Leyou had just asked someone to tow his car away. While he was in love with his new car, he scolded Yin Mingzheng for not being a human being. Just two steps back, he saw his little baby, who was robbed by others, came back with his angry face.

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"Shi Xiaoqing

Happy original surprise happy ah, rushed to meet up, like a two ha dog around the face of angry when Qing: "baby, how did you come back!"

Shi Qing took his arm and said, "I'm homeless. Take me home."

"Good, good!"

The expression on Leyou yuan's face can be described as seeing a big pie falling from the sky, and his mouth was all crooked.

At the beginning, when he knew that Yin Mingzheng was out of the base and entrusted the child he brought back to Cheng Jun's subordinate, Leyou was totally reckless, trying to deceive Yin Ming Zheng's friendship to himself, wearing a green cap to Yin Mingzheng, and watching his jokes.

How to cheat all think well, money offensive.

It's said that the child is not very old, or Yin Ming Zheng brought it back from the outside. It must be that he has not seen much of the world. Just throw out some things to make fun of.

As a result, when he saw Shi Qing for the first time, Leyou was shocked by nature and man. Yan Kong was shameless and pushed all his previous plans forward. After coaxing people over carefully, he would like to send all his good things to win over the beauty.

When he saw Shi Qing snatched away by Yin Mingzheng, he was still sad. As a result, he was sad. His big baby came back by himself.

"I'll take you back, build an amusement park for you, and then a racing track. Don't you like playing games? I'll set up a big game hall for you to play alone, and... "

His excited voice stopped suddenly when he saw the Yin Ming Zheng coming slowly behind Shi Qing.

Even if there were no injuries, there was an immediate nervous pain somewhere.

Just look at the original rigid expression of Leyou, Shi Qing guessed who is behind.

Yin Mingzheng has followed him all the way.

All the way he tried to explain, but the boy just covered his ears and didn't listen.

In fact, even if the time is clear, Yin Ming Zheng can't explain it.

In the past, he did cajole Shiqing into staying as a partner.

After that, he tried to push people to Cheng Jun.

Once Yin Mingzheng didn't understand, but after he thought about his mind, he just wanted to think about how he felt if he didn't like himself and pushed him to other people.

The feeling was very simple. Pressing his heart, Yin Mingzheng realized how much he had done before.

Shiqing didn't want to listen to his explanation or go back with him. As long as Yin Mingzheng thought, he could carry the boy home by force.

Although Shi Qing was definitely not the rival of human heroes, how could Yin Ming Zheng be willing to be tough with Shi Qing, so she could only be like a big dog abandoned by its owner and escorted him all the way behind the youth.

Shi Qing is not in a stable mood now. He is worried about something on the way.

He is a escort. Leyou didn't dare to pick him up when he saw him.

See when Qing also a pair of ignorant appearance, pull his arm, Le you original whole body hair all stand up, carefully a go down when clear behind that wear black windbreaker man.

If his eyes could be turned into knives, the cold light in his eyes would almost cut him into pieces of meat.

Although he didn't want to be soft, Yin Mingzheng's eyes were really frightening. For the sake of his happy life for the rest of his life, Leyou still gulped down his mouth and gave a very empty reminder:

"Shi Xiaoqing, look behind you."

"Leave him alone." The boy was still angry and hugged Leyou yuan's arm more and more: "I'm not afraid of him, let's go!"


Baby, you are not afraid of him, I am afraid of him!!

Seeing that he did not move, the young man raised his eyes strangely and looked over. His eyes were full of doubts: "why don't you go?"

Just like a Wang Qingquan, her clear and beautiful face is in front of me. Looking at myself from such a close distance, Leyou suddenly seems to have drunk the happy water of frozen fat house in summer and feel comfortable all over.

His waist was straight, and his shoulders were wide. Looking at Yin Ming Zheng, he was not as afraid as before.

Yin Ming Zheng stood behind, looking at it, Qing pulled the arm of Yue, who had beaten chicken blood, and gradually moved away from his sight.

The light of the man's eyes was slightly dim for a moment, and soon, the expression on his face was restored to the coldness of the past, and he followed in silence.

Yueyou was holding a beautiful boy in his right arm, while Yin Mingzheng, a human hero, fell behind him.

At the beginning, he was still trembling. He always felt that he was not following an individual, but an angry lion who was occupied by himself.

But as he walked along, he noticed the surprised eyes of passers-by, and his chin gradually lifted up.What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman in her arms? Do you have a vicious dog!

This is when Xiaoqing himself wants to follow him. Even if Yin Mingzheng is dissatisfied, what can he do? Cut!

My young master is really the best in the world!!

Leyou has gradually stepped out of the pace of six relatives.

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He even used his usual dandy tone and raised his voice to ask the boy who followed him: "baby, can I put my hand on your waist?"

Shi Qing: "yes, let it go."

Le you yuan: hee hee hee hee happy.

He held out his hand at the boy's slender waist and felt a burning heat floating by his hand.


Leyou strangely raised his hand in front of his eyes, and then watched the ring on his middle finger turn into black fog and disappear.

It can be seen that if the owner of the black fog wants to, his fingers can also disappear.


He turned his head stiffly, slowly, and happened to meet the sight of Yin Mingzheng.

The human hero, who is steady and talkative and never uses his identity to embarrass others, has no expression. His hands are empty and his palms are floating with a piece of black fog.


The boy who followed him didn't feel it. Seeing that he didn't move, he still used a clear voice and asked curiously, "what's the matter? Don't you mean to put your hand on my waist

"No, no, it's very hot. It's too hot on your waist."

Leyou yuan quickly turned back, while talking, he carefully took out his arm from Shiqing's hand, accompanied by a smile and coax: "baby, we don't hold it, it's too hot."


When Qing is very good at speaking, he releases his hand.

Yueyou yuan was relieved, looked back and took a look behind him. He saw that Yin Mingzheng was still like a ghost. He was still following in silence, biting his teeth in anger.

He is not afraid of Yin Ming Zheng.

His respect for the time of Xiaoqing!! Respect!!

Anyway, when Xiaoqing went home with him, Yin Mingzheng couldn't break through.

Wait, even if he can't beat Yin Ming Zheng, his ability to please people is much better than this old man.

Shi Xiaoqing will be with him!

The boy brought back from the outside by general Yin followed leyouyuan home.

The news spread quickly throughout the base.

When Cheng Jun knew that he came back, he hung his head and pleaded guilty for the first time. The young handsome boy almost cried out with guilt: "sorry, boss, I didn't follow Shiqing for an hour. That Leyou came out to coax him to leave. These days, I also want to coax people back, but Shiqing likes to play with him. I can't coax him Where to go... "

"It's OK."

Yin Mingzheng's eyes were heavy, and her tone was normal: "I checked. It was Leyou who wanted to make trouble in that hour. It was to support you. Even if you were not cheated, he had other tricks to wait for."

Hearing that Yueyou was prepared, Cheng Jun was stunned and then bited his teeth: "he was really on purpose! Boss, he's always been looking down on you. This time, he must be trying to cheat Shiqing out to fight against you. You must bring Shiqing back. "

As for what will atone for his own efforts to bring back Shiqing, Cheng Jun did not dare to say a word.

It's OK to let him go back to shangleyou, but he doesn't want to go back. He looks forward to his request, but also makes a long tone and coquettish boy. Cheng Jun stops cooking.

He had always liked Shiqing. How could he resist it.

But the boss can do it!!

Yin Mingzheng glanced at his subordinates with confidence and waved him down.

The boss can't.

The boss can't.

No matter how he apologizes with him every day, I almost don't know how to kiss him.

Yin Ming Zheng could barely hold on.

But my heart is bitter.

What else in the world is more sad than just finding out that you like someone, but provoking him the second before, which makes him ignore himself and go to be nice to other men?

Yin Mingzheng is also a man who has maintained the establishment of iron and steel straight male veteran cadres for nearly 30 years. When he can't even think of how to coax him, Qing is willing to deal with him.

The only way to deal with this problem is to walk straight like a bodyguard when you are in Yueyuan and Shiqing.

No matter how straight he stood, Shiqing just didn't look at him.

Yin Ming Zheng sighed.

My heart is bitter.

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He is bitter, and happy travel is more bitter than him.

Yin Mingzheng doesn't know what to do with Shi Qing, but he is very impolite to his rival.Every day, as if he were the God of pestilence, he still used his abnormal eyesight to keep an eye on him all the time. Leyouyuan didn't even dare to touch him, for fear that he would usher in a future without hands.

Can only see, can't eat, is there anything more bitter than this?

The happiest thing is that the time is clear.

He played all kinds of interesting projects, and he was still happy to buy and buy all over the base every day. Before, Yin Mingzheng thought that the clothes he would not wear were exposed. He changed the clothes he wanted every day, so he could tell leyouyuan what he wanted. Leyouyuan was always a big one. Even if Shiqing asked him for the Forbidden City, he could find a way to build it.

And you can hear the declining rejection.

Otherwise, people are cheap.

Every day crowded in front of the coquettish time exclusion degree is dead or alive does not drop.

Angry, ran away from home, that exclusion is falling fast.

He lived in the largest and most luxurious room. The floor was covered with a fluffy white blanket. The sun shone through the French windows, and some exquisite pillows were scattered on it. In the middle of the afternoon, young people always wore a shirt that was too long for him and dozed on the woolen blanket with the pillow.

When awake, he likes to stretch his body like a kitten and roll comfortably.

More like a beloved little prince.

On this day, Qingqing and happily rolled around and enjoyed the soft and comfortable carpet touching the skin. The system also heard a happy voice:

[Ding! The rejection degree of Yin Ming Zheng: 15100]

decreased a little.

At the prompt, Qing knew that Yin Mingzheng was peeping at him again.

Facing the French window, he squinted slightly in the sun, gently lifted his shirt under his neck, lifted up his nose and sniffed it. His beautiful white face suddenly showed a satisfied expression.

He even rubbed his face against the cloth.

This is what Yin Mingzheng saw with a telescope in the opposite building.


In the man's mind, it seems that there is a roar, the red drop of blood in the earlobe.

The shirt he said to the teenager was his.

Shi Qing likes to wear big clothes, always wearing the shirt of Yin Ming Zheng and covering it with a coat.

He ran away from home and was wearing this shirt.

Of course, he couldn't have been intimate with his shirt.

It's to its true owner.

Yin Mingzheng slowed down the fever in his blood for a long time, and continued to look at the boy opposite with a telescope.

In order to prevent Leyou from doing something to his little prince, Yin Mingzheng, a man who has never paid attention to his residence, also bought a house opposite the original house of Leyou.

His strong hearing and intuition are enough for him to monitor and warn leyouyuan in the opposite area for 24 hours.

Even if it's a mission, there are other powers that volunteer to help.

Ensure that all-round protection of their future sister-in-law do not create adulterers (leyouyuan) bullying.

The original clothes of Leyou.

I'm really convinced.

Since Shi Xiaoqing came in, he had to worry about Yin Mingzheng before he went to bed at night. He couldn't control himself and ran to let him not see the sun the next day.

Obviously they lived in the same house, but he didn't even dare to step into the house.

After all, the last time he tried to get in, there was a big hole in the plank under his feet.

Can you see, can't eat? Is there anything worse than this?

Leyou didn't resist it. When the second generation of Quan gathered as usual, he drank two cups of wine and vomited bitterness.

Hearing this, a group of second generation Quan were filled with indignation and denounced the immorality of Yin Ming Zheng for a long time.

Happy you original listen to the heart warm, raised a glass to stand on the table: "which brother can help me to come up with an idea, brother, I thank you all my life!"

The second generation of Quan, who had just denounced it, was silent.

That's Yin Ming Zheng. Who dares to provoke him.

Even if it was before, they did not dare to do it until Yin Mingzheng was "dead".

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This living man is in the base. If he gets angry, he will be able to annihilate them with only one move.

In front of the house full of quiet leyouyuan: Come on

They're all friends.

He walked out by himself. He was holding a bottle of Erguotou outside and was sulking. A boy with a sly look came over.

"Brother Le, I have a trick."

Seeing that Leyou yuan was interested, the boy chuckled and stuffed a package of medicine into Leyou yuan's hand: "this is a medicine extracted from a mutant plant. The person who has taken it feels uncomfortable all over. If you give this medicine to the child, make sure he wants to do what he wants to do."

Leyou yuan looked down at the medicine with a smile on his face and beckoned him to come over.The boy is happy.

The next second, the man who was still smiling changed his face and hit him with a fist.

"You are such a beast! I'm not going to do that. Get out of here! "

The boy was beaten dizzy for several seconds. Seeing that Leyou was furious, he ran away with his face covered.

Leyou looks at the package of medicine left on the ground. He thinks that someone is trying to make him chase people with such disgusting methods. He steps forward and tramples on his feet.

After he left, Zhao Miaomiao, who was hiding behind the pillar, came over and picked up the package of medicine.

One of Yin Mingzheng's powers who volunteered to protect Shi Qing urgently contacted him.

The man who had just finished the next step of the Zerg battle plan suddenly sank in his face: "are you sure you tried it?"

"I tried."

The power man replied very positively: "we will test all the food around Shiqing young master, including those of leyuyuan. Today, there is drug reaction in the bottle of wine brought back by leyuyuan, indicating that it is poison."

The man who had been sitting well suddenly got up. Before the people around him had reacted, his figure had disappeared.

In the villa of leyouyuan, he was about to open the bottle of red wine brought back from the bar, and there were teenagers with blankets watching TV next to him.

See him drink, when Qing looked over: "I also want to drink."

"You're not an adult. Don't drink. I'll take you to have fun when you're an adult."

Leyou yuan finished saying and looked strangely at the cork: "how can this wine look like it has been opened, not new?"

Never mind.

He didn't pay attention to it either. He took a red wine glass and poured it into it.

Shaking it a few times, I was about to deliver it to my mouth.


The door was kicked open.

Leyou kept the action of raising a glass, stiff on the man's line of sight.

Shiqing on the sofa is not surprised, but the tone is not good: "what are you doing here?"

Yin Mingzheng sees that the room is filled with only a glass of wine in Leyou's hand. When she hears the voice of a teenager, her eyes are dark.


His eyes fell on the Yueyou yuan, who still kept the action of raising his glass. The light in his eyes suddenly became sharp.

The human hero strides forward and looks at the glass in Leyou's hand: "did you drink it?"

Leyouyuan: "it's No

He also responded, knowing that Yin Mingzheng was not here to take his life, his waist suddenly became strong: "no, general Yin, you are a bit tricky in this way, why, watch Shi Xiaoqing, come here in such a hurry and ask me whether I drink, afraid of my confusion after drinking?"

Yin Mingzheng gazed at him coldly, until leyouyuan gradually became short of breath and shut up.

Leyou was afraid of him, but Shiqing was not.

The young man opened the blanket, pointed his toes, and went down barefoot directly. He came to the man in a fierce manner.

He was a head shorter than Yin Mingzheng. Even if he was more aggressive, he would raise his head when questioning, like an angry little penguin: "you watch me!"

Yin Mingzheng's eyes were still frozen before him, and immediately after the iceberg melted, he denied without thinking: "No."

"No, what are you doing all of a sudden?"

When Qing raised his neck and felt a little tired, he immediately roared at the man: "Why are you standing so high! Is it fun to see me looking up at you? "

Standing on a horizontal plane with teenagers, the man sat on the sofa in silence, so that Shiqing could speak to himself from a commanding position.

Shi Qing looked down at Yin Ming Zheng with satisfaction and continued to be ferocious: "are you watching me?"

Yin Ming Zheng's magnetic voice responded in a low voice: "No."

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He didn't think it was surveillance.

It should be called protection.

Leyou was looking at Yin Mingzheng, who was transformed from a fierce lion to a poor dog, and happily provoked discord:

"baby, don't believe him, this old man is very bad."

"He must have something to do when he comes in so suddenly. He can't miss you."

Yin Mingzheng didn't even look at leyouyuan. Instead, she sat on the sofa and looked up at the angry teenager:

"yes, I miss you."

Shi Qing had a little angry expression on his face, and then he snorted. Although he could see that he wanted to show his anger, his voice softened a little:

"I'm so fierce, you think I'm normal."

"So you didn't really watch me?"

Yin Mingzheng almost greedily looked at the complacent young man in front of him, and did not want to think: "really not."


Happy you original discontented looking at the atmosphere gradually ambiguous down the two people: "look serious, mouth with oil, when small clear you can not believe him."As he spoke, he lifted his glass to his lips.

Seeing this scene, Yin Ming Zheng suddenly turned around and said, "wait a minute!"

Yueyou was shocked, and then remembered that Shi Qing was afraid to do anything to him. Suddenly, he was bold: "what are you going to do?"

"Oh, I see..."

Yin Mingzheng is tense.

It's over.

He just made a promise that there was no surveillance.

How can I explain it.

However -

leyouyuan: "are you not used to seeing Xiaoqing live with me and want to poison me? Is there any poison from you in this wine

The second young master of secondary school still thinks about the gongdou drama he has seen before. The more he talks about it, the more he thinks it is. After all, it is not that there has never been a struggle for power and profit in the base before. As a result, one side was poisoned and killed:

"I'll say why I saw that bottle opened before. You can see it now!! This old man is so bad

Yin Mingzheng:

He had a suspicious look when he saw it.

When Qing just returned happy Zizi's face expression one Zheng, looked to the man red eye, "you cheat me again!"

The human hero's eyes were filled with tears, and his brain was suddenly blank.

On the other hand, Leyou was still holding a glass of wine and complacent: "as long as I take this wine for testing, what's going on will be clear. Anyway, there is a research institute next to my house. When you wait for me to get the evidence, it's very fast!"

With that, he was about to walk out with his glass. Before he stepped forward, the glass in his hand was snatched by the man who suddenly stood up.

Leyou yuan Leng hum: "what's the use of robbing it? The more you are like this, the more guilty you are! Shi Xiaoqing, you wait for me to prove it! "

Shi Qing was watching, and Yin Ming Zheng had no time to think.

To say that there is no poison in it is someone else's poison, that is, to say that there is no surveillance before hitting the face.

Let Le you do the original test, and finally test out the poison, or not clear.

There was only one sentence left in his brain.

Never let Shiqing misunderstand himself.

The next second, Yin Ming Zheng directly raised his neck.

Gudong, Gudong.

A few mouthfuls of poisoned red wine were drunk.

After drinking, he threw the glass back to the stunned leyouyuan.

The voice of a human hero is low and steady as an old dog:

"I proved it's not poisonous."

The author has something to say: I feel that the writing is a little wrong, and rewrite the end, but also trouble Ji you to help me read the article again and again, thank you!!

Six thousand four!!

Random Little Angels send red envelopes, mijo!

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