When Qing lazily leans on the sofa, the thief eyed boy is still Balabala's saying how to teach who who.

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He thought it was background music and began to look at the memory.

The world is really exciting.

It is said that there is such an aerial novel, originally big guy lives a good science and technology, a good modern life, ah Hey! All of a sudden, the end comes.

Some people become zombies. If they bite people, they will evolve. If they are bitten, they will be infected with zombie virus and become zombies themselves.

As soon as the zombie appears, the unsuspecting human beings will destroy a wave first.

Then the mutant appeared.

The mouse is bigger than the cat, the cat is bigger than the pig, the pig is bigger than the elephant. In short, each animal is bigger than its original size.

The common feature of these mutants is that they have fierce hair, which is a hammer to human beings.

Once again, the human race was wiped out.

It's over. It's not over. The plants have mutated.

Good guy, one by one, you can't do it, you can't do it. Human beings are dying out.

Originally at the top of the food chain, humans suddenly become poor. To be exact, ordinary humans without powers have become pitiful.

The powers are different.

Many of the mutants have lived the life of human beings.

After all, there is no legal shackles. If a mutator is unhappy with a person, he will kill him. As long as the other party or his family are not able to do so, no one will be in charge of it.

Beauty, little brother, resources, will be in front of the power.

And the Lord is such a power.

Unfortunately, he is the biggest villain in the original text. He is hated by the protagonist and wants to frustrate his bones.

Song XiaBing, the protagonist, was a dandy rich second generation before the end of the world. He was good-looking, good-natured, good-looking and talkative. Because of the family fighting, he disguised himself as a playful dandy and planned the arrangement secretly.

It turned out to be a success. It was the end of the world.

He didn't have any powers in his last life, but all of them were invalid to him.

For example, if the fire power hits him with fire, the fire will disappear when it reaches him.

So do other powers.

All people think that this is his ability. They think it's useless. After all, even if you can't use power, bare hands or weapons, you can't beat him.

As a result, the days of pine summer ice are more difficult.

It's not hard. It's just because he's a skill that doesn't work for him, he breaks the secret that the leader of a group of powerful people in the base has been hiding at that time.

This captain is a beast,

the beast is also a kind of power. However, he is not regarded as a powerful power, but is reduced to a plaything.

Because the biggest characteristic of the animator is that he will show the characteristics of animals.

It's usually ears or tails.

For example, a rabbit like animal grows two long rabbit ears on his head.

A cat is a cat's ear or a cat's tail.

If it is a snake, it may turn its eyes into a snake's vertical pupil, or it may show scales on its body.

All in all, these animators can be found once they are animalized.

The animators have a fatal drawback, that is, their animal characteristics will become their weakness.

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No matter how powerful the animators are, once they are touched by their own animal characteristics, they will lose their combat effectiveness instantly, and even may even collapse to the ground.

Can a beast with weakness be a powerful power?

After all, now is the end of the world, the weak eat the strong, you are the best, if you have weaknesses, who will be willing to convince you.

In addition, the beast people will often be associated with the beauty of the beast bonus.

Originally, only three of the appearance, after the beast can become eight.

Basically, every animator looks very good, and the skin is delicate and smooth, and the whole person can be much younger.

In addition, they were paralyzed at the touch, and within a few months of their appearance, the animators were pushed into the plaything class.

People capture the animators, bring them various tools, and then auction or give them away.

Because they have weaknesses, no one has ever been hurt by the beast.

Therefore, many animators will choose to hide their identities and not let others find them, but the characteristics are there. Unless they are not seen all the time, how can they not be found? If they don't see people, they have to leave the base, and there are zombies everywhere.

Few of them can escape the fate of being treated as playthings.

The famous captain is one of them.

However, although this captain has powerful powers, he is not very good at being a man. After the end of the world, the law becomes invalid. No one can punish him and do all kinds of bad things.One of the bad things he did was to let people tie loose Xia Bing.

The pine family has a foothold in base B, but song XiaBing, who happened to be in a city when the end of the world came, stayed in base a.

The captain heard that song XiaBing was the successor of the Song family, so he tied him up and sent someone to ask for grain redemption from the pine family.

Song XiaBing had a good life in the huoting team at the beginning. Although he was a hostage, he was just a "waste wood power". The people in the team did not bother to guard him. He only arranged for him to do chores and cook.

As a result, songxiabing discovered such a secret.

It has always been known as the powerful fire power. The numerous team leader of the fire thunder team under his younger brother is actually a beast.

However, his accompanying animalization ability should be similar to concealment. In addition to songxiabing, no one could see the hairy tail behind the captain.

Songxia Bing was deep-seated and knew that he had no self-protection ability at all, so he kept silent and pretended not to see it.

As a result, he did not expect that the captain's tail was not only invisible, but also untouchable.

As an animal.

He doesn't even have to wear perforated pants.

The ability of the team leader is invalid for songxiabing.

In an accident, he accidentally touched the captain's tail.

In public, the captain, who was holding a weed and was full of ferocious words, directly softened his legs in public and half knelt in front of all the people.

When the captain stands up, he will kill song XiaBing directly.

Xia Ting thought that he could see the other team leader's face in order to see the other team leader's face clearly.

The beast's secret cannot be known, so he must die.

The captain also wants to kill him, others can't persuade, song XiaBing can only speak by himself.

It's nothing to say that they kidnap for ransom. The Songjia family is so big that they won't fight against them for the food.

But now if they kill the successor of the Song family, the matter is not so. Even if he is going to die, it can't be in their hands.

At that time, he is dead, but the whole huoting team will also be buried with him.

Songxiabing said this in front of the public. If the captain still started, he must have abandoned his hands.

If we do, we will not be far away from the people below.

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As a result, the captain had to be gloomy and didn't make any more moves.

Song XiaBing was able to save a life, but after he was in the huoting corps, it was not easy to live. Although he could not kill him, he could be kicked or humiliated by various words.

In this period of time, songxiabing was stepped on the scale, which was his mother who had passed away.

When his mother knew song XiaBing's father, his father was not married. At that time, he tried to coax his mother into giving birth to song XiaBing on the pretext that his family did not agree to the marriage. He turned his head and married his wife. He knew that song's mother existed and did not mind her existence. They could still live as before.

After knowing the truth, song's mother left with song XiaBing and planned to live alone with her child. Unfortunately, she fell ill. Finally, after her death, song XiaBing was taken back to the Song family and became a well-known illegitimate child.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been listening to the slander of his mother from the rest of the pine family.

He said that his mother was a junior because of money. What's more, some people said that his mother was a prostitute.

When song XiaBing was a child, he would cry and defend his mother. Finally, he was ridiculed or beaten.

When he grew up, with a smile without haze, he bit by bit pushed those who slandered his mother to the bottom.

Who could have thought that when I finally got to a high position, the end of the world came.

But in the last world, there are people who dare to say that about his mother.

If the language humiliation of the younger brothers is just to please the boss, the captain's torture and humiliation to him is purely the captain's own thinking.

Song XiaBing doesn't know why the captain hates him so much.

Even if he pretended to be stupid and said he didn't see anything at all, the man would not let him go.

The captain looked at his sight and hated him as if he were an ant in the ground. He wanted to crush him to death.

And then he did.

After the Song family sent someone to refuse the ransom, the captain without shackles immediately tied up Songxia ice and threw it into the water prison.

He was tortured for three days and three nights.

It's hard for people who have not felt the pain of the water prison. It is difficult for people who have not felt it. They are bound to stand in the water, and the water level will rise slowly. The water has been pouring into the water all the time. The people standing inside know that the water will submerge their nose and mouth, but they can't escape. They can only feel the pain of death soberly.

The captain made up his mind to torture him to death.

Songxiabing was flooded to the top of his head on the third day. In the process of suffocation and current, he learned how to use the seemingly useless power.I also know that his real powers can't ignore power attacks.

It's phagocytosis.

He can manipulate his swallowing ability to devour and melt everything in the world.

Powers, power beasts, mutant plants, zombies, even humans.

Songxia ice melted the water and tied his own chain, escaped from the fire brigade.

After that, he became a super boss through various upgrades and copies.

The first thing he did after becoming a super big man was to seize the leader of the fire force and torture him for ten days and nights. After that, he cut off his tail and let him die of pain because of his accompanying tail cutting off his heart pulse.

A perfect counter attack advanced cool article.

Unfortunately, since it became a session, song XiaBing, the protagonist, is not so lucky.

He was awakened by the swallowing ability, but because he had just dug out the power, his heart was powerful and insufficient. Before he could finish swallowing the surrounding water, he choked to death.

The protagonists are dead, the world is naturally broken.

Then, Shi Qing came.

When Qing is not surprised to find that he is the captain with a long tail.

The original memory is brief and clear.

Since he knew that he was an animal, he had been holding fire, but because no one knew about it, he had no place to vent.

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As a result, songxiabing knows.

The original Lord directly vented all his anger on him. He did not want him to die, but also wanted him to die with the most cruel method.

And now this time is when songxiabing has been locked up in the water prison for three days and three nights, and is about to burp his fart.

Three days and three nights

The time is clear and the tongue is smacked.

Thanks to the second awakening of Songxia Bing, the body constitution rubbed up. Otherwise, it would be changed to someone else. If you soak in the water for so long, you can soak your hair.

System, what's the repulsion of Songxia ice?

The system thinks it can be very calm.

However, after seeing the repulsion degree, it was still forced to

the repulsion degree of Songxia and Songxia ice floes was 600100

and it was not surprised at all.

Being insulted and tortured for such a long time, people are on the verge of death. It is understandable that the degree of exclusion is higher.

Facing this new high degree of exclusion, the system is the host of crying without tears. I think the world is difficult.

Shiqing is OK.

The system is not Host, you are a straight man now. Wuwuwuwu is still a big straight man. You almost tortured people to death. If you don't break up, how can you reduce the rejection.

When Qing zazui, the beautiful man has his own tricks.

The younger brother of "background music" in front of him is still talking about the unfortunate man who was robbed of food by them. He even said such a joke about the rule of law society. In front of him, the old general put down his legs and stood up directly.

"What time is it?"

He shut up and looked at his watch. "Boss, it's more than eleven."

"OK, you go. I'll go to the water prison to see pine summer ice."

The younger brother didn't understand, "what is he doing? Don't you say you want him dead, boss

Shiqing kicked on the table, his face impatient, "go to your uncle, what do I want to do with you."

"Don't be angry, boss. It's because I don't have long eyes. I'm going to leave now."

Watching him go, Shiqing found a cigarette in its mouth.

The original owner didn't smoke, but in the end, tobacco became a scarce commodity. In order to pretend to be forced, he developed the habit of carrying cigarettes.

It's almost like in the history of the development of China that some people like to show off their big brother.

When the big man step on the table, eyebrows slightly locked, holding a cigarette.

I just feel like I'm really overbearing.

That's enough. He took the time to go to the water prison.

The fruit there just drowned the top of Songxia ice.

Before is to torture him a little bit, today the original Lord said to loose summer ice to death, the water suddenly put so high.

He stood on the edge and looked down. He saw that although there was no movement or noise in the water, the water level was slowly falling. He knew that this was songxiabing and had awakened.

When Qing hand pressed the water release key, watching the water level drop rapidly, exposed the youth inside.

In this way, his face was still impatient with his cigarette in his mouth, but his eyes lit up slightly.

The skin of Songxia ice is very good, with peach blossom eyes, high nose, white face, and good figure. Now, with the water level falling, the abdominal muscles appear indistinctly.

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He was so embarrassed to stand there coughing, a poor look that people want to trample (cross out) pity.

I like it.

Shi Qing looked down at the young man with half exposed shoulder and gasping breath. He sneered and said, "aren't your mouth very strong? Why not now? "Songxiabing coughed and lowered his eyes to cover his hatred. He clenched his fist slightly. He felt that he had no strength to control the power. He could not even swing the chain. So he closed his eyes and endured the sarcasm from above.


"I thought you were really stubborn, but I didn't expect it to be so."

Song Xia Bing took a deep breath.

The situation is no better than others, and we can only bear it.

The man at the top who hated him said, "songxiabing, I'll give you two choices."

"One, die on the spot."

"Second, when I'm a little brother, I mean you can't fight West. If you want to go to the sky, you can't stand on the ground."

Finish saying, when Qing Diao cigarette, a face of impatience "choose."

Songxia ice slightly moved the body, bound his hands and feet of the iron chain with his movement frame ring.

The young man slowly raised his eyes and showed a smile like that in Shiqing's memory.

He opened his mouth, his voice was smooth and pleasant, and he was naturally bewitched. "I choose to be your younger brother, boss. In fact, I have wanted to follow you for a long time. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. This is my pleasure."

"Just know."

Song Xia Bing is not surprised when Qing's arrogance and of course, he with a smile, looking at when Qing unloaded the chain that bound him.

At the bottom of my heart, I am on guard.

Shi Qing wanted to kill him before. He was sure.

There must be something wrong with the sudden change of mind.

It's a pity that he is weak now. Otherwise, the best choice is to kill Shiqing and escape directly.

"Hello, boy!"

Standing in front of him, he called out, "you can see what's behind me, right?"

The pupil of songxiabing shrinks.

Before the time Qing Dynasty, he was sure that he knew, otherwise he would not want to kill him. Now he does not admit it, and it is meaningless.

After hesitating for a second between admitting and denying, he nodded, "boss, I won't tell anyone else."

The handsome man in front of him sneered, "I dare you."

He slightly turned over, with this movement, that red fluffy tail, it was directly exposed under the skin of Songxia ice eyes.

It's under the skin.

It's almost in his eye.

When Qing spits out the smoke in his mouth, he orders "to touch Laozi's tail."

Rao is the city of deep, such as pine summer ice, also by this request to get Leng Leng Leng.


"Are you deaf?"

Shi qingtut, holding song XiaBing's hand up, with a fierce tone, repeated: "Laozi! Let you

"Touch your tail!"

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