The smart people on the base are beginning to smell something wrong.

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Yin Mingzheng, who used to focus on fighting Zerg, began to participate more and more in the base affairs.

No one can find a reason to stop him.

After all, he is a general, and should be one of the most powerful men in the base.

As long as Yin Mingzheng is willing, his authority is enough for him to participate in any project.

It's just that before he never took care of these chores and only did things in a sullen way, so he never took part in it.

But now, the human heroes, who have never been fighting for fame and fortune, are getting involved in the base.

The upper layer of the base gradually changed.

Just people welcome equally upright human heroes.

People who have done something that they can't do well are afraid.

Gradually, some rumors began to spread in the base.

What Yin Ming Zheng bullied others, Yin Ming Zheng wasted the lives of civilians, Yin Ming Zheng luxury and so on, all kinds of things.

At the beginning, this kind of rumor only spread secretly. Most people didn't believe it. Everyone knows that if there was no Yin Ming Zheng, they would not have died now.

But there are also such a part of the people, live a dark life, can not see tomorrow, hungry full meal, lost all relatives, as if even alive are walking dead.

They desperately want a vent.

And the conspirator behind, very shamelessly, pressed the vent on Yin Mingzheng.

A year ago, there was a campaign launched in a city. About 500000 Zerg occupied the city, and all the human beings were killed. Yin Mingzheng went in with the army and killed all the Zerg. They sacrificed the dead with their blood.

Now, some rumors are quietly spreading around the base.

At the beginning, not all the human beings in the city were killed. The Zerg took some of them as hostages. Yin Mingzheng ignored these hostages and ordered to open fire. As a result, there was no one alive in the city.

False can't do rumors, but in case someone lost their loved ones believe it.

It was a rainy day. The base received news that the Zerg were sweeping the border city. There were scattered farmers living there. They didn't live in the base because they needed to farm. Instead, they slept in the cellar during the day and went out to farm at night.

Zerg do not know what stimulation, is looking for farmers to kill.

Yin Mingzheng received a call for help at 4:00 a.m. and came back bloody at 11:00 p.m.

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Shiqing and Leyou played the game all day today. When the time was almost over, he carried a small bench and waited for him at the gate of the base.

The base guards are familiar with him, and some people take out the lollipop they found before they went out to do the task.

At present, all Yiying in the base urgently supplies food and clothing, such as lollipops, which are short of food and long and beautiful. They can't produce and sell at all. After all, with the money, people are more willing to buy more satisfied food.

This lollipop naturally has no way out.

The young man was so sleepy that he nodded his head like a peck of rice. He was still forced to wait. The guard felt funny and simply sent the lollipop out.

When Qing poured thanks, opened a look, see is colorful, carefully stretched out the tongue to lick, feel sweet, this just satisfied squint eyes put into the mouth.

He can't eat too much human food, but a lollipop is OK.

Holding a lollipop in his mouth, he is bored to count the ants on the ground. The system reminds him: "the host, Yin Mingzheng is back. ]

the little prince raised his head and looked at the gate of the base with bright eyes.

Yin Mingzheng is coming in with people.

His body is full of Zerg blood, because the color of the blood of Zerg is colorful, so it is a bit messy on him, and his eyes are always heavy with fatigue.

The same is true of the people who follow them, especially those who are young and lack of sleep. Cheng Jun, who is familiar with the handsome little hat, yawns and leans on his teammate's shoulder dizzily.

Shi Qing stood up and ran to the man's arms. A figure rushed out faster than him.


Without seeing what was going on, the man was thrown out of the shield of one of the powers, and his dagger fell on a stone on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Shi Qing stopped.

[assassinate? An ordinary man assassinates a power? ]

the system is also not clear: [the plot has changed, the system can only see the general context, such small things are not clear. ]

the man who was bounced away struggled to get up. With a hatred eye on the human hero, he grabbed a dagger and rushed forward: "Yin Mingzheng, go to death!"

Cheng Jun, who was still dozing off before, was sober. He stepped forward and blocked it with power: "who are you? Do you know what the murder is?""Catch up!"

Seeing that the man was caught, Cheng Jun came up to Yin Mingzheng again: "boss, I think he's with the person who slandered Qing last time."

The last time the man had just taken him back and had not been interrogated, but he was caught alive this time. We must find out the culprit.

The man wrung his eyebrows and looked at the struggling man with a trace of survey under his eyes, "he doesn't seem to be ordered by someone. He looks like an ordinary person."

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"Let me ask."

Cheng Jun came forward: "say, why murder general Yin!"

The man was held down by death, but he was still struggling. Hearing this, his hatred in his eyes was more serious, and he yelled in a hoarse voice: "he killed my son first!! A year ago, in city a, if he had not ordered the hostages to be ignored directly for the sake of military merit, how could my son have died! "

"Yin Mingzheng, you ignore the lives of our common people for the sake of rights, you will be punished!! I can't kill you, more people will come to kill you!! Return the human hero, I bah

Yin Mingzheng opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse: "in the battle of city a, all human beings had died before we arrived."

"Bah!! You also want to cheat me, you are a selfish, for their own interests can go to kill the monster!! Yin Mingzheng, you compensate my son, return my son!! Give me back

When Qing saw his crazy appearance, he knew that the goods were brainwashed.

When a person loses everything and can only see despair, as long as someone gives him a goal, he can throw out his life to hate.

If it's on him, let this man die.

If he lost his son, should Yin Mingzheng be murdered?

In recent years, he has been injured many times for the sake of the base. He has survived more than ten times. He has saved tens of thousands of people. Obviously, he has made such a great contribution, but he still lives in the ordinary two bedrooms and one living room. He has to spare the living room even when he releases toys.

Help people, but also be resented by people, for the sake of this careful eye of Shiqing, do not plot a good.

As a result, he saw that Yin Mingzheng was standing still, and his face was expressionless, but his fists on both sides were clenched.

Frowning under the eyebrow, is the dark heavy can not see the meaning of the eyes.

Although in other people's eyes, Yin Ming Zheng is still that pair of "I'm cold my own who cares about you", but Shi Qing can see that he is sad.

Generally speaking, he would not be so vulnerable.

However, after nearly 20 hours of fighting, he did not drink a mouthful of water and did not eat a bit of food. He just came back tired and wanted to have a good rest. What came to him was the knife picked up by the civilians he was trying to protect.

I can't stand it.

What's more, even though Yin Mingzheng usually looks cold and cold, he is actually the softest one. After all, before the small world became independent, the author set him a kind sweetheart.

It's a pity that the world itself ran out. The good passers-by who should have been with him had their own humanity.

And human nature is darkness and mutual exclusion.

Shi Qing looked at the man who seemed to blend into the darkness with the night and couldn't see the look on his face. He sighed: "if it was me ]

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the system has always been unhappy with Yin Mingzheng, but at the moment, it is hard to sympathize with him, and the tone is soft: [don't be afraid, if one day you encounter this kind of thing, we will ignore him. ]He said I killed his son? Then I will send him to reunite with his son and let him ask his son in person who killed him. ]

System: [ ]

after hesitating for a while, he said cautiously This is not good, this person is also eager to love his son, we should be considerate ]

[fart, I'm his father. He's going to kill me. Do you think Yin Mingzheng owes them? Yin Mingzheng is the only one who can survive. Oh, now, after hearing a rumor that Yin Mingzheng killed his son and would come to assassinate him, he may not know that he is angry, but he can't protect his son, and he can't commit suicide. Therefore, he finds an excuse to blame others, that is, Yin Mingzheng. He thinks that these people are his responsibility and should be killed Go back, only know to stand there sad. ]

then he sneered: "I know why the world is going to collapse. How can the protagonists of truth, goodness and beauty survive a world full of reality and ugliness. ]

[it's just like I trapped him in a spaceship before. Obviously, I snatched him back, but he couldn't do anything to me. His heart was too soft and he was indecisive. If he had been replaced by someone else, he would have died 800 times. ]

Meng Xin system was indoctrinated with the idea that it was totally inconsistent with the system novice teaching, and struggled to read two moral classics before it was disordered.

I didn't expect the host to look down on him so much. I thought you liked him very much. ]I like him very much. ]

the smile was clear, like a little prince with no worries and pure heart, and fell into the arms of a stiff standing man.The more stupid he is, the more I think he is cute and soft hearted. ]

Shi Qing buried his face in the man's arms, smiling sweetly, feeling that he was more stiff for a moment after being held, and then gradually relaxed and tightened his body. His tired hands slowly lifted up and hugged himself.

At this moment, Yin Mingzheng was like a bird who could not find a landing point in the sky and finally saw an island enough to live in.

Hard, a sigh of relief.

He was able to take a tough stance and draw his own line on the base.

You can fight thousands of Zerg with one person.

However, he was always baffled by this kind of conspiracy.

It's like when he went back to the base before, he knew that someone had secretly hurt him and sacrificed passively, but he couldn't say it.

For example, if you are assassinated by civilians who have been protected for a long time, you can crush each other with one slap, but you can't do it.

Shiqing's slender fingers fell on his hand.

Pulling the obedient man who allowed himself to move, he came to the civilian.

He asked only one sentence: "you said Yin Mingzheng ignored the lives of civilians. Before that, a spaceship threatened with millions of lives. Why did he voluntarily die?"

The man in a frantic struggle froze.

When Qing saw him stunned, he asked again: "if he was really like what you think, it would be OK to run away at the beginning. Otherwise, his position is so high and his ability is the strongest in the world. Why does he take care of you ordinary people?"

"We all know that aliens are vicious, threatening him to go to the spaceship, maybe we can eat him raw directly. He will die for you, and you still slander him behind his back. Do you still have any intention?"

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The man cried and laughed. He grabbed his hair blankly and finally broke down and cried: "I'm sorry!! I'm sorry! "

When Qing satisfaction raises chin.

But behind him, those lost emotions in Yin Mingzheng's heart had already dissipated.

He couldn't help but look at the young master who was full of complacency, and thought about himself that he was a vicious and cannibal alien.

Well, that's right.

The angle of man's lips is involuntarily hooked up, and his eyes are spoiled and warm.

Shi Qing ate his heart.

Ding! Yin Ming Zheng's rejection: 0100]

the author has something to say: Amway friends, interested little angel search article name can be seen, oh

traffic and movie emperor he [entertainment circle] Author: Yunzhi

Bai xuchuan is a top-level flow. Beautiful people and sweet songs mean poor acting skills. On that day, he got a precious opportunity to play a bed play with the film emperor. Even the director was going crazy after 29 scenes of lianka, so that the flow could "find the feeling" well.

That night, with only a bathrobe and a bottle of Erguotou, the two knocked on the door of the film emperor with the script, and they tossed about for three hours.

The next day, with the rapid development of traffic acting, the director asked, "what happened?"

Flow but smile not language, the film emperor looked at it, instead answer: "he is experience school."


the film emperor he Yanzhi's career is in full swing, but behind him stands the whole business empire. He is too old to keep up with the trend of the times.

Until one day, fan Mei saw him appear at the all-star concert of Kaifeng entertainment, holding Bai xuchuan's fluorescent stick in his hand and wearing a fluorescent suit?

After the network explosion, he Yanzhi calmly refuted the rumor: chasing stars for his sister, don't think much.

Later, he Yanzhi crazy praise Bai xuchuan and his own CP powder, accidentally cut the wrong size.

He thinks that CP powder is the blood sucking of the predecessors who touch porcelain, and is killing and decomposing the binding crazily. Bai xuchuan slowly stops beating the keyboard:???

(fake) old cadre film emperor attack x flow small, fresh meat received, main received, sweet text.

I pondered that a world is a fragment, and a fragment represents a character. In this world, what fragment do you think Dayan is?

Random some little angels send red packets, I haven't given up the opportunity to let the little qingzhuang force, after all, the world knows that I am a good man!!

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