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He is communicating with a beautiful girl whether the grapes are delicious or the watermelon is delicious. The smile on the man's face has not faded, so he looks up at the door subconsciously.

Song Xia Bing saw his appearance of being happy and not missing Shu, and his eyes sank again.

"What are you doing?" she asked? Don't you see what I'm doing


Pine summer ice is almost to be clear when the face of the righteous to gas smile.

He stretched out his hand, and a cloud of black fog directly hit the table in front of Shiqing.

The table disappeared in front of the three.

When I was just leaning against the table, Qing didn't get any damage. It was just because the table suddenly moved away and nearly fell off.

The look on the man's nice and handsome face was very complicated for a moment.

At the same time, he was at a loss, angry and confused.

"Songxia Bing, what is this? Isn't your ability absorbing? "

Listening to the tone of questioning, song XiaBing's eyes are darker.

He sneered, "tell me first what's going on with this woman next to you."

Even now, even if the expression on his face is very gloomy, song XiaBing's tone is warm and soft, as if he is persuading Shi Qing with great care.

"boss, as long as you explain clearly, I won't do anything to you."

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"What am I going to explain?? It's none of your business if I play with women

When Qing full face irritability, suddenly stood up, the flame to the hands of "loose summer ice, you don't pedal nose on the face."

The young man's delicate and handsome face suddenly became ferocious.

He was so angry that he laughed, "OK! Good! It's none of my business if you play with women, do you? "

"It's none of your business."

The man's look is innocent and ignorant, and also full of irritability, "what are you crazy about? Put that thing down for me!"

Songxia Bing's killing intention is more and more serious.

"Shiqing, since you want to play with women, what do you seduce me for?"

Huoting team leader forces "ha???"

"Me?? Seduce you

"You've got something in your head, you can tell me the damn thing

Seeing that he had made up his mind not to admit it, song XiaBing's anger was more serious. He only felt that he had been fooled.

"Good!! Good!! You're a fool, aren't you

He became expressionless and slowly opened his hands. "It doesn't matter. If you don't admit it, I'll extinguish your fire and imprison you by my side. Sooner or later you'll admit that you're wrong."

The prostitute was stunned.

Standing opposite him, the man's face became more and more confused. "What are you talking about? I'm so crazy about wiping you, boy

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Songxiabing proved with strength that he really has crazy capital.

More and more black gas appeared around him, and then ran outside, almost devouring the whole fire force.


Zhou Xuanxuan found that there was something wrong with it, so he ran over and said, "uncle, please be merciful!! Just kill them! I'm innocent

Song XiaBing, who is trapped in anger, does not listen at all. On the contrary, Zhou Xuanxuan arouses his anger.

He glared at the man with a beautiful face. When he thought that Shi Qing had once liked him, he could not stop his jealousy.

"You like his face, don't you! I'll kill him in front of you. I'll see if you pretend to be stupid

Zhou Xuanxuan

No, it's none of his business??

Seeing that song XiaBing was really going to kill himself, he quickly guarded his hair and sold his teammates!! Fox, because he doesn't like you

Let's relax the hand of summer ice.

Seeing that he stopped, Zhou Xuanxuan asked carefully, "can you see his tail and touch it?"

The young man was livid, but he still nodded.

Zhou Xuanxuan breathed out a breath and quickly explained that "if the companion animal is a magic fox, he will bring his own tail. No one can see the tail except himself, because the fox belongs to the type of pet. Once the tail is touched by someone else, he will automatically recognize the owner. If the owner dies, he will die."

When the Qing full face can not feel the situation of the irascible "where are you from the son of a bitch, how do you know these?"

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Zhou Xuanxuan carefully protects her hair. "In fact, I'm also a fox. However, according to the information I received, it's generally a beauty's physique. Shiqing, do you..."

He looked at the irascible man.

The tall figure.

It's a strong figure.

He has a handsome face.

It's not beautiful in any way.Song XiaBing understands.

But it doesn't mean he can accept it.

He couldn't believe it and looked back at Shi Qing, who had given him half a month's warmth and care. "Did you release me from the water prison half a month ago?"

Shi Qing said, "if you die, I will die. I feel that I am going to die, so I will get you out."

Song Xia Bing slowly clenched his fist, "then you care about me for half a month."

The man was reluctant, but still said, "if you say you are weak, I'm afraid you will die early, then I will be finished."

Song XiaBing's hand is already trembling.

No way!


It must not be like this!!

He a pair of eyes in blood red, obstinately looking at the face of this confused, but also very innocent man.

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"You don't want your own life to save me..."

Shi Qing quickly replied, "nonsense, if you die, I will die. Of course, I have to save it."

Songxia ice "..."

There seemed to be a breath in his heart.

Blocking him, would like to bite to death the face of the innocent man standing opposite.

Can, but also reluctant to give up.

This half month

They are all fake.

No way!!


He could also hear Shi qingzai's impolite voice asking Zhou Xuanxuan, "what are you doing out there? He's just a little chicken, and he's going to be able to turn up the sky? "

Zhou Xuanxuan said, "brother wocao, you know, if I didn't come out, we would all have finished Horizontal trough, horizontal trough!! He vomited blood, he vomited blood

Songxia ice heard this, stretched out his hand to wipe in the corner of his mouth, only to find that he really wiped down a piece of bright red.

The man who had just talked to Zhou Xuanxuan came to him nervously. He said, "what's the matter?? are you all right? Don't scare me

Song XiaBing's eyes just showed warmth, when he heard Shi Qing say, "don't die, it doesn't matter if you die. I still want to live."

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