An animal, even put forward this kind of request, pine summer ice touch their own weak point request.

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Songxia ice

He was alert in his heart and suspected of deceit, but in the end, he stretched out his hand slowly and landed on the fluffy tail.


Just also full of ferocity and ferocity just now, the man's legs are soft and he is about to kneel on the ground.

Fortunately, he quickly grasped the arm of Songxia Bing, which just managed to stabilize himself, and finally stood firm.

His hands are very strong, Rao is Songxia ice, now because of the second awakening, the body is much better, but also by the hands of the Qing Dynasty hair pain.

His eyebrow slightly wrinkled for a moment, and then quickly flattened, as if without any comment, and looked at the time when he could barely stand against him, breathing disorder.

So a look to discover, the handsome face of the man's honey color is actually covered with a faint blush, lips slightly open panting, a look that can't breathe.

As long as song XiaBing thinks, you can easily take away Shiqing's life at this moment.

He really thought about whether to do this. Unfortunately, he thought that there were Shi Qing's younger brothers outside. If he killed Shi Qing, he would end up with the guy's front foot dead on his heel, and he could only regret to give up.

Anyway, it's not once or twice to wait for an opportunity. Song XiaBing thinks about it in the bottom of his heart, and his face shows a suitable worry, and then he comes out with

"boss, are you ok

Shi Qing shook his head, thinking that the weakness of the animal is the characteristics of the animal, which is worthy of its reputation.

It's so cool that people's legs are soft. How can they fight.


It's really cool ~

he gasped, "touch again!"

Songxiabing has a bit of recollection, he saw that he had to rely on his arm to barely stand firm, the handsome man gnashing his teeth, slightly picked his eyebrows.

He asked, "boss, do you want to increase tail resistance by exercising?"

When Qing gasped for breath, Shuang to fly up, but also made a ferocious appearance to come out, fiercely glared at him, opened his mouth to speak.

Songxiabing suddenly stretched out his hand and touched the big tail from the middle.


This time, he was more serious than the rashness of just now. He skirted the fluffy and went down to the tip of his tail.

It's too much stimulation for any animator to lose all his strength.

The man who has always been a tough guy almost immediately trembled and called out. His legs suddenly softened. Even the hand holding songxiabing's arm was not strong enough. He would fall to the side when he released it.

Songxiabing stretched out his hand and held him.

Shiqing is as tall as he is, but now he has no strength all over his body. His body is so soft that he can't stand. It looks like he's holding people in his arms.

He slightly lowered his eyes and looked down at Shi Qing, who was supported by himself. His eyes, which were always wanton and ferocious, were full of trance at the moment, and his handsome and strong face was also full of blush.

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Is already a pair, completely lost the attack power, lets the human slaughter the appearance.

But it was just a moment.

After a few seconds, Shi Qing's eyes have been restored to Qingming.

After realizing what a fragile voice he had just uttered, his face darkened and said, "Damn it, this is a great thing!"

At the moment, he still has no strength, so it is still songxiabing to support him.

Seeing Qing swearing, song XiaBing asked again, "boss, how is it now? Is it better? "

Although the handsome man's face was still not good-looking, he also answered

"it's more powerful than just now."

Sure enough.

Songxia ice slightly dark under the eyes, eyes in a trace of calculation.

Shi Qing really planned to use him to exercise this tail.

After all, as long as the tail is still there, that's his weakness. No matter how powerful the power is now, if you touch the tail, you will immediately lose your fighting power and let others kill you.

Previously, he was able to hide his tail with a companion ability.

But who gave up a pine summer ice.

Shi Qing must have thought that since someone can see his tail, it is impossible to guarantee that a second such person will not appear.

He is the captain of the fire brigade and has made numerous enemies. If he is known to be a brute, the end is absolutely unbearable.

If you can't cut your tail, you'll die if you cut it off. You'll have to exercise your resistance, but touching your tail won't do anything.

Therefore, Shi Qing decided to let song XiaBing, the only one who knew the secret, to help him exercise.

As long as he doesn't get the result, song XiaBing's life will be saved by Shiqing. After all, it's too difficult to find a person who is abandoned by his family and his abilities are useless, but he has good physical fitness, weak temperament (pretending to be), and also knows the secrets of his beast dealer.

Song XiaBing has figured it out.He didn't tell Shiqing that he knew an animator at the beginning of the end of the world, and that man had the same idea as Shi Qing, except that no matter how he exercised, what the characteristics of the animator should be.

There is no way to increase resistance through exercise.

He knew this, but how could he tell Shi Qing.

In this world, no one wants Shiqing to die more than songxiabing.

But since Shiqing himself will take advantage of his opportunity to pass to Songxia ice, why not take advantage of it and send him to death?

Song XiaBing is not at all like what he said to the people of the fire brigade. He is the successor of the Song family. If something happens to him, the Songjia will take revenge for him.

It's all bullshit.

Everyone in the pine family would like him to die early.

Those people in the pine family had given him humiliation at the beginning, and he kept them in mind.

After Song XiaBing came to power, although he dealt with several people, the rest did not immediately deal with them, but slowly stayed in the palm of his hand to play.

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Slow knife cutting meat, not only to torture their bodies, but also to torture their hearts.

But who could have thought that the end had come.

Song XiaBing happened to be away from the pine family when the end of the world came. He missed the opportunity to control the pine family, and then awakened to the wastewood ability.

The people of the pine family hate him deeply. If they know that he has no ability now, it's strange not to frustrate him.

He didn't even want to go back home.

Originally intended to hibernate temporarily, but before he could do anything, he was tied up by the people of the fire fighting team, trying to ask for ransom.

From the very beginning, song XiaBing knew that the Song family would not give him a ransom. They longed for his death. How could they save him.

The people of the huoting team will not kill him if they don't get the ransom. At most, they will drive him away. He is quiet all the time. He doesn't want to run away. He pretends to be a cowardly young master.

As a result, it was discovered that the secret of the animator was discovered.

At that time, even if he wanted to escape, he could not escape.

Songxia Bing must hate Shiqing.

But at the same time, he also hated the Matsu family.

Although Shi Qing is not a good man, his fire force is not low. If you use him to deal with the Song family

It took song XiaBing only one minute to decide what to do next. He lowered his eyes and held Shi Qing firmly. Wen Sheng asked, "boss, you can't just try this way."

"If you don't try it like this, you can give me some way to come out!"

The boss in a bad mood scolded impatiently, "your task is to listen to my words, don't meddle in my business!"

Songxia Bingsi does not mind his attitude, with a smile on the corner of his lips, the slightest impoliteness of the hand, fell on the tail root of the Qing Dynasty.

This time, he was from the tail root of the fire red tail, and felt it all the way to the tip of the tail.

"Er Well

Just also a face of impatience of the man suddenly frozen body, eyes lax down, chest violent ups and downs breathing, half sound did not return to mind.

"Look, boss."

Song XiaBing held him, still in a gentle tone, as if in a sincere proposal, "we tried several times, but you are more and more serious."

"I really want to follow the eldest brother, and of course I want to overcome the problem of the elder brother. Why don't you tell me what your companion animal is? We can prescribe medicine according to the characteristics of the companion animal."

The man who was supported by him gasped, pursed his lips and struggled to flash across his face.

Generally, only one knows what the companion beast is.

Don't think that a rabbit with a rabbit ear is a rabbit. There are more species of companion animals than any other animal on the earth.

Just talking about rabbits, there are ice and snow rabbits, flame rabbits and so on.

At the same time, the animalizer not only has the characteristics of no strength when touching the beast, but also has some characteristics of the companion beast.

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For example, ice rabbit is afraid of fire, so the animator who owns the rabbit is also afraid of fire. If someone burns him with fire, even if he doesn't touch him, the animator will frighten himself to death because of his strong fear of fire.

So the animators are very resistant to telling others what their companion beast is.

Especially those who are still free.

If they are known and untouched, they may die in the weakness of the companion beast.

"I know, companion animals generally don't tell outsiders, but boss, think about it, I know your tail, but what have I done to you? I'm a waste wood ability. I can't live without you. "

The expression on Qingshi's face gradually hesitated, and song XiaBing continued to persuade him;

"boss, I really want to help you overcome it. After all, I can be good only when you are good. You tell me your companion beast, maybe we can find a way through its characteristics."He added: "you don't have to worry that I will betray you. Now the Matsu family has given up on me. I hate them. Only the boss takes me in. If I betray anyone, I will not betray you."

His voice was mellow and full of temptation. "Besides, I just want to betray. I don't have the ability. Boss, you have seven levels of abilities. One finger can crush me..."

When Qing slightly raised his eyes, his forehead was also covered with small, dense sweat.

He gasped and asked, "don't you fool me. Before I put you in a water prison for three days, would you hate me?"


Of course.

He wanted to kill Shi Qing immediately.

But who makes it, Shiqing is still useful.

Song XiaBing's good-looking face is full of no haze smile, "I annoyed the boss, only blame myself, but boss, if I really hate you, now you are like this, I can directly kill you."

"But I didn't do it, did I?"

When Qing slightly gasps for breath, the hesitation on the face already subsided almost, he deeply exhaled a breath.


"My companion is the fox."

System quietly Mimi bubbling host, do you remember wrong, your companion beast is snow mountain polar fox, the one that runs very fast.

Shiqing can rest assured. I know that the memory of your host is not so bad.

Pine summer ice slightly squint "enchanting fox?"

He had never heard of such a companion.

"Yes." The handsome face of the man supported by him was full of resentment, and he was obviously unwilling to become an animal.

The original intention of songxiabing is to squeeze more Shiqing's handle in the palm of his hand, so that he can have more cards.

As a result, Shiqing told him a species he had never heard of.

It's hard to do.

He said quietly, only continued to ask, "the boss, do you know the characteristics of the fox?"

When Qing face exposed a touch of embarrassment, put aside the face "do not know."

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How can the animator not know the characteristics of the companion beast.

Songxiabing only looked at him, and knew that he had something to hide. He did not continue to ask, but only put the matter in the bottom of his heart.

"Since there is no other way, it seems that we can only use your method to exercise."

When Qing twisted his eyebrows, his face was full of ferocity! After all, you and his uncle still said a lot of nonsense

"Yes, the boss said it was all my fault."

The young man's natural acceptance was his own fault, and his slender white hands fell over the red tail of the man who was held by him.

"Boss, would it be better if we tried some force?"

"Shit! Wait

From a moment ago until now, the man who has not returned to God flashed a trace of fear on his beautiful face.

His body subconsciously shrank back, but on his face, he still said, "I haven't slowed down."

"It's also good. It's good to try the boss. What happens if you are touched again without slowing down? Will you feel better, or..."

Songxia ice has no feelings at the bottom of her eyes. She holds her big tail with her hands and touches the tip of her tail all the way from the flaming fluffy.


The strong and handsome man let out a scream of desperation, and fell almost sobbing in his arms.

Song XiaBing asked him, "boss, what's your feeling now?"

"You, you!"

I didn't get back to my mind for half a day. I just like eating the air around me.

"Song Xia Bing" would you like to try the reverse? Maybe the reverse will have unexpected effects. "

The man's face flashed with fear and fear that could not be concealed. He tried to shake his weak body and try to avoid

"no! Wait, wait Ah, ah, ah

Songxia Bing's hand slowly from the tip of the tail, reverse to the tail root.

Slender white fingers mixed with a few handfuls of soft fire red hair, but some good-looking.

He accidentally followed from the root of the tail back to the tip of the tail.

I didn't pay attention to it before. This tail looks good to touch and feels very good.

I can't complain. It's said that the most popular ones who are under control are those with tails.

Even Shi Qing, a tall man with six abdominal muscles, honey complexion, handsome face but not beautiful, with this tail, shows a bit of attractiveness.

When his hand moved away from the tip of his tail, he looked at the man in his arms. He was dizzy and his mouth was open, but he couldn't make any sound.

"Song Xia Bing" boss, are you ok? How are you feeling now? "

It's very refreshing.

The world is really special. He wants to stay for another 100 years.

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