Shi Qing didn't go to see his cousin's accusation.

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All his sight was given to the man sitting on a white horse and coming in majestically.

What Jiang bieyu was wearing was actually the clothes he had designed.

Long and slender clothes fit well without affecting his movements. Wearing them on Jiang bieyu only makes him more and more handsome. Even his face, which originally looked a little fierce, looks much softer under such beautiful clothes.

Of course, the bigger reason is his gentle sight to Shiqing.

The living yanwang River bieyu is not as terrible as the legend. Some girls who know that Hecheng has surrendered and the future master of Hecheng wants to come today have some good feelings.

It's not that Jiang bieyu likes him because of his face.

Well, because of this face, their fear of him has been reduced a lot.

After all, facial control is the nature of most people.

I don't know which brave girl it is. Maybe she looked at Jiang bieyu and seemed to be good at talking. She actually took the silk flower and threw it down.

Silk flower light floating around in the air, in the birth of powerful and handsome, sitting in front of the man on the white horse fell.

Although it only blocked for less than a second, his sight was enough to make Jiang bieyu frown a little disgruntled. With warning and threat, he glanced back at the girl throwing silk flowers.

The look in her eyes was so fierce that she almost didn't cry.

Originally, because of Jiang bieyu's good appearance and temperament, the people who occupied the favorable terrain in the major restaurants had relaxed, and the atmosphere was slightly relaxed, and some even talked and laughed.

Unexpectedly, Jiang bieyu's face suddenly turned cold, and everyone was scared and did not dare to speak again.

This is the living king of hell, or the current master of Hecheng.

If you annoy him, who knows if he will do something.

For a moment, Jiang bieyu led his soldiers through the long street, but there was no sound except the sound of the horse's hooves and the walking soldiers.

In this strange silence, Shiqing leaned against the window and took off the jade pendant on his waist.


In the silence, the young master raised his voice so that most people's eyes fell on him.

When I saw the young master leaning against the window, he went down the river with a smile on his face and yelled goodbye to Yu. There was only a sentence in the sea of other people's minds that he was not going to die?!!

Shi Qing, however, was not afraid at all. He only raised his eyes downstairs and looked at his Jiang bieyu. He wantonly laughed and shook the jade pendant in his hand

"catch it!"

He threw the jade pendant towards Jiang bieyu.

The general sitting on the horse actually lifted his long arm and accurately caught the jade pendant.

Then, in the blank face of the crowd, Jiang bieyu, who has always been known as the living king of hell, is said to have killed people without blinking an eye and walked the world coldly

He even gave a smile to Shiqing who threw his jade pendant at him.

This smile, just like the melting of the iceberg, stunned a lot of people.

And Jiang bieyu, in the full view of the public, with a smile on his lips, looked very happy. He pinned the jade pendant that Shiqing had thrown down on his waist.

Qingchong sat back on the table and ate two small dishes.

Wang Zhancheng just mentioned the heart for this cousin, after all, although he had met Jiang bieyu in his home before.

But that's the living hell!

In public, my cousin behaves like this. If the living king of hell turns over his face, what can he do.

After seeing Jiang Yu, he was not relieved.

"Cousin, you and the living Yama No, what is the relationship between you and general Jiang? Why did I see him last time at his home? Have you been in touch all the time? "

Because Jiang bieyu's smile had a great impact on him, Wang Zhancheng temporarily let himself forget the sad matter of "cousin cheated me again", and sat curiously beside Shi Qing.

When Qing ate a peanuts, casually replied, "he ah, he is my concubine."

Wang Zhancheng; "

He felt that his aunt was right.

Although his cousin is good-looking, he looks like a jade man.

But this temperament is really bad.

It's deceiving.

See cousin face don't believe, when Qing patted him on the shoulder, "cousin, I didn't cheat you, Jiang bieyu is really my lover."

"Brother Qing, you can't do this. How can you always cheat me? If you were not my cousin, I would have been angry."

"If you tell the truth to my cousin, I won't tell you."

"I'm telling the truth."

Shi Qing's innocent face: "Jiang bieyu is really my lover. We are a pair."

Wang Zhancheng I believe you have the ghost.A few days later, with the help of him at his home, he was unable to sleep in the dark wind at night. He happened to bump into a dark shadow and turned it over from the wall. Then he hugged him to his arms when he was waiting on the wall.

The two of them touched the tip of their noses, and their intimate and warm appearance was even more sticky than the cat that Wang Zhancheng had seen.

Then, under the bright moon.

The man holding his cousin raised his face and looked at this side with sharp eyes.

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Wang Zhancheng, who saw clearly Jiang BIE Yu's face "!!"

Live, live, live?!!

The eyes of the living Yama were too frightening. Wang Zhan's achievement was just like being ordered by someone. He could not move while standing in the same place.

He could clearly hear Jiang bieyu say to Shi Qing, "someone."


The young master of Shi's family raised his head from the big man's arms, took a look at this side, but did not care to take back his sight. He reached for Jiang bieyu's neck and said, "it's OK, it's my cousin."

His voice is sweet and greasy that Wang Zhancheng has never heard of. It's more delicate than a cat's meow. It's sweet and coquettish.

"when he enters the room, it's very cold outside."

Therefore, it is said that after taking over Hecheng, the Hecheng family did not give any face to anyone. They also arrested some people who wanted to commit crimes and harm the common people by taking advantage of the name of Jiang family soldiers. They directly cut off their heads and did not even discuss the matter. So Jiang bieyu, the king of Yan, was so obedient that he directly picked up his cousin.

The heavy cloak protected Shiqing from the cold wind.

Wang Zhan was so stupidly standing in the same place, watching Jiang bieyu stride forward with his cousin in his arms.

Then, passing by him

Passing by


During this period, except when I first found him, I didn't give him a look.

And his not so reliable cousin is comfortable in the man's arms, is completely a pair of beauty infatuated with the appearance, did not even give him a corner of the eye.

Wang Zhancheng "..."

Until two people have gone, I don't know how long, always rigid standing in place, he just reacted and moved slightly.

Just now Can't he dream?

Think of the living Yama and his little cousin.

Are these two people a couple?

Sure enough, it's still a dream.

So now he hasn't woken up yet? If you dream, you should not feel the pain.

Wang Zhancheng looked down at his hands, ruthlessly under the heart, teeth, with his fingers pinched his face.


The young master, who is engaged in the separation and exchange of clothes on the couch with Jiang bieyu, is slightly stunned by the news.

Alert heart high river don't rest of the consciousness to go outside to find out what is the situation, but was pulled back by time Qing.

"Leave him alone."

The young master's voice is more sweet and greasy than the usual soft glutinous.

"My cousin is silly. It's always like this. Let's go on."

Like the people are invited like this, then can not continue?

Jiang bieyu turned around with a smile and untied the curtain.

As for what happened behind the curtain, no one knew but the two of them.

The next morning, when Qing comfortable nest in the bedding to sleep in.

He was quite satisfied.

Before, Jiang bieyu was busy playing the world. Every time he came back to see him, he would gather time to come back. He was in a hurry and couldn't communicate with each other well.

Even if his early rejection has reached zero, Shiqing is not happy.

Now, this guy Jiang bieyu finally won Hecheng.

He pointed his finger at the sleeping man. "When are you going to be emperor?"

Jiang bieyu was originally a shallow sleeper. As soon as the young master woke up, he also came to his senses, but he was greedy for this moment and didn't open his eyes.

Now when I heard Shi Qing ask himself, he turned around and held the man in his arms. He laughed in a low voice: "I am not emperor. You are emperor."

Shi Qing didn't surprise at all. He just patted the man's cold cheek. "You're actually playing this idea."

Jiang bieyu smiles and touches the little young master's slender fingers. Although his face is still cold and hard, his eyes are full of attachment

"now you are famous for your benevolence. With my escort, no one dares to say anything even if you are emperor."

He had thought of it for a long time. Otherwise, he would not have never named himself as a prince, but as a general.

His elder brother of Qing Dynasty was originally brought up like a pearl like treasure. From childhood to adulthood, when was he wronged? If Jiang bieyu became emperor himself, he could not restrain himself from kissing elder brother Qing. At that time, Jiang bieyu could think of all the words about Shiqing in the history books.

Shiqing is a merchant, which is enough for some people to look down on him. If Jiang bieyu becomes the throne, the people who are reviled by tens of thousands of people will also be Shiqing once he and his brother-in-law are exposed.He didn't care about this, but he cared about Shiqing.

What's more, if he was called emperor, he would no longer be as reckless as he is now. Would it not be that the Jiang family became relatives of the royal family.

Jiang bieyu didn't kill them, even if he learned from his brother Qing.

The most important thing is, what else in the world is more luxurious than the Imperial Palace, enough to support his brother-in-law.

He gently coaxed Shiqing, "don't they always say that I'm too angry? Then let qingge'er, a man who has always had a good reputation, and then those people will have nothing to say. "

"You're not afraid that I'll be the emperor and the three thousand beauties in the harem?"

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"Not afraid."

Jiang bieyu sniffed the milk fragrance on the young master, smiling with a school of trust

"I know, you will not."

The system was moved to tears.

Tianlaluo, what kind of immortal companion is this? He is an ancient native. He is willing to hand over the throne to each other. Sobbing, sobbing, I'm going to cry.

Shiqing little fool.

He looked at Jiang bieyu and said with a smile, "you are not afraid

The man chuckled.

But I didn't say the rest.

He knew that his brother-in-law would not.

If there is a day, he will be in this event before the event, he will be imprisoned in this imperial palace, he can not get out of the Palace this golden cage, want him day and night, can see, meet, speech of people, only he River more than one.

Jiang bieyu has this confidence.

The so-called giving the throne is just to keep the throne as a prison and keep the golden sparrow that he dreams of catching in his arms.

From the beginning to the end, what he wanted was always Qingge.

When his father and wife found that Jiang bieyu, who had been a servant in his family, didn't want to settle their house, she was relieved.

Seeing that Jiang bieyu seems to have taken over the world and completely forgot their time and family, they decided to find a daughter-in-law for their son in peace.

When my wife began to try to find out which girl was better.

When the father is also quietly exploring.

Of course, they should be the best.

The family seldom have a meal, not to get close, but to talk about this marriage event with Shi Qing, who is busy with his career and has no intention to marry.

When the father as a father, it is not easy to say this kind of back home affairs, so by the wife of the time.

When the wife smiles and looks at the son who has a meal in a stuffy head, her mother's love is overflowing. "Brother Qing, my mother wants to tell you something."

"Well? It's just that I want to talk to my parents

When Qing heard this, he raised his head, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, put down his chopsticks and said, "I'll say it first."

When the father blew his beard and glared, "is it your mother's things that matter, or your little things that matter, listen to your mother first."

He is like this. Although he has been boasting about his son openly and secretly outside, he is embarrassed to praise Shi Qing himself. He always looks like "I hate you, you son of a tortoise".

When the wife looked at her husband coyly and gently pushed him, "Qing Ge'er is now in charge of all the business of our family. How can his affairs be a small matter?"

Said, she also smile Yingying look at time Qing, soft voice way "clear elder brother son, Niang is not anxious, you say first."

"It's nothing, is it..."

"I'm going to be emperor."

"Poo --"

while drinking tea, my father sprayed all over the ground with a sip of tea.

"Cough, cough, cough!! Cough, cough, cough!! What do you say

When the wife is also frightened, full of blank, even forgot to comfort his father.

Shiqing quickly stood up and patted his father's back, "Dad, you should be careful. How old are you? How can you be as calm as a hairy boy. Don't I mean I'm going to be emperor?"

When the father trembled fingers pointed at him, half a day did not speak.

What the boy said was what he had taught his son before, and now Shiqing said it out to revenge him.

"You, you tell me clearly, this kind of words can also be nonsense?! Not to mention anything else, just say our general Jiang of Hecheng. He is known as the living king of hell. He killed so many people a few days ago. Now he is preparing to become emperor. When you call him emperor, you are not afraid that he will kill you! "

"I'm not afraid of it."

"You, you, you! You're going to piss me off

The father thought his son was crazy.

When the wife felt that her son was under too much pressure, it was a little abnormal.

After discussion, the couple thought that they should find a doctor.

Then, the doctor didn't come. Jiang bieyu came first.

He came to discuss the ceremony of making Shiqing emperor with his family.

When father "..."Madame Shi "..."

They all thought it might be a dream.

Until two months later, when the halal emperor.

When the father became the emperor.

His wife became the Empress Dowager.

Compared with the real emperor, this relatively crude ceremony was held in Hecheng.

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At this time, Hecheng people knew that the funds for the three years of jiangbieyu's war were all behind the time Qing Dynasty.

In the same way, the reason why Jiang bieyu went to fight in the world was inspired by the young master of the Shi family.

Jiang's army is thicker than other armies.

They eat food that is easy to carry and very tube like.

They never pay them slowly.

It turned out that not only did Jiang BIE Yu attach importance to his subordinates, but also because of the strong support of the Qing Dynasty.

I can't complain that during these three years, the family suddenly and wantonly solicited money, and various means of making money appeared frequently.

He had always been responsible for his family, and his father suddenly stepped down from his position and handed over his business to Shiqing.

The reason is that although Shi Qing can make money, he is also a young man. No matter how much money he spends, others will only say that he is young and frivolous.

And never think, in such a chaotic time, when the money is put in the army, how useful.

At the same time, the family suddenly began to build a good reputation.

What department stores, supermarkets, free schools, helping students all over the world, and so on, were all prepared to be emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

If you don't believe it, now, a dandy who was still a dandy three years ago suddenly called himself Emperor. However, no one objected (those who opposed it were all killed by Jiang bieyu), and even many people applauded and congratulated. They thought that when such a kind man became emperor, he would surely make the world peaceful.

Shijia! What a big game of chess.

As soon as the news came out, the rest of the family understood.

They couldn't help but scold his father in the bottom of his heart. He was really an old fox, and he was really wise and resourceful!

As for these are all made by Shiqing?

How can it be? How old is he? He is only about to be twenty-one now.

It must have been arranged by the old fox Shifu. The reason why the family's behavior in the past three years has always been under the banner of Shiqing is to pack his reputation of benevolence and kindness.

By the way, there is also an explanation for why Shi Qing is still unmarried at the age of 21.

Ordinary people can get married when they are 16 years old. There are several 21-year-old children. However, Shi Qing, the only Miao Miao who is loved by her family like a pearl, has never married?

Is that reasonable?!

Certainly not reasonable!

It must be the old man of the Shi family, so that when Shi Qing ascended the throne, he would marry a woman from a large family.

After all, the young master of Shijia can't rise to the top. Can't the emperor deserve it?

I really didn't do anything. I just felt that my son was so powerful that he could enjoy his happiness

He was wronged!!

What did he do? He!

These three years are not Qingge er's own trouble?!

He didn't lose money or make money when he saw it!

As for why the large amount of money is missing, he did not find out? That's because Shiqing has been making money crazily!

For example, Shi family had five pieces of gold. Shi Qing made a lot of money. He made a hundred of them outside. He took 70 of them to fight with Jiang bieyu, and took 30 of them home. Of course, his father praised him for his good work and made so much gold.

He didn't open his eyes! Qingge'er, this little rabbit, does not say that he can know the ghost!

And marriage.

It's not that Shi Qing has been refusing to give up all kinds of shirking. His mother is used to him. Every time he talks about this, his mother cries and his children are also for the family business. His father thinks that his son is so good and old anyway.

Who knows.

He's on the throne!

The Father himself is still dizzy.

And at the same time, he was a little worried. After all, although it was said that he had ascended the throne, the world was fragmented, and it was just a name.

After all, he is not a real emperor. What's more, his son is like that. When he manages his family, he can be emperor?

My father was really afraid.

Biejiang bieyu, a loyal subordinate (he felt) who managed to fight down half of the country was lost to Huo Huo by his son.

He didn't even think about it.

His son is not only an emperor, but also a good one.

He named his country Yu Guo.

This also spread a good story among the people about the loyal subordinates of the benevolent and good Lord.

After all, this kind of people who were sent out to fight in the world, and actually gave the world to their own masters and sons, and called the country by their subordinates' names, was really unheard of.

When he became the emperor of Yu, he did a lot of things.Send people to the sea to learn from foreigners, open letter stations, and set up free schools in their own territory once again. There is no real charge for each city.

The point is, he didn't even lose money!

Now Shiqing is more and more famous among the people. Many people have heard of his wisdom and come to live in other countries.

Plus Jiang bieyu's big weapon.

A whirlwind swept everywhere.

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Only five years later, he took the other half of the country to his brother Qing.

When Qing Dynasty, this time is really become the absolute 95.

When father "..."

It's a bit of a thrill.

He didn't think he would be more stimulated.

When he was white haired, his son, who had been an emperor for 30 years, but had never established a crown prince or accepted a harem, suddenly announced that he would change the imperial system, overthrow feudalism and establish Xinyu state.

When father "..."

Ministers "..."

Do you know what you're talking about, your majesty?!!

You want to overthrow yourself!

Over the past 30 years, Shi Qing has always insisted on maintaining exchanges with the West. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for Yu Guo to have steam engines and textile machines. It is said that trains will also be put into practice next year.

Slavery was abolished ten years ago. At that time, in order to abolish slavery, Shiqing watched the courtiers make trouble for several months.

Finally, with Jiang's help (threat of troops), the courtiers compromised.

Most of the people are no longer hungry. Although there are some shortcomings, Yu is indeed a prosperous country.

But now, their Ming Jun, unexpectedly said that the emperor system can not continue, otherwise the rest of the country will not be able to progress.

In order to improve, he decided to start with me, abdicate, and choose another post called "President" to run the country.

Everyone "..."

Their majesty is not mad.

Among all the opposition and crying opposition, only Jiang bieyu always stood on the side of Shiqing.

It's hard to overthrow a regime.

If the regime is no longer a problem, then it will have to reform itself.

As a result, the Qing Dynasty changed from emperor to President.

Jiang bieyu is marshal.

The courtiers also had new positions.

These positions are a bit awkward for them, but they dare not say they can't.

Although their majesty, oh, no, the president said that in the future, the rest of the country will act in accordance with the law and will not execute people easily.

But according to the general, no! Marshal that "who provokes the Qing who will die" temperament, they still better be honest.

The 20th year of the overthrow and reconstruction of Yu state.

Shiqing, the first president, retired.

In the past, it was not that he didn't want to quit, but no one dared to go. Now, new blood has been injected into this country. Although the technology of other countries is still developing, it has a little modern embryonic form.

Shiqing can also enjoy the toilet, bathtub heating and other happy salted fish service.

To support the aged with his Jiang bieyu.

No one knows when the two died. Only that the most legendary founder emperor, also the founding president, was buried in the same coffin with his marshal.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. Please select 1, continue the task, 2, rest.

Shiqing 11111

"boss, this boy has offended you. Let's break his fingers."

When he opened his eyes, he found himself leaning on the sofa. In front of him, there was a villain who didn't look like a good man at a glance, and was obsequious on his face.

"there are zombies everywhere. He thought it was a peaceful time. He really laughed at me."

Shi Qingyi, this guy is one of his subordinates.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the thief eyebrow mouse face were more pleasing to the eye.

He was about to look at his memory, but he felt something at hand.

A twist of the face, just on a fluffy fire red tail.

It's really big, about the size of an adult with open arms.

And the colors are still gradients.

Good looking!

He just thought it was good, but suddenly he felt something was wrong.

Turn around.

Good guy.

No wonder he thinks it's good. He has his own tail!


Long tail!

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