Shiqing took songxiabing to his house directly.

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As the boss of the firestorm team, level seven high-level ability, his room is of course how luxurious and luxurious.

And the taste is very different.

On the wall was a picture of an eagle flying from nowhere. On the ground was a huge carpet of tiger skin.

It's a real one.

After all, animals have changed after the end of the world. The tiger, which was originally very large, is even more frightening. Let alone the tiger with the ability, its height is even higher.

This tiger skin is the original owner and the man beat down a power variation beast, specially asked people to tanned the leather and spread it on the ground as a symbol of glory.

Before the end of the original owner, he was a ruffian who had left school early. He had never mixed up with anything. Naturally, he would not have any aesthetic taste. Therefore, the floor was not only covered with tiger skin carpet, but also covered with leopard print blanket.

The chairs in the room are used as cushions, and the tiger skins are cut into pieces.

The style of painting is quite strange.

At least when song XiaBing, who came here for the first time, opened the door, he thought he was not in the end of the world, but some grassland tribe.

Even if he was a child, he had no status in the pine family. At any rate, when he grew up a little bit, he did not lack money to spend, and his appreciation ability was absolutely online.

Now seeing the layout of the house with such hot eyes, song XiaBing feels that his eyes are almost blind.

However, the swaggering man in front of him didn't feel anything wrong with his arrangement. He threw his shoes off his feet and stepped on the tiger skin carpet. At the same time, he took off his coat and walked forward. He didn't forget to turn back and order song XiaBing to take off your shoes, but don't dirty my carpet

Songxia bingshun took off his shoes and stepped on the tiger skin blanket to find that although it was a carpet, the fur on it was not smooth at all. Stepping on his feet was just like a piece of human things. It was very uncomfortable.

He had suffered a lot, and naturally he could not bear it.

But looking at the handsome man in front, who soon had only a vest and big underpants, showing his good-looking chest and beautiful biceps, he stepped forward.


As if being pricked very painful in general, Songxia ice issued a light call, directly back.

"What's the matter?"

Shi Qing was really attracted by his voice. He turned around and saw song XiaBing frowning slightly. He looked down at Bai Shengsheng's feet with pain on his face. He picked up his eyebrows, and his impatience was heavier.

"Why are you so troublesome? You are as delicate as a girl."

Song XiaBing bowed his head and drew his image closer to the weak. He said cautiously, "I'm sorry, boss. I didn't mean to. I and I won't disturb you any more..."

Said, his face "I want to bear with me, I can", while wrinkling delicate eyebrows, while carefully stepping on the mine like feet slowly put on the carpet.

One step, one more step.

It didn't look like it landed on the carpet, it landed on the tip of a knife.

From time to time also issued a hissing exclamation, and then as if suddenly remembered can not quarrel, then clear, quickly shut up, biting lips, a face delicate and pathetic forward.

When Qing tut tut tut.

This guy, more than he can pretend.

Song XiaBing's efforts were not in vain. The man who stood there impatiently and looked at him finally couldn't bear it. He directly bent down to put away his precious tiger skin carpet and scolded at the same time.

"how do you live to now, Pea Princess? You are in trouble."

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Song XiaBing stood in place, looking at the man who was scolding and collecting the carpet. He raised his eyebrows slightly from the angle he couldn't see.

But with a timid tone on his mouth, he cautiously said, "sorry, boss, I didn't mean to."

"If you mean it, I will kill you."

Shi Qing quickly received his side and patted his calf, "Tut, you not only look like a woman, but also these feet are like a woman."

Songxia Bing's feet are really white and tender, but it was not like this before.

He looked down, and sure enough, he saw that the scars left before the leg were gone.

It seems that, just like the dark wounds that disappeared from his body after the evolution of powers, these traumas have disappeared, and his skin is still several degrees white, and he has not suffered much.

It's no surprise that Songxia ice is not.

After all, after all, the appearance of a man who became a beast suddenly rose. It was no big deal that he evolved a power to remove the external injuries and internal injuries.

The tiger skin carpet has been put away.

When Qing treasure carefully put his blanket, this just sat on the bed again, leaning over there, a pair of waiting to wait on the old man's appearance, waved to the pine summer ice.

"Come here."

This pair of gestures called kittens and puppies successfully let song XiaBing's eyes darken. He showed a smile on his face and slowly moved forward.

The old man comfortably leaned on his leopard print blanket, and the fire red tail behind him swayed with his master's relaxation.Shiqing controls his tail and reaches songxiabing's hand to "touch it."

Song Xia Bing continued to show timidity on his face and said softly, "boss, how many times should I touch it?"

"Well? How many times? "

Shi Qing shook his tail and thought about "five times."

"Just five."

Songxia Bing nodded and stretched out his hand. As soon as his hand fell on his tail, he stopped again and looked at Shi Qing carefully.

"if I touch it for a while, you can't bear to ask me to stop. Do I stop or not?"

He deliberately added these three words.

Sure enough, the man in front of him raised his eyebrows, and his handsome face was full of disdain: "can't I stand it?"

I knew it was.

Songxia ice silk is not unexpected when Qing's reaction.

After all, this guy is arrogant, impetuous and face saving. How can he admit that he can't stand touching his tail.

Not long ago, he was still panting.

"But boss, if you want me to stop for a while, I stop, then the exercise effect is not good?"

"I haven't exercised again. How can I know if the effect is good?"

"Come on, I'll tell you to stop. Don't stop. Don't waste time."

Songxiabing is guaranteed, looking down at the man with his back to himself.

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In fact, when Qing's height and he is almost the same, but loose summer ice, although abdominal muscle is not lack, the body shape looks but thin some.

However, in the Qing Dynasty, he was a thug who lived by force before the end of the world. He loved to bask in the sun. He looked strong, tall and strong.

At the moment, he was lying on his side. From the angle of songxiabing, he could see that his long and powerful legs were folded up and down, and his big underpants were loose and square, and his waistcoat seemed to be a little short, revealing his honey colored waist.

And then down, is that fire red tail a swing, shaking fluffy hair.

It's not a pity figure.

But it can cause people's deep desire.

Maybe it's song XiaBing who has been watching for too long and has no action. The man who is waiting for him to start his hand turns his head impatiently and is opening his mouth and scolding, "what are you doing? Hurry up Ah

With Song Xia Bing's hand falling on the fire red tail, the words of time Qing suddenly stop.

Almost immediately, the man's honey and handsome face showed a trace of red.

He opened his lips slightly, his eyes were in a trance for a moment, and then he came to himself again.

Songxiabing deliberately only touches the hair on the top of his tail without any other action.

He asked because this time it was just a touch and there was no extra action, so he quickly reflected that he said, "boss, is this better this time?"

Even if the stimulation is not as big as before, the man who has been stimulated naturally doesn't notice the hands and feet made by song XiaBing. After realizing that his speed of returning to his mind this time is faster than before, his face is brightened.

"I didn't expect it would work."

Said, he is trying to twist the body to see his tail, Songxia ice has once again started.

This time, his hand fell on the root of the tail.

Then, hold it hard.


When Qing only had time to scold, then he did not care about looking back at the tail.

Song XiaBing opens his lips and makes a pleasant sound like Ding Dong spring sound

The man lying on his side with his tail fully exposed realized what he realized, and subconsciously ordered him to

"no, wait a minute. At least let me slow down Eh

The young man's slender clean fingers follow the tail root, all the way to the tail tip, he is slowly up, and quickly from the tail tip, down to the tail root.

His hairy fire red hair was just over his pretty white fingertips.

He could clearly feel that the whole tail was shaking and shaking with the passing.

Songxia ice "three times."

When Qing whole body all curled up, forcefully curled up that tall body into a ball.

He shivered and recovered after half a sound. He grasped the leopard print blanket with his hands dead, so hard that the back of his hands was full of blue veins. He clenched his teeth and didn't say a word.

Song Xia Bing looked at the stubborn man who refused to make a sound. He glanced at his violent ups and downs of the chest, and took a hand again.

But this time he didn't go from the base of his tail to the tip of his tail, nor from the tip of his tail to the root of his tail.

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It's about holding the tail, massaging it, pressing it once and for all.

"No Wait... "

When Qing squeezed out a word or two from his teeth, he couldn't help breathing with his mouth.At the moment, he doesn't care about anything.

Only trembling voice, tone also do not know whether it is because of physical reasons, but as if a bit choked pleading, "can not bear Stop. "

Song XiaBing looked at him from a commanding position, his lips slightly raised, and his voice was still gentle

"sorry, boss, you just told me that you can't stop."

He watched with his own eyes when Qing always contained the angry and impatient eyes, and he was unwilling to condense together.

Impolitely clenched the hairy tail.

With great speed, it suddenly reverses from the tip of the tail to the root of the tail.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah

The man screamed, his pupils tightened in an instant, his hand holding the blanket clenched violently, and the veins on the back of his hand were about to burst out.

Song Xia Bing always stood in the same place. After a long time of clearing, he stretched out his hand in a dispirited manner. His tight body was also slowly relaxed and spread out.

At this time, the man who is always very imposing on the outside has already completely forgotten what year, month and day.

He was sweating all over his body, and his clothes were also soaked with sweat, not to mention his forehead, which had been covered with fine and dense beads of sweat.

At the moment, he was panting, and his face was blank and confused.

Song XiaBing waits patiently.

He thought that Shiqing would blame him for not stopping.

But as long as he is weak, he can take out the requirements of Shi Qing just now.

After five minutes, I felt like a man who had just been pulled out of the water.

He sat up slowly, propped up with soft hands.

There are still some too exciting confusion on the face, but the eyes have been clear.

Shi Qing opened his mouth and said, "just

Songxiabing immediately starts Bailian mode.

I'm sorry, boss, but I dare not disobey your orders. I'm afraid you should blame me when you wake up

It can be said that the responsibility has been completely shifted.

Song Xia Bing guessed, when Qing may be angry, but in the end is his own words, can only swallow this stuffy loss.

Unexpectedly, the man who came back slowly raised a smile on his face and patted him on the shoulder.

"you did a good job. In that case, don't listen to what I said."

With that, he hugged his fiery red tail and wiped the sweat on his head, which made him happy to find a new toy.

"it was so cool just now. Damn it, Lao Tzu didn't feel so happy even though he interacted with his left hand closely."

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Songxia ice "..."

When Qing finished his real feeling, he shook his hand. He felt that his hand was not so soft that he couldn't make up his strength. He put down his tail, patted his underpants, and then patted loose Xia Bing's shoulder.

"Your idea is good. From the perspective of enjoyment, this tail is not so useless. OK, if I want it, you can come and serve me."

Songxia ice "..."

How could he be so uncomfortable.

The man on the bed actually got up directly and said to him, "you go outside and ask a water system ability to come in and drain the bathtub for me."

With that, he kicks his legs again, and his expression after the event

"it's been a long time, so I need to wash it."

What does cool have to do with washing?

Songxia ice at the bottom of the heart just out of this sentence, suddenly realized what, the line of sight can't believe fell on the flower underpants of time Qing.

When the man came into contact with his sight, he didn't feel embarrassed. He laughed and shook his leg. "You can see it."

Song XiaBing looks stiff.

Slowly turned his head and looked at the shoulder that had just been patted by Shiqing.

If he remembers correctly, Shi Qing is patting him on the shoulder, as if Touch the flowered underpants

Song XiaBing's face is green.

He was ready for everything, but he didn't expect that Shiqing had such a thick skin. He didn't have any shame.

He was unwilling to put on a cautious look on his face and asked the man who was kicking and shaking hands in a low voice: "boss, you don't have any psychological burden. It's the same with other brutalizers just now."

"What psychological burden can Laozi have? You are a man and I am a man. What am I afraid of? "

Anyway, in a room, only song XiaBing saw it alone, and he didn't lose face to show it to others.

Shiqing looked at him inexplicably, threw his wet vest off his body, and went to the closet to rummage clothes.

After finding out a black vest, he didn't put it on himself. Instead, he put it on his shoulder and lifted his chin carelessly"Speaking of it, this tail is really cool. Unfortunately, I can't control it myself. If only I could control it. Later, when I have a girlfriend, it will be the interest of lovers."

I don't know what he thought. His handsome face showed a lewd smile. If it wasn't for the good face, it would have been so indecent and indecent.

He also hoped that Shi Qing would become angry or feel humiliated

He did not give up to remind a "but I am a man."

When Qing hey hey a smile, toward him proud a pick eyebrow, "who is not how."

He ordered to song XiaBing, "you serve well. I'll call you later, and you'll come. I'll be happy. I'll have a reward."

Songxia ice "..."

This kind of reasonable and vigorous attitude of "waiting for bed"

All right.

He found out.

Shi Qing was a man of iron and steel.

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