Song Xia Bing patted when Qing's strength can be said to be very gentle, very in line with his now small white face (cross off) set up.

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When Qing Tieqing was blue, he straightened up after half a noise, and then he looked like he was badly hit! Damn it

However, in fact,

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

System alert host, you will not cheat!

When did I get together with song XiaBing? Make sure he wanted to kill me.

The system didn't say anything, but tried hard to persuade Shiqing. But the host, you are not good. You know that you have always been a person, this woman No, no, no, this man can't

Shi qingtut, don't worry, I appreciate this beauty, but I still have integrity.



Do you really have a host for this thing?

But now that Shi Qing promised, he still put down a little bit.

Keep quiet like a chicken.

Songxia ice is always in the action of light and slow, when clear along the gas "boss, don't be angry."

"Shit! The woman I like is actually a man. Why don't you make me angry? "

"Ouch! No, the more I think about it, the more disgusting I feel. I almost have a man Ouch

The man continued to retch.

Song Xia Bing continues to pat Shi Qing's back.

He felt as if he were following the fur of an angry fox.

Well, the reason why we say it's a fox rather than a lion or something, of course, is that the angry look along with the time and the flaming red tail shaking with anger.

It looks like he's really pissed off.

The hair on the tail blew.

The originally big tail is now more fat, shaking and venting his anger.

Song Xia Bing slightly squinted, looking at it with deliberately seduced him in general, in front of him shaking to shake the tail, the hand is really a little itchy.

One of his hands kept following Shiqing's back, and the other hidden behind his back. His slender fingertips slightly pointed, and a thread of black fog twined between his fingers.

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Nose tip, as if you can smell a bad smell of vegetable paste.

It should be the chef of the base or the cook.

Songxia Bing moved her finger slightly.

Strength It's recovered.

Since the second evolution of powers, he can clearly feel as if he has entered a new level.

At least, if we grasp the weakness of tail, he can suppress Shiqing.

The rest of the huoting team are not his opponents.

If you take a hand at this time, you will suppress Shiqing, and then you will see his handsome face which is always written with disdain. Then in front of him, you will invade his dignity of a man.

I want him to splash tears on his honey skin.

At that time, the expression on his face must be very good.

Ding! The repulsion degree of Songxia ice sheet is 599100

well. When Qing straightened up, he was a little surprised. He was very generous. This was a little less.

The system may be due to Big base

Anyway, he really has no hope for the world.

Before the immortal knight errant, the host can also find a tail hanging secret place.

Now it's modern.

Even in the end of the world, there is nothing in the plot that can tamper with the memory.

What's more, songxiabing has not lost his memory.

The system knows that Shi Qing likes the setting of the tail, so the salted fish suggests that if it's not possible, you should take a vacation and be happy.

When really imagine a moment, regardless of songxiabing's will, bind people by force, and ask each other to touch their own tail's happiness.

No way.

To return to think, he still refused. What I want is his willingness. How can you come up with such a bad idea.


They don't have to be sent out in a month? How can I fail to learn??

Shi Qing really has his own integrity.

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It's cool to be forced, though.

But his big tail is strong enough to be forced!

Because of the retching just now, the man straightened up and coughed earthshaking.

Song Xia Bing's hand, slowly fell on the top of the big red tail.

"Yo ~"

with the sound, song XiaBing's eyes flashed with cold color, and her long finger naturally fell on Shi Qing's body, gently stroked it, and asked in a warm voice

"boss, do you want me to pour you a glass of water?"

Zhou Xuanxuan, who made that sound, came out, leaned against the door and took a deep breath of "the air of freedom is so good."

He smiles and walks out with him. His face is repulsive and resentful. He stares at him and touches his long black straight hair."I didn't expect that my second ability can always arouse people's desire but can't do it. I didn't expect that when you heard it for so long, you didn't have a thing. You are worthy of the seventh level ability."

"Yes, that's right. I'm a rare double power. This second ability is also very chicken ribs, but it can cause the most desired thing in the heart of people who smell it."

"But it's a pity." Zhou Xuanxuan shrugged. "It doesn't seem to be of any use to you."

Shiqing staggered to stand up straight, hate hate to look at the big girl in front of her, angry voice

"who said I was ok, I almost vomited bile out!"

The implication is that what he longed for most was vomiting.

Zhou Xuanxuan didn't care at all, and looked at Song XiaBing again. "It's strange that he didn't respond. You didn't respond. Didn't you smell my fragrant smell?"

"What do I think you didn't react at all, shouldn't you? Don't you want to do something?"

When Songxia ice falls, Qing's fingers flick slightly.

He just heard the smell

What I want to do is to press the time under my body.

In the heart doubt, his face is still silent, warm voice way "I smell is rice paste flavor."

When Qing lean on him, cold hiss a "Laozi smell of durian, smoked my skull pain."

Zhou Xuanxuan's face is black.

The beauty's face was twisted up. "What smell do you have? I'm clearly the fragrance of Gardenia!"

But after a few seconds of twisting, he regained the beauty of the beauty, touched his hair and calmed down.

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"I know, Shiqing, your powers are higher than me, and this young man is an ordinary man, so you can't feel the 100% power of my powers."

When Qing slowly came over, iron green face, cross asked, "you said, you pretend to be a woman lurking in my side is what conspiracy."

"Sir, can you be reasonable?"

Zhou Xuanxuan almost didn't get angry. "It's my ability. I'm hiding at home to recuperate. You come down from the sky and kick the door and snatch me back. After that, you still want to fight with me. That's all. I promised to fight with you. As a result, you turned around and vomited. Where did you put my face?"

Standing beside the pine summer ice, the man's face is still ugly.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Get out of the fire for me

"Not at all."

Zhou Xuanxuan yawned and went to the house and said, "there are so many people outside who want me to die. Am I not going to die? Anyway, we all know that I was robbed by you. You will be kind and take me in for a few days


"Do you still kick your nose and face? If you don't leave, you'll die! "

"Whatever you want."

Zhou Xuanxuan was not afraid. "If you give up my face, you can do it. Anyway, I still look like a woman when I don't speak."

The old man's face was even more ugly.

But it never started.

Therefore, song XiaBing stood beside him, and Zhou Xuanxuan, together with him, gave a little wink and swung the door into the door.

He asked Shi Qing, "boss, don't you really want to kill him?"

Shi Qing's handsome face was full of anger, but he didn't say he was going to kill Zhou Xuanxuan.

Definitely not.

If you kill me, how can you do it.

"Forget it."

He looked as if he was angry and closed the door. "He was also a high-level power at least. Keep him useful for the fire."

All the powers are useless. What's the use.

Songxia Bing if think of a look at the side of the man's face of indignation, the bottom of my heart has a dispute.

Shi Qing I'd rather not give up that face.

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Oh, man.

His eyes were on the fire red tail, which was still shaking with anger. His eyes were slightly raised, and his voice was soft.

"boss, are you still uncomfortable? I just thought of a way to exercise tail resistance. Do you want to try it? "

Shi Qing looked at him suspiciously, but his tail didn't shake. He just cocked up with some doubts.

"what can you do

Songxia ice low voice, to the man's ear, light voice "since can't resist its role, it's better to try to enjoy it?"

When Qing looked at his sight, it was hard to say.

It seems that there are a lot of goosebumps. "You talk well, don't sell me the beans."

Song Xia Bing low smile "boss, I found out before, when I touch your tail, you are not painful..."

He dropped his eyes slightly and looked at the earlobe beside his lips. The dark color of his eyes flashed past. He heard a mellow voice and lowered it a little. It was like a lover's whisperHowever, the man's body was not as stiff as he expected. Instead, he looked at him with a straight and strong look and said, "what's cool? It's not that I don't have strength."

Songxia ice "..."

Why didn't Shiqing play cards according to common sense.

Oh, by the way, he's a straight guy.

This kind of teasing method to him, I'm afraid, is annoying.

I mean, since we can't change its characteristics, we can try to touch it from a cool angle, maybe we can make you adapt to it

Shi Qing narrowed his eyes, touched his chin, took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. His handsome and strong face showed his thoughtfulness

"what you said is reasonable."

He patted Xia Bing on the shoulder and said, "let's go back to my room and have a try."

He promised to be so happy, again let songxiabing some did not keep up with the progress.

Maybe it's seeing pine, summer ice, stunned and motionless.

With his cigarette in his mouth, the man slapped his shoulder again, looked up and down at Song XiaBing, and said, "let's go. I'm still in a daze. I'm afraid I'm cool. What should I do to you? Don't worry. You're not a woman. I'm not a beast."

"Two big men, what are you afraid of?"

He is very generous to raise eyebrows at songxiabing, reach out and swing his tail,

"at ease, feel at ease."

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