Shiqing, a straight man of iron and steel, had a happy life.

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Although I was happy for three days.

He didn't take advice.

He's straight.

Do straight men think they shouldn't have sex with each other?

Of course not!

Some men who love men may deliberately avoid homosexual contact, but straight men don't.

Because in the eyes of straight men.

He is a man, others are also men, get along with more comfortable than girls.

And as a rampant huoting team boss, he has never embarrassed himself.

It feels good. Of course, it's going to continue.

No problem!

As a result, songxiabing was called to sleep for three consecutive days.

His desire to see Shiqing's jokes faded away.

As a rich second generation who has always shaped his own playfulness, but dislikes other people's dirty, and has never touched a man or a woman.

Songxiabing can't understand Shiqing's practice.

At the same time, he took the initiative to soften into a pool of water under his man's hand.

What do you mean.

Can't it be in Shi Qing's eyes that he's not a man?

At the thought of this possibility, song XiaBing's face will turn green.

He's never been so bent since he was six.

Once upon a time, he would eat a pig behind his back.

Now he pretends to be a pig eating a tiger. Tiger actually regards him as a pig and justifiably asks him to "serve".

A man can't bear it.

Gradually he began to change his mind.

Don't use it. Just kill it.

No, fry and kill.

"Well, what do you think? The expression on your face is so gloomy."

Song XiaBing, who was sent out by Shiqing to make soup, is looking down at the bubbling pot and thinking whether to kill or use these people. A little brother comes.

The people of the huoting team didn't pay much attention to Songxia Bing.

Before, when he was a young master of the Song family, they would speak carefully. Although they also instructed song XiaBing to work, they didn't start at all.

But it has changed since the time Qing Dynasty expressed a bad feeling towards songxiabing.

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After all, the boss doesn't like you anymore. How can we like you.

Song XiaBing doesn't have a beautiful face like Zhou Xuanxuan again. Even if he has a good one, his gender is male, and his younger brothers certainly don't like him.

When the Song family refused to pay a ransom for song XiaBing, which meant that he could live and die, they had no shackles.

Now Songxia ice recovered a life, and was left in the huoting team, the younger brothers naturally took him as the bottom of the food chain.

In the past few days, most of songxiabing was with the boss. They couldn't find a chance. Now it's different.

It's rare that there is a bully in the team. Of course, we have to shake our prestige.

Song XiaBing has a look at this little brother.

But a level two power.

Recently, he was impatient by the various Sao operations of Shiqing, and now he doesn't want to pretend to go on.

Shiqing is a level seven ability. He is equal to the opponent, so it's OK to pretend in front of Shiqing.

A passer-by, he has no patience.

"What eyes are you looking at?"

Obviously, songxiabing's cold line of sight makes my younger brother unhappy. He will kick songxiabing with one foot in the past.

The young man quickly stood behind the pot, with a smile in his voice and a chill in his eyes

Little brother "..."

He could only put down his feet in anger.

Before a few steps to grasp the Songxia ice.

As a result, he did not know what was going on. It was clear that song XiaBing was a weak chicken known to all in the team, but he did not catch it for half a day.

This man is like a loach. He moves around the pot without leaving his hands. He is afraid that the pot will be spilled and taught to be a man by the boss. He can only bite his teeth and continue to grasp.

Five minutes later

He wheezed and gasped. He felt that he didn't walk much, but he was very tired.

"You You Whoa! How dare you Oh, how dare you avoid me. "

Song Xia Bing is still like that. His body is clear and cool, and there is no sweat. Wen Wen stands weakly and looks at him.

He's in a better mood after playing games.

My brother is still puffing and panting, so tired that I can't stand up.

Song XiaBing raises eyebrows and says, "you can't do it? I haven't tried my best to hide. Aren't you a second class? "

"I I... "

I can't be angry, and I have to catch it again. As a result, Songxia Bing flashed away, and he almost fell into the pot.

Seeing that he couldn't catch it, he began to talk."Punk, what are you proud of? What else do you have except that face? I think you should not be in our team, and go to be a man's rabbit Lord. Anyway, your mother is a prostitute, and prostitutes are so cheap. Of course, you also..."

Song XiaBing was in a good mood when he heard about his mother.

With a smile on the face look also gradually gloomy down, hanging in one side of the slender fingers, light fog gradually appeared winding.

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"Damn you!"

Don't wait for him to shoot, when Qing already from the back a foot to kick the younger brother to the ground.

Men have always been grumpy, but never this dark face.

"You and him! Uncle's!! Mouth is for Farting!! What's the matter

A broken sentence is a foot.

He didn't use the power, but the younger brother didn't dare to resist. He was completely frightened by the sudden appearance of the eldest brother. He quickly lay down on the ground and let him beat and scold him.

"Boss, I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Don't hit me. Please, boss!"

All kinds of prestige to the weak.

To beg for mercy and ingratitude to fierce people.

This is the characteristic of most people after the end of the world.

However, Shi Qing didn't let him go at all. He still kicked one foot at a time, and his eyes were full of ferocity.

"the next time I let me hear this kind of words, you'd better wait for the corpse to be fed!"

He stopped.

Seeing his little brother get up and dare not go, the tall man in front of him is full of irritability and a foot in the past

"you don't roll! Waiting to be beaten up, right? "

"Yes, yes, I'm going. I'm sorry, boss."

NBS younger brother saved a small life, and was about to run.


The tall man suddenly stopped him, looked up and down at him, and suddenly changed his mind.

"You like to have a good time, don't you? OK, we'll go to practice martial arts later. I'll fight with you without any power. I want to see how powerful the people who dare to shake the prestige of my people in my territory. "

I was so scared that he would die on the spot.

How can Shi Qing fight? Can they be younger brothers?

He quickly begged for mercy, "boss, I'm wrong, boss, I don't dare anymore, please..."

"Please, I have a fart!"

When Qing sneered and kicked him a foot, and then to look around the younger brothers, "you are also very fierce ah, their own people hit their own people, you watch the excitement?"

Originally, people around him who were chasing song XiaBing as a joke were scared. They didn't dare to make a sound and stood in the same place with their necks shrunk.

Shi Qing's eyes were fierce, and they

"I invited you to come in to let you see the excitement?? Not enough zombies? The mutant is not strong enough? Do you want me to get a mutant plant and call you back every day

A group of younger brothers dare not say anything. They dare not say anything. They are like the old ladies in the village. They don't say exercise or talk about a girlfriend. They just gather together to chat with each other every day, hoping that your father will die long ago, get rid of me, and go out to the base to kill the zombie tomorrow

The boys shrunk their necks and ran faster than rabbits one by one.

Song Xia Bing is still standing in place, looking at a face of fierce tall man, his eyes out of a trace of interest, the black fog on the fingers gradually dispersed.

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When Qing just finished the fierce younger brothers, they heard the Song Xia Bing calling him.

Tut Tut, that voice, weak, with a little admiration.

He turned his head again and saw Songxia Bing looking at him gratefully.

Shiqing seemed to see a little white lotus that was not inferior to his own, swaying in front of him.

Unfortunately, he is a straight man who doesn't know how to appreciate.

So he can only regret his heart and dislike "can you not always show this kind of motherly expression, disgusting or not."

Songxia ice "..."

He took a deep breath and gave a smile on his face.

"I want to thank the boss. If you hadn't helped me just now, I might have been killed."

The little brother who was left by Shiqing was stunned. Then he said in a hurry, "no boss, I didn't touch him just now. I..."


Songxia Bing heavily sighed and whispered, "I could have run just now, but boss, if you want to drink soup, I can only stand there waiting for him to hit me."

Little brother

Little brother "no, boss, he didn't stand there, he..."

Song XiaBing was sad and pathetic. "The boss has seen it with his own eyes. You want to cheat him. I could have run just now, but I stood here for five minutes. Look at him, boss."

Little brother on the line of sight when Qing is not good.

Little brother "..."Little brother "boss, he didn't run all the time. Yes, but he..."

"Cough, cough..."

Song XiaBing coughed violently, and sure enough, he attracted Shi Qing's sight. The man with a grumpy look on his face flashed worry, and subconsciously took a few steps to

"what's the matter with you?"

The younger brother gaped at Song XiaBing, who had just turned pale and breathless, and said, "ah, I'm going to die." he fell into his elder brother's arms with a weak and pitiful attitude. He and I may have been beaten just now

Little brother

Who specially hit you!!

I don't even get a hair from you, OK!!

Again!! You don't have hair either!!!

"Boss, boss, I really don't have..."

Little brother carefully called a, when Qing but ferocious glare at him, a hold up pine summer ice "what call! Call the doctor at once

Little brother "..."

I really don't have it.

Song Xia Bing was held in her arms.

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It was the first time he was picked up in this way.


His mind was rather complicated, and he cleared his face of tension as he looked.

Shi Qing He's nervous?

How could

He clearly wanted to kill him before.

Songxia Bing has only been out of the water prison for three days.

He didn't feel humiliated by Princess Shiqing. Anyway, he was not a very shameful person.

He just leaned in the man's arms and sniffed.

It's delicious.

didn't expect this big man to be very careful. He actually sprayed grass scented perfume on his body.

When the Qing embraces the pine summer ice, a face nervous gallop.

Zhou Xuanxuan opened the door, looked out at their backs, and sniffed his nose suspiciously.


He said to himself, turning his head to see his big tail, "the second fox?"

Songxia ice was cremated all the way by Shiqing and carried to his house with lightning.

Putong was thrown on the leopard print blanket.

Then I felt a pair of slender hands clapping him up and down nervously. In front of him was the nervous tone of the man

"how about? Is it hard or not? Where are you hurt?? There won't be any internal injuries, will you? I shit

Seeing that he didn't speak, the man was worried, "you his uncle's is talking, dumb you!"

Songxia ice slightly raised eyes, you can see when clear fundus of pure concern.

Full, no other.

In his memory, from before to now, only his mother would look at him with such eyes.

Only his mother would care for him like this.

He moved his fingers a little, his eyes complex.

Shi Qing

Fall in love with him?

Only three days??

Ding! The repellency of Songxia ice sheet is 560100

system host Well, do you think it's a broken design?

Shiqing is at ease. It doesn't count.

He was sure that at best tricks.

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