understand it very much:

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the system doesn't understand: [how can he still be like this after all the kisses and hugs are held. ]

although what it sees is a mosaic, it can still understand what happened after considering the actual situation.

[can't you see that hugging is just trying to coax me. As long as nothing really happens, he will try to push me away. ]

System: [ ]

his voice of shock soared up: [it's all like this, he still wants to push you away? You two have that mosaic every day. In order to endure this mosaic, I recite Tao Te Ching every day. I can recite it backwards!! ]

[you are not a human being, so you can remember it after reading it. ]

the system is speechless.

But soon, it began to fragmentary read: [...] However, if he pushes the host away, what about your rejection degree? It's hard to estimate the rejection degree of one person to another. 50% of itself is the rejection degree of strangers on the road. If you separate, there will be no mosaic in the future. After two or three years, who knows if he will suddenly repel the host, even if he repels for one second We've been thrown out of the world with no protection. ]

when you are not in a hurry to start preparing for the bath, [it is not enough to reduce the degree of rejection to strangers, it is necessary to reduce the level of absolute safety. I say what you call reducing the degree of rejection, directly saying that it is not enough to increase the degree of favor. ]

the system falters and haws at the full screen mosaic: "I can't change my address without authorization as stipulated above ][host, you and Yin Mingzheng are both like that. He really intends to leave you alone. Is he not afraid of your sadness? ]

[I'm a pain in the ass. When

finished foaming, his hands got together and blew up a big bubble. [see no, I and Yin Ming's current state are like this bubble, looking at the colorful, beautiful, no, actually... ]

he held out his thin white finger and poked it gently.

The bubble burst soundlessly.

If I didn't pester him, I would stick to him. Do you really think he could treat me like he is now? Although he looks good and easy to talk, in fact, the heart of rejecting people is three times higher than that of ordinary people. ]

a system full of mosaics that can't see anything: [ What can we do? ]

[what else can I do? I thought you could know the situation when I installed a heart for myself when you were on the spaceship before. ]

the system is at a loss: [what's the situation? ]

[don't you think that his attitude towards me at that time was the same as his attitude towards me now? But at that time, he was completely lying to me, and now he has a little bit of sincerity. ]

[by the way, I would like to remind you that even if you are sincere now, in the eyes of Yin Mingzheng, it is just a sense of guilt and responsibility to me, just like you accidentally trampled on a kitten in the street, and took care of it carefully. ]

when he finished, Shi Qing made a final conclusion with a very surprised tone: "I think you've been quiet a lot in the past two days, and I thought you knew it. I didn't expect that you were so simple. What should I do? I think you're more and more cute. ]

System: [ ]

therefore, it has been waiting for such a long time to see the host and the target object, and it has been suffering from mosaic with eyes full of eyes every day, worrying that the host will be indulged in it.

It turns out that both of them are acting??

cleaned up the foam on my body. [eh, I just forgot to bring a bath towel. ]

the system is offline: [he is cheating the host, he is cheating the host ]

Shi Qing: [Tut, don't do this. If you are cheated, you won't lose a piece of meat. ]

System: [cheat host ]

[OK, please recite the Tao Te Ching. ]

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soothe the system that seems to be trapped in the maze of thinking. Shi Qing opens the curtain and stretches his voice outside. The tone is sweet and greasy: [Mingzheng, I didn't take a bath towel. ]

Yin Mingzheng was wiping his hair. After listening to the boy's words, he hesitated for a moment, stood up and searched for his bath towel. As soon as he got to the bathroom to hand it over, he saw that Shiqing had opened the curtain and was laughing heartlessly at himself.

Yin Mingzheng:

He immediately drooped his eyes and reached out his arm to pass the towel.

As soon as the bath towel is taken away, the human hero immediately looks as usual and turns around and leaves here with normal steps.

Just as soon as he sat on the bed, he didn't want to wipe his hair.

At the beginning, Yin Mingzheng just wanted to stabilize Shiqing and let him take himself back to the spaceship directly.

This time he can escape, but also fight for his trust, if he is taken back, he will never have a chance to return to the base.

Of course, killing Shiqing is the best way to do it right now.

But Yin Ming Zheng couldn't do it.

Yin Mingzheng couldn't get rid of Shi Qing's silly and deceiving child and his sincerity.

However, Shiqing would not like to leave him, and he did not dare to force people away with cold words like Zhao Miaomiao. If he did, he would cry bitterly according to his personality, and then his subordinates would tie him back to the spaceship, and he would be forced to go through the procedure with a few tons of weight every day.

It's no use not to leave. Yin Mingzheng has not refused before. The boy is a good boy in front of him. He says that he doesn't need Yin Mingzheng to accompany him. He turns his head and amuses himself.

Even if Yin Mingzheng ignored him, he could still play all day.

Neither can we advance nor retreat.

Now he can cheat Shi Qing with the theory of 18 years old. However, when he is in the human base, the information around him will be transmitted to his ears. When he knows the real algorithm of age, he will find out the lie sooner or later.

Just today, the two live together. When he takes a bath, Shi Qing can break in to see him and take a bath. He can also

The white skin in his mind flashed by, and the red earlobe of a man was even more red. He reached out and rubbed the earlobe with some anxiety.

It's just a matter of time.

The anger rate is probably not, more likely is to directly press Yin Ming Zheng to go with more rigorous procedures.

But he just regards Shiqing as a child

Although most people don't go through the procedure with children.

I don't get bored with children every day.

More will not be in and the child should do should not do all the same, and think about how to get rid of him.At the moment, Yin Mingzheng was sitting on the edge of the soft big bed, clearly aware of a little.

He's a scum.


No way!

Such a day can't go on like this. What Shiqing wants is to accompany him and really like his partner. Yin Mingzheng thinks that he can't do it.

That can only help Shiqing in the base to find a more suitable candidate than him.

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The next morning, when Shi Qing was still sleeping comfortably in the quilt, Yin Mingzheng had already got up.

"Shi Qing Shiqing, get up. "

He gently woke up the boy who was sleeping in bed. When Shiqing sat up with sleepy eyes and rubbed his eyes, Yin Mingzheng felt guilty for a moment, but soon recovered his normal expression.

"Do you remember the one who helped you yesterday, named Cheng Jun?"

When Qing dazed to shake his head, voice soft waxy: "do not remember."

And in consciousness:

[remember!! The handsome boy with a hat has big eyes and a big nose. He is sunny and shy, but he is a little younger. ]

Yin Mingzheng touched the boy's head and gently coaxed him: "I'm going to leave the base these days, and I'm expected to come back in at least five days. Cheng Jun has the highest ability talent under my staff, and he's the same age as you. How about playing with him during this time? He will protect you. "

Yesterday, he found that Cheng Jun's eyes were not right when he looked at Shiqing. However, he didn't feel anything at that time. It was a common thing for young Mu AI. Cheng Jun became an orphan at the age of 10 and has been in the base all the time. It's rare to see such a beautiful and clear person as Shiqing. It's normal to be careful.

He's about the same age. He's good-looking. He's powerful. And he's really like Shi Qing. He's the best choice.

Obviously not how to wake up when Qing obediently nods.

Although the heart is to want him to agree, but see the youth so quickly nodded, the man's heart and empty for a moment.

As expected, he is still a child. As long as someone is with him, it doesn't matter who this person is.

After washing, Yin Ming Zheng quickly took Shiqing to Cheng Jun.

Cheng Jun learned such a good news in the morning, the excitement on his face was about to overflow. He turned his red face and eyes to the boy who was dozing off with his arm. He also tried to cover up his careful thinking clumsily.

"Don't worry, boss!"!! I will take good care of the young master!! Definitely

Yin Mingzheng was worried that he didn't dare to think about it because of his own existence, so he nodded: "well, Shiqing is my brother. You must take care of him."

My brother!!

Cheng Jun's eyes rubbed bright, and nodded: "you can rest assured, you can rest assured!! I will take good care of Shiqing! "

"Shiqing, come on."

Yin Mingzheng took the boy and gently pushed him to Cheng Jun: "you have fun with Cheng Jun these days. You can buy anything you want, and the money will be transferred to your account."


When Qing a face confused did not sleep enough, obediently nodded.

Seeing that he really didn't give up at all, the man's heart was a little sour.

He's a little heartless.

But it's also good to avoid Shiqing thinking that he doesn't cultivate feelings with Cheng Jun.

Thinking about it, Yin Mingzheng took Cheng Jun and began to tell him carefully: "I have prepared the food for Shiqing. You can send him back at the meal point. In the evening At night, he can sleep in your place, but he can't have a bed. Besides, he likes to go out to play and go shopping. When I'm away, you can watch him. Don't let him conflict with the second generation in the base, especially leyouyuan. "

Leyou was the first of the second generation in the base. He was the one who enjoyed the most and danced the most. He always called himself the enemy of Yin Ming Zheng. Yin Ming Zheng was "sacrificed". What he brought to celebrate in the base was his head.

Cheng Jun listen to a bit of a head, "boss, you can rest assured, I will always guard at Shiqing side, absolutely will not let him suffer a little injury!"

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Not close to how much, this shouts when Qing came.

Yin Mingzheng felt a little uncomfortable for a moment, and began to doubt whether the person he had chosen was wrong.

Cheng Jun looks glib, not like a reliable one.

He denied in his heart, completely unlike the previous boast of Cheng Jun's calm atmosphere.

But no matter how worried, Yin Mingzheng also took people to leave the base.

He always wants to make Shiqing adapt to the days without him.

The first night, without the little leopard, she curled up in her arms, and Yin Mingzheng lost sleep.

The next day, Yin Mingzheng began to reflect on whether he really chose the right person. Cheng Jun was too young, and Shiqing was too simple. In case they did something extraordinary

On the third day, Yin Mingzheng, who didn't sleep well for two consecutive nights, became increasingly irritable. When people in the team saw him, they were scared to speak, for fear of provoking the dragon.On the fourth day, Yin Ming Zheng, with a black face, seemed to be indefatigable, swept all the Zerg around him, and then announced in a cold voice that he would return to the base.

The driver was urged by the boss all the way to drive faster. However fast he was, a cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He almost drove the cart out of the speed of the racing car. Finally, he got to the gate of the base, and the whole person was empty.

My God, the boss is getting colder and colder.

The human hero was the first to get out of the car. With long legs and a game machine to bring to Shiqing, he entered the base almost as fast as he could.

He has to see how Shiqing is doing, OK.

If he really develops any feelings with Cheng Jun these days

Yin Ming Zheng stopped for two or three minutes. He was so scared that none of the team members who got out of the car and followed up with him dared not make a sound and stood together in the air.

If it really develops any feelings, Shiqing will be tens of thousands of years old. No matter in the universe or in the blue star, he is an adult, and he will not interfere.

Just thought of here, a can only drive in the base, very windy sports car drove to the man, very arrogant opened the horn.

Di -

this car with red Sao Bao is very familiar with Yin Ming Zheng. It belongs to the second generation of the most arrogant and most hard backstage in the base, leyouyuan.

Sure enough, the next second, the familiar tinkling voice came from the car: "Oh, general Yin is back. It's been a long time since I saw you."

Yin Mingzheng didn't have time to talk to the second generation. She took a cold look and left on her side.

The result is this, let him stay in place.

In the red convertible of Sao Bao, his little prince is sitting comfortably on the copilot. Seeing Yin Mingzheng looking over, he also smiles and reaches out his hand to greet him.


The game machine in the hands of Yin Ming Zheng.

It's broken.

Leyouyuan! Shiqing is just a baby of tens of thousands of years old. He even cheated children!!

The author has something to say: 5000!!!

Wow, how can I be so good? It's like a screw stick. I can't get the nutrient solution!!

Some little angels were randomly given red envelopes

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