If Yin Mingzheng wants to contact Shi Qing the last in the base, Yueyou should bear the brunt.

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The original person of Leyou can be said to be the second generation with the most solid foundation in the base.

His father is one of the rare real power groups in the base who have real power and are willing to go out to fight the Zerg in person. He is often not in the base. When the Zerg call, Leyou is in the rebellious period. After so many years, he is still in the rebellious period. He usually kills himself in a fancy way. Most of the entertainment facilities in the inner city are built by him.

Why is he the most confident? Not only is his father highly respected in the base, but also because he is a rare power within the second generation of power, and he is not a weak and useless ability, but a high-level fire system.

In addition, Leyou was a bit of a fortune maker. When the base was just established, it was surrounded by a lot of land. Later, he made a lot of money when he built the inner city and outer city. When the star coins began to circulate, he began to change the upper layer of the base. He found that the boy had more money than many real people.

With money, he has his own abilities, and he is also a great supporter of Yuefu. The days of leyouyuan are naturally beautiful.

Every day, a group of power generation II gathered to play around for fun. In any case, even if the Zerg call now, for them, they just can't go where they want to go as usual. The base is so big that it's enough for them.

The reason why there are all kinds of game machines in circulation in the base is because of the drive of the second generation of power.

Yin Ming Zheng and Yue you were enemies from the beginning.

Of course, it is Leyou who regards him as a mortal enemy.

At first, the reason why he hated Yin Ming Zheng was very simple. Anyone who didn't see his father for half a month was always criticizing him for patronizing and playing. As a result, a Yin Ming zither came out of thin air. His father did tasks with him every day, praising him all the time and saying "if only my music could have half of you" I won't like Yin Ming Zheng.

He is the "child of other people's family", although he was or is not a child at his age.

When they met, Yin Mingzheng was busy improving her strength to resist the Zerg every day, so he didn't have the heart to go with a secondary two family.

It is also because of his attitude that he doesn't see himself in the eyes, the exciting Yueyou yuan hates Yin Mingzheng even more.

If Yin Mingzheng is good, he will be bad; if Yin Mingzheng is not good, he will be good.

Before I knew that Yin Mingzheng was so stupid that she sacrificed herself, Leyou had to celebrate for three days. If yue fu didn't come back just in time, he would have been celebrating until Yin Mingzheng came back.

Such a person who takes dealing with Yin Mingzheng as his life-long task, even if Yin Mingzheng has never been afraid of these things, he has to worry about whether Leyou would take advantage of him to bully Shiqing.

He defends thousands of defenses, and Shi Qing will send a power to protect him wherever he goes. As a result, Leyou yuan gets the chance.

In front of the red convertible, the man still had the broken game machine in his hand. His face was gloomy. He did not go to see the proud leyouyuan. He looked directly at Shiqing and said in a deep voice, "Shiqing, get out of the car."


Wearing a suit that was obviously not bought by Yin Mingzheng, the teenager didn't see that the situation was wrong, so he would untie the safety belt on his waist.


Yueyou yuan put out his hand to block Shi Qing's hand with a smile, and raised his chin with provocation on on his handsome face and looked at Yin Mingzheng: "I've made an appointment with Shi Xiaoqing to go to dance together today. Even if general Yin is Shi Xiaoqing's brother, it's not good for him to break the appointment?"

Brother, the two words, he deliberately accentuated the tone.

After saying that, seeing Yin Mingzheng's face dark and heavy again, his smile became more wild: "our appointment time is coming soon, so we will not hinder general Yin. Let's go first."

With that, he waved his hand and said goodbye. The next second, he started the car and rushed out of the long field. Yueyou's dyed red hair was blown up by the wind, which made him more and more underperformed in the eyes of Yin Ming Zheng.

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But the alien teenager still can't look at his eyes. After listening to leyouyuan's words, he huddled in the car, smiling innocently, and turned to learn from leyouyuan and Yin Mingzheng: "goodbye to Mingzheng."

Leyou was driving. In a twinkling of an eye, Shiqing turned back and waved his hand. Suddenly he was happy, "honey, don't irritate him. I think Yin Mingzheng will be mad..."

- bang!!!

In a flash, the man behind them was already in front of the car.

The loud noise was caused by his hand pressing heavily on the front of the car, forcing the moving convertible to stop.

The red sports car, which was forced to stop driving, was quietly smoking white.

Yin Mingzheng stood in front of the car, looking as if frightened, and clasped his hand to Shiqing, Yueyou's original arm.

His facial expression is normal, and his words are not high or low, or even gentle:

"Shiqing, get out of the car."

When the pure dull looking at the man, as if has not responded.It's normal not to react. After all, it's the first time a human hero has been strong in front of him.

Leyou was also scared.

He had provoked Yin Ming Zheng so many times before, but because of his father, Yin Ming Zheng never took him seriously and did not face him head on.

At this moment, he found out how terrible it was when Yin Mingzheng was really angry.

However, although he was scared by that moment, Shiqing seemed to be frightened. Leyou felt pity in his heart. He quickly regained his casual expression and leaned back: "general Yin, Shiqing has made an appointment with me. He is so big. I know that your brother cares about him, but this hand is too long."

After that, he asked the confused Little Prince:

"is that right, Shi Xiaoqing?"

Yin Mingzheng did not speak again.

He just looked at leyouyuan coldly, and put his hand on the front of the car with slight force. In front of everyone's eyes, the front of the convertible, which is also valuable even now, gradually melted into a big hole in his hand.

Leyou gazed at the hole and gulped down his mouth.

This is a threat!

This must be a threat!

Would he be afraid of the threat of Yin Ming Zheng?

He provocatively raised his chin again: "I really like when Xiaoqing, what you do can't stop me from pursuing him."

The pursuit of these two words seems to turn on some terrible switch. The expression on the man's face is instantly terrifying, and there is no unnecessary action. There is a sound of boom ringing through the ears of the people around him.

The red front of the car was completely melted away.

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Shiqing is OK with his seat belt tied. He just leans forward with the car, but his butt is still sitting on the chair.

And Leyou was miserable.

As soon as the front of the car melted, he fell off his seat and left a steering wheel in his hand.

Holding the steering wheel and rolling on the ground for a few days, you could hardly get up when a man in a long black windbreaker stepped up to the seat. His slender fingers touched the seat belt of the boy's waist. The safety belt was untied and cleared when there was no support.

Yin Mingzheng easily caught his little prince.

Will the person in the arms, the man smelled from the time Qingshen upload the fragrance, frowned.

he never used perfume, nor did he naturally.

so, when the perfume was released, it was clear at a glance.

Lok yuan is good at both the past and the present. Naturally, it is impossible to use the pungent inferior perfume.

but it smells light fragrance, but it makes human heroes uncomfortable.

It's as if a male lion finds his territory contaminated with the smell of other animals.

This is a provocation. If a lion is really a lion, he will be furious. If he digs three feet, he must find out the bastard who dares to contaminate his property and tear it up.

Yin Mingzheng is not an animal. He is a man. He can control himself.

So he just circled his little prince and glanced at leyouyuan, who was unable to scold him.

"Yin Ming Zheng!! How dare you destroy my car!! I tell you, who is afraid of you in this base? I love you won't be afraid of you! Today, you don't want to take Shi Xiaoqing away unless you step over my body! "

Seeing that Yin Mingzheng looks at herself with no emotion in her eyes, Yueyou is afraid for a moment, and then raises her chest again in the next second: "what? You think I'm going to let someone go if you stare at me? Don't think I don't know what you've done. Shi Xiaoqing is a typical example. How did you tell him? Do you think you treat him like a brother

"I just saw that Shi Xiaoqing was so naive and pitiful that I couldn't tell him. While you are here today, I'll make it clear that Shi Xiaoqing, Yin Mingzheng, did to you before..."

The man who had been standing there quietly listening raised his hand.

Leyou shut up.

His eyes almost became cockfight eyes, and he was staring at his lower limbs for three inches.

The whole base knows that Yin Ming Zheng's power form is a cloud of black fog, so long as it is touched by the black fog, whether it is a person or a Zerg, it is a matter of minutes to turn into ash.

Now, as a man's most important part, there is a Black Mist standing still, not static, but a bit unsteady, as if the next moment will be directly stained with clothes.

Move it. It's a lifetime.

Leyou was so stiff that he didn't dare to move. He even dared to breathe. He was afraid that the action would be big. His happiness would end here for the rest of his life.

The culprit who led him to dare not do anything was looking at him with a positive color. He tightly encircled Shiqing and warned from a commanding position:

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"no next time."

It's the next time that you didn't have a chance to hook up with Shiqing again.

There is still no time for him to try to break the lie of Yin Mingzheng.None of these men explained.

He just held the boy in his arms and walked away.

No one around dare to speak out, including leyouyuan himself.

He looked stiffly at the cloud of black fog dispersed after Yin Mingzheng left, and then raised his eyes, he could only see a corner of the black windbreaker flying with him.

Br >

, huaiming didn't share anything with him when he bought it. It seemed that he didn't share anything with him on the way back.

Only when the man opened the door in silence and put him on the bed, he put his arm around his neck and asked, "is it true that you lied to me

Yin Mingzheng was about to lower her head and take off his shoes for him. Hearing this, she became stiff.

"He said that if you don't want to admit the relationship with me, you will tell Cheng Jun that you regard me as my brother. Is that true?"

As if from the man's silence to detect something, has always been happy as a bird's youth also silent.

Yin Mingzheng kept his head down and didn't see the look on his face until a tear fell on the back of his hand, and he found that Shiqing was crying.


The man raised his head and looked at the man in front of him at a loss. He stretched out his hand and wanted to hold him, but he didn't know whether he had the qualification.

"You don't want to be my partner at all."

The alien teenager's crying eyes turned red, and the tears fell on Yin Mingzheng's hand, as if a drop of molten slurry was dripping on his heart.

Painful, astringent.

He can't speak.

He wanted to say no, but found himself unable to argue.

Heartache as if the whole was a big hand clenched in general.

Yin Mingzheng has never felt like this.

He's not stupid.

When she found that she wanted to give up everything, just to let Shiqing stop crying, Yin Mingzheng understood.

He really likes Shi Qing.

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When this sentence appears in the heart, the human hero feels the happiness that never appears.

All of a sudden, everything came to light.

He doesn't have to worry about that, and he doesn't need to think about what to do in the future.

Just be with Shiqing.


The man stretched out his hand, even a little trembling to help the boy wipe dry tears, on his red eyes, opened his mouth: "I was wrong."

"But I've figured it out. I like it..."

"You are lying to me

The boy who was crying suddenly got up from the bed, raised his weight, and pressed the unprepared Yin Mingzheng on the bed.

"Well --"

under the heavier weight than before, Yin Mingzheng almost didn't breathe, "Shiqing, listen to me..."

"No! You are a liar

Shi Qing's white face was full of anger. He took the pillow on the bed and hit Yin Mingzheng hard, "liar! A liar

Yin Ming Zheng was completely suppressed and had no backhand. He could only take advantage of the gap between the pillows: "listen to me, calm down first Oh! Calm down. "

"Calm yourself down!"

The teenager threw the pillow in his face, "you don't want me, I'll find someone else to be my partner!"

After saying that, he put a heavy pressure on Yin Mingzheng, and then he jumped out of the man, turned around and left.

Yin Mingzheng, who managed to free herself from the pillow, "no, Shiqing, wait a minute..."


The door was slammed shut from the outside.

The man who was oppressed by the chest pain sat up from the bed, covering his chest which was still vaguely painful, as if he was covering his heart just found.

Heart empty, no measures, and at a loss.

The author has something to say: Dayin: just found out that Xiaoqing had run away from home less than a minute when he liked it

4000, wow, I'm so wonderful, my God, I've been so much more, how can I be so powerful (P ≥ w ≤ Q)

Random some little angels send red envelopes, and moocho

is it possible for me to do so

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