Shi Qing thought it was really exciting.

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He was directly carried back to the house by songxiabing.

Songxiabing may know that he wants to face, so he also specially avoids people. He doesn't let the younger brothers of Shiqing see the appearance that his boss is firmly controlled by others.

Along the way, of course, he struggled very hard.

Naturally, the tail is in the hands of others. No matter how hard he struggles, he will not be able to struggle. Instead, his desire to escape stimulates song XiaBing, who is still in the process of anger.

The tail was touched directly.

By the time he was thrown on his leopard print blanket, the tall man was sweating all over, and the whole man was going to be soft as a pool of water.

He really has no strength to speak.

But the body is still writhing and struggling, unwilling to use the power to deal with songxiabing.

But now he is weak, can call out a small flame even thank God, let alone and song XiaBing challenge.

Since the youth put him on the bed, he was slowly untiing his clothes.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and slowly dropped his blood stained coat.

In the process of undressing, song XiaBing always used to appreciate the look, looking at the man in bed with a layer of sweat on his honey skin. His expression was not very clear, but he was also trying to get up with his palms.

He is like teasing pets, waiting for people in bed to get up, and not in a hurry to extend his hand, slender fingertips slightly over fire, red tail.

Then he looked at the other side's body a quiver, his mouth issued a vague murmur sound, and fell again on the bed.

After a few seconds, and with an immortal Xiaoqiang, again struggling to get up.

Songxia ice again to touch his tail, looking at the other side out of control again soft body.

With this cycle of action, his inner rage gradually disappeared, but turned to pleasure.


Throwing the last piece of clothing on the ground, the young man reached out and raised his white fingertips with precision. He cleared his chin and looked at the other party's dim and fierce eyes, staring at himself.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Knowing that the meat in his mouth couldn't run away, song XiaBing held out his other hand in a good mood and said, "boss, I think you are very hot. You are sweating so much. Can you get heatstroke? Why don't I help you get these hot clothes off? "

"Go away!"

"Go away, you bunny Ooh

The man screamed, trembling at the pine summer ice hands away from their big tail.

The youth did not get angry because of his exclusion. Instead, he was in a good mood to help Shi Qing clear this "no heatstroke" help.

"Admit it, you don't hate me at all. If you really hate me, you can just leave me anywhere and lock me up. Anyway, I just want to live. As for how I live, it doesn't matter."

Song XiaBing seems to be very seriously busy with the matter at hand. With his efforts to deal with those enemies secretly at the beginning, he slowly let the other party show more and more honey colored skin.

With a smile in his eyes, he was overjoyed by the speculation he had come up with.

To this man who is constantly trying to struggle, but can't get rid of his shackles, he said,

"isn't there a mutant plant that makes people fall into a trance? If you ask that plant for me, I'll let you do whatever you want? Anyway, as long as I'm alive. "

"I can't. You just throw me in the base and send someone to protect me secretly. I'm ordinary. Who will attack me?"

"But you didn't do it. Instead, you left me behind..."

When there are so many silent and simple and convenient methods, Qing is useless.

He said that he did not have a good feeling for himself at the bottom of his heart, and songxiabing didn't believe it.

He has always been keen. If Shiqing had been pretending to care for his life for half a month, how could he not have noticed it.

Therefore, the bottom of his heart is certainly like him.

Song XiaBing thinks more and more excited, and even wants to have a negative distance contact with each other's thoughts are slightly slowed down, soft voice, soft voice coax general;

"admit it, in fact, you like me from the bottom of your heart."

With that, he looked at the man who had been suppressed by himself.

His eyes are clear, a handsome face full of confusion, as if there is a trace of chagrin.

This chagrin, of course, is because of being punctured.

Songxia Bing's heart is more and more happy.

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Then I saw the annoyance on the suppressed man's face getting heavier and heavier.

As if still with the voice of crying, stuffy voice, full of regret

"shit!! How come I didn't think of these good ideas

Songxia ice "..."He was so sweet in his throat that he was almost forced to spit blood again by Shiqing.

The anger at the bottom of the eyes rubbed out again.

And the man who doesn't know the situation is free to talk.

He tried to chatter, trying to bring "songxiabing" into the right track.

"Song XiaBing, I'm really good to you. If you like to play a man, I'll help you to find the master rabbit. I'll take all the crystal cores I've saved to buy you men. If you can't, can you be the boss? I will never rebel. "

Song Xia Bing was angry and laughed back. He held out his hand and held out his hatred. When he grasped it, he said, "boss, I don't like them. I like you."

"You like me for a fart. I like women. Do you know women?"

Song XiaBing said coldly, "is it like Zhou Xuanxuan?"

The man who was forced to lie on his back choked, and his face was dark, "don't mention him to me. He's crazy. He pretends to be a woman to cheat me!"

"But even so, don't you still want to kill him?"

The tone of the youth is getting colder and colder, but the people in bed seem to be totally unaware of it, and they are still babbling about

"I saw his face look good. Well, I have a good way. You like men, and Zhou Xuanxuan also like men. Otherwise, you two are together. If you like, I can get you a wedding."

Songxia Bing is already in a state of unconsciousness.

He tore the only cloth on Shi Qing's body, sneered and leaned over him with a sneer

"You wait, you wait, brother, boss, uncle, if you have something to say, don't touch me, I'm going to vomit, I really will I Er, er, ER

This time, Songxia Bing did not let go of his hand holding his tail. He only looked at the man whose face was covered with blush, his expression was confused, and his body trembled slightly. His handsome face gradually showed a gentle smile.

"Don't worry."

His voice is also completely gentle down, close to the ear, whispered, "with this tail, you will not only not feel bad, but also very happy."

"Boss, if you want to hate, you should hate why you didn't die with me."

Instead of killing him, he was taken to the house where he lived.

Take care of the notes carefully.

Hold him in the palm of your hand and tell him that you have no bottom line for him.

He was left to do whatever he wanted.

But in his fall, so innocent face said, he did not mean that?

Provoked him and tried to get out.

There is no such good thing in the world.

Even if the time is halal because of the constitution of the fox will do this to him, he will never let go of time Qing.

In the courtyard, Zhou Xuanxuan felt her hair very carefully. She wandered from left to right, and then from right to left.

It's not that he doesn't want to leave. It's because he has too many enemies. Even if he escapes, he will not live for three days and be killed.

"God bless, all kinds of gods bless ah, must bless Shiqing that silly big man to recognize the situation early, offer integrity and some flowers, let songxiabing that big demon king be satisfied, let me a dog's life, protect and bless."

I don't know what happened to a few younger brothers passing by. They are all stunned when they see this beautiful woman's mouth chanting and saying goodbye to the sky.

"What is beauty doing?"

"I don't know. There is no one around him. What do you say to yourself?"

A little brother guessed, "it's not because our boss is stupid, is it? He was on a hunger strike before, but he has been locked up all the time. Has something wrong with him


The other kids thought it was the most likely option.

After all, since the end of the world came, many people in the base can't stand all kinds of stimulation and become crazy and stupid, but they see more and more.

Seeing what Zhou Xuanxuan was still talking about, the younger brothers couldn't help exclaiming, "sure enough, beauty is a beauty, even if it's crazy, it looks better than others."

Zhou Xuanxuan was restless until the evening.

And then it was day.

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Finally in the morning of the next day, he walked anxiously to the edge of the house when he happened to see Songxia Bing pushing the door out.

The young man glanced at him and saw that Zhou Xuanxuan was stiff and did not dare to say a word. He frowned slightly. He was a little disgusted with "what are you doing here?"

"I, I'll have a look..."

Zhou Xuanxuan said cautiously, and looked into the inside one by one with her eyes. "That, SongGe, boss, is he OK?"

Think of when Qing, pine summer ice cold look slightly warm, eyes also have a warm meaning.

Last night, on the whole, it was pretty good.

Although Shi Qing wanted to run away as soon as he found the opportunity, he didn't want to run when he found out that he had already made a boat. Instead, he swore.One night, songxiabing listened to the dirty words.

But all of them were filtered out by him. In his eyes, he only had to give in to the man who was unwilling to give in to his tail and struggled with his legs.

Because he recalled the pleasant memories of last night, song XiaBing's eyes at Zhou Xuanxuan were not so "ready to get rid of them soon".

Although he would like to have it scratched at the thought that Shi Qing liked Zhou Xuanxuan's face, Shi Qing is still reluctant to get close to him. Zhou Xuanxuan is also a charming fox, so it may be useful to keep him.

Zhou Xuanxuan is relieved to see that song XiaBing looks good.

Good, good, good.

His hair was saved.

He took advantage of songxiabing's good mood and raised his hand carefully. "Brother song, is he not willing to? Otherwise, I will try to persuade him. After all, he and I are both charming foxes, and we have some common language. "

The four words "common language" poked the jealousy in the bottom of songxiabing's heart.

He gave Zhou Xuanxuan a gloomy look, and pulled up a cold smile, "OK."

"You go in and pass it on to him. If he tries to escape again, I'll kill you."

Zhou Xuanxuan

He was sweating on his forehead, but he was still brave enough to ask, "brother song, are you wrong? No, no, no, I don't get it right? Boss, he's running away. Are you going to kill me

"That's right."

Song XiaBing glances at Zhou Xuanxuan's beautiful face. The more he looks, the more he feels.

"I'm going to cook porridge. If he runs away during this time, I'll cut you to pieces."

Zhou Xuanxuan; "


There is one more way to die.

He provoked and provoked him.

Isn't it just good-looking?

Isn't it because this beautiful face was snatched back by Shi Qing?

Is beauty a mistake?

And he thought that song XiaBing was very unreasonable.

Shiqing was a level seven power, and he, poor him, now has no first power, and the second power is so weak.

If Shiqing wants to run, can he stop him??

Sure enough, songxiabing wants him to die. Although

is full of Tucao, but when he is in the face of Xia Bing, Zhou Xuanxuan is afraid to say something. He can only make complaints about his chest. "Good uncle, no problem, Grandpa. I promise to be clear when I am optimistic. If he loses one of the wool, you can take what I ask."

Seeing song XiaBing leave, Zhou Xuanxuan is relieved.

Life is not easy.

The fox sighs.

He opened the door and went in.

As soon as I went in, I knew that I had wronged pine summer ice.

Shi Qing's clothes are neat and neat. He is leaning on the bed with a gloomy face and a chain on his wrist.

There is a trace of black fog on the chain. Once the man hits the flame, the black fog will jump up and swallow it like seeing something delicious. When the flame is swallowed up, it will be quietly coiled on the chain.

When he found someone coming in, it was just like a living creature. He immediately became vigilant and turned around suddenly. It was clear that he had no eyes. However, Zhou Xuanxuan felt that this guy was staring at himself. As if he had any change, he immediately rushed up to let him know why there were no flowers.

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Zhou Xuanxuan "..."

Not to be provoked, not to be provoked.

He did not dare to come forward, but carefully sat on the stool, and the bedside separated by a certain distance before he felt at ease.

The man stares at him darkly.

Looking at Zhou Xuanxuan sitting down, he sneered, "I'm so good to you, you sold me?"

Zhou Xuanxuan " You Are you good to me? "

"Am I not good to you?"

The man who was bound by the chain was excited, and his handsome face was full of rage

"I knew you were a man and didn't kill you! If I knew you were with him, I should have burned you

Maybe he was too excited to scold him. He hissed again, his face was not willing and angry. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his buttocks

"you rabbit masters are just like his mother. You pretend to be a woman for Laozi's sake, and song XiaBing is a weak animal. I really don't know what kind of evil I have made, and I'm attracted by you two."

Zhou Xuanxuan "..."

He dressed up as a woman in order to get the time??

"Master, make sure that you robbed me!"

"Then why don't you tell me that you are a man when I rob you? If I know you're a man, I'll steal a fart!"

Zhou Xuanxuan "..."

Didn't he think that he would die in any case, and it would be unjust to die in the hand of Shiqing, a level seven power?

Who knows Shi Qing didn't want to seek revenge, but fell in love with him.

He tried to argue, "really, I'm really not interested in you.""Don't lie to me, don't worry, I can't kill you now."

Zhou Xuanxuan So are you going to kill me later??

He tried to explain "really boss, not everyone has such a unique taste like song XiaBing. Even if I like men, I won't like you."

"What the hell do you mean?" he said in his eyes

He Hula Hula of the chain on his hand "Laozi!! I will kill you today

Zhou Xuanxuan gulped down his mouth as he watched the restless black fog following Shi Qing's actions.

"Boss, calm down!! Calm down

"In fact, I'm here to persuade you. Let's not talk about that nonsense. Let's talk about what to do in the future."

Zhou Xuanxuan quickly digs off the topic, and sure enough, the anger on her face disappears.

He asked, "last night You and songxiabing, what's the matter

Seeing the man's face angry again, Zhou Xuanxuan quickly expressed his position: "boss, don't be angry, I'm on your side!! I ask you these, just want to help you analyze the situation, and then we will knock down song XiaBing, save you in the water and fire ah

Zhou Xuanxuan certainly doesn't think so.

He felt like he had no hope of escaping.

It's not to fool Shiqing, let him obediently from the pine summer ice.

This really can't be wronged that he didn't show his loyalty.

It's time to be clear.

Even for him, the characters like song XiaBing can be stirred. It can be seen how hard Shiqing tries.

Speaking of, straight men are so likely to tease?

Zhou Xuanxuan "otherwise, tell me the details of last night. I'll help you find out the weakness of song XiaBing."

By the way, find out which set Shiqing ate best, and then sell him to song XiaBing.

Shi Qing felt that he had got the point.

He's not sure who to show off with.

All of them are too small and pure. Some topics are not easy to tell.

Of course, he won't admit that the biggest reason is that even if he told everything, this guy would immediately empty the color memory.

Now it's all right.

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He can show off with Zhou Xuanxuan.

"Shi Qing" says that he doesn't need the power, and he says that I don't need it. If I don't have the power, I don't have the ability? I stole peaches and hit the spot. As a result, his grandmother's animal let me continue to steal. "

Zhou Xuanxuan suddenly realized, "did you eat the peach?"

The man gave him a gloomy look. "No

Zhou Xuanxuan "did he eat peaches?"

The man's face is still dark and dark.

Zhou Xuanxuan understands.

He went on to ask, "and then you kiss No, you have been shameless by him? "

Of course not. Is Laozi the kind of person who admits defeat? I kicked him in the face and told him to get out of here

Zhou Xuanxuan: "he's gone?"

Big brother of fire

He gritted his teeth. "He grabbed Lao Tzu's foot and laid him down."

"Of course, I can't give up like this, but he doesn't know where he got the chain and tied me up, so I used my power and called out a fire to burn him."

Zhou Xuanxuan felt that there was no need to guess at the end, "did he extinguish your fire?"

The man's face darkened again.

"He brought the candle."

Zhou Xuanxuan lies in the manger!

Zhou Xuanxuan was stimulated too much.

Next, his eyes were searching for the man's exposed skin, trying to find out where the candle was used.

From time to time, you have to be emotional. Uh huh, ah, reply

"yes, yes, he is really shameless."

"Yes, yes, it's shameless."

"The boss is right. Such scum will be punished by everyone."

After complaining (showing off), Shiqing also showed some relaxation.

"When I'm finished, try to kill him quickly."

Zhou Xuanxuan carefully reminded "boss, you are bound to him, and you will die if he dies."

However, the man is totally indifferent to "die, even if I die, I don't want to be insulted!"

Zhou Xuanxuan didn't want to hinder Shi Qing from dying.

But the problem is, what does Shi Qingyi have? He is definitely the first to die!!

He can only persuade

"boss, don't say that. You can see how much pain you have suffered, how many sins you have suffered, how many brain cells have died to build up the fire. You are still a level seven power. You can walk horizontally no matter where you go. Why should you take yourself in for him without any reason? Thank you."Seeing Qing nodding thoughtfully, Zhou Xuanxuan hurriedly continued, "is not it just being oppressed by a man? What's the matter? Can it hurt more than being bitten by a zombie? "

Shiqing chuckled, "it's like you've been bitten by a zombie."

Zhou Xuanxuan touched her hair and said, "don't say, I've been bitten."

"But that's not the point. The point is, boss! young! Brilliant! There are so many infatuated people. Why do you want to destroy yourself for a person who doesn't have long eyes? "

"Why don't we just hang out and let him go if he wants to. It's just that his butt hurts for two days. What's the matter?"

The man looked at him with pity. "You don't think it's anything. You go and let him do it."

Zhou Xuanxuan "..."

He doesn't care about moral integrity. Isn't that cowardly?

"Look at you, boss. Don't I give you advice? Anyway, men, you are also men. You know, they are fresh for three days. He seems to be infatuated with you now. After a long time, when he finds more fresh meat, he will surely change his target. When you are young, you will find a group of women. Who cares about you, right? "

"You have a point."

"I want to think about it."

Hey, hey, hey, you can borrow the donkey from the slope.

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