When Shi Qing stood in front of Songxia ice, the nervous expression on his handsome face was twisted up

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"you talk, but what's the matter? It won't be an internal injury, will it? I shit

Songxia ice bite teeth, with the desire to eat in front of the man's line of sight, staring at him.

"You, you in the end..."

"What? What do you say? Speak up. "

The man is also very close to the ear to the lips of Songxia ice.

The young man tried hard to calm down his anger, and his lips were bright with blood

Don't you like it at all?

Even a little bit.

Of course not

He patted his stout chest with pride on his face.

God knows why he should be proud.

Anyway, he was very proud to reply, "people's hearts are all flesh long. Even if I didn't look up to you before, we could eat, drink and live with each other every day. How could I have no sincerity for you?"

Song Xia Bing's eyes brightened slightly.

I feel more comfortable.

He said.


How could it not be at all.

As soon as the young man's expression relaxed, Shi Qing slapped him on the shoulder and raised a smile

"now I really take you as my younger brother."

Songxia ice "..."

Zhou Xuanxuan exclaimed, "he vomited more blood in the bed!"

Seeing Song Xia Bing as blood does not want money, the red blood spilled from his lips. The man's eyes widened and he was scared to laugh. He hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover the youth's lips and tried to stop the blood.

It's a typical case.

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But now no one laughs at him.

Shi Qing was too anxious. She only saw the blood from the corner of Songxia Bing's mouth. She blocked it with her hand and went to see Zhou Xuanxuan standing at the door

"what are you doing!!! Go to the doctor

After the roar, he was angry and worried. He scolded song XiaBing, "where do you get these messy things? Waste wood is useless. I can't do it honestly. It's not good to live well? I have to worry about you. Why are you so weak? "

Zhou Xuanxuan was scared to death.

Look around, uncle!!!

Don't you find that Songxia Bing looks at you like you want to be chopped to death!

He's in a black mood all right!!

It's not that kind of metaphorical blackness.

It's really a whoosh of black gas!!!

And these black gas one by one with long eyes, rubbed out, where it fell, where it would be like it swallowed the same, slowly disappeared.

Or suddenly disappear.

Zhou Xuanxuan doesn't want to go to the doctor. He doesn't even dare to move!

I'm afraid I'll be swallowed by those black gas.

Songxia Bing's mouth doesn't bleed.

He moved his fingers slightly and looked down at the man who was slapping him nervously on his face. The black air around him rose abruptly with his anger.

At the moment, in addition to the roof of the house is still there, basically no more.

He's advanced.

He was forced into the stage.

After the promotion, the body is light, but the bottom of my heart is not light down.

"What do you think I do? Speak! What's the matter with you

Shi Qing raised his eyes and saw him looking at himself with a cold face. His expression became more and more irritable. When he turned his head and saw Zhou Xuanxuan still standing in the same place, he became more and more irritable.

"Even if you pretend to be a woman, how can you do things like this? I asked you to go to a doctor!"

Zhou Xuanxuan stood in the same place, not daring to move. He carefully looked at the black fog around him and gulped down his mouth.

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"That Shi Qing... "

The black fog suddenly burst up and rushed to his face. Zhou Xuanxuan closed his eyes and changed his words: "boss, boss!"

"Boss, I think you should think carefully about you and Songxia SongGe's relationship. "

Men listen to the question mark "what's the matter?"

Zhou Xuanxuan closed his eyes and boasted, "look at SongGe. He is handsome, good-natured and good-natured. It's good for you. Why don't you just follow him?"

With Zhou Xuanxuan's words, song XiaBing slowly closes his eyes and hides his anger. When he opens his eyes again, he is the young man with deep mind and does not like anger.

He has never been cheated in this way.

And the most sad thing is.

Shi Qing didn't even mean to cheat him.

Song XiaBing's first reaction was to kill him.

But I can't bear it.

Shi QingHe once got the warm, how can it be cold again.

"Boss, he's right."

Song Xia Bing's voice is gentle again. He reaches out his hand, takes out the paper from his arms and gently wipes the blood from the corners of his mouth.

The black fog that filled the whole room faded away with his action.

Zhou Xuanxuan was relieved. At this moment, he found that his back was completely wet with sweat.

He quickly protected his hair, the chicken pecked rice nodded, "yes, yes, boss, you can follow him, integrity can not be a meal."

"What? I followed him?"

The man frowned and looked at Zhou Xuanxuan and song XiaBing.

Then, as if he had figured out something, he suddenly realized on his face, and then his face showed anger, and said in a rage


Said, when clear body side around the flame, the flame of the man's handsome face full of disdain "I see you are thinking of fart to eat."

Songxia ice see him understand, the bottom of my heart unexpectedly strange more comfort.

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He knew for a long time that Shiqing couldn't agree. He waved directly. The black fog came out of nowhere and went directly towards Shiqing.

Careful in the case of not touching each other, he swallowed the flame around him clean.

"You! How can it be! "

Shi Qing's face showed a startled look, and looked at Song XiaBing with disbelief, "I'm level seven, how can you..."

Seeing the young man coming towards him without expression, the man was obviously flustered and quickly summoned out the flame.

But no matter how much he calls out, the final result is swallowed up by the black fog.

When Qing can only watch the pine summer ice step by step in front of themselves.

The tall man's eyes showed ruthlessness, and his hand crossed his waist. He suddenly raised his hand toward Songxia Bing's shoulder, but he was easily grasped by the other side.


The knife that was held by Shiqing fell to the ground.

He refused to admit defeat and glared at the young man in front of him. His wrist was firmly grasped by the slender white fingers of the other party. However he struggled, he could not get rid of it.

Songxiabing looks at the man in front of him. His eyes are full of anger and disbelief, as well as the anger of betrayal.

"Pine summer ice!! Don't be paranoid

Even at this time, is it hard to talk back?

The young man sneered, drew up a touch of black gas, and went directly towards the beam.

Under the gaze of time Qing's sight, the roof beam is silent and has a big hole that can look up at the starry sky at night.

"Huoting team leader"... "

Seeing the suppressed expression on his face, the young man raised the corner of his lips, and the sneer gradually turned into a gentle smile. Even his voice was low, and he coaxed and said, "boss, don't you want to save your life? Either today, you promise me, or I'll take your body and choose for myself. "

He could see clearly, and his face showed fear.

Then, the face of the man who was firmly restrained by him showed an unwilling look of humiliation. He turned his face slightly and clenched his teeth and said, "I promise you."

- bang bang!!

This moment, is the feeling of the heart.

Song XiaBing's expression is soft and visible to the naked eye. Zhou Xuanxuan, standing at the door, is also relieved.

Yes, yes.

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His hair was saved.

Then he saw, when Qing a face indignant, "after you when the boss, I follow you to do line!"

"It's a shame that swallows peck the eyes of swallows every day. I don't see that you are so ambitious."

Zhou Xuanxuan "..."

He just looked at him with a gentle expression of song XiaBing. His expression was blank at first, and then he laughed angrily.

It's over. It's over.

He didn't care about anything else. He quickly called out, "Shiqing, you are a fool! Song XiaBing doesn't want to usurp your position. He wants to be on you

The man is confused.

Then he glared and struggled with his life.

"Damn you, you are still a rabbit! I don't agree!! If you want to kill, you should cut it!! Zhou Xuanxuan, what the hell are you looking at there? Come and help me! "

Zhou Xuanxuan; "

He felt that he must be dead today.

Songxia Bing didn't react.

It may also be that I was angry too many times, numb.

He looked at the man who was under his control and was still struggling madly. From this angle, he could see the man with the honey skin on his body.

He stretched out his hand directly and held the fire red tail that struggled with him.


Just like the live fish on shore, the struggling man froze for a second, then his body was out of control.It was firmly connected in the arms by the pine summer ice.

Shiqing; hee hee hee, it's my favorite link again. You can retreat.

"Don't be afraid, boss."

She didn't feel her hair on her head.

"Get out of here!! Go away Eh

Naturally, the man controlled by him can only roar with fragmented struggle, and then to the last weak mute voice, completely no strength.

The seemingly weak young man picked him up effortlessly, and his eyes were faintly crazy and bloody. He said, "don't worry, you will still be the boss of the fire in the future."

"But never get rid of me."

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