Shi Qing tried all his strength to not say the sentence "good again", although he could not speak now.

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Songxia Bing doesn't move any more.

He has always been the best at observing people. How could he not know Shi Qing's temper after spending such a long time in the huoting team.

The captain is known for his short temper and easy to get angry. He doesn't have any moral values. He robbed a woman back not long ago, which shows his disposition.

Shi Qing was not only irritable, but also arrogant. For such a person, he pretended to experiment twice just now. If he came again, I'm afraid Shiqing would be angry with him.

In any case, he was a man who was right to anger others, wasn't he.

Song XiaBing has no problem with these.

Anyway, he doesn't have any moral values, but he never disdains to do such immoral things.

As a result, he waited patiently for the man in his arms to slow down, and the original broken breath also slowly returned to normal.

The team leader of the fire brigade slowed down, and as expected, he immediately changed his face and pushed the pine summer ice away with a gloomy face. He staggered several times to stand firm.

Shiqing's strength was not weak, but songxiabing has evolved twice. Of course, it is impossible for the chicken to be pushed away.

But he followed the force, as if pushed to the ground half, some embarrassed sitting on the wet ground, from the bottom up, pitifully looking at Shiqing.


Yes, he's showing weakness.

Is not to endure hatred for the time being, show weakness to this enemy of Shiqing?

Songxiabing used to pretend to be stupid for more than 20 years. How could these things not be done.

After he put on a pitiful and bewildered look of pain, he had been paying attention to the expression of pain. As expected, he saw that the man, who was originally full of resentment and anger, looked a little better after seeing the expression on his face.

But the tone is still very bad, "how can you compare to the women? I just pushed it and fell down. It's really a white face."

Song XiaBing's sitting on the ground did not change. He only showed a timid look on his face and seemed to open his mouth hesitantly. His smooth and pleasant voice explained in a weak and weak way that "I was locked up here for three days, and I didn't eat any food, so I didn't have any strength..."

He's lying with his eyes open.

Since the evolution of his powers, song XiaBing has found that his powers will be stored in his body as if they devour other objects.

It's like food.

In short, he must be able to eat, but his stomach is definitely not hungry.

But people in front of me don't know.

He was put in here for three days, didn't he?

The man was also wearing sweat on his handsome face. He was impatient, but he still said, "get up, I'll take you out to eat."

Songxia ice showed a look of gratitude, as if it was very difficult to get up, but the bottom of my heart sneered.

He knew that Shiqing hated him. No, to be exact, Shiqing hated him.

This hatred comes for no reason, and is accompanied by dislike.

Since he broke the secret of Shiqing, every time, this guy looked at him with cold and murderous eyes.

As if he was just a tiny but offending ant.

Song XiaBing is going to kill Shi Qing because of such a thing.

The weak eat the strong, so it is.

It just doesn't prevent him from hating Shiqing.

Now this guy is going to die for such ridiculous reasons as trying to exercise his tail resistance.

Then don't blame him for taking away Shiqing's life.

Song XiaBing slowly stood up under the impatient sight of the man. His body was still dripping with water. Although his skin was not swollen because of the power, it was also very pale.

With that beautiful face, and looks good figure, good a pity appearance.

It's a pity that Shiqing is a straight man who doesn't appreciate men.

He just stood in the same place condescending, the mouth of a moment of non-stop ridicule, "look at your weak Ji appearance, you still like a man? Weaker than a woman, I really don't know how you've lived to this day, relying on your firewood ability? "

Song Xia Bing seems to be very hurt to hang down long eyelashes, pale face does not speak.

The fists hanging on both sides slowly clenched.

When Qing said these words, almost every sentence stepped on his thunder point.

If you change to an impulsive person, you may have gone up directly to hold this guy's tail and teach him how to be a man.

But he is songxiabing.

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He was the son of the pine family who had been dormant for 20 years, pretended to be a stupid dandy, and pulled all his enemies down at one time.

When song XiaBing looks up again, the timid smile on his face is already flattering.

"I'm sorry, boss. I'll be faster next time."

"Hiss."The handsome man with honey skin hugged his arms and sneered, and his face was full of disdain. "You're the only one. Where can you go quickly?"

"Weak chicken."

With that, he looked up and down songxiabing and mercifully waved his hand. "Forget it, anyway, your role is to touch this thing behind me every day, and don't want you to beat zombies."

He didn't say the rest, but the meaning was already there.

Is to loose Xia Bing to fight, does he win?

Song XiaBing didn't pay attention to this point. The dark light flashed in his eyes, slightly raised his eyes, and looked at Shiqing directly.

"do I want to touch the boss's tail every day?"

In front of the man's expression slightly stiff, behind only loose summer ice can see the fire red tail with fluffy hair, subconsciously block in front of the host.

When Qing impatiently hugs the tail to press down, does not let it cover his sight, the mouth scolds "this broken thing is really troublesome."

The big tail was pressed down. When he looked at Song XiaBing, his tone was at least eight degrees worse than before. "I said I should exercise. Of course, I have to touch every day to exercise."

There's nothing wrong with the logic of the reason.

However, song XiaBing vaguely felt that something was wrong, but after turning around in the bottom of his heart, he could not find out what was wrong, so he could only give up.

Standing in front of him, Shi Qing had already begun to put out his hand to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, and then did a warm-up action, which could be regarded as a soft front leg.

Sure there is no problem, he just swung his big tail and lifted his chin at Songxia Bing. "What's cold? Let's go."

Songxia bingshun followed by the time Qing, out of the water prison.

There are no guards on this side of the water prison. After all, it is said to be a water prison. In fact, it was just a swimming pool before the end of the world.

After occupying this place, Shi Qing likes to swim when he has nothing to do.

Of course, the water for swimming was released by the water system ability.

Song XiaBing was also the first person to be thrown here.

The swimming pool has naturally become a water prison.

He followed Shiqing all the way out, and the people of the huoting team who met him on the way saw that he was so careful to follow Shi Qing, and his face was surprised.

"Boss, he's not dead?"

A little brother came up curiously and looked at Song XiaBing. He was sure that in addition to his pale face and a little wet on his body, he was really sound in limbs and clear in his eyes. He was very surprised.

"Did you say you were shut up in the water for three days? If you change it into an ordinary person, you will not die and become disabled? "

Shi Qing sneered, "who said he was an ordinary man, isn't he a power?"

Little brother, I just remember that, yes, song XiaBing is still a power man.

Songxiabing's ability is too useless. He forgot it.

"Boss, isn't there no ransom from the pine family? What do you want him to do? You didn't say you wanted this kid to... "

The younger brother said, stretched out his hand in the neck to do a cut neck movement, did not have the slightest scruples, the pine summer ice is nearby to listen.

When Qing's face was ugly, he slapped him on the head and scolded, "I want you to take care of my affairs!"

Br > "it seems that I'm in a bad mood when I've been slapped on the head by my boss

"Wait a minute."

Shi Qing reached out his hand and grabbed the man back with his collar. "Where's Zhou Xuanxuan?"

"Locked up in the house, boss. She's been on a hunger strike for three days. I look at people like they're going to die."


When Qing's voice suddenly high eight degrees, "she fasts, why don't you tell me?"

The younger brother was scared, quickly protect his head, "you, you don't say, let her die, live and die?"

Song Xia Bing heard the familiar name, slightly raised his eyes.

Zhou Xuanxuan is also a famous female talent in the base. She has always been famous outside. As a girl, she has a flat chest and likes to wear men's clothes. Otherwise, she has a beautiful face and long hair. I'm afraid people will think that she is a man.

Her ability is also level 7, because she dare to fight and fight, she has rich experience in fighting, and she can be regarded as a powerful figure in the base. However, she is too straightforward. Before that, she did not fight injustice for some insulted women, so she made many enemies.

Before she went out of the base to look for supplies, she met a class of eight mutant plants. Fortunately, after escaping, her powers were completely destroyed.

The high-level powers who once made many enemies became disabled. You can imagine her fate.

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Song XiaBing knew that the woman who was robbed by Shiqing was Zhou Xuanxuan. It is said that Shi Qing liked to be so spicy. On the day he got back, he announced that he wanted Zhou Xuanxuan to be his woman.

When he went to see Shiqing again, he happened to see the man who was always full of "Lao Tzu dazzles and pulls cool and handsome, you are all a group of garbage". His eyes were full of worry, but his face was still fierce"When I say" live and die ", I mean I don't pay attention to her. Who let you starve her

Little brother is also very aggrieved, "we are not hungry her, ah, the food is given to her, she does not eat."

Zhou Xuanxuan's beautiful face is so beautiful. Even if she angered their boss, a group of bachelors in the huoting regiment are reluctant to starve her. They give her three meals a day, hoping that the beauty can appreciate them and kiss Fangze.

She was snatched back by the boss. Yes, they dare not. But if Zhou Xuanxuan is willing to follow them, the situation will be different.

Although the boss has a bad temper, he is still very generous. He may give people to them.

"It's really his mother's trouble. Women are not good at this point. Now she's a disabled person. I'm so handsome and strong, and her ability is not weak. She's so pretentious."

He touched his face and asked his younger brother, "do you think I'm not handsome? As for my handsome face, I don't know how many star scouts want me to be a star before the end of the world. "

Song Xia Bing sneered at his self satisfied appearance.

Who does not know that the majestic huoting team leader is just a gangster before the end of the Qing Dynasty, or that kind of muddlehead.

Now it's going to put gold on your face.

When Qing was angry and finished, he drove his younger brother to "roll away, a group of useless, don't know what to say and see at all. Next time you beat meat, you don't want to touch it."

My little brother rolled away.

Song Xia Bing looked at the impatient man walking a few steps in situ, and said, "forget it, I'm a big man. I don't care about women."

It's going forward.

He followed, with calculation in his heart.

Shi Qing's words are fierce, but in fact, I'm afraid he really likes Zhou Xuanxuan.

Otherwise, with his overbearing nature, he would have robbed Zhou Xuanxuan back.

It's not like that. There's no base.

Most of the incompetent women are snatched at will and sold as goods.

Men who have no ability are either slaves or killed carelessly.

Shi Qing was able to resist touching Zhou Xuanxuan, but it seemed that he was somewhat sincere.

Of course, song XiaBing doesn't know. The original owner didn't want to touch Zhou Xuanxuan.

In fact, the girl's temper is very hot. She is a rose with thorns.

Zhou Xuanxuan is different. She is a bomb with thorns.

As soon as the original master tried to bend her bow, she, with her own strength, gave the original Lord a son and daughter.

Zhou Xuanxuan fought so many times. She not only trained her powers, but also her physical strength. Even if she was a cripple, she could be vigorous and cruel.

Also thanks to the original master is a power, or a very powerful ability, or it is estimated that he will become a "disabled man" from now on.

But even so, this foot also let him nest in the room for three days, and these three days happened to be song XiaBing's three days in the water prison.

On the third day, the original owner recovered, thinking of the goods, and then ordered to loose Xia Bing to die.

In the original plot, the original owner hates Zhou Xuanxuan for being "ungrateful". She is left to be hungry when she is hungry. The zombies are fed when they die of starvation.

It can be said that Zhou Xuanxuan's death opened up a future in which the original owner bullied men and bullied women, and all kinds of shameless acts harmed countless people.

And now

Shi Qing swaggered to the room where Zhou Xuanxuan was locked.

There was a little brother watching him outside. It happened to be that peevish little brother when he just woke up. When he saw him coming, he quickly flattered him.

"boss, you're here, boss, don't worry. We'll see people dead and make sure that she can't fly!"

His eldest brother is gloomy face, facial expression is not good-looking to extend a hand, palm, a group of flames have come out.

Seeing that his hand was about to swing to the door, the little brother called out "boss!! Wait

Shi Qing stopped and asked in a bad tone, "what are you doing?"

Shivering, the younger brother took out the key from his arms and went to unlock the lock. "That, the boss, I have the key, and now the lock is very difficult to find..."

He is really for the team resources.

After all, it's hard to find a door that can be locked with a key, and it's very hard to lock it.

If the boss destroys the lock, the next time he wants the lock, he has to go out and look for it.

If it was the original owner, he must feel that he was small and might even kick him.

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But change to Shiqing

The ugly look on his face was better, and it was hard to say, "yes, you think well."

The little mouse's face is full of excitement.

"Boss, don't worry, I will continue to work hard!"

Songxia Bing is a bit unexpected. After a look at it, I can see clearly.

As far as he knows, Shiqing has a bad temper, this little brother disobeys his meaning, Shiqing didn't kick a foot open?Shi Qing didn't pay attention to his look.

He worked hard to maintain his current people, set up a single love Zhou Xuanxuan but can not love.

The door opened.

Zhou Xuanxuan, who is sitting at the table and is bored playing with her hair, is exposed to several people's eyes.

When Qing looked at the past, his mind flashed through countless words praising people's appearance.

Even if there is a memory, but really see a real person, he found out.

Zhou Xuanxuan is really a beautiful wife.

A beautiful face.

Green silk like waterfall, slim body, even if it is because of hunger for three days and pale, that appearance is also very able to fight.

Just also excited "the boss praised me, the boss praised me" the younger brother looked stunned.

It's amazing how many times you look at this face.

Only pine summer ice.

Although it was the first time to see Zhou Xuanxuan, she only glanced at her, then moved away from her eyes and lowered her head without any expression on her face.

Seeing his reaction, Zhou Xuanxuan, who was originally bored, raised her eyebrows and showed a little interest in her eyes to

"Oh, there are still new people coming to see me today? It's rare. "

Her voice is also soft and smooth, but there is no girl's crisp feeling, but a bit neutral.

The man who robbed her came forward with a cold face and waved.

Zhou Xuanxuan's little brother, who was still in a daze, did not move.

Time Qing "..."

He turned around angrily and scolded at his younger brother, "can't you see me calling you? Come here

"Ah? Ooh, ooh, ooh

The younger brother was called a rousing spirit, quickly and obediently ran on the front "boss, what's the order?"

"You go, get something to eat, and give it to her."

The little brother quickly nodded to go out, and then thought of what "but boss, she doesn't eat."

"It doesn't matter."

Shi Qing turned to look at the fearless Zhou Xuanxuan and sneered, "you don't want to eat, will you? I'll shave your face if you don't eat."

"Whatever you want."

Zhou Xuanxuan was playing with a handful of black hair in her hand. The beauty's face was full of Indifference: "you can shave as you like. You can play chess on my face. It's not just skin appearance. It's not all bones when people die."

The man who robbed her in front of her seemed to be angry. He breathed heavily and reached out angrily. Several fires came to Zhou Xuanxuan.

Just step forward and you can burn her face.

Zhou Xuanxuan, however, was not afraid. She only supported her chin and blinked at Shi Qing.

Time Qing "..."

How does he feel that Zhou Xuanxuan is worse than him.

There was no fire nearby. Shi Qing always held his hands, but he did not clench his fist to direct the flame forward.

Zhou Xuanxuan looked at the man with a face full of anger, and the boredom on his face gradually became interested

"isn't it? Do you really like me

She covered her stomach with a smile and said, "Oh, my God, I'm laughing. Shiqing, you really like me."

The handsome man's face was a little dark.

"I just hate your face," he said

"Yes, yes, I know. I know. I look good."

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Zhou Xuanxuan couldn't be happy. He didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner.

She finished laughing, and then blinked at Shiqing, "I won't eat, see what you can do with me."

Seeing her chest rise and fall, she can't say a word for half a day. She has no prestige in the past. Song XiaBing, who has not spoken for a long time, suddenly says, "what if I cut your hair?"

"Look at your hair. It's well done. You've been touching your hair, but you never dare to exert yourself. Do you care about it so much?"

The smile on Zhou Xuanxuan's face stopped slightly. She squinted and looked up and down at Song XiaBing. "Oh, boy, the observation is good."


She cocked her legs and knocked on the table. "Serve me, I'll do it."

Songxia Bing's lips showed a pure smile, looked at his face with doubt, turned his head to look at his man, Wen Sheng said

"just want to share the worries for the boss."

Because help when Qing avoided "oneself like the woman starves to death", when Qing looks at Pine summer ice's line of sight to be gentle many.

Next, the man who was always impatient outside took songxiabing with him patiently, waiting for Zhou Xuanxuan to finish eating.

Zhou Xuanxuan ate a basin of rice, two variant legs, and a bowl of soup. After that, she was full. She wiped her mouth and leaned comfortably on the chair

"You are a girl, you eat so much..."

"No way. I have a good appetite."

Zhou Xuanxuan patted her stomach and said, "ah, Shi Qing, I really didn't expect you to like me. Really, I thought you just wanted to have sex with me. I didn't expect you to look like this, so..."She racked her brain and choked out a sentence: "how rude people will really feel for me, I feel guilty. If I knew you really like me, I would not refuse you."

The man's eyes were bright, and his body was out of control. He took a step ahead of him. "You, what do you mean..."

Zhou Xuanxuan stood up and announced, "I accept your pursuit."

She said, while putting her hand on her coat, she simply pulled down the zipper and took it off. While taking off, she said, "I am a very emotional person. You are good to me, and I am also good to you. Come on, don't wait. Let's have a great success of love and harmony now."

Songxiabing can clearly feel that the whole people of Shiqing are excited, and the man even stutters: "now, now?"

"Yes, now, time is running out. Come on, come on."

Zhou Xuanxuan took off her coat and was looking forward to her last dress.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Shi Qing quickly turned to cover the eyes of Songxia Bing and said, "wait a minute, he still..."

His words stopped abruptly.

Cover the eyes of Songxia ice, also stiff release.

Songxia ice slightly twisted eyebrows, vigilant back a step, see the scene in front of.

Zhou Xuanxuan's coat is not there. He is taking off his belt and taking the upper body of his man. The beauty's face is full of obscene smile

"I didn't expect it. I took it out to be bigger than you."

Songxia ice "..."

Rao is as deep as pine summer ice, and is shocked by the scene in front of him.

Not to mention Shi Qing, the "woman" who "really likes" Zhou Xuanxuan next to him.

Men are petrified.

A few seconds later, he was livid and staggered out of the room.

Then, outside came the sound of painful retching.

Song XiaBing looks at Zhou Xuanxuan curling her lips and slowly puts on her clothes. "Ah, I've heard that he's afraid of the same thing for a long time. I didn't expect that even a beautiful face like me can't be cured?"

"It seems that we are still predestined."

Fear of the same

Songxia ice down eyelashes, eyeground is full of thinking.

For a homophobic man, it makes him feel worse to be with a man than to kill him.

You can see it when you see it.

He hasn't done anything with Zhou Xuanxuan. Zhou Xuanxuan just showed him his upper body, which made him sick.

His eyebrows gently picked, turned out of the door, came to the man who was vomiting madly But could not produce anything, and patted him on the back.

His eyes fell on the flaming red tail that drooped down.

The corner of the mouth, slightly cocked up.

He seems to know how to get revenge.

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