Leyou was staring at the clean wine glass with dull eyes.

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"You, you..."

He pointed to Yin Ming Zheng with shaking fingers, and couldn't hold back his dirty words for a long time.

It's not that his vocabulary is too small, but he is afraid of swearing. Yin Mingzheng is provoked and directly brings him personal destruction.

But in the bottom of his heart, when nature and man are fighting and thinking about whether or not to scold him directly, Shi Shilan, a man who just drank a glass of wine, sat down and did not walk away.

Bully people too much!!!

Yueyou has to drive people out.

As soon as the man on the sofa raised his eyes, only a look full of coldness in his eyes, he successfully counselled him down.

Yin Mingzheng's posture didn't seem to be a forced intruder into someone's house. Instead, he seemed to be the master, "I have something to say with Shiqing."

The meaning of this is to drive people directly.

Leyou originally wanted to say that if you have something to say, just say it here. If it's a big deal, he just covers his ears.

However, he always felt that the man in front of him didn't look right. These days, he didn't miss to tease the man. But this was the first time that Yin Mingzheng's face was full of intolerable expression.

It's just like if Leyou doesn't go away, the man who never takes the initiative will directly let him know why the flowers are so red.

Although Leyou was a secondary 2 student, since he can earn so much money and occupy a high position among so many power generation in the whole base, it proves that he is not really as wayward as the surface.

So no matter how unwilling, but also can only pull with the old father for a long time, "phone in here you call me", "don't be afraid of him, I give you support" and so on, after that, he left the villa reluctantly.

However, Shi Qing didn't speak again after Yin Mingzheng drank red wine. He quietly sat back on the sofa and curled up with his blanket.

When Yin Ming Zheng was cleared, he snorted and shrunk back to the sofa.

"Shi Qing."

Yin Mingzheng looked at him and saw that he was like a kitten, shrinking into a circle under the blanket. Seeing him, she immediately put her face away and looked like she was trying to cover up.

The expression on his face softened down, he sat down directly, reached out his hand and circled the man in his arms. He felt that there was no resistance at all, and his heart, which had been hanging in the air, fell down.

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"I lied to you before. I was wrong."

When the Qing is a hum, just because the tone is soft, it doesn't sound like angry, but like a coquettish.

Yin Ming Zheng's hand fell on the blanket, as if he could feel the young man's soft stomach, and his heart could not help but soften along with it.

He softened his voice and coaxed him in a child like voice: "I will never do this again. Can you forgive me?"

"I promise I won't cheat you next time, and I'll always be with you as a partner, OK?"

Time Qing is a cold hum: "look at my mood."

Just just in the meaning of meaning resistance put in front of the man to push forward the hand but relaxed.

Obviously, a little guy's mouth is hard, but he is actually soft hearted.

Yin Ming Zheng's heart became softer.

"Come back with me. I always live here. It's troublesome."

The man who never spoke ill of others behind his back did not change his countenance and put eyedrops on his rival's eyes: "it is not convenient for you to come out and play during this period of time. It's not good for the men and women around him to bring home."

Shi Qing didn't have much reaction. He knew what kind of temperament Leyou was.

While listening to the human hero, he was surrounded in the arms of Yin Ming Zheng, holding his big hand which was generous for him. Once, he rubbed the cocoon in the man's palm with his tender fingers.

It's like he would have done when they were watching TV at home before he moved out.

Is with the coax good young tender, the man's body suddenly suddenly stiff.

He felt an upsurge rising from the inside of his body and spreading to all parts of his body.

In particular, when the fire was burning, it was just a little bit clear to him.

Yin Ming Zheng's eyes gradually blurred, but his will was still sober.

It is because of the conscious mind, the body also more and more feel the heat.

In his arms is Shiqing.

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His time is clear.

People he likes.

The man encircles the youth, the hand tightens more and more, like a python, clings to the prey in the arms.

The Python's brain began to faint, but the subconscious was no longer satisfied with simply encircling the prey. He wanted to tell the prey about his appetite.

The system looks at the blushing face and confused expression. The slender big hand starts to untie the Yin Mingzheng of Shiqing's cuff button, and immediately reports to him: "the host wants to bully you!! ]

[I know. ]

Shi Qing's laughter was almost obscene. He turned over with a carp, skillfully increased his weight, and his delicate wrist fumbled on the sofa, and he really felt a tie.The tie finally appeared on a pair of wrists of Yin Ming Zheng.

When the Qing Dynasty also has the leisure sentiment to it to tie a bow.

And in this process, Yin Mingzheng is so red face, motionless baby like watching Shiqing action.

"Do you know I am tying you? Are you not afraid? "

Yin Mingzheng's brain was dizzy. Instead of being steady and indifferent, Yin Mingzheng only blushed slightly. She looked at him with almost innocent eyes and shook her head very well.

Magnetic voice is a little vague and slow response:

"not afraid, it's time clear."

MUA touched him on the cheek.

He steadfastly restrained the man who looked at him with good eyes. His face was pasted on his coat, and he felt the long lost flexibility:

[Tong Bao, you can go to see Tao Te Ching. ]

System: [ ]

it is also skillful, with a full eye mosaic.

It doesn't matter.

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As long as the host is not bullied.

In spite of this, the host is bullying others.

When Yin Mingzheng woke up, she felt a little pain in her waist, a little sore in her legs, and a little numb in her arms.

He tried to lift his hands, only to find his hands tied.

Yin Mingzheng:

Hard look down, he on the clear soft hair.

The boy is lying on his body, his face close to the man's heart.

With those tons of weight.

No wonder his heart is so stuffy.

"You are awake."

When Qing heard the news, he raised his eyes and went forward to lie down. He stretched out his thin white finger and poked the man's handsome face.

Memory gradually returned, and Yin Mingzheng finally realized what had just happened.

In fact, when he felt the effect, he had thought about achieving the perfect harmony between love and life with the time and effect.

But never thought, just opened a head, he was broken, after what happened, completely rely on memory.

What's more, in these two hours, he was completely under the pressure of time.

Yin Ming Zheng moved his lips and felt that his mouth was a little swollen.

Should he be glad that Shi Qing didn't know anything, so even if Yin Mingzheng was completely suppressed, they were just bored for two hours.

It's a little complicated, though.

And the program is a bit multiterminal.

And the king of mechanical race was finally able to study the human structural problems carefully, which led to Yin Mingzheng's being completely suppressed in this way, and no one helped to vent the drug effect. Yin Mingzheng decided to bury it in the bottom of her heart.

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It's a shame.

But fortunately, only Shi Qing witnessed his humiliating scene.

It was very difficult for the man to rescue his bound hands with the power, because the binding time was too long, and even the numb hand trembled.

Yin Mingzheng shook his hands and held Shi Qing lying on his body carefully.

"Come home with me, will you?"

"You said I was your brother."

Some depressed vomited out this sentence, the young man raised his face a little unhappily and looked directly at Yin Mingzheng's eyes: "you humans, brothers can't become partners."

"I'm wrong. You're not my brother, you're my partner."

Yin Mingzheng bowed his head and gently kisses the young man's trembling eyelashes: "let's get married and let all the people in the base know that you are my partner, OK?"


Shi Qing agreed happily, but soon, he was depressed again: "can't men get married?"

At the same time, Yin Mingzheng comforts the young man and feels his tender waist. At the bottom of his heart, Yin Mingzheng writes a note to Yueyou.

As expected, the wolf is ambitious. Otherwise, how could he tell Shi Qing these things.

He encircles the young man's hand and clenches it slightly, as if he is afraid that the man in his arms will run away. The magnetic voice promises in a low voice, "it will be OK."

"As long as Shiqing wants, I will do it."

Anyway, it's time for the base to change.

The author has something to say: At the end of the last chapter, the plot has been modified a little. Interested cherubs can go back and have a look. It doesn't matter if they don't read it. The two versions are connected to the previous chapter

I dare not write this chapter in detail. You can understand that after being bored for two hours, there is no real sword or real gun, ha

some little angels send red packets randomly, and they are happy to read the article

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